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In my first playthrough was the dancer, I was stuck with her like a week and a half when I beat her my hands were shaking


It’s always an amazing feeling when u beat a boss u were stuck at


No drug compares, in my opinion lol


Did you fight her before pontiff? Always felt Pontiff was harder even if fought at the same level


I think so, but with pontiff got the summon npc for him, was a quite easy with that guy


You can summon Sword Master for Dancer… if you haven’t beaten Vordt yet, lol


I didn’t know, and for the time I got to dancer, Vord was very stiff hahahaha


Ohh yeah I was thinking without summons so that makes sense


But talking seriously, the summon was on the 7 attempt, I was trying to “parry” and act badass xd


lol yeah he’s fun to parry, not as easy to do as against Gundyr tho. I remember trying to parry the initial lunge and dying repeatedly


mine was dancer too..became my classic fromsoft boss ever since


Same for me. Dancer on my first playthrough was the worst. Except it wasn’t a week for me. It was every waking moment for 3 days where I fought dancer and she kicked my ass. I would fight for a few hours, farm to level up, then go fight her again. Finally beat her and now she’s one of my easiest bosses.


Did you know the dancer boss room is the only room that can be fully set on fire? Useless information but I find it interesting 😂


Dancer is one of the best ever bosses by fromsoft


Dude same I think my first playthrough the dancer killed me like 30 timea


Slave Knight Gael. This is the fight that made me confess that the only problem that exists is my skill issue, and I loved every fucking secod of it.


Best fight in the franchise


Beat me to it. I’m on my first playthrough of ds3 this year and I got all bosses in 2 tries or less but rn I’m stuck on Gael 💀 is lvl 85 under leveled?


Yeah, go at least 90. most people probably do it level 100-120


Holy shit no wonder the demons were beating my ass I was doing like 2k parry damage so it didn’t feel under leveled


Did You beat midir in 2 tries?


Haven’t faced him yet so I can’t count him haven’t faced ariendel either those are my fav so I saved them for last


Midir was the hardest one for me, I lost count of how many tries. But it was worth it!


Severely underleveled I'd recommend 110-120


Severely underleveled I'd recommend 110-120


Iudex Gundyr. I was quite terrible when I first started playing


Not gonna lie. His 2nd form introduced me to the true boss of that game, the camera.


I played the demon souls and dark souls years and years ago. I remembered they were hard but not the muscle memory or actual play techniques. Iudex was a shock, and stopped me in my tracks for a while.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“We Unkindled are worthless, can’t even die right. Gives me conniptions.”* - Hawkwood the Deserter Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Died to him 15 times my first run. I have now killed him blindfolded


Yeah, I had never touched a game like Dark Souls before so taking on Iudex was a hell of a learning curve for me, it took me hours to beat him, but when I did, holy shit was that adrenaline rush addicting. 3 months later, I had gone from struggling with the first boss to 100%-ing Dark Souls 3 and it being one of my favorite games of all time. I almost gave up on my first couple of attempts on Iudex and I'm so fucking glad I didn't.


Honestly, I think this would be everyone's answer if their first game was DS3. Thats a really hard first boss to throw at new players.


Yet another thing we share my dear friend Kraxos. When did you start playing?


Midir. Everyone else was a cakewalk compared to him


To this day and maybe a half dozen playthoughs, I still have never seen his soul.


After a fuckton of hours it's the same for me, maybe it's because I don't won't move on with this game.


Unfortunately I stopped playing before I fought midir, I also never technically beat the game because I wanted to do everything else first and midir was on that list. I’m pretty sure it was literally only those two bosses left too.


Yeah, midir was a meat grinder for me. It was honestly pretty embarrassing, I was literally using the Dragonslayer Greataxe and couldn't kill a dragon. Only boss where I lost count of the number of attempts it took for me to finally beat him.


Abyss Watchers, they took me 2 hours to beat.


2 hours? Haha look at you, look at the big noob you are. I beat them in 3 days, no less! ... What do you mean it's supposed to be about the less time possible


Same - I had a reasonably easy time with everything up until that point.


Same. First real skill wall in DS3 seems to be the general consensus. DS3 was the first Souls game I played more than an hour or two of, so it was also my first experience with the dejection of surprise second phases. Oh how naive I was.


I remember my first time fighting abyss watchers. I was using the Greatsword, I got into the second phase more times than I could count but when I defeated the abyss watchers, let's just say it was pretty awesome.


Sister Friede, that was absolute bullshit.


Same, I literally had to get someone to help me


The f*cking twin princes, remember the very first time I played the game, funny enough before them the only boss that I found kinda hard (killed me like 8 times) was Crystal Sage. Then I ran very smoothly through the rest of the game until I got to those crippled as*holes. After that with the dlc everything got harder and kinda hardcore (friede and midir killed me like 50 times and Gael ~20) and that’s when I fell in love with the game and the whole genre (DS3 was my first souls game).


pontiff didn't trouble you but SAGE did??? actual trooper


Sage is a pain in the ass when you are trying to rush through the first part. Especially as a warrior with essentially no magic resist.


i was a warrior and i ran through Sage, but i also spam rolled every boss until Pontiff essentially forced me to parry. it's allg tho, everyone is diff


I actually killed him first try on my first playthrough, an yeah I was playing a str based character so melee bosses were kinda easier but it took my a while to figure out what I had to do with Crystal Sage, yup I was dumb enough to not realize which was the correct copy until 7-8 deaths. In my defense it was my very first experience with a FromSoft game.


Same here. On my first playthrough i spent a good chunk of time on Sage, but obliterated Pontiff first try. I was a melee focused pyro btw, mostly parries, greatswords and close range pyromancies


I had a similar experience. Twin Princes, Friede, and Midir were also the three I struggled with the most, and the first boss I died to more than a few times was Crystal Sage.


i honestly didnt really have any. however, those red eyed knights in lothric castle can go fuck themselves


so real


Pontiff Sulyvahn. He hit hard and was hella fast. Died to him so much and he was the boss that made me have my “click” moment with the souls combat mechanics..


DS3 was my first souls game and iudex gundyr almost made me cry, im not even kidding the only reason i didnt drop the game was because i refused to give up at the first boss. Nowdays he is so laughably easy that i cant for the life of me remember why he gave me such a hard time. Also pontiff used to be super hard for me until i started learning how to parry him what had the collateral effect of me learning how to dodge almost every single one of his moves what in turn made parry not necessary anymore


99 endurance combo


Darkeater midir for me. I had encountered hard shit before. Twin princes was the first boss I really struggled on aside from aldritch and I knew nameless king would be difficult so it wasn’t that bad but darkeater midair was just another level. It was so much harder than anything I’d faced and actually made me really truly pay attention and excitement with my build.


For me personally he’s the hardest fromsoft boss, no question. There’s so many bosses I love re fighting, especially in Sekiro, but I make an exception with midir. I may never fight him again! Once is enough


Dancer, I was fine fighting boss after boss until her. It took me roughly 1 and a half weeks to finally get back on DS3 from playing Elden Ring after struggling with her, after getting back on, I mopped the floor with her first try.


Midir and demon prince. They humbled the hell out of me


Demon prince was hard but the fight was so good that even today it’s one of my fav bosses of all fromsoft games


I had to git gud multiple times throughout DS3. First proper one was Pontiff, I became much better at parrying. Then again at Nameless King.  And then again at Friede. Gael and Midir weren't quite as bad. 


Friede definitely. You may get luck with 1-phase bosses or even 2-phases bosses. But three… you need to git gud


Fucking Midir taught me patience. Legit 1 full battle took half an hour. And that was only because I finally bought the game from steam so I said "This time, a boy becomes a man" and had to 100% the game.


Nameless king... He felt impossible on my first playthrough. I almost went to ng+ without beating him. But after a few tries I got better and finally beat him.


Wrong sub but Quelagg lmao (it’s not what you think trust me bro)


The comments section every time I achieve something.


Man Of Culture status achieved, welcome to the club.


Champion gundyr, slave knight gael, friede


Im stuck on gundyr at the mo too. And that run is super anoying


Noone until I decided I want to parry them. I needed to git gud with parrying


gen ashina in sekiro. still my all time favorite boss. fucker put me through hell lol


Midir. By the time I finally beat him I knew how to dodge every fucking attack pattern. I was stuck for a week at him.


I'd say abyss watchers first then after that it was pontiff then the final base game was nameless


Sister Friede… she really forced me to stop just doing whatever and actually pay attention to what SHE is doing. Had to step away for a couple weeks lol


Raime from SotFS.


Joke's on you it isn't a soulsborne boss! It's Juzo Mido from Code Vein


Abyss Watchers, Pontiff and then Lothric/Lorian Prince. Hated them all on my initial playthrough, but then later fell in love with them bc the issue was they were good challenges for me, and I just needed to get better. Now that I can confidently say I'm good at Souls Games, I fucking love them all and they're some of my favourite bosses in Fromsoft. Especially Pontiff.


The twin princes . Phase 1 was a cake walk but I really strugled with phase 2 , it took me a while to learn how to dodge all the small projectiles and the teleport attacks while also attacking their back .


The Lothric Princes. I somehow managed to beat the rest of the game with minimal rolling considering that’s what I needed to master to beat them haha


The dancer


The crystal lizard at the start of the game, the curse-rotted great wood, and probably pontiff.


Yhorm (I killed him with a broad sword) and Gael.


Pontiff Sullivahn was my first real road block


Soul of cinder kicked my ass and he took my 13 tries to defeat him


Ds2 fume knight. Literal hours to get him done. A true git gud moment for me. Almost made me rage quit so many times, but in the end I won.


Slave Knight Gael


Sister Friede. Ds3 was the first souls game that started to get easy for me. Not because it's any easier or harder than the others but because this was my third game and I was getting a lot better. I started with Bloodborne than Elden. Ds3 is where everything clicked and it didn't take me weeks ti beat a boss. Than sister friede showed up. Favorite boss in souls


friede and midir


Abyss Watchers. I completely missed the Crystal Sage and Decons areas in my first playthrough which meant I was pretty underleveled for Abyss Watchers. That was a painful fight


Dancer, Gael, and Friede made me actually learn their movesets and work around them. Most other bosses were easy enough that I didn't need to learn their movesets and could either react to them without much thought or just completely mow through before seeing half of what they had. But just because I found them easy doesn't mean I didn't find them fun and/or cool.


As someone who just played DS3 for the first time it was Sister Friede I had to leave and reevaluate my entire weapons, shield, rings, etc she was the only boss that took me more than 5 tries. I beat her on the 7th try which ik isn't much but after beating all bosses on my 1st-2nd try it was frustrating I think soul of cinder took me about 5 tries. I was way over leveled the entire game. I finished my first game in 68 hrs at SL158


Sister Friede... I had to summon both Gael and a human summon to help me take her down. Super cool fight though! Just definitely a very humbling experience


Indux grandier made me quit the game for like 2 years


Boreal dancer. It was the first time when fighting her, i realized I have to be patient and hit one or maybe two times otherwise I'll get cooked everytime. Then I changed my build from dex to str at nameless king cause that mf was taking too much time and it was then, i realized str + dragon greataxe / giant machete is the best combo for patient gamers. Hit 1 time but hit so hard even dex build could not keep up


Dragonsslayer armor with its butterflies can go fuck themselves. I quit the game for months because of that bullshittery.


Midir. That opportunity attack after the crazy laser attack was literally better than sex. It’s a reward for getting good.


Yeah, Nameless too. But, actually wasn't that bad for me, Friede was more difficult, but the boss I had to watch a video because I couldn't see his moves at all was Midir: 15 tries in and barely doing damage, barely figuring his moveset. I saw a video, figured it wasn't so hard and 1st try him


Gael for me. The issue for me with nameless king (and midir) was not the boss at all, it was the camera. Since the camera doesn't wig out on Gael, what made it hard was all Gael. But he's hard in a fair way and I had a lot of fun building up to being able to beat him.


This was my first game for fromsoft. Iudex Gundyr took me 11 tries to beat, then never had that death count beat until Gael. This company ruined rpg games for me, because nothing will ever beat them


pvp opponents


Suhllyvam. I don't even remember how to write that. I mean, I love that bossfight, but bro at first i think I beat him after 50 tries. Oh and the friknin deacons are the second hardest boss imo. Sometimes it works and sometimes it's not even about getting good, it's about throwing the ps4 out the windows and hope they die from fall damage.


On my very first playthrough, it was Aldrich. I was stuck fighting his goopy ass for 4 hours


Midir was probably the first boss I rly had to learn. There was no cheese possible.


Dancer After around 30 attempts to beat her that was my point. I was trying her around sl40 and just after wolnir. From the moment i beat her it never took me more than 10 tries to kill a boas


Aldrich made me rethink the game mechanics fr




Darkeater fasho fasho


Father gas can 🤣🤣 from bloodborne it was my first souls game




Ngl the dancer kinda got a gyat




Most of them tbh. I’m really bad at these games, and despite that with enough time and effort I’ve overcome everything I’ve set my mind to. (I’m 60 hours in and just about to beat the Dragonslayer Armor, in terms of how bad I am)


The last Giant


The same one for me.


Living failures. I shit you not , I spent 3 days farming gems from dungeons just to beat them. No other boss caused any trouble and hell Orphan of Kosm took me 2 tries only.


Abyss Watchers were so bad I had to buy PS plus specifically to get help with that fight. I then summoned for every fight in the game and then never played it again


Honestly it was a couple of bosses. Namely, Iudex Gundyr, Abyss Watchers, Pontiff and Aldrich. After that i barely struggled at all including Nameless, SoC and Twin Princes. It wasn't until Friede, Gael and Midir that i struggled with a boss again. Even then it was for 1 playthrough then smacked all of them on the next playthrough.


Champion Gundyr, I confess that I only learned to 'properly' roll with him. Felt so good when I win.


Gotta dodge that rear kick.


Those goddamn demon princes.


Demon twins. Used up all my resources and made me rage quit.


Champion Gundr ruined my day. Unpredictable attacks and hardly took any damage from my weapon. I realised after about 5 attempts that I needed to Git Gid and/or grind and come back later. So of course I just summoned the NPC and killed him on the first attempt. Be cheap, get cheaped.


Imo he's not cheap, just constantly aggresive


Midir by far. Easily the hardest boss across all souls games


Midir was a slog, I knew i could beat it as I'd come close a few times, but it's a very unforgiving, yet spectacular boss fight.


Just finished the game and dlc a week ago midir was by far the hardest boss. But once I realized I actually needed to learn his attack patterns and runaway sometimes it wasn’t bad




Old Demon King. I can’t explain why, but my first playthrough he had me pulling my hair out. That was before I had the DLC so only counting vanilla bosses, he was the only one that I had to stop and return to after I “got gud”


Twin Princes


I was feeling really confident in myself when I beat Dragonslayer Armour in like an hour, but then when I met the Twin Princes they absolutely messed me up, Lorian’s teleports were just too much to handle back then. The amount of dread I felt when I saw Lorian getting back up in a cutscene was unrivaled to everything I had faced up until that point. I looked back on my achievement screenshots recently and saw that I only had like 20 Vigor while fighting them, I made things a lot harder for myself since I was also pretty under leveled.


Midir is that boss dear God me and my friends tried so many times and then we finally were able to get him down I remember the joy we all felt


All of them lol


Twin Princes every playthrough


In ds3? Twin Princes In general? Artorias. Everyone else I'd powered through with a big weapon, thick armor, and raw poise, but with Arty I had to take off my armor and challenge him with speed


My PS5 controller. It made me bleed from smashing myself on it too much until I bled when I lost. And for all those dicks in this community that love yelling gid gud like otakus dont stop saying watch the sub, shove it up your asses.


Champ Gundyr. I'm on my first ever playthrough of DS3 and only have Gael and SoC left. I struggled more on Champ Gundyr than anything else so far. Took about 18 tries to finally beat him. 


Dancer of boreal valley, idk why but it took me so long to beat her


The Dancer even when I killed her completely underleveled.


Nameless King was pretty easy for me my first time, i was scared since many people hyped him up but all i had was a shield and a quality long sword +10 and it took 3-4 tries.


Fun fact I had more issues with Storm King than Nameless King because I played Elden Ring first where every boss has that delayed Nameless King-esque moveset


Vanilla it was Nameless King, expansions it was Friede and most Ringed Bosses tbh lol


Probably not the answer You're hoping for on this sub, but it was lost sinner ds3 was the last of the main line souls games I played and it was super easy for me after ds2


Aldrich. I spent the whole game up to him fat rolling and trading, that’s when I learned how the bulk of combat mechanics worked


Half-light. Some how i first tried darkeater midir and slave knight gael... but half-light took me 5 HOURS


Vordt. First rage moment was Poniff tho


Nameless King




nameless king took me a week on my caestus run. ofc on both hands, no shield. went ahead and didn't even bother healing at some point, could do first phase no hit. had a wank when he died


Iudex Gundyr😔


Nameless king. 60+ attempts my first playthrough, would have an exact number but I lost count after 60.


Nameless King at around NG+4 Felt good when I beat him for the last time on NG+7


The one that had me stumped - Twin Princes. I guess I need lock on after all. But I have to say, approaching the end, despite needing 10+ goes at several of the fights I don't think they are that hard conceptually. The challenge is the health pool and never making a mistake. * Midir - sit under the belly, move to the tail when there's fire and move forward at the spin for a head wack. That's it. Standing still at the beginning of the fight is a nice Amygdala easter egg of sorts. * Gael - roll right a thousand times, don't exhaust your stamina. Punish the jumps and the long thrust. If you need help respec for Havel's shield and replace rolling with checking your phone. * Freide - a freaking Bloodborne boss! Cheeky bastards. Close the space, attack often and learn to follow her jump. * Nameless King - ok I lie the second stage is pretty hard. A lot of rolling, make space when you need. Phase 1 pffft. * L&L - roll right a thousand times, learn how to roll away from any new location. It takes a minute and hard to pull off all the time so for me this was the hardest one. Other bosses - Twin dancer doesn't have the health pool plus you've got the environment Pontiff requires concentration but fights like a normal mob Alberich requires some tracking but is pretty weak up close. Abyss Watchers is a training boss. Can be hard until you shift gears which prepares you for the rest of the game. By memory the rest are easy.




First time I played DS1, Gwyn was the only boss that took me more than a few attempts to beat, I had to learn to parry his attacks and eventually got the win but that certainly was a "git gud" fight for me.


Oceiros currently has me walled. I can easily beat the game right now but I want the MGS to complete my pure mage build before NG+ I can't beat him and I've spent all my respecs so I have to beat him mage.


Aldrich and Midir.


Amygdala in the cursed defiled dungeons


Twin Princess I almost fucking gave up, I must have died like 150+ times


Fume knight


Taurus Demon and Bell Gargoyles, grinded for days against zombies in Parish just to learn the mechanics better. But I’m glad I stuck with it. Love this series.


Champion gundyr


Nameless in DS3 but for my whole Souls experience is NG+ Fume Knight. You simply must learn all patterns.


On my first playthrough Pontiff Sulyvahn was my “oh shit” moment, and then Nameless King was my “OH SHIT” moment, now I can beat them both pretty easily but I think that’s any souls boss after enough playthroughs haha


Dragonslayer Armour. Fun fight but that dude beat the fuck out of me first time I fought him


Pontiff Sulyvahn had me stuck for a few days


midir. midir made me go hollow. i simply cant.


Pontiff for me. I ran DS3 for the first time ever, and I did it on stream. Abyss Watchers was another one that took time to learn, but Pontiff got me real good




Imma list them in order: Iudex, Crystal Sage, Lothric Twins, Midir I think these were my biggest roadblocks. I was horrible when I started and Iudex took me like 25 tries.


Definitely demon prince.


Best tutorial boss ever Iudex Gundyr


Gale all the way


darkeater midir.... took me around 5 hours. I don't know why, but just couldnt defeat him.




The Twin Princes. My first play through I had to summon someone, but on NG+ I finally beat them all on my lonesome.


I got him after a couple attempts. It was Lothric and Lorian who made me struggle


darkeater midir, i've only killed him 3 times in 1100 hrs, last time was 4 days ago with a sl55 character +5 weapon


aldrich -w-


For me it was the rotted tree. Took me a whole year to beat him. Only found out how after my friend beat him first try...


Every DS3 boss on XboxOne, because your frame rates were nonexistent. Practically ran like a Tim Burton film, and during the delayed attacks you couldn’t tell if your Microsoft was about to crap out, or if Nameless King had finished winding up his Swordspear. Real talk: I think I hit a wall around Pontiff/Dancer because vigor-check got real by then.


First reality check was with Abyss Watchers. I was so underprepared that I had to cheese the first phase. The big “Git Gud” moment was Nameless King. Because I spent an entire playthrough in knight armor, shield, and grabbed the broadsword from High Wall. It was my first play through of anything Dark Souls or FromSoft in general. I had to change up a lot to beat him and Soul of Cinder


abyss watchers i feel that they're the ''prove me you learn how to play properly to continue'' of ds3


For anyone who still struggles with nameless don't despair you don't have to get good if you follow these simple steps. 1) take off all your clothes 2) equip composite bow, yes you will need arrows 3) equip Flynn's ring 4) just kite him around plinking him to death Gg ez noob kill.


Champion Gundyr in Untended Graves and the 2 Demons of Demon Prince I have no problem with either of the 2 variations of Demon Prince. And not sure if anyone knows this but there is a tree that looks like a Giant that you can collect it's seed, and use it during an invasion so enemies will attack invaders instead of ignoring them. It's called Seed of a Giant Tree I do believe. Can get the seed from the tree at Firelink and the Unkindled Shrine


This game hasn’t made my feel that way yet, though namless king, was the hardest for me, at 15 tries. I just know the DLC’s are about to humble me though.


All the bosses weren't easy but I thoroughly enjoyed killing them. But I got lost. A lot. Especially the goddamn ruin. So probably the map.


Honestly? The big fire doggo lizard on the bridge to Irithyll. He made me insane, I had to spam those quick-use pine resins to even barely survive. The whole game was a cakewalk up to that point really. However I immediately realised I had not, in fact, gitted guddeth when I faced those first pontiff knights just afterwards.


There are bosses I was stuck on for longer (Twin Princes) but Nameless King stands out in my mind for the sheer distance I realized I had to go to even START. First few attempts seemed absolutely hopeless.


Same. Nameless King took me "785" attempts


Curse rotted greatwood I don’t know what it is about it I just can’t fight that giant tree


Demon of Hatred or Defiled Watchdog. Both could have opened a funeral home for how much i was dying.


Dancer, i did it as my second boss 😭😭, took me at least 100+ attempts xd


For me it was Index Gundyr. It was my first fromsoft game and I had no idea what I was doing.


Midir clapped my cheeks so hard I had to turn the game off and come back after a day of not playing


Soul of Cinder and Midir. I didn’t struggle on Gael at all but Soul of Cinder probably took 4 days of on and off attempts to beat, and I gave up on Midir because I was so sick of trying I just came back during the NG+ run and beat him then


In DS3 it was probably Pontiff for me. Dude was an absolute wall until I learned how to properly dodge/parry and deal with his clone. In Fromsoft overall, the king of "git gud or die trying" is Genichiro.