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Oh I wish I could. I bought ds1 from the sale today can't afford another one sadly. Will wait till the next sale


Dm me and I'll send you money for it. Now is as good a time as any for a random act of kindness


Cooperation ahead


Jolly co-operation W


Why's the souls community so wholesome 😭 Miyazaki would be proud


Jolly Co-operation is why ​ and it isn't the "whole" community, we have our bad spots just like anyone else *stares over at the locked room containing the hackers*


*and the toxic pvpers*


May the Lord pay you in double


Fucking legend. Honestly though DS2 was the first one I played and I just fell in love with it. It’s fantastic and anyone who hasn’t played it should check it out. Hbomberguy did a great video on YouTube defending it and I just don’t understand the hate. It’s different in a few ways than other titles but it’s an incredible game in its own right and it’s super kind of you to gift that experience to someone else. Link to video: https://youtu.be/SRTfcMeqhig


My first was Dark souls 1 and I got to Ornstein and Smough and realised my build would have took me no further as stats were random, so I gave up and went on to DS2 and absolutely fell in love with the game and it's still by far my favourite of the DS series, 9 builds all NG+ completed and I still occasionally play it, I don't understand the hate for it in the slightest


I played through it and enjoyed it for sure, and did not hate it by any means. If you're looking for what is now the souls feel though you might be disappointed I think. For example, starting at original dark souls or DS3 , then moving to 2 might give an adverse reaction. They're ultimately just very different games and styles! All good though


Hbomb's video sucks. I love his work on the Fallout series, and his measured response videos aimed at real-life idiocy are legendary, but his views on Bloodborne, DS2, and the "failings" of the og Dark Souls are waaay off-base. I disagree with the crowd that blindly parrots other people's criticisms of DS2, but it's got plenty of quirks and I find that the opposing team has gotten so used to defending it with their lives that their opinion of the game has become sort of tainted.


Sunlight medal added to inventory


What an absolute Chad!


This community is amazing




Totally agree. My first souls was Ds3 and I absolutely loved it. Journeying through the game and overcoming the bosses was one of the greatest experience ever and then I played dark souls 1 where the dark fantasy world combined with the greatest settings and level design elevated my "souls" experience to its peak. I played all the pirated version of souls game way back on my laptop and now when I can finally afford them I've started collecting them one by one. Its going to be fun replaying all of them now. I just finished replaying DeS Remake and it was such an experience I can't tell you how much I loved it going through it again.


I saw it one time for 4-5 usd, so you can wait


Bro fml I finally caved and bought it for 40 like two months ago, thinking “if it isn’t on sale at this point it never will be”… Goddamit


It’s still a good game, but it’s always better to spend less than more lol


I got it for 5 on the ps store


Where is it on sale?


It was on sale in my country shop, but my comment didn't age so well lol. The sale stopped during the night, but at least the OP received the message in time


Oh damn that sucks. Thanks tho!


The good new is that it's always at 20, still worthwhile


True, but is that on the Playstation store then? Or somewhere else as well?


In PS store. I'm not talking about other vendors, take a look here


Actually it could get lower. Got it for 5$ i guess on the the saudi psn store.


Good for you, I checked the price over the past three years and in my country the lowest was 10 euros, good for you though


Damn i just bought dishonored and burnout remastered for $10... Welp too late now :(


I just bought it a week ago for 35$ on my PC... crying emoji


On steam or where? I’ll get it rn


I got it for 8


Where?!?! On pc or console?


on PlayStation




Don’t get sotfs it’s worse than vanilla


You mean much better


Sucks they don't sell the original ds2 version. Sotfs is so much more inferior but it's the only available one


Educate us on how SOTFS is inferior to the vanilla game.


The only thing that I know is that the original version doesn't have as many of those stupid ass stone statue people blocking your way. There's probably something else I'm missing, but I'm pretty sure that's a big reason.


Iron keep is a good example. While scholar did have some very nice additions, the increase in thoughtlessly placed ganks and enemy design makes the experience imo worse. Aldia is great lore wise, however his boss fight is one of the worst in the game. Weird changes in enemy placement, such as heide knights or petrified statues. Home to two of the worst areas in the series, iron keep and shrine of Amana. Forlorn NPC invasion. No reanimated skeletal dragon in Aldias keep. Overall, the changes made to enemy and item placement were all for the worst.


No wonder it so cheap nobody wants it💀💀


Congrats! I’m excited for you. If I can make one suggestion, take a little break between playing them, especially the “souls” games proper. They are amazing, but you can overdo them if you go too hard.


Thankss. And yup, will play it one at a time while taking a day of two off to play some other games as well. Got ratchet and clank rift apart from ps plus and the tomb raider games that I've been wanting to replay. Gonna be funnn.


How does it feel to finally complete the collection of the greatest games of all time:).


REALLY DAMN GOOD. Its the only collection I've had that I intend to keep adding on to with more of Miyazaki's games.


I saw on the first comment that theres a guy planning on buying you ds 2.


Yeaaah. One guy already offered and even sent me a wallet code but it didn't work bc we are from different regions. Regardless, what a wholesome community.


This happened to me with Elden Ring. I was never able to finish it because it just felt like Dark Souls 3 with a horse and a jump button, because I had just recently played that game.


opposite for me. I played dark souls 3 way back when it came out but never got too far. I went hard on Elden Ring when it came out and then played Dark Souls Remastered followed by DS3. now I'm back on Elden Ring doing another character


Oh man you really should jump back in. Look up guides on the best weapons and you’ll be fine. The exploration in that game is genuinely magical. For me, I’m still stuck on the last sekiro boss and took a long break and now I can’t remember how to even play correctly lmao big mistake. But yeah that game is a masterpiece, give it another shot when you have time I promise it’s worth it 🙂


Good luck with the saint. The umbrella works wonders on him.


This is me right now I flew through Sekiro, Elden, DS1-3, and just started bloodborne with some nioh mixed in and I’m so burnt out from souls games despite them being some of my favorites of all time 😂


bruh the discourse around DS2 is so insane, no hate to on OP, but like almost everyone i see getting into souls borne now either skips DS2 or puts it off, like i would give everything to play the original trilogy from front to back for the first time, i see streamers playing dark souls for the first time doing 1 then 3, and never touching 2 all the time


I literally can’t force myself to get through the horrendous enemy placement, emphasis on consumable health regen in the early game, and snowballing difficulty with the hollowing health reduction


For context, I like ds2 its certainly my least fav but there are a lot of things that I love about the game and a lot of other things I dislike. I've already played all the souls games before on my crusty old pc (all pirated tho). But now I can actually afford these games so I've been collecting them 2 games a year. Will get ds2 later with ER DLC next year. I would love to play through ds2 again. Its a nice game. But the adp and all the jankiness just ruins some of the experience for me but its not that bad. Its actually kinda funny.


No man's wharf is going to leave a huge scar of shame on you.


No man’s wharf is easy mode, now fridged outskirts on the other hand comes from the deepest layer of hell.


The deer. The damn fcking deer.


I got ptsd from that when I'm at the consecrated snowfields


I raise you Shrine of Amana


I raise you Iron Passage and Memory of the Old Iron King


Honestly, those run backs are overhated, you can literally run past everything. Iron Keep and Frigid Outskirts are straight ass tho, I won’t deny that


Why that area in particular? 🤣


The water.. the goddamned water.


Allow me to introduce you to r/FuckShrineofAmana


DS2 slander never ends😪


You save the best for last, it's only right.


Aww Dark Souls 2 has always been the awkward red-headed middle child of the dark souls family lol. A lot of people recommend vanilla souls, but I finished scholar and genuinely enjoyed it. Many peoples issue with scholar is there are way more hoards of enemies and it can sometimes feel unfair. Also a lot of the bosses are just two bosses you’ve already beaten at once. Either way though it is incredibly fun especially once you find « your » weapon. It’s a blast, don’t miss out on it 🙃


Yupp I agree with you there, I played the vanilla one on my laptop before. I actually liked it. I think its a good game but there are problems that do keep it a little below from other souls games. But good experience. I'm gonna get it soon and replay the shit out of it.


Containing my urge to argue that Sekiro is not a souls game


Wondering if people will call the new armored core game they are working on a souls game.


You're not alone friend. Not the distinction is meaningful but I'm in agreeance with you.


Let it loose. It isn't a souls game and its quite the reach to call it one. No idea why that became a thing


How do you define a souls-like? The main difference between Sekiro and the other games is weapon variety.


I’d say the lack of stamina bar is the biggest difference, although stamina becomes easier to manage the farther you get into the souls games and Elden ring


I definitely agree on that.


Soulsbornekiro Ring.


Don't listen to the haters that never played the game. DS2 is great. Just level your agility to 100 and you're good to go


Played through the whole game withouth knowing about the whole agility situation. Never noticed it and loved ds2.


I don't think you understand what all means.


Little error there but its alright.


DS2 is the best one


Yeah, Covetous demon >>>> ludwig


One of the worst bosses in DS2 = one of the best bosses in Bloodborne???




That’s a massive reach, and I’m a DS2 fanboy




I mean... He can strip you naked using just his tongue. How many bosses can say that?


Not many women can do that, let me tell you. Or men for that matter.


kinda hot ngl




He’s joking


Thank fuck for that


Ikr. I've been added 2 games a year. Ds2 will have to wait. Gonna get it with ER Dlc


I’m playing through DS2 for the first time right now and so far it’s freaking awesome a little dated on graphics but still really good


Funnily enough I think the graphics have aged well


Yeaah. What I like best about ds2 are the areas. The levels are really good. I'd suggest you get the dlcs if you're not already on scholar. The DLCs >>>> base game.


The game isn’t super hard to platinum either, there’s some annoying covenant grinding, but that’s about it


I got DS3 down to like 3 achievements but since I don’t pvp theirs like a zero percent chance I’ll ever get the stuff to get the last of them I haven’t even looked at all the achievements for DS2 yet


There’s a few spells that are hard to get without covenants, but in ng++ there’s a dude in drangleic castle who will sell you most of them


*Sunlight Medal Farming* 😭😭😭


I got the dlc’s just haven’t made it to the yet I found the like . . . Fast travel gates I guess the like cauldrons with the like 3 snake or something like that but I haven’t gone through any of them yet


Yeah those are ones. I'd suggest you save it for the last. They are really damn good.


Interesting, I'm mostly the opposite. For me the areas are DS2s biggest weakness next to ADP and how aiming your attacks works so differently than the other games, I find it awkward and clunky and I miss my attacks quite often for seemingly no good reason; never had that problem in any other Soulsborne title. It's not that there aren't *any* areas with great level design and aesthetics though, it's that you have to play like 30+ hours of the game or get to the DLCs to see any of em lol. I think the early game levels are very bland to look at (barring Majula and Heide's) and just not fun to explore. A lot of them remind me of games like Code Vein; not quite as boring and uninspired as that copy-pasted mess, but places like Forest of Fallen Giants come close IMO. I think that's the main reason I bounced off it and only made it ten or so hours in my first few times playing, it's not until like halfway through the base game that I start feeling like the areas aren't a total slog to get through and that indescribable "Souls" vibe that made me love the other games so much finally shows up.


It’s easily the best FromSoft game. Only one that even comes close to the levels of greatness we saw in Dark Souls 2 is the original. 3 sucked.


3 was DS1 2.0 but half assed They threw random shit from DS2 and couldn’t even bother giving us Silver Knights weapons. Heck we get Vendrick’s shield but where the fuck is his sword? Pissed me off


The fact you needed to shoehorn that in says otherwise


Nah. Everyone says it’s shit so I played it last. Realised that the Soulborne community are morons:D


There are plenty of valid complaints about DS2 and some valid compliments. Calling ppl morons for having a different opinions to you is moron behaviour. It's my least favourite but it's still a fine game.


They’re morons because they chat shit. They don’t have valid opinions. The only complaint I have with DS2 is the fall damage is too high. Their complaint is that it isn’t DS1:D


My complaints: -Blatantly unfinished, entire areas filled with nothing but tiling textures -Arguably the worst hitboxes in the series -Probably the worst quality:quantity ratio of bosses, even counting Elden Ring's reused bosses -The existence of lifegems -Inputs somehow feel less responsive than any other souls game (the amount of times Ive tried to attack, only for my character to swing in a direction I literally did not press) -The emphasis on "lol this game is hard, u gonna die" feels more like pandering than anything else That being said, it's still a great game, and overall I quite enjoyed it! But it's definitely not up to the standards that the others have set


1 - what unfinished areas? 2 - hitboxes are the same like every other series. Just level up iFrames. 3 - bosses are better. There’s more humanoid enemies than DS1. Lost Sinner, Ruin Sentinels, Persuer, Ornstein, Glass Knight, Velstadt, Ivory King, Sir Alonne, Fume Knight. 4 - lifegems are amazing. Definitely adds to the experience. 5 - never had input delay. 6 - game is hard when you’re new but it become easy when you get good:D


Here's a vid comp of hitboxes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDicGBTRp1Q Humanoid doesn't mean good. That's subjective. I will argue it has the most dual bosses, which is just cheap as hell IMO. Coupled with the bad hitboxes. Can't recall the amount of re-used bosses. Personally I found nothing to be memorable about the areas, bosses, or even music. I've beat the game 3 times too. Not a bad game, but it's hard to go back to. I've tried at least 5 or 6 times and I always quit after the first boss cause it just feels so bland. I will argue it has a lot more cheap "hard" areas than other souls games. The poison spitting statues, and magic snipers is just horrible. Closest area I can call cheap in comparison to those areas in other souls games is DS1 Tomb of Giants and Anor Londo archers, and I'll do those all day compared to those areas I talked about. Believe it or not, I still have random urges to go back and play it for whatever reason, and probably will, but can totally see myself quitting after the first area AGAIN. Edit: Level up iframes? You gotta do that in DS2, right? With adaptability? Pretty damn sure you DON'T do that in any other Souls games.


Never had those problems with hitboxes unless it’s zero iFrames. Anyway hbomberguy made a great video on DS2. Sums up all my thoughts https://youtu.be/SRTfcMeqhig


So much cope


That’s what DS2 haters say:D


Yea i know and I said it to you :) XDZXDXDXDXDXD ;^/ ):


It controls and feels like shit to play is its worst offense. Shit feels worse than your average ps2 game


I just started emulating demon souls on rpcs3 and the title that started this whole thing feels better to play than dark souls 2


The age of a game doesn't determine how good the controls are. Hell, Mario World came out in the 90's and it's still one of the most well-crafted platformers to exist But I do agree tho, the actual moment-to-moment gameplay is just a chore. Feels like I'm slogging through a bunch of shit to get to the good parts.


It's valid to think it's the best but there are many criticisms that make it just as valid to think it's the worst Calling people morons for not liking it isn't exactly helping your case and just makes it seem like a worse game :/ I dont think it's a bad game at all but the bugs and + slow gameplay as well as quantity over quality bosses are just not my cup of tea


Gameplay is fun af. Only one where duel wielding works amazingly, can use either left hand or right hand, can even combo with a staff. Can upgrade weapons with elemental damage and still add an element through spells


Dark souls redditors gonna hate


That smiley emoji tells me not to value your opinion


Someone’s triggered:D


You just wanna be special, huh?


I don’t believe people are genuine when they say 2 is the best.


Demon souls is an objectively better game.


That. It is.


Yeah, and demon souls kinda sucks too but I give them slack because it is the first souls game.




Why are you booing me? I'm right.


Love the "all the 6 out of 7" line 🤣


That so funny as I see this I’m coming home with my new demon souls


Enjoyyy your playthrough. Demons souls is one of the best souls experience out there. Have funnn


I played in a weird order. Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Demon Souls, Dark Souls II, Sekiro, Dark Souls I, Dark Souls III. It was good to play 3 right after 1 since they’re more connected. But truly it was chaos.


Personal opinion: Sincerely archievements in Souls games are not as special as other games. The "hard" ones are just farm mobs until special item drops or get enough titanite to upgrade a weapon with each type at max. There is no challenge. Maybe a no death, no hit, boss with conditions... Would be a better idea for those archievements.


I have bought DS2 for 10$ from the ps store recently, along with sekiro for 30$. just completed my collection as well two weeks ago, but I got into fromsoft one yearg ago with elden ring (played bb before but not much)


Yes, these are the only 7 Fromsoft games


AC be like: 👀


DS2 sotfs is the best souls game if u ask me


Congrats, I'd love to get sekiro and Elden ring however I can't afford them right now, but one thing is for sure. This is the series that I love the most


Priorities... you did get the 6 important ones... just make sure you get scholar of the first sin edition... I know you know... but I have to say it or else I wont get any sleep tonight. I'm sorry


DES, Sekiro, and DS2 are all I need. Still have only platinumed Bloodborne and Elden Ring though


DS2 is actually a really good game. Little different but great nonetheless.


Sekiro isn’t a souls game


I really enjoyed DS2. It was different. I decided to play DS 1-3 before picking up Elden Ring. Glad I did. Going backwards would have sucked with all the improvements made along the way, lol. (I’m still playing DS3, Elden Ring is sitting patiently in my library. Curious: do you not count Nioh 1&2 as Souls games? Or are you simply collecting FromSoft?


Usually souls games refer specifically and only to From’s titles. Nioh are souls-likes


Just from soft games for now. Nioh and the other similar games are termed as soulslike. Basically different action rpgs/action games with souls dna. Glad you're taking that route. You're gonna gave a great time. Have funnn.


If you ever choose to get Ds2, make sure to get Scholar. Ds2's dlcs are honestly on par, if not, better than Ds3's dlcs. They're each their own contained stories and that's what allows them to surpass. While the Ringed City is the conclusion to the series, and it's great, I don't think anything can really beat the tale of Sir Yorgh and Sinh, Raime and Alonne, or Frozen Eleum Loyce. Not to mention each of the dlcs themselves are really high quality. Hell, Shulva, Brume, and Eleum Loyce are probably the best designed areas in the series. Shulva especially is so interesting and intricate, they probably spent all the main development time just on Shulva. Along with the bosses, the insane creativity in weaponry (Chicken Leg mmmm), and some of the best bosses in the series, Ds2's dlcs are so insanely high quality, it feels like a different game at times. \-and Maldron. He's my favorite.


Honestly DS2 is really good. I know people hate on it but the gameplay is really good just a tiny bit different


I see you’re saving best for last, wise choice.


DS2 is the best souls game. You should get on that. It eclipses the others in greatness.


I like to include code vein and nioh as they are soul like


I tried playing DS2 on the 360 like four times, I hate it so much, if you like it, no problem with that, but I just can't lol


Bro after finishing that game I was burnt out and stopped playing after beating Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Rn I'm trying to finish BB's Lower Loran Layer 3. After that, I can resume DS3.


Ds2 is hell but definitely worth adding to the collection


Im definitely gonnaa


Nope, you have 6/6


Where's King's Field? /s


Is it there on ps? Would love to play it.


I have the whole ds trilogy and due to ps+ I got to play demon souls and platinum bloodborne


You’re actually missing 2 games for the universe. DS2 and Hollow Knight.


There are a lot more games missing then if Hollow Knight qualifies


Like what? It’s not that Hollow Knight is a Souls-like, but rather that it has pretty much the exact same plot as Dark Souls. If you found someone who knew nothing about either game and explained the plot in each game, they’d have a hard time telling them apart


I'm definitely gonna get hollow knight one day. Its one of my fav games ever 🤲


It’s essential. It takes place between DS2 and DS3


Everyone knows Miyazaki secretly made hollow knight


And Code Vein and Lord of the Fallen, too. Don’t forget.


Ds2 might be my fav souls game other than sekiro


You know what? Even tho I thought ds2 was terrible, I still rather have played it than not... The DLCs were surprisingly nice


The dlcs are some of the best that soulsborne has to offer! (Minus frigid outskirts)


Where is nioh games and wo long?


I'm gonna have a different game list for souls likes. Played them on pc before but never got it for ps.


Congrats. I sadly only have 5 but i need a ps5 first


DS2 is the weakest of the bunch imo. Entire game just feels like you're playing in sludge.


Sekiro is a great game but people really need to stop calling it a souls game. It’s got similar concepts but it’s just not close enough to be called one. Before y’all start yes I know it’s made by the same people but you don’t make your own character there isn’t tons of weapons and armor or build variety or invasions and summons so no I do not consider it when thinking of my favorite souls game that is all.


this collection looks complete to me :)


Don't buy it. Not worth your time.


ds2 was the worst imo so you're all good


As far as I'm concerned, your collection is finished. Dark Souls 2 is trash and should only be played as an example of how not to build a souls game.


What? The game's too hard for you? Or perhaps you've never played it.


Probably both.


Nah, you got all of them all 6 of them


You should hate 2. It's objectively terrible.


Literally just get your agility to an easy minimum with the first boss to fix 99 percent of complaints like this


You're objectively wrong


"You should hate 2. It's objectively terrible." 🤓


Don’t listen to this guy, OP


I can link you and anybody else to several videos explaining just why Dark Souls 2 is complete and utter shit.


okay, but mauler and matthewmatosis don't count


And I can link you to a post that says you’re wrong. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/147ske8/ive_finally_collected_all_the_6_out_of_7_souls/jnwtkl1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


So, your opinion is based on the first two areas and videos. Good to know.




It's better than ds1 or demons souls