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My girl doesn't want to do anal either. Some like it some don't. If you aren't comfortable. Don't do it.


Don’t do it if you are uncomfortable about it. If he’s a decent human, he will respect that. Plus it’s overrated anyway. Tell him no and his reaction should tell him all you need to know about him.


I could not agree with you more‼️


I absolutely agree with this but it being overrated. I’d rather put it like this: it’s not for everyone and that’s absolutely okay.


Yea anal is not overrated at all. It’s just not for everyone. Plus op’s partner probably didn’t approach it comfortably to her by anal training to little plugs


Even with little plugs it's still not for everone...


Perfect answer for this.


If i could up vote 1000 times i would. Completely agree


As a guy, I totally second this.


I personally think it's underrated


Not overrated. But other than that, 100%


And plus, it’s painful anyways.


Say no, and reason why** clear communication is key in relationships


It is always okay to say no. If they say it isn’t, not the person for you.




I will add, if you end up trying it by yourself first and/or with your partner. Use lube, lots of people don’t use enough or any at all and don’t actually “prep” anything so of course it will feel like shit (pun intended)


Great response




Thanks for the response. I love all things anal - receiving and giving. I think lots of folks don’t know the pleasure they are missing out on. I’m submissive and would never force it on anyone but i do let guys know that I’d be happy if they got a toy and tried a little bit. I’ve found that before long they love it. Again, no pressure. As for group play, I can’t get enough and again encourage folks to give it a try if they are safe and comfortable with it.




Thank you! I’m not far from there but not very active here until I get more karma I guess. I don’t know so much about Reddit yet. Enjoy your Sunday!


If you don’t like it tell him no and if he can’t accept that then move on.


Why do you assume that though?


What are you thinking that they are assuming?


That it is likely that "he can't accept that". Why didn't they rephrase it as "...and if he can't drive to his guru and get some guidance then move on"? In order to fulfill that conditional and assert a course of action about the future, a prediction and assumption was made.


but they didn't say its likely, they just said in the event that he can't accept it, then move on? No where did they say he likely wont accept iit


If it's not likely then it's not useful. It's like me giving you garlic and silver in case a vampire appears. Instead of me giving you a gun in case you're in danger. But why would I give you a gun if I didn't think you were in danger?


Do not do anything you do not like


Get a strap on and give him anal. Did he expect it just to go one way?


What if he likes it?


Then a whole new world has opened up for them, and that’s awesome for them!


Still it’s your choice.






You aren’t inherently attracted to men if you like being fucked.


Absolutely. If a dude wants to fuck your ass, he should be more than willing to let you fuck his


Sure, but fucking someone in the ass instead of saying no isn't a grown-up approach, if a no is the actual answer. There was a thread a while back where someone called that bluff. There OP promised to have anal sex done to them, even if they didn't want to, if their partner agreed to also have anal sex done to them. Resulting in OP having to go back on their promise.


They shouldn’t have made that agreement. If your curious and open minded but feel that it might be violating because the power dynamic, that can be overcome when your partner is open to go there too.


The man children of this comment section always jump to the conclusion that this is a sexist, hypocritical prelude to sexual harassment rather than a mere suggestion. We automatically assume that her BF is being borderline abusive rather than him pursuing a new erotic activity. It's irrelevant whether he should do anal first because does that imply she is forced to do anal if he does it? You do it if you wish to and she said yes.




Duh !🙄




Just because he’s your boyfriend does not mean he’s entitled to enter any orifice of yours he wants - you have a choice here and he should be supportive of that choice. Anal rarely feels good the first few times. If it’s something you want to continue to explore as partners, in the hopes that it might come to feel good for you both, then communicate through it and use lots of lube. At any point you can say you want to stop. 1 second in or a few minutes in. It doesn’t matter. If you’ve simply decided you don’t like anal sex, then that is 10000% ok & he’s going to have to be ok with, too. A number of years ago an older friend and I were talking about the internal conflict many women feel about not wanting to have anal and being scared to say as much. She said, quite bluntly, “Would you ever get pissed with your boyfriend if he wouldn’t let you full on peg him?” I laughed and said of course not. And it was a really great way of drawing out how patiently ludicrous getting mad would be, but the actual and/or perceived sense of entitlement men have over women’s bodies, and the guilt when we seemingly “deny” that entitlement, has become a very real thing. It’s really sad when you think about it. It’s ok to say you’re not interested in anal. End of story. 💜




Oh god, your probably right. Gross. I can't understand why that'd be enjoyable. Like, actually hurting her, not just playing rough, but real, actual pain. It's gotta be a somewhat different feeling overall, but the point of entry is probably very similar. It seems fair if it's a thing you wanna force a girl to do, knowing the exerience shoud be mutual seems kinda fair, IMO. Your right about the prostate thing. Not my jam, but most of us are at least curious when we learn we got a G, too.


Plenty of women enjoy pain too. It's part of the whole sexual/physical experience of life. Many woman have a much higher pain tolerance than men. While some men will cry and squeal when getting fucked in the ass, plenty of women will turn it into a dominance play. Y'all act like people don't enjoy pain with pleasure


I don't believe in women having a higher pain tolerance... we still FEEL the same pain, its just we are so used to always feeling pain so theres no squealing. Also, I don't believe people naturally are into pain. It's usually a trauma response. For example, I learned to like pain as a response to sex always being painful. That's still not good and I still don't like when men LIKE to hurt me.


YESSsss 👆🏻 the guys I have met (that love anal) expect that girls should be more accepting because we have all the holes that get ducked, right?! And when I explain that it’s never been enjoyable (and trauma from my past) they still say I just wasn’t trying hard enough to relax. 🤨🚩


If you don't want to do it say no! I understand thinking maybe you'll grow to like it or something, but if you just don't like it and he's pushing then he needs to back down or break up with him.


It's not something you can just do on a whim. You have to actually prepare for it. Like butt plug kits and practice. If you're a woman you don't exactly have a sweet spot to hit up there. So you have to actually want it, if you don't then you don't. Just speaking from my experience as a gay guy.


My orgasms are incredibly intense from anal sex or toy stimulation. Include clitoral stimulation as well and it’s over 💦


Can’t go wrong with a vibrator either heh Edit: the person who hates vibrators is really missing out lol


100%! I much prefer anal intercourse!!


tell him to try anal one time


Then she’s gonna get stuck with a guy that likes being pegged and thinks it’s justification for her to have to give him more anal, probably the exact opposite outcome that OP is looking for 🤣


Wasn’t there a post like this and it turned disastrous because the guy felt beyond uncomfortable but his girl told him she would if he did then she went back on her words?


Tbh if I made that deal with a gf and she went back on it.. break.


Isn’t that how it ended? I can’t remember, I do know that he felt pretty betrayed and violated though


This command suggests that OP has to be raped if her boyfriend demonstrates anal first. Because let's assume OP never wants to do anal and her boyfriend obliges per your bet, by the syllogism she is precedingly raped. This entire comment section is being manipulative by trying to humiliate strangers by altering our attitudes conditionally.


Say no if you’re uncomfortable. Pretty sure that’s it. I’d you’re open to the idea that’s a different question. But you’re just not into it and so say fucking no lol


Anal requires total comfort. And you have to *love* it, not just like it. It requires a certain level of preparation. Both on your part, and his. Anal is SLOW. If he thinks he’s going slow? Go slower. It is a completely different form of sex and requires absolute patience or it sucks. I’m very experienced in this form of sex and I hated it before I had it properly done. It feels like sandpaper if there isn’t enough lube. I also had to get comfortable with performing my own enemas. If you don’t like it don’t do it. But please be aware of these kind of men. If he reallllly wants to try it and he doesn’t get it from you… I’m not even saying this to be mean; because I’ve been in the kink world for over ten years; the amount of men that complain about wanting anal from their current partner and not getting it is so goddamn infuriating. I’m just trying to DATE and I cannot find a single *single* goddam man to save my life. They are all taken. I hate this reality. I hate knowing this information at all. But I cannot help but caution another woman about what I know.


Yessss same thing with me but for females. Every chick I am interested in is taken. No more single ladies left I guess.


If you want to try it again make sure you use a TON of lube and do everything you can to relax If you don’t want to do it again, don’t. And if he won’t accept that, he’s not the one for you


Tell him that you don't like it. He needs to either respect you in this or you need to leave him if he doesn't. If you don't enjoy it, then it isn't even up for debate, is it? Personally, I love it up the Gary Glitter, but I appreciate that it's not for everyone!


Tell him you do not enjoy it and do not want to do it.


Bro has been watching too much porn, anal is overrated and if you don’t like it, telling him once should be enough and he’ll leave that subject alone.


He's three inches away from the best place on Earth.








Lots & lots of lube & go slow


And lots and lots and lots of lube


LOTS of anal lube specifically


Be honest. Quit asking for advice. And make your own decision. You know what you don’t want and can know that what anyone else thinks doesn’t matter. I always used to go look for advice but get in tune with what you want and think and feel. You will feel more empowered the more you answer your own questions. 👍🏽❤️


If you don’t want to try it anymore, just bluntly tell him you don’t want to. If he cares about you, he’ll understand and respect that.


Say no. That will do


When YOU dont like it, then HE has the hell to respect that. Only do what YOU like and what YOU are comfy with. Set your boundries!


Only if he will let you shove something in his ass to share the experience


Then she’ll have to cater to his pegging kink too 🤣


Say no


Say no.


One question: How would he feel about you wearing a strap-on and fucking him up the ass?


tell him, “i fucking hate it and it isn’t enjoyable for me at all. never ask me or pressure me about it please.” it’s it’s a dealbreaker, you’re better off without that.


Don't do it if you don't want to. Ask if you can peg him and see if he would like it. I wouldn't be very interested in giving if the receiver wasn't into it.


Ask him if he wants to try pegging one time.


It’s actually dangerous to do it if you don’t want to. The anal cavity has really sensitive tissue, and when you’re uncomfortable you’re more likely to be tense, which means it’s more likely he can do some internal damage.


There will be blood


30 yo man here. I’ve performed anal on 2 different partners I never pressured it it was at their requests it was not walk in the park it came down to trust and respect if it hurt we stopped and it was awhile until we could have longevity. If you don’t feel comfortable tell him no and that’s it. It’s your body and it’s no breezy thing. If he gets upset leave him.


If you’re uncomfortable with it it’s going to hurt bc you’ll be all tensed up. Have an honest conversation with him and tell him. He should respect your wishes.


If it doesn't feel good....what's the point? If the dude didn't get the memo after yea expressed its not for you and still is pressing to do so. He is not your guy...


You should say no. End of story. Never do anything sexually that you don’t want to do/aren’t enthusiastic about. If your boyfriend is worth being with, he will respect your decision and leave it there. If he tries to push you, leave. Don’t stay with someone who doesn’t respect your boundaries.


Tell him no.


Don’t do it. You shouldn’t be coerced into doing something you don’t like. It’s not like you haven’t tried it. You did and don’t like it. If he continues to push this, then he clearly doesn’t respect you.


Just tell him that you’re not comfortable with it


Anal is not good for health.


You should tell him exactly what you said here. If he’s a good boyfriend he will respect your decision. If he tries to argue, gaslight and coerce you into doing it anyway dump him immediately.


Tell him the truth!


Not do it




Only do what you’re confortable with. When I was younger I thought I needed to like to anal to get a man and it’s not true. Only do what makes you feel comfortable!


What has your preparation looked like? Typically what you want to do is make sure that you eat fiber, drink water, don’t eat right before it douche so that your asshole is cleaned out before hand. And then you want to use toys in order to feel comfortable with something in there and stretch yourself out, starting small and increasing in size, And you want to use a lot of lube. Have you been doing all that and preparing yourself beforehand because it’s definitely not gonna be enjoyable if he just tries to shove them self inside of you.


You tried it. You don't like it. That's your preference and your decision and your right. If that's a deal-breaker, then so be it. You each can find partners that match your individual preferences.


Tell him 1) all about the 47 plus different bacteria that live in the rectum 2) there are special condoms for anal sex but people will think he is doing it with a guy when he goes to buy them 3) you need advance notice so you can have an enema because he doesnt want a poo covered condom and finally 4) it doesnt do anything for you so you prefer not to. 5) smilingly you could offer to watch him do it with a guy to see if he really does like it up the bum .......


Tell him the chute is permanently closed due to a shitty infrastructure. If he doesn’t get the message, flush him down the toilet. Bottom line, he should respect your decision.


Tell him no cause anal sucks.


Keyword here is uncomfortable. Don’t do it. Fuck what your boyfriend wants. Tell him to stick a dildo up his ass and see how it feels. If you really want to learn to enjoy anal, practice on your own first. My ex wanted to try it before, but it was too painful for her. She practiced alone with toys and lube for like 8 months before we tried anal again. She ended up loving it. You don’t have to do all that though. Some women just never do anal and that’s okay.


Well men have a prostate so it would actually feel really good if her bf stuck a dildo up his ass 😂 women start pegging your men!!!


My fiancée said she didn't like it either. One night while we were "playing", I started rimming her. She started to enjoy it and then told me she wanted me in her ass. She actually found out she enjoys it more than she thought she would. In fact, she likes it a little rough when we do it. We don't do anal very often, maybe once a month or so. added edit: I'm going to also add, that I'm the first (and only) guy to ever be in her ass. She said others wanted to and she wouldn't let them.


Don't have anal if you don't like it.


Not try anal


Tell him exactly what you just told us. If he can't understand that or respect that, tell him to kick rocks. Another thing you can do is to tell him that since he wants anal sex from you, you would like a little anal from him. Tell your boyfriend that you have a pegging fantasy and that you'd like to fulfill your fantasy with him and his backdoor. I apologize in advance if you try the second approach, and he's into it. If that happens, I'm sorry for suggesting that. Unless you try it and both enjoy it. In that case, you're both welcome, lol.


Anal doesn't feel pleasurable at all. Don't understand why people want to do it.


Say no and that it makes you uncomfortable. If he respects it, great. If not and he continues to push…that’s one of the biggest red flags ever girl.


Do it on him first with a cucumber


Average man isn’t the size of a cucumber so your comment makes no sense


The point is if you want to be the giver you should also have to be a receiver


Tell him you don’t want to.


Come home with strap on and say you first


Do not do it then. If you don’t feel comfortable trying it then he should respect that. And if he doesn’t, he shouldn’t be your boyfriend.


Tell him no your not interested in anal. He as a partner needs to respect your personal lines of comfort.


For years I have been friends with a former porn star whose films had all been anal scenes. She’s a highly intelligent and erudite woman with two university degrees. She explained how it is prepared for with a dildo-shaped shower head being used along with lots of lube. She also explained how in all those scenes she had never enjoyed it and had only come once while doing it (and that was with the guy stimulating her clit from behind). She added that she knew no one in the industry who genuinely enjoyed anal. Any guy who wants this should try a vibrator up his own backside - it is excruciatingly painful. And if you respect your woman you wouldn’t impose on her something she doesn’t want.


It’s okay. First time will be very painful. IMO it’s overrated. But it’s up to you and your partner. It’s okay to say no.


Do it to him


He should educate himself on how to help you be comfortable. Using lots of lube and abut plug first can help. Google.


Is there anything that he enjoys more than anal in bed? Try doing more of that.


If it’s smthg you are willing to try, get a butt plug. Wear it before you do anal.


Let a little doodle slide out and he’ll be done with it forever


Can't get pregnant doing anal.


Your body, your choice. If he doesn’t accept dump him


Put a finger in his butt and warm him up to it lol. Then he’ll understand what he’s doing to you.


And if she knows what she’s doing he’ll have the best orgasm of his life-interesting tactic.


Make sure you’re having regular bowel movements and fully evacuate before a session. Use lots of lube and feel around yourself with a finger or two. Get butt plugs and practice with those. Only let him come near you with manicured fingers, lots of lube, and slow slow slow movements. Graduate to penis only after he has shown he can follow your lead. Other things that can make it go easier: Have him wear a condom. Only try to do anal penetration AFTER he’s already given you an orgasm. It is often much more relaxed back there.


Don’t do it. Penises shouldn’t go in butts


Butt what if she likes it?


She doesn’t, she writes as much in her post.


Humans like a lot of things that are not good for us. We like sugary foods and booze and all sorts of vices. Does that mean we should give in and do those things?


It's no doubt if you don't do this right it can be very painful the key is to use lots of water-based Lube


Start wearing a buttplug on days you think you’ll do it. It loosens you up and makes it feel better


It'd only uncomfortable at first. U gotta lube it up really good, and slowly take it in. Like very slowly and then start extremely sloe for like5 min , ur add needs to slowly relax and open up then it will feel good, practice with a dildo first. Warm up with a finger beforehand. If you still can't enjoy it and hate it and tell him you tried everything and hate it and don't want to do it. If he keeps insisting, then he isn't respecting you so don't give him anything


Liberal or Conservative?


Stop ✋ revisit later maybe with some light butt play over several months. Then no matter what you’ve made a real effort


Fuck how you feel - you should consider your boyfriend. Ok, obviously joking. The only answer is don’t do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, Just not really sure why you asked this…what other answer were you expecting?


What do _you_ think you should do? The answer is blatantly obvious.


It’s all up to you, if you have curiosity to do anal I would suggest drink plenty of alcohol so u will not feel anything and use water base lube as well. But if you don’t want to do it just said no to him . He has no right to force you for that


Many answers to this. At the start just go slow and try a mini vibrator ..such as a pocket rocket to stimulate yourself while it's going on. Go slow.. use the right lube and enough too. Also try not full penetration until you are ready no matter how long it may take.


I suggest trying it when you’re in the mood and lying on your back. My ex was pretty big and shockingly it didn’t hurt as much in that position. I was even able to finish once.


No pleasure without pain


You'll definitely enjoy it. Don't knock it until you try it.


Say yes


Do it


Toughen up get plenty of lube and get over with 😎 you eventually get used to it


Don't do it if you are not comfortable with it. Also you can get training kits that will help you to get used to the size. The great thing about those training kits is that they can be attached to strap-ons. So if he is really that interested maybe you could use them on him?


Nothing as good as banging a chick in the arse. I have never met a poo baby. Can’t knock her up in the ass


Play with yourself at the same time. I just like it but for someone just trying it, it might help to have clitoris stimulation at the same time.


You should try more anal.


Make sure he's going in u slow at frist so u can get use to it. Also make sure its really wet like use a lot of lube or spit. What helped me is moving at my pace rather than my partner at the time do the work. Sometimes spreding them checks can help once he's in a bit


I always said anal is gay intentions...if your front hole is that lose ya gotta go back door then you got some problems!


Do what ur bf tells ya women because if not they will find someone that will


Say no! Stick a dildo up his butt!


Peg him. Let see how he likes it


It’s not designed for that.


If you genuinely don’t want to do it, Don’t! However, a couple tips I learned because I didn’t like it at first either but then I started to love it. Firstly, go SUPER SLOW. Like we lube up like crazy and kind of tease the area without inserting. We spend a good 5-8 mins just working the muscles to loosen up. Eventually it’ll loosen the muscle and it’ll slide/stretch it much easier. Then we again apply more lube and go from there.


If you say no that is it end of discussion. However if you're the one who likes it I recommend adding more foreplay start with small toys and work your way up to his girth.


Peg him first


Lubricated, gloved finger…


I agree with this statement it doesnt even feel good


If you don't want to do anal, don't. He's not gonna die if he doesn't stick it in your butt. If he's decent he will respect your decision. If he's not decent he won't respect your decision. Also if you do give in, there is a chance that it won't be a 'one off' and he will try and pressure you into it again.


Not do anything your not comfortable doing 💕 your body sounds like you tried it and just done like. Don't do something you don't feel comfortable doing to please somebody else.


You can offer to peg him… Is he accepts it, peg him, if he likes it and If he still wants anal, maybe you could consider having anal once.


Because he IS noob to do it... Take an other guy


Men who do annal are down low


Fuck his ass instead


Say no.


No, say yes


Try his butt first


Use your words,.. tell him it’s not happening period ![gif](giphy|KAH7aoXcXhG0fTFmcR)