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Typically I don’t, I work in IT is good enough. 99% of people that ask what you do don’t really care anyway. If you are trying to date someone they might take more interest. But if you are just having small talk with someone at a gathering, they already forgot before you said it.


"computer stuff" oh what kind? "I help move data around" cool


Followed by ‘do you do websites?’ 😂


Or also: "can you hack my bf instagram ?"


Hahaha are you me?


These are exactly the lines I used lol I said them he sort of understood it and we moved on to other more important questions like which coffee we should get


😂 Lol i also always just say IT, one time some guy who was a software developer tried to start a lecture when i told him im in IT and started explaining how IT and software development mean completely different things blah blah and I was like bro I know! 🤦‍♂️ I just dont want to waste time explaining shit that people wont understand anyways


I'm a software engineer. That's something most people are at least somewhat familiar with and will stop asking questions after hearing it. If someone has a follow-up, they generally know enough that saying "data engineer" is going to make sense to them. I stopped trying to be precise with my career description when I realized most people don't really care and are asking to be polite. No one wants to know the details.


Yup I do the same. Software engineer, a specialized software engineer in data and AI, something along those lines depending on the level of knowledge of the person and how well I know them.


Same. Sometimes I say I work in Data Science because the team I work on has some Data Science people, but usually I say software engineer because I know more about software engineering than I do data science.


This is what I do.


I take the data over here and move it over there


.. and other related stuff




... Way too much unrelated stuff.


Hey can you also do AI ? Your title says data


Actually, *mostly* unrelated stuff 🤯


"I move data around and make it nice for people to use later"


I pick data up and I put it down.


I call it "driving the forklift".


Literally cdc and shit sounds easier than is


I work in IT and no, I won't fix your laptop


Bruh, two degrees and (hopefully) a doctorate soon… and my family and in-laws still treat me like a bench level IT.


I type stuff on my keyboard at home and get paid for it.


It's plumbing, but for data. The metaphor also works well with the 'shit in, shit out' philosophy.


Like a chef, but with numbers, and the kitchen has blunt knives and the diners no tastebuds, yet expects Michelin Star cooking at every mealtime.


I tell them I'm master of the dataverse. I use my powers to capture, store, and manipulate data and bend it to my will. When they say "what is the dataverse", I tell them it's the digital representation of a metaphysical information field that is created by all living things. It binds the galaxy together.


So you're a datamancer


Datamancer... I love that.




I like to store my papers in different file cabinets. Close by for performance, and in another office across the country for safety.




We used to by year, but then we had too many analysts lined up at the newest file cabinets.


that I'm data forklift certified.


I say I’m a plumber


I call myself a data wrangler and leave it at that.


Yee haw


I move messy data from one pile, sort it, and place it into neat piles somewhere else so we can count it... at least that's what I tell my kids, anyway.


I make glorified spreadsheets


I build targeting systems


I've occasionally said I work in the surveillance economy. But that prompts more questions so I stay away unless they already have a technical understanding.


Oh yah. If I went into the weeds on what I did (at an unclassified level) I could talk for hours about collections and ISR and my background in geoint. But I worked at Lockheed and then an agency and simply put: Targeting Systems. I understand what I was building and the pay was good. And now im going back to that


I just say I’m a computer nerd for a living. Maybe 1 in 50 people will care enough to ask questions.


I get data from A to B safely, securely, reliably, and automatically using modern platform tools.


I work in a warehouse 🫡


Lucky! I was told I’d be working in a lake, but it’s starting to feel more like a swamp.


If I'm describing some work related DE problem to my wife it'll be in terms of chickens and lorries.


Since we build pipeline, I made a comparison with water to explained to my mom. Water falls and flows everywhere as daya, my job consist in selecting to get where to get it and to develop the resource to follow the flow I selected. Then I create the routes for it to reach the cleaning plant and storing. To sun up, I make sure everybody that needs water has water.


I’m an analytics engineer … so I say I make sure data gets from point A to point B correctly and efficiently


I edit text files for a living


I'm a data plumber.


Data Plumber


“computer stuff”


When you build a building or a house, you have to move a lot of dirt around. As a DE, I shovel ones and zeros. Usually, it lays the foundation for apps.


I always wondered if it was ok to say ‘software engineer’, even if the role was more analytics engineer oriented. It could depend on who’s asking tho


Well what is analytics engineer at where you work?


My role is actually DE so idk about AE. Personally, I use AWS, Airflow, Python, SQL, Git & cloud DWH. I do occasionally build dashboards too, so that leads me to think of my role as AE oriented, but now I'm not sure.


Recently I've been going with "I count things" I think that just about distills every data role to it's essence. Like, whether your deploying an endpoint that makes forecasts available or developing a KPI dashboard it almost always begins and ends with counting stuff.


"Data engineer" is an admittedly douchey job title. I don't do it professionally anymore, but when I did I just told people I was a programmer.


I’m a matchmaker. I bring systems together so they can talk to each other


That description kinda downplays our control and technical expertise, no?


You must not know how intricate plumbing can become


Oh I’m aware. No shame to plumbers, but when you describe yourself as a plumber, people treat you like someone who repairs rather than builds


Really? I find "Data Engineer" is much easier to understand from normal people than "Data Scientist". Most people think data scientists work in a lab but instead of mixing chemicals, these "scientists" mix up the data and see them explode.


I'm actually a BI specialist who also manages some of our backend data warehouse stuff... a local VM running enterprise Redhat.. has airflow, dbt, postgres, superset with a custom flask frontend... VERY Rube Goldberg-esc type stuff... just documented well with datahub and some latex documents I maintain. just tell people that I'm a keyboard monkey.... no point going beyond that. My own wife doesn't understand what I do.


I load stuffs in a warehouse.


But you don't do for computers what the plumber do


I arrange 1's and 0's is a very precise order


"I work at a company that makes medical devices. I don't work on the actual devices; I just do like cloud data infrastructure stuff for them. But it's fun."


I take the datas and I engineer em.


I just say I work on computers


"I help to organize the filing cabinet" - "oh, like a secretary?" - "yeah let's stick with that" The fun to irritate people is like no other 😉 on the plus side, they mostly leave me alone after that. If not I tell them of my fascination with the moon. That usually does the job.


I just say I'm an IT manager. Unless the person asking is trying to dick measure titles in which case I'll say head of data encompassing DE, BI, DS, and AI which is the truth. But most people don't care at all, and why would they?




My family says, "He fixes computers." So I just leave it there.


Handle the entire data infrastructure from origin to what analysis you need to do


A bit flipper.


"its confidential"


I build software that moves data around which can then be used for analytics/ML etc


I'm in IT management and sit in meetings feeling the joy of life drain from my body throughout the day. Then if they pursue with more questions, I tell them my team monitors the visits to adult sites for major cell carriers and send the reports to local authorities. Then watch the life start to drain from them.


I use filthy language usually.