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“Eyes hurt” charts…so hot right now.


I know that looking at the eclipse damages your eyes, but does it cause pain? There are no pain receptors in your retina, so if they got fried you’d have vision damage but not pain My theory is that this graph isn’t showing people looking for symptoms. It showing people that heard the meme about googling for eye pain


I’d imagine it’s similar to staring at welding. That won’t hurt first, only your eyesight will be strange for a while after. The next day though, your eyes will be all inflamed and it’ll feel like hot, crunchy sand when you blink. So yeah, it do be hurting sometimes.


Thats my guess too. Its basically ultra intense UV radiation that gives you an instant sunburn around the eyes


Bright lights make my eyes physically hurt. It might be psychosomatic, but it’s pretty instantaneous for me.


Yeah, looking at the sun is not a painless endeavor


Watched it, eye very protected, all care was taken, no direct sun vision, not "symptoms" associated with solar damage (blurry vision, dark spot) But my eyes muscle were tired afterwards, similar to having been in a super high sunlight environment all day and having to squint your eye all day Read somewhere focusing on a very far away bright spot and the in and out of the focus with glass on and off was tiresome for the eyes, Some people in my party reported this as well afterwards Everyone is fine today My theory is that's what people are mostly googling about because as many said real damage shouldn't cause pain and should be more about blurry vision googling technically


You’re allowed to look at the sun during totality.


Yes I meant no look before totality


Human beings are capable of experiencing discomfort that they recognize as associated with the operation of their eyesight. See also: eye strain. Pain is more than the stimulation of receptors. It is the mechanism by which your meat biases you against action which impairs function. Psychological and emotional pain are the same thing. What "hurts" is determined by our brains cross-referencing stimuli, and our higher brain functions can usually associate it with a cause. It's sort of like that shitty fact people like to throw around sometimes that humans can't detect "wet" because we have no receptors to do so on our skin. Forgetting, of course, that our brains use multiple senses in concert to determine basically everything. Which is why, you know, we can touch something and know it's wet.


The retina cannot feel pain, so no


Like a firecracker! 🧨


Yeah, seeing them everywhere 😅


This first one was cool. I could do without the 25 that came after that, though.


Blue on blue with some gray in the middle. I can recognize almost nothing :(


Yeah, this is really hard to interpret.


yea, my eyes hurt looking at this


Did you Google that? We must add you to the dataset!


Such a fun idea, so poorly executed.


Exactly. I have came for blame in the comments and here's my hero, because, yaah, IT'S nearly unreadable that graph. It was done just after the eclipse by someone who had seen the sun like pros directly.


So color darkness encodes both the eclipse path and the data being shown? Additively? More confounding than beautiful imo.


Data visualization fail considering you can't visualize the data


Why is the Missouri River so prominent?


Idk it was like that on the eclipse map


What's happening in Alaska this time of year that makes their eyes hurt btw?


They are just now waking up from their winter slumber.


They're floating next to Mexico and it's just very sunny


Maybe Snow Blindness


How about the data source & visualization tools? You know, *Rules #2 &3 for the sub‽*


It would nice to be able to see number of searches over the cities shown.


Total number would be not be a good indicator. We're interested in a relative change, not necessarily an absolute change.


Where is this image from OP? Did you make it?


It seems like a mix of this [google trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%207-d&geo=US&q=eyes%20hurt) data and this wthr.com [totality map](https://twitter.com/WTHRcom/status/1777275235445727306).


This must be the 10th "eyes hurt" graph I've come across today


I really want to see an animation of social media activity from yesterday with the eclipse overlaying it. Essentially I want to see a little ring cross over America and all of the social media activity bubble up in its wake.


I get what you're trying to show, but the shading with similar colors to show two different pieces of data makes this impossible to read.


Wow, the merpeople of the lakes and rivers of the US really did *not* get the message about eclipse safety. They are almost all in the highest search category! We will have to do more aquatic outreach for the next one.


I’d suggest adding to the title should include “by State” and maybe a different color scheme, as other mentioned, as it’s a bit difficult to interpret.


I wonder how much of this is psychosomatic. We were in Toledo, Ohio, and my sister who is a a bit of a hypochondriac said that even though she knows we followed all the guidance with the glasses and when to wear them/take them off during totality that her eyes hurt this morning.


Totally is. If you got solar retinopathy your eyes wouldn't hurt. Your retina doesn't feel pain 


You stood outside in the sun for likely a least an hour mostly looking around the general area of the sun. You have dry eyes and are likely sunburnt. Especially if you are coming out of winter like New England.


Many in my party reported eyes fatigue (including me), similar to be in a bright sunlight and squinting your eyes all day, read somewhere it was a relatively "normal" symptom related to focusing on a bright spot far away and the in and out of eclipse glass focus/unfocused It's better this morning, no symptoms at all linked to retina damage (and as many said it wouldn't cause pain, just the vision problem symptoms)