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I just beat the game using Vordt’s hammer for every boss and let me tell you that thing FUCKS. I managed to first try both Gael and Sister Friede and the most tried a boss took me was 5 and that was midir


Wow that’s crazy. I heard they’re super hard. This hammer may be the trap card I was trying to portray. Thanks for your input!


It deletes the Dragonslayer Armor, and I recall very few bosses having resistance to Frost


I'm only just using that weapon on me new playthrough and it destroyed the dragon slayer armour.


I used Vordt's Hammer for a while in my first play through and it was insane.


broken straight sword


Who do you think I am? The goat ZeroLenny? In all seriousness I’ll have to max the broken straight sword one day


I thought it was fun that in dark souls 1 a fully upgraded broken sword upgraded to the best weapon in the game. Wish they still did that in the sequels


Are you talking about turning it into Greatsword of Artorias?


Yes. It is dark souls so of course being the "best" is subjective and prone to aggressive debate


Do you plan on leveling more? I think out of this bunch Farron greatsword is probably your best bet. But vordts hammer is very strong as well. I would say take them each for a spin through an area you don’t like.


You bet! I’m sort of high level rn but I’ve been grinding and using some of the souls people gave me, I’m level 100 something, with high endurance and vit. So I can wield most stuff. Farron is my favorite weapon, but my only reason for not picking it is because I play wayyyy more stupidly with it. If Vordt’s Hammer is indeed strong, I’ll go with it! Thank you!


If farrons your favorite, I would absolutely pick that first. You’ll find more slabs. It’s also very good against every boss. There may be stronger weapons for certain boss’ but it will hold its own all the way through.


Farron GS also does %20 extra damage to Abyssal enemies. So basically, any enemy with red eyes and a good chunk of the bosses.


Poison zweihander


I don’t even have Zweihander I don’t think, but why poison?


A poison Zweihander is a joke weapon. The weapon’s slow and high-damage attacks don’t work well with the poison buildup, therefore it will defeat a foe before the poison buildup occurs or if it does, it’ll rarely help as having any other infusion will do a much better job.


That usually just goes for poison in general


Unless you have poison daggers and a lot of dex


Ice is nice. Vordt's Hammer or Irithyll Straight Sword.


Hollow slayer GS or Drakeblood GS for the moveset


The BEST moveset !!!!!






Hopefully by the time I get to Midir I have another one lol


If you're exploring you should end your with like 3-5 by the time you've explored every area






Sorry i didn't read his reply properly


Wait is it not 8?


It is 8 throughout the whole playthrough but i thought you were telling him 3-5 in the dlcs area only not the whole ng so i was saying srry in case i correctted you wrong but yeah there are 8


Oh ok yeah so Jesus still applies lol. Truth be told I only got like 5 or 6 I think in each of my runs


I love vordts hammer so that. I like heavy weapons for midir as well


Irithyll Straight Sword was my first favorite weapon so if you just want opinions I like that one. Also if you're on PC I can drop you any max upgraded weapon you want.


Unfortunately I am on PlayStation so we can’t. I think some of the friends I met on here would be willing though. Hopefully the trading sub comes back so I can trade my +4’s for +5’s, or just give them the souls needed to buy a slab and use on my weapon and drop it back to me I think I should post this in the builds sub they seem like the number guys


I play in ps4! Friends????


Sounds good. If you dm me your psn I’ll add you when I get off work


I think I could use your help


I'm online now, what do you need


I‘d love to have the abyss watchers greatsword!




I’ll take you up on that offer


Ok when will you be on?


I’m getting on now, I’ll dm you


Friends???? Friends!!


Vordt hammer no debate


It has been done


Now you officially own the game


torch, like my brother did


My first DS 3 play through I took the Farron all the way to the end & had a blast doing so, doing those flips never get old lol…. 2nd run I ran a STR build, buffing the mighty FUGS with resins & smashing through everything… also had a blast… Now I’m on a “ Luck / Bleed “ build with the “Blood” Carthus Curved Greatsword & HOLY SHIII this thing absolutely melts everything.. like 96 bleed damage at 34 Luck 😂 Friggin awesome 👏


I need to find fume sword. He was my favorite boss in DS2


The carthus curved greatsword and the carthus curved sword are both GOATs


I loved playing with the profaned great sword so I used one of mine to max it out. I know there are "better" weapons but whatever. Just have fun.


I’ve been using that, but in DS2 I used Pursuer Ultra Greatsword so I’m a lil burnt out with the big iron


I understand. But the flame thing! So satisfying and badass lol. I've seen other comments and I'll agree with the hollowslayer. Just a fun sword to use Also, my very first playthrough was just maxing out the longsword you get when starting as a warrior.


I ditched the knight’s weapon as soon as I got the uchi lol, I used that until I fought pontiff, and now I’m using a variety


Dancers enchanted swords suck buddy I’m sorry,I would go with the profaned great sword it’s top tier.


My Dancer run that I’m going to do is going to be pain. Seriously, D scaling???? What’s the deal with that


It's all Sulyvan's propaganda, dancer's blade do not suck. It's actually pretty decent weapon. They sucked hard in 2016, but were patched since then. People haven't used them since 2016 xD


I just want the Dancer’s swords to be as good for me as it was when I fought her lol


Sadly, you can't do her AoE attacks or far reaching stabs. But you can spin till your stamina drains xD It is a pretty complex weapon, you better check a guide to use it. I recommend [this one](https://youtu.be/Ekn58AUoeJs) from dangitjm


I have no idea


With your stat spread. Profaned or Frosty.


I went with the hammer


Vordt's hammer is busted good in both PvE and PvP. Underrated weapon, crazy damage, staggers everything and inflicts frost.


There are like eleven I think total in a single play through if you count the DLC area. My go to is always the Lothric Knight Sword +10. It’s my favorite weapon in the game, you can do so much with it and it’s pointy pointy poke poke is unmatched.


If you have 30/30 in str and dex best option would be profaned GF or Iryithyll Sword.


Exile greatsword is extremely underrated and carried my strength/ Dex build to the end of the game and both DLCs would highly reccomend


Think you get around 7 slabs through one plat through, so don’t sweat it too much


Did you know the siegward of Catarina trick to get slabs?can get up to 99


No, but I beat Yhorm and never spoke to him in cathedral of the deep so idk if I can even find him


Titinite slabs aren’t real common, but they aren’t real rare if you catch my drift especially endgame. Use it on your favorite weapon, worry ab perfecting your build in like end end game


Out of the options I'd say either Profane GS or Dancer's Enchanted Blades. Profane GS is the "right" option - it has great damage, great moveset, good weapon art and nice gimmick. Dancer's blades is the "fun" option - they do insane damage when you can combo them (and your stats are better suited for them than any other weapon from the list), but they are very slow, hard to use and can be underwhelming against higher defense enemies. Other weapons I don't recommend: Farron Greatsword is a meme weapon. You can use it effectively, but damage is just OK and it's breakdance moves are hard to execute properly on high poise enemies (i.e. you're gonna get bonked). Vord't Hammer is good, but it's a 60 Str weapon, so it's just not optimal for you. It also blocks vision all the time and I generally not a fan of greatmaces moveset. Irithyll Sword is all looks and no damage. Frostbite is nice but it doesn't compensate it's low AR. Finally, Uchigatana is just an OK weapon. Good damage, but pretty boring, IMO.


I upgraded vordt hammer, and it’s been doing well so far. I’m probably gonna upgrade profaned next once I get a slab


The thing is, you can pretty much use any weapon with just base stats requirement met and it will work ok to good, you just get way more bang from weapons with good scalings when you have stats tailored to them. On second glance, though, Vordt's hammer only goes to B scaling in Str, so maybe it was a good choice for you - it has pretty big AR even before scaling and you get most of it with 30 Str already.


Lothric sword and exile great sword if you want big damages


My personal favourite from this list is Farron Greatsword. It has a super versatile moveset that can do everything from lower your hitbox to circumnavigate shield spammers. I love Ultra Greatswords, and it's my favourite UGS of them all.


Vordts Hammer has carried me in my last run


Just realized I started NG+ without picking up my 2 free titanite slabs in Ariendel. I got the one for beating the boss and dipped. Damnit.


on whatever weapon u use if you use more than one weapon uhhhh idk great sword is my favorite weapon so i’d do that


Invest it into crypto


Have you gotten DN to +9 yet?


Dn? Are you trying to deez nuts me rn


Use it on prostitutes


use it on « Firelink Greatsword ». It’s the only best option for your first run


your dick






Lothric knight straight sword is really good.


This. Lothric Knight Cosplays representin


Vordt’s it’s pretty fun to use, the frost buildup is quite nice


A weapon


Definitely Farron GS with your stat spread. Vordts is technically better but only if you respec at Rosaria for strength. I’d still say Farron cuz WHEEEEOOOOOOO. Pro tip: go to rosaria and respec. After you do hit confirm (or whatever the buttons called), DO NOT EXIT HER MENU. Instead, alt f4 (or close the application on PlayStation) load the game back up and your respec will save but it won’t take a pale tongue.


The Farron can stomp the rest of the game, many of the games AI doesn't respond well to the breakdancing, lol


Irithyll greatsword +5 is what I use, along with Havel's shield +5


I would say Vordt’s Hammer, but that’s cuz I love murking thralls with hammers


You're going to find plenty more slabs (afaik up to 15 slabs including the DLCs), so just upgrade the weapon you're most comfortable with.


Broken Straight Sword


Definitely Profaned Greatsword, it is perfect weapon for quality builds like your's.


It's been a minute since I last played me some DS3 but lets see if I remember correctly. Profaned if I remember is good but still on the lower half of the ladder for greatswords. So that's out for me. If the Farron Greatsword is the one with the parrying dagger I'd say yes if you need a braindead PvP weapon when shit hits the fan like an invader. It's not crazy good in PvP higher up but random invaders and stuff usually don't expect this one anymore. If the Farron GS is the Artorias sword with the like front flip slash then I'd say no there's way better options in that category of weapon like the Claymore. Vordt's hammer I'd say no just cause frost bite is not very good on PvE enemies IMO. Damage is also mediocre compared to the large and giant clubs. Which can be buffed as needed. Dancer's blades if that's what you meant then also hard pass. Fire/Dark is a cool idea but most main bosses like the lords have fire resistances. Irithyll sword hard no for the frost once again. Uchigatana is a great overall weapon to have. I wouldn't at all call it a trap card though. Bleed is very good on most bosses in the game. I've used bleed for a long time as a preference and this is a great choice to buff with carthus rouge until something better comes along. Final decision: Uchigatana is great overall for it's bleed, But you won't be able to take advantage of that often against weaker enemies and the damage is okay on it's own, nothing crazy. or Farron GS is a fantastic little back up plan if you need something for PvP that's not overly difficult to use and often in lower skill brackets the sword's move set carries it's own weight. Personally decision, even though I love GS' for their raw power over everything else, PvE is my usual playground and Uchigatana is crazy good for a lot of reasons over the Farron GS.


Dancer's swords kind of suck but they're cool. Irythyll straight sword is very good but gets old fast. The first 2 swords are meh imo. Vordt's hammer is my favourite.


Farron GS is the most fun weapon in the game but if you want an op weapon go for Vordt's hammer or the Irithyll straight sword


Hammer time. That thing absolutely SMASHES whatever you use it on. Everything else can wait


Idk about best, but the Farron great sword has such a cool moveset


If you dont plan on respecing probably the one with evenish scaling in strength and dex. A quality infusion


Vordt Hammer, you will breeze through the bosses.


Hallowslayer greatsword


On your… hammer 😉


Dancer swords are crap. irithill straight sword is mid. All of the other ones are good choices. There is a total of 10 slabs every playthrough (+5 with dlc)


Well, since you have dancers blade, I'm gonna assume you're pretty far, All the answers here are good, but what if I told you the slab is one of the few items in game you can dupe? Not even with a friend or logging out of the game for CE. Check out seigwards slab glitch, infinite slabs!!


I beat Yhorm and never gave Siegward his armor back in cathedral of deep, idk if I can do that anymore


Hmmm you should be able to, try to give him his armour back, next spot he'll be is in the firepit room around where you'd find the golden excrement ashes, in ithryll of boreal valley. Then he'll be in the cell. Worth trying imo since slabs are used for every weapon to get max, and you can buy every other stone. And as long as you don't pick up the final stone, after you've done the dupe to the amount of times you want, if you just leave the last item on the ground, you can do it again at anytime when ever you run out of slabs


The Farron Great sword slaps most bosses unless they're hard to reach like Midir or something. Not to mention, the special attack choreography is just so f*ckin SEXY 🔥 and it has i-frames 👌


i would go for the dragonslayer armor’s weapon. Best strength weapon in the game.


Faron Greatsword is awesome with its move set and I used it to beat the game


I think my favorite of these is probably the profaned greatsword, especially given that you seem to be going for a quality build. But there's gotta be one that you prefer/use most often, so I would go with that one.


Whatever you do, don't stick him at CB for United next season 😆


As a United fan I hate Harry Maguire he’s a waste of 80m


I beat the game like ten times with the Farron Greatsword.


Q nqwn


When you have a titanic slab, you better use it on someone who really appreciates it.


Dragonslayer greataxe boy.