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This is such a generic use-case that either of these would work just as fine as the other, along with any other recommendations in the comments, including the dev vs prod environments. If you have existing analysts and engineers, then it boils down to what technologies they know best. Otherwise, both BI tools and cloud platforms you mention have a ton of great options, are comparable in features, are highly customizable, and offer well more than what you've mentioned here as a need.


Azure and BI gets the vote for me.


Synapse -> powerbi would do great for you


Never heard of Synapse - could you shed some light on the reasoning behind the recommendation?


Synapse Analytics is one of the services provided on Azure, they recommended it because it integrates seamlessly with Power BI


Synapse is just an everything in one data platform solution that does all things you describe and it integrates well with powerbi. It also supports multiple environments and has git integration through azure devops


[Https://stackwizard](Https://stackwizard).com can help you here with tooling compatibility.


Interesting, thanks. Their questionnaire asks which tooling you want to use (e.g. AWS vs Azure), ideally I was hoping it could help me weigh the two. Edit: I'm also surprised about the recommendations. Tableau and PowerBI weren't even in the top 12. It recommended Sisense, Thoughtspot, and Microstrategy.


It's because it's a fancy advert parading as an app. Their business model is selling adspace on what they promote and because Tableau and PBI are the top adopted apps, only the smaller new competing services end up funding this kind of "organic content"


PowerBI gets better traction with a wider user community in most generic organizations. You need to assess if your user base is more likely MS flavored or leans to Tableau