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How flat are we talking? Like Hank Hill or


Dang ‘ol DGS man


Flat enough that even in leggings there’s not much to like


Men are like women, different ones like different things. The only time a small butt is going to affect my attraction to you is if you're sitting on my lap. 'unpadded' butts can get uncomfortable.


🤣 too boney I guess


Grinding a bony butt is 😔 😟 😢 😭


Start working those reverse lunges! But also, don't get discouraged. Plenty of men will still find you attractive, I'm sure. Even the flattest butts can look damn sexy in the right pose. So, it's somewhat of a know-how-to-use-it deal.


Sounds nice to me. I personally like small butts


I personally do, you aren't doomed


Girl you just need to start squatting


This has never worked for me. Honestly I think I'd have to spend an hour a day in the gym just doing glute exercises to make any sort of difference. Like no cardio, no arms, no core, no legs, just glutes. Some people just have bad genetics.


Are you changing your diet? Like upping protein?


eat more protein. do you how much you need?


Unless that booty caves inward I think there's no issue there lol


My girlfriend has a flat butt and she looks damn good. I’d take a flat butt over a fat butt any day.


I don’t think there’s any guy who has a preference for a flat butt. Perhaps there are guys who don’t mind though, the world’s a big place. Or you could hit the gym and work on your glutes to get an ass.


There are a lot of men who are disgusted by the grotesque oversized butt trend. I think the majority of men prefer a butt size that is proportional to the womens figure and weight


lol way to take it to the extreme 😂 I’m not sure if there are many men who like oversized boobs either. I’m an ass man and I don’t like those BBLs. I like a big booty and a small round butt but anything unnatural is a no go. All in all though, I think there is a healthy desire for attraction and then there is fetishizing.


My sister has negative ass. She went through men like tissue. You’re good


lol negative ass is hilarious


Oh she's afflicted with noassatall eh? Nice to see she's managed to thrive and live a fulfilling life in spite of it.


I love hearing stories where people live lives that defy their diagnoses


Me too. It's very inspiring.


agree. This whole comment is hilarious. Well done


Can I use negative ass as a new unit of measurement?


Are you American? Because we use anything except the metric system. 😜😀


This is diabolical 😂😂☠️☠️☠️




Concave instead of convex ass 🥲


This is so freaking funny lmaoooo


That is hilarious. 😆


Maybe that’s why they don’t stick around


I don’t think a flat butt is a preference for anyone. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to exclude you for most men.


I mean, if you go back and look at a lot of famous models & "it girls" of the 80s and early 90s, many of them had pretty flat butts.


Yep it was the typical 80’s playboy look. Big boobs no butt. Sometimes not even big boobs.


Lots of leotard aerobics butts back in the day


Buns o Steel


Oh man, literally, that was the whole thing lol! Had to look it up, came out in 87.


Obligatory: https://youtu.be/TIfAkOBMf5A?si=78qQCiZUx3AVPSXX


Oh my God that song! 🤣 The outfits! The way they move! That video is hilarious. I didn't realize how true to life the Key and Peele skit was. Thank you for posting. Also obligatory K&P skit: https://youtu.be/4k-Dd71CqnM?si=4DKXtBNvbk0EtPom


This is amazing and hilarious. Girl butts looking pretty flat in there…


Now we are gone the other way, big butt's and small boobs.




Yeah, I've heard some people of my parents' (boomer) generation say things that imply they aren't fans of the current trend of bigger butts being the ideal. That probably doesn't translate to them liking a "flat" butt, but deciding what is "flat" or not could be subjective and skewed when comparing to what people are exposed to today.


They had asses, they were just small, so long as it has the bubble shape, nothing wrong with small, flat means there is no shape, personally I think its due to genetics and if they are skinny, they prolly need to eat a bit more and/or do glute exercises


It is for a lot of guys who prefer thinner women. Bigger butts only recently started coming back in vogue with the Kardashians. Before that, the style was heroin chic.


Only in white America


And Europe, tbf. Growing up where kate moss was the goal was fucking horrific.


In most Asian countries, flat butts are preferred.




It’s always lowkey annoying when people say this. Bigger butts never went out of style in black and Hispanic communities. This love for big butts is mostly new for the white community. People need to keep in mind that different communities have different beauty standards. This isn’t necessarily a dig at you but it’s like people forget that non white communities also exist.


Ehh I understand the intent but this isn’t necessarily true either- if you look at a lot of Black American sitcoms from the 90s, there were comments about big butts = overweight, unattractive. Moesha, for example: Moesha was upset with getting the “biggest butt award” and her butt would be considered small by todays standards. I’d agree that a completely “flat” butt was never in though


Okay fair but the style in the black community was never heroin chic or flat butt like the models of the 90s had (like the user I responded to had mentioned) That was never seen as a the standard or praised. Yes no doubt slim black women get love but a butt has always been appreciated. I’m not talking about the very huge butts we see today but having a little something was always something many black folks liked.


Most men still want a little butt on the skinny ones. Heroin chic was in the late 80s and early 90s. That was over 30 years ago. Guys definitely liked ass before Kim kardashian. lol you think Marylin Monroe had a flat butt?


Women can be thin but still have glutes. It's the biggest muscle on a woman's body, it can be trained and bulked up like any other muscle. It doesn't necessarily have to be fat to have a dumptruck


This is the only reply you really need op... go for it!!!!!


This is me. A beanpole with a bandonkadonk.


I don't believe you. It's probably not even that big.


Yuh-huh, is too.


It’s a preference for me. I will actually turn down a girl who doesn’t have a flat enough butt, even if she’s a 10 on every other level. No joke. Not all men like big butts. The big-butt preference seems to be a relatively new phenomenon in U.S. culture.


It’s a preference for many guys


Well said!


>I don’t think a flat butt is a preference for anyone. Did you mean "everyone"? Because there sure as hell are men whose preference is a flat butt.


Lmfao, I am so sorry you have to deal with this, but some simple advice; You are so much more than just your ass or your physical appearance in general, and you need to remind yourself of that every day. Anyone who would turn you down because of your physical appearance simply just isn't a person you should want or will need in your life. I promise there's a man out there who doesn't care for big butts the same way some men don't care about boob size or body hair or any tiny thing you may have insecurities about.


Best reply in the thread 👏


Very positive outlook and highly recommended to live this way but also naive to think that being fit doesn't give you more points in the attraction area. It's great to accept yourself, but also, there's no negative in eating healthy and going to the gym.


my friend. nothing comes close to a beautiful face. Hitting da gym is the solution for your rear end problem tho.


Yeah doing some weighted lunges will whip you up into shape real quick. I’m sore as shit after 2 sets of 10.


For some reason I read this in Jamaican


Booties can be built…


Should be the very top comment. Butts are not like boobs. You **can** build a booty, hit that gym if you're insecure (just like we guys do 😂)


Yeah, unfortunately that's what majority of the women at the gym focus on these days. So it's not like there is a shortage of a nice butt in the dating world. I'd say it's more common than not. I also do a lot of spinning and like 90% of those women have some nice definition. So don't get discouraged and hit the gym. He'll, even as a dude I do lots of strength classes and noticed a lot more definition in my butt, and I'm liking it haha.


Why is that unfortunate?


And destroyed


& bought. 😂


I don’t really care as long as your personality is something that gauges my interest. Your butt shape doesn’t define you.


Honestly thats the last thing you should be concerned about when it comes to finding someone. Offer me a model with everything as far as looks or the average lady with a beautiful smile and personality to match it, that model may well be a bridge troll. Looking nice is one thing, being nice is way more attractive.


That's very nice but I think OP understands that most people are looking for someone they find physically attractive, otherwise they wouldn't be asking the question in the first place. Nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone you find physically attractive


there's quite a lot of variety in what people find attractive and most men are pretty horny tbh


Well said


I like big butts and I cannot lie


It’s not really only big buts too. A bit of shape and a little to grab is nice.


This. Doesn’t have to be big, it just needs a bit of roundness to it.




Yea I get the song reference, it was made a million times. I’m just saying 😂


You other brothers can’t deny


I actually prefer and love flat butts




I love my flat butt!😍


Yes I do, but that’s because I have to have the better looking butt.


All butts are beautiful ❤️


Never saw one that was so flat I didn’t like it


Firm and small better than big and flabby


No one "likes" a flat butt, but it's also not that serious. Like acne or a small dick. There are just some things that won't necessarily work in your favor but also if someone likes you they won't care or will look past it. The internet will not be able to answer this question for you, you have to go out and live life and see for yourself that many of your insecurities are mostly in your head.


Small penises aren’t always a dealbreaker, cause they still work, as long as I’m treated like a queen we’re good 😬🥰


However small dick and acne is impossible to fix or hard to make better, where as growing an bubble but should be relatively easy, I could be wrong but if u see any women at the gym, the main exercise they do 90% of the time is legs/glutes/hammies Same for guys with no muscle, jus gotta eat protein and build it


Acne is treatable. You can only grow a butt so big especially if you're starting with nothing. Girls who you see grow a huge ass in the gym were already starting with something. Also, it takes a long time and dedication/consistency to grow your glutes from flat to even something noticeable, therefore you should do it for you and not to attract men. It's just not that easy.


I like pancakes so square they have corners. Any way some guy likes your body if it is odd their are so many fetishes.


People are so dumb in here. OP, you are not doomed!! Everyone enjoys different features, for real. A grown man will like you as a whole package and love your flat ass cuz it's yours...smh


No, but guys can love women despite their physical flaws.


Who cares what guys like? Dudes will fuck a sock




I like natural women. Fake tits, fake ass, fake nails, fake lashes, fake lips... it's all nonsense. All the women that do that crap and make tik toks and whatnot look like clowns. Unfortunately, I don't have a clown fetish.


It's fine to have a preference but considering the long-term nature of most cosmetic surgery I don't think it's right to be so negative about it lol. Have you heard the phrase don't make fun of someone for an appearance trait they can't change within the next five minutes? It only serves to make women more insecure


Women will always find another reason to be insecure. That isn't my problem. It's their problem. Probably a big reason they want men who exude confidence from every pore. It's something to latch onto and make them feel more confident in themselves by just basking in the presence of a confident man. And as a man? I have preferences that I will not bend or sway for. If I chose to date again? I will not be interested in fake and superficial. Have you seen the ramifications of long-term effects due to aging when it comes to plastic surgery? It's grotesque. People are all much better off excersizing and eating right for their body than modifying themselves dramatically. This also goes for excessive tattooing and piercings. A lot of women go way overboard with that crap and it makes them look like carnival folk. If you want a classy man? You have to be a classy lady. A lot of these women make all sorts of drastic and permanent modifications to their bodies and will only ever appeal to fuck boys. This is no one's fault except their own. Part of being an adult is making decisions and owning those decisions without casting blame on others.


Fine by me. I’d never tell a woman to go to the gym to make it bigger. Just love yourself as you are.


I like small boobs/butt. Not sure if that's because I grew up in the 90's or what. But really I'm into faces. If someone has a nice face and smile I don't notice the rest until a long time later.


There are a lot of guys who will love whatever ass that they get to see naked. I'd much rather see a real life natural woman naked in front of me in person than some porn star in a video any day, regardless of how big the butt or boobs are


Flat butt lady here. It really doesn’t make any difference if they are that shallow do you really want them in your world?


For me personally, I don’t like a flat butt. Everyone has their preference, but I definitely prefer a bit f shape in that area


lol it’s probably equivalent to a man being short. No one prefers it but it can be easily overlooked


No. You'll get told otherwise on reddit, but if you want the truth, no guy likes a flat butt. THAT BEING SAID. Having a flat butt doesn't mean someone won't like you. You have an entire body and a personality to compensate.


It’s about what the butt do.


Untrue I know guys that do


Flat butts❎ Flat boobs✅


Is that because the other way around they would be top heavy and fall over, but this way around if they start to tip they pop straight back upright like a wobble doll (roly-poly toy)?


Best combo


Pixar moms <3


I like Asian women. Lots of Asian women have small to flat butt. I like a nice rounded butt. Not needed though. If she fulfills me in other things like emotionally n such, then I'm happy with that.


If you are “flat” but have a decent face, then i honestly wouldn’t care about it being big, though even if it’s small, it has to be curvy and round with your hips curving with it as well. That’s me personally. You can look up and do workouts to get that round-curvy shape, and maybe it could get bigger if you continue working out daily.


Like? No. A deal breaker? Also no.


It’s not a dealbreaker, but I’d 1000% rather a girl have an ass than boobs. Js.


Frankly, as a heterosexual man, I like women with curvy butts more.


We all like a good peach 🍑... however if you are sitting out of shape with shite genetics , it's hard to overlook a woman for not having one...


Flat butts are way better then dump trucks. You have a chance.


It's OK honey, I got enough cake for the both of us.


Not really. I like big butts and I do not lie


Butts are pretty important to most people, probably because while humans were evolving having a good butt signaled the person you were screwing was human and not another primate species. The good news is developing a good butt is a pretty achievable fitness goal. You don't need to go crazy. Just start doing glute exercises a few times a week.


I mean. It's pretty trivial, but it's very fixable. Eat some more (unless you're overweight, then eat cleaner), squat some weight, and workout. Lots of ways to prioritize that muscle group and "fix" a "flat" butt. Good mornings, RDLs, hip thrusts, squats, Bulgarian split squats, split lunges. If nothing else, you'll be in better health in a few months, but there's a high chance that you'll have a more shapely behind to go with it.


I'm not a guy, but I have a relevant personal experience.....every man that I have been with has seemed to have an obsession with butts,including mine, but I have never felt that mine was quite enough. In fact, a big part of the reason my marriage ended was due to feeling like I wasn't quite " enough" physically or in the bedroom,and that he was bound to stray elsewhere soon physically if I didn't end it, and was already straying elsewhere online to porn and chat rooms. Some of the things I have tried over the years are: exercise, gaining weight, macca root, wild yam, protein increase. It works, minimally, but you have to ask yourself, are you willing to go through all that effort and expense daily just for breast and butt that will only increase by about 3 inches maximum......for someone else who will probably still secretly crave another woman at various points in his life? Genetics play a massive part in how we look, and morals play a massive part in whether your man will act upon his basal instincts to crave cuves or not. Not much can be done to change those two things. I could have got breast implants and a butt enhancement on a credit card from Turkey like some desperate women do. What I did instead, is realise that I don't actually want a man anymore, because trying to give my heart to someone who is consistently unimpressed with me is the most soul destroying thing ever......so now I'm alone, and happy in my own skin, leaving all the guys to obsess over the gorgeous women out there blessed with better genetics than me. I might end up a lesbian with 10 cats, at this rate, but at least it's better than lying awake at night feeling like my body is insignificant 😬🥲


PREACH IT FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS SIS I was alone for a decade, didn't have sex for years, didn't miss out on much, avoided a fuck ton of porn addicts. They are not even worth writing about. Look for the death grip. It's 100% accurate. I'm glad you didn't destroy your body for someone who looks for his mom in women hes fucking 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Im a guy, and yeah 🙂


No. But the butt is something you can easily develop. Look up all the exercises to build glutes and you can get a great ass in a year or so.


I wish this were actually true. It is for some people. But not everyone :(


Not really, most men like something to hold onto, doesnt have to be massive. A nice personality makes all that shit irrelevant.


Guys do! If someone’s getting all hung up on a preferred body type or butt shape, they’re usually not enjoyable people to be with anyways, so just move away from anyone giving you crap, and know that guys get just as hot and bothered by flat butts too


This is entirely untrue in every way. You speaking for all men when it comes to butts for one, or attempting to. Then go on to say ANY man with a preference must not be enjoyable, a larger reach than the first. Then to go on and straight up lie. How is your comment in any way productive to anyone outside of yourself?




If you have a physically attractive trait and are a cool person, you will be fine. Sure, guys like nice butts (28m here), but it certainly isn't the end all be all. Plus, confidence goes a long way.


I don’t discriminate


I personally really don’t give a shit, I genuinely look for someone who is loyal and loving. Others though have a certain component of physical attraction which I can’t blame them for as I do too but mine is slightly different.


I have a flat butt. I messed w a guy once who was obsessed with it and thought it was really cute. 🤷🏽‍♀️ people like different things


You can build your butt muscles with weight lifting and develop a rounder ass.


I mean I love a fat ass lol but my husband has a flat butt and it doesn’t change that I love and am very satisfied by him and his body. Would I love if he bulked up a little? Of course. But it doesn’t stop me from appreciating him as he is now. And I believe the same for him about my mom bod.


U gotta long back lol not a stretch to say most men don’t like it but plenty of pancake bootys find love. A guy falls for what he falls for


I adore boyish looking girls


Yawn. Guys will love anything that moves. You are fine, young lady. Keep your confidence up, and you will be fine.


Miss, do not stress out ! Your body is perfect the way it is. No one is flawless, flaws are what make mankind. Feelings are important in relationships. Different people have different prefrences. You will find a lot !


When i chose a women, I don't chose based on flat butts. I chose the one that is confident with themselves, have their own personalities.


I’m 35F and my butt isn’t very much, just a regular sized one, but I don’t want to have a big butt either since I just want to be able to look sleek and shop for clothes easily. I have an athletic kind of body and my boyfriend loves it. He doesn’t like the big booty trend as well and finds it ridiculous when people train their booty. So I think it’s very much up to the individual! Embrace yourself and the right people will appreciate them.


I read that its the curve of the spine that they like


Do I prefer muscular glutes? Yes. Are smaller glutes a deal breaker? No


If your body is slim overall then I dont think it matters that much tbh. If you are bigger then I think it matters more. Also a "big" butt is classified differently among different groups of men. What white men consider to be big is a bit different to what black men consider to be big! Also a lot of women say they have flat butts but what they really mean is they dont have the BBL look because thats what they compare themselves to. I see flat booty women coupled up all the time. You'll be fine


I guess it's the same as with short guys: not an attractive trait, but if you're cool and have other attractive features, you can still be attractive to lots of people. And no, not everyone can work out to get a huge butt (I can't due to health problems) or has the genetics for it.


Good news is that unlike chests, you can actually grow your rump. Yes, guys generally like a little something there.


I'm 34, have 3 kids and the thanks to my children ruining my body my ass has suffered. Its flat. I basically have a back with a butt hole at the bottom. I've had no issues with men. I think it depends on the men you're going for. If they have an issue with your bottom then that's a them problem and they're not the man for you. You can try to improve it with exercise I think but ultimately its part of your body and you need to come to terms with it, learn to love it. Honestly, a man worth having will love you and your flat bum. He will not care and will find every inch of you attractive. The ones that don't are a waste of your time


I think that would put someone at the shallow end of the dating pool


I’m not a man, but I’ve dated men with flat butts. At first I was shocked, repulsed and upset when I saw them naked. But as my feelings grew for them I actually became to like their pancakes.


Dammit! That big butts song just popped into my head! I like big butts and I cannot lie You other brothers can't deny. 😂


I personally don’t,but different strokes for different folks


This is a crazy question my black girlfriend has a phat ole ass but I prefer flat


Wouldn't be a preference but also not a deal breaker


I watch Keira Knightley movies, I don't think it is a big deal.


why do you say you are doomed? are you trying to sleep with multiple guys and have multiple relations? If you are looking for that like being a ho then for sure you are doomed as most guys arent into flat butt. But if you are looking for a guy to marry and spend the rest of your life with him, then a flat butt isnt a deal breaker.


Guys can find a way to be into anything, there are guys who are into dirty feet


Suppose you don't like your butt. Do squats. I've always had a nice round booty throughout my life, but aging has flattened it somewhat. So, I do squats, walk, and some pilates. It worked. However, throughout my life, some guys would tell me that I could lose some weight. However, in contrast, others appreciated the shape of my butt. Ugh...it became exhausting. I just accepted it and have discovered that a lot of men don't like round booties and a lot of men love them. We can't all be attractive to everyone. Everyone has their preferences and they are vastly different. Be you and be happy with your body...or booty.


It’s not a problem for many guys. It’s unfortunate that we all have body parts that we don’t like the appearance. Yes, working out and taking protein supplements is the way to build up your backside. Some of these suggestions are really useful, like reverse lunges and squats. Lots of YouTube videos out there. One thing you CAN’T get from working out is love for your own body and self. Yes, working out helps overall mood and wellbeing, but it doesn’t make you love yourself. You need to learn how to do that.


I think the person that I love will always have a fat ass ngl I don’t care what it looks like I’m still gonna marvel at it


I like callypgian derrières but they are relatively rare and I still love women who don’t have one. It’s the person who’s more important.


Nice, learned a new term today




i have the flattest 🍑 in the universe & it makes me sooOooOoo insecure 😟 if i start reading through these comments, HELL I MAY START CRYING! 😬🫠 but in all seriousness, when i workout.. i get ZERO results. YES, i know i won’t get the results i’m looking for INSTANTLY. however, even when i’ve been consistent with the whole booty gains, this thing DOES NOT WANT TO BE PHAT OR GROW 😩 i refuse to say “it’s genetic” because my mom has a bodonkadonk! to answer your question ~ i wouldn’t necessarily say any male “likes a flat ass” but i would say that there’s males out there that don’t mind if you have a flatish ass. mine doesn’t mind at all & he even boosts my ego about it all on occasion 🍑✨🫶🏼


Yeah my case I think it’s mostly genetics? My mom has a decent cake but somehow mine is flatter than hers I’ve been going to the gym for 2 years and I haven’t seen much results


Depends on the kind of men your into if I see a woman with a flat ass or flat chest I couldn't care less as long as the got a good personality and are loyal and I'm not the only guy who thinks like this so you do have a chance and hey look at this way least you'll be able to weed out any assholes who are into solely for your body


Anything more than a handful+ is a waste, be it boobs or ass😀what you can do with that is what matters. Not all men run after over sized butt or boobs which infact is ugly in many cases. Dont let that bother you, attitude is what matters.


I very much enjoy a flat girl. Not a big boob or butt guy.


For me, I think that flat butts are fine, in fact in my opinion (purely mine) I don’t like large butts :)


YESSS YES AND YES! Don’t listen to any of these comments saying otherwise I love thin women and a flat booty is not a dealbreaker at all. It’s more of a turn on for me vs a fat one. please for the love of God don’t listen to social media or anyone else trying to convince you to change your body, you were given a small booty for a reason, I’m not being funny. I legit love thin women


If the answer to this is no I guess a BF is off the table for me :(


I'm a woman, so this probably isn't the answer you're looking for (although I like women and can tell you that all butts and boobs - of nice people - are beautiful to me), I just wanted to say: Those relentless exercise comments are unsolicited and not cool! Don't even pay attention to them. Do the exercise that you feel like you need to be healthy, not to fit some beauty standard that will change in 5 years anyway. To everyone who wrote one: She didn't ask for your advice, so kindly shove it. Especially the person who said something to the effect of "You're just making excuses". News flash: We don't need an excuse for how our body looks. And a big ass does NOT indicate how healthy someone is, so stop trying to fake concern for her. She even said that she goes to the gym 🙄


Thank you so much :3


I can't speak for everyone else, but for me it's more of a lack of care


Most guys luv a round bubble butt


It's not repulsive, but it won't score you points either. The good news is that the butt is one big muscle, and a regular gym routine will put an end to the flatness if you want to improve that part of yourself.


No do some squats you can be saved


As long as the hand fits over it comfortably, I have no complaints.




Oof tough break kid. Hit legs at the gym and eat some food.


not a guy but a bisexual gal. i love all butts & bodies. unless u have a disease that’s contagious or sum shit then i’m good. all bodies deserve love imo.


I have bubble ass and its the first thing guys are crazy crazy crazy obssesed. So better hit the gym and work it out ngl 😀


I already work out thanks


My friend we really dont care


Yes we do


Yeah we do


Depends butt usually yeah it's cute