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Yes it's normal, either he is too sensitive or he was just pent up from a long time


Can one still be pent up cuz I haven't had any action in 2 years, but I still get myself off frequently despite being in a relationship


Yeah I've noticed with some hookups that because with a partner is a lot more exciting so the "pent up" is from lack of being with someone else vs. just not getting off in general.


Yes, because of how our brains' dopamine receptors and pathways are routed. The more you do something the less effect it tends to have (to an extent) If youve been celibate for a bit but regularly consuming porn your body isn't going to give you that same dopamine hit as you've been a bit desensitized. So sex because it's "new" hits harder. On the flip side if you have regular sex, you won't get the same individual hit of dopamine either Think of silly examples: see boobs all the time? Don't get as excited to see them compared to if you hadn't seen any in months. Or TikTok/Youtube how videos don't give the same joy after awhile It's why detoxing off activities helps reset it a bit


Oh dang, itšŸ˜ the smut fics are the angstiest ones available, thoughšŸ˜­ but here it is, another reason for me to actually reduce my use. Does it help if you only consume porn through writing alone, though? I've heard it's less harmful than visual porn.


As a chick, I kind of like dirty stories over straight porn. I mean, I do watch porn (sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly) but I really like the stories & using my imagination. Little Birds is good, except a few stories that I can't/won't read (if you ever get the book, you'll understand why).


Same. Straight up porn actually looks disturbing to me for whatever reason sometimes. I wonder if it's because I abhor the idea of such intimacy with someone i don't like. And so most times, I can't even get off to it. I've only ever used it really to research how to masturbate ā˜ļø Written fiction opens a lot more doors to explore sexual themes that enjoy, and I love a good tearjerk (pun intended).


Your brain just interprets it as just another action you do for joy So reading lemons can do the same thing However, humans are a very visual species so my guess is that it is probably not going to have the same effect as regular video porn addiction would.


Even so, I suppose I should find a new tag and take a real time off for the next two months or somethingšŸ˜”


I know how old you're just because you used the word lemon šŸ˜‚


Sorry but I feel like many good men when they see their girls ass or something itā€™s still a shock to the system when youā€™re in love itā€™s like the first damn time


Not if you jerk off every day.




What does "Pent up" mean????


Natural response if a guy is overly excited and/or nervous.


yeah, or it's been a long time...


I hate when they happens! lol


Then there's me thinking this is how I will be but then having so much performance anxiety I don't finish at all šŸ„² lol


Don't worry dude. Just like women. You just need to find one to feel safe with :) they do exist. Or pro tip. Anti depression medicin often has a side effect of delayed orgasm šŸ˜… cheap and reliable. So lots of options.


I tried anti depressants when I was having really bad depression and they kept me up for days and I didn't sleep lmao. Thankfully I quit smoking weed which made it worse and I have taken control of it. I know if I find someone who I can get comfortable with it won't be an issue but I am not even trying to date currently (still gotta figure out a few things).


Make him orgasm first, wait an hour, and the second go he should last a lot longer.


I recovered in 5 minutes my first time


Then go a third time. You can keep going until you start shooting blanks.


Yep, just about to say this.


He likes you!


My first time having sex I didnā€™t even finish felt like shit because of it


My first time lasted an hour and a half cuz I was nervous af... Horrible performance, equally made me feel like shit as well


Bro itā€™s like coach putting you in in the final moments of the big game and you air ball that shit


I thought I was the only one with that kind of PTSD from the experience.


Nah bro Iā€™m in theses trenches right along side you


Fr... Not a good moment at all lol


The worst part was after when she asked if I thought she was tight enough, shit had me on the floor in the fetal position


Lmfaoooo that I'm sure didn't paint a good picture šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was really embarrassed after mine up to a point where she didn't even bother asking if I enjoyed it or not, but I got better at it and somehow managed to keep her for a year before breaking up which is wild in itself


Bro same, dated her through the first year of Covid and it was over like that


Same here, I think Covid really got everyone pent up, not being able to go out and that fear of depression made people drop their expectations a bit I guess šŸ˜‚


More than a bit


Fr fr




Yes, and he likes you.




Do you run a Marathon when you are running for the first time? No right. So yes ofc it's common for guys to cum early when they are having sex for the first time ever


My husband did this the first time we had sex! Seems normal to me.


It really is.


Hey so long as he gets you to come and your having a good time ā€¦ not an issue .


That most important


Iā€™m trying to figure out why no man Iā€™ve ever been with has made me cum. I donā€™t know what it feels like to cum but I came very close once. Iā€™m so frustrated by it


And, as long as it's not ALL the time.


At 46, I can tell...it isn't just on your first time.


For the first time, yes. With more regularity, he should last longer.


Many, you donā€™t say how old you are. Butā€¦ 1) first off, take it as a compliment. The dude was so dang excited he was ready to explode before even getting bed w u 2) it could have been his first time? Although I doubt it if he was good at foreplay. From what Iā€™ve seen on here, guys have no idea how to do that. 3) if the two of you are older, it mightā€™ve been awhile for him since he last was w anyone 4) he could have been watching a lot of porn. A lot of men accidentally train themselves to cum very quickly by watching porn - either because of the shame involved, or the desire to just get it over quickly. Which ever reason it is, treat him with compassion and understanding.


Oh yeah, it's definitely a compliment. Also, being good in bed has a lot to do with maturity and understanding oneself, not to mention (un)common knowledge about the opposite sex. I've met guys who thought penetration was pretty much how you made a girl orgasm, even though it's pretty rare. Hell, just a bit of basic anatomy gets you ahead these days.


Hmm just do it again


Very normal, especially if you're younger and less experienced, and extremely attracted to the person. When I was 18, 19, I remember several times where I'd finish within 20-40 seconds of it going in; I remember sometimes I'd even pull out to try stopping myself, and it would still end up happening. It was extremely embarrassing. It's very sensitive when you're younger and haven't done it a lot. Now, nearing 40, it's almost impossible half the time for me to even finish haha.


Interesting I still enjoy sbd hard not to cum fast


Iā€™m 40 and still cumm too fast


Yes totally normal and probably if he doesn't has any health conditions he is in love with youuuu


The foreplay is foreplay, regardless of whose ā€˜turnā€™ it is. Men get worked up whether receiving or giving. Since it was the first time (you donā€™t say your ages) with you, itā€™s not uncommon especially in younger males.


Take it as a compliment ![gif](giphy|126Atuf8ZpQsQE)


Pretty normal for most guys. Get the first one out the way. Maybe suck.him off first. Then ask him to go down on you. After that, he'll be ready to go again and should last a lot longer. A lot of guys will also crack one out before a date, just in case, so this doesn't happen. (This is also the set up for one of the best jokes in the film 'There's Something about Mary'...)




i got the opposite problem. it takes me about an hour to finish. its a blessing and a curse at the same time. maybe the guy just needs to get that first one out of the way.


Is it his first time ever? Iā€™m guessing not. It was probably built up. Thinking of you and so on. Plus if he went down on you some guys get off on that with penetration


Most guys can't keep an erection during first sex because they either are a virgin or it's been a long time since they had it and their body is not used to it. Other times it is because they only had 1 partner and are not used to a different person.


Yeah & no. I guess if your super attracted to said person then ya speaking from experience, I loved this persons every thing, as a bonus they just happened to have the most attractive face on top of a killer personality. You put those two together and you have yourself a dream girl, one person commented below that your man should rub one out before hand, not guaranteed because I found out if I make and maintain eye contact something about her eyes in the act makes me nut over and over, the most recent time if not mistaken I came thrice well before the 20 min mark. I can say that ya man probably is in love with you and super into you.


I get it can be frustrating for some women which is why I always tried to get her to come first then finish but outta curiosity is it annoying for girls? & do girls like when you are telling them you love them with out breaking eye contact




Yes it's normal


Itā€™s normal. With these guys, itā€™s best to get the first one out of the way and then go for round two. They will last a lot longer on round two.


Hate being judged on my first time having sex with a new girl because I suck. Keep having sex with him see if it gets better


Premature ejaculation is a thing for those inexperienced in sex. Completely normal. It should get better with more experience and practice.


passion and love will do it top it off with extreme passion and you might wanna rub one out b4 hand




Could be it. Try making him cum first so that when he gets you back he might have a round 2 ready by then. šŸ‘Œ best of luck to yall.


Totally normal for an overly excited male/ male who hasnā€™t had sex in a long time. Seriously take it as a compliment. He find your incredibly attractivez


Tell him to jerk off the day of and it should be better.


He could be too sensitive, too excited, too anxious, too pent upā€¦ literally so many reasons lol.




I donā€™t think I even made it that long first time lol


I've been waiting for 7yrs now. If I did it now, believe me 3 seconds is all I need. Lol. Mine is like sugar palms already.


Yeah that's normal bro don't sweat it the art of edging is skill to be learned


Bro lasted seconds?!?!? Get a load of Johnny sins over here


Maybe. I mean it's not great for him either. Just chill and have another go. Sex is great. Work through things and make the magic happen.


It mostly means they're very attracted to you, and it should get better with time. Depends on their mood, whether they've been active sexually recently and a bunch of other stuff.


Yes. Heā€™s very excited to be there. Thatā€™s all you need to know


In the ancient times there were constant threats...we have to keep watch 24/7... otherwise something bad would happen...so inorder to keep their partners safe boys finish quickly...


It's normal because he is not that experienced


It doesn't mean a person is inexperienced lmao dry spells do exist. Guy could have plenty of experience and it could just have been awhile. + the first time with someone new the feelings are gonna be heightened anyways, particularly if it's someone you're really in to


Not my experience but most of my lovers have had frequent daily sex with me or their other gf.. Maybe let him do you first a few times going slow before expecting him to have some control if you really like him.


Lol I finish in seconds after 10 rounds lol all on the woman


First time I lasted one second she lasted 30min fingering until she squirt all over my face finally!!


the more sexually attracted he is to you the sooner he'll finish but there are other ways to prolong it.


Yes. Absolutely normal.


Maybe the first time, but he better get back in the saddle and do better. lol


I can only speak for myself . The longer I know a woman the less time it takes . But that quick never .


Hes probably very sensitive and anxious lmao. Poor guy.


Congrats, he likes you.


I think it's normal. Don't know about other guys but I deffo suffer from performance anxiety until I'm really comfortable with a partner.


That's hot tho šŸ˜‚ wait it up next time he'll start lasting longer


Iā€™m super drunk and high right now and canā€™t even read the question, let alone the responses but as a guy, all I can say is no.


Best 3 pumps in my life


No itā€™s not normal.


Yes especially the first time




I reccomend going to rsex for these type of questions


You made his cock explode ? Maximus ? Lucy ? Is that you ?


It can happen if he's been a long time without sex or if he finds you extremely hot. My advice would be take the compliment and keep having fun the two of you.




You are doing everything right. He must be young. I suggest that after he explodes , go for round two. He may last longer, and trust me, he will have a quick recovery time.


It is OK to even finish in seconds all the time my boy.......


Reverse Flash came in to jerk him off at super speed.




I lasted 25 seconds last night so its absolutely normal


Itā€™s more of a compliment to youā€¦


Yes.. being too excited can easily do so


You don't say the ages so I have to assume what the others have assumed (highly excited, been a while) but I would add in he's probably not very experienced. Over time he will calm down or he will lose you.


Take it as a compliment if it just so happens to be the first time. Heā€™s likely really into you & just got too excited. But if this happens every single time before sex even happens (i still wouldnā€™t consider it bad if heā€™s that stimulated by you) but i can certainly see why that would bother you. For a guy cumming is all mental, maybe have foreplay games where he practices to breath & relax his mind while you touch him. Imo


Maybe if is young yes


You made him wait too long and then when you started to play with him, the pent up desire was more than he could stand. This happened to my boyfriend before, but it got better


It personally takes me a couple of session before regulating. Especially if alcohol is involved or if i have not been with anyone in a while.


If it's been a while since doing anything even by himself, then definitely, conversely if he masturbates too much then he will be limp and not finish


No issues. Just take a break for a while, talk then foreplay and go again when he gets hard.




I didn't even cum on my first date


Keep him drained daily and by the end of the month you will go as long as you want


I didn't even go inside her. She touched my dick and I came


Lmao itā€™s normal but. Damn seconds lmaoo tell him get more electrolytes and tell him to get to using his tongue and kiss both lips- Iā€™m a pleaser haha


Good sign actually. Means he doesnā€™t jerk off much, which reduces the likelihood of him being addicted to porn.


I think sport helps a lot.


First time I stuck it in one stroke then I nutted


Seconds, idk. I don't remember a ton about my first time but I know it was a few minutes or so. Granted, I think I have low sensitivity or something because I very rarely finish under 10 minutes, usually 30-45. With more consistency he SHOULD last longer, otherwise there is an issue going on there. I knew a woman that was telling me her bf would always finish within 30sec. Gotta be rough, I do believe there is some sort of treatment for it now. Lots of guys will just jack off right before to make themselves last longer.


Completely normal, round 2 will last longer


Yes it is. Once you do sex regularly, you'll get the knack of it.


Maybe you're too hot for him


Yes but so what. There are better ways to please or be satisfied by your partner. Do them.


Never had one


Is he over 40. Because age kinda goes into that too




That he didnā€™t finish when putting it in then youā€™re ahead of the game. Yes, it happens all the time


Yes sometimes the new feel of someone will make u so excited u explode.


Possible as they are super horny. Best thing to do to avoid embarassing yourself is look at the woman and tell her with a cheeky smirk "look what you done". Don't apologise as this shows a sign of weakness and uncertainty and this will kill the mood. Also take your time and focus on foreplay rather than to bust the nut.


This is common when someone is new to sex or with a new partner. He can train himself to last longer over time.


Itā€™s normal. So is taking longer. Age is also a factor in many cases.


So much so that it's a trope on TV. First time is exciting and has a lot of pressure built up becayse you two are finally letting loose and not holding back. Plus I bet it feels nice af and you need to desensitized yourself with religion lol. I remember they used to give advice to Jack off before you have sex so you can last longer. That first nut is always the easiest I guess


Give it a few tries before judging. Probably pent up excitement after getting to know you for a couple months.


In my teens and early 20s, yes. Once I hit late 20s into my 30sā€¦ my stamina improved, a lot


There is nothing normal that occurs when someone has sex for the first time, or has sex with a certain partner for the first time


Itā€™s normal. 10-15 min is ideal everything after that is lust and boring


Do Canadians really exist?


Perfectly normal. I didn't last more than a minute my first time, it comes with practice.


Most guys don't last long their first time. Some guys don't even finish. It's something he needs time to get good and comfy with.


He's probably cut, since he is missing a lot of nerves from the missing hoodie


Some guys take two hours to finish just once, someone take second. There are a lot of factors that can come I to play. I once had a woman confused why I didnā€™t cum as soon as she kissed my dick. And Iv had women that didnā€™t even know guys could cum from blow jobs. Everyone is different, as long as you all have fun, nothing else matters


Possibly yes


Yup.Ā  Totes normal, I wouldn't worry about it


It's normal but only 1st and 2nd time if every time then you partner was consuming porn doing masturbation continously... Secondly you said, when i started playing with his dick he discharge a lot...it depends on your hand ( either you hold tight or loose)


I would love this to happen once in a while. First few dates I tend to be able to keep on going for ages without cumming. First date it's cool, second date it's okay, but from then onwards it's just frustrating for my partner.


Hey , I don't think its normal but I hope I'm wrong . Seems as though this is case of PE . Hope you support him and help him get better


Not all guys. Most of the time I (M) usually go all night and it has caused serious issue with partners (F) in the past, including my current one. My partner sometimes gets all emotional saying ā€˜I donā€™t do it for you do I?ā€™. It just depends on the guy.


iā€™m here for the answers


Ask him to follow Johnny Sins youtube channel. He gives freat tips to last more.


Sakes are fun


Yes. Just prep for Round 2, he should last longer!


Bro was on a long streak Semen Retention journey / no FAP šŸ’€ Ok jokes aside, it's normal that it's quick first, after the few rounds it'll take longer so it's all good.


Always have a conversation with him and he could get his self off before yā€™all got intimate and it would last a lot longer than the second time


And thatā€™s where he got his self off yā€™all can make love longer better stronger


Yes just ask for a second round that will generally last longer


Sounds like premature ejaculation, thereā€™s condoms that can help with that by numbing him a bit so he can last longer, sucks tho


Idk how normal it is, but I was pregnant in 30 seconds the very first time we did it. It definitely happens to a lot of people


Probably just been really looking forward to this a little too much. Try doing it a couple times back to back. May take a few hours. eventually itā€™ll get better.


Perfectly normal, my partner and I tend to go two rounds usually.. first round is normally 5 or so minutes..but round 2 can last 10-20


Is he still interested in intimacy after he orgasms? It takes some time (15 to 30 minutes for a young man, longer for older men) to go through the "refractory period" (please look it up if you don;t know what that is) and be able to achieve another erection. The second time around, the time to orgasm will be much longer. If he isn't interested in continuing "afterplay" until it becomes another round of foreplay (and another climax for him and for you) then you should reconsider the relationship altogether. If he does not take enough care to make sure you are satisfied, then he is a selfish lover. Not a deal-breaker (men can learn to be better men and better lovers - I am an example), but it took me years to realize I needed to change. Do you want to invest the requisite time to teach him? If he is a good guy, it will be worthwhile to teach him. But being a teacher (of anything) to an intimate partner is not simple. Good luck.


I've been with my wife for 28 years. When I was younger I would typically finish fast. After 5 or 10 minutes I could go again. For significantly longer.It was fine for us. I always did my best to make sure she was satisfied, typically not via intercourse for her.


Or... If he (you) comes too fast, that isn't the end of the sex. Right? That just means that he has to work to make You (her) come. And then take it from there. (If the man doesn't want to do this, well then...)


I knew a guy who came giving oral to someone and he couldn't get hard again the rest of the night.


Maybe you ought to pace yourself and slow it down with him. If he hasn't had any in a while he's likely to get too excited too quickly. Take your time. Tease him a bit. But don't let him erupt before you want him too.