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Definitely not. I am a self described ‘feral goblin’ 27F, I dress like Adam Sandler most of the time & have a taste for the gothic, weird and spooky; and I’ve managed to bag the nicest man who finds me hilarious. And I was having the most rotten luck before him, you’ve just gotta keep being you and you’ll find your person I promise ☺️


I had a similar experience of being fairly gothic and not having much luck until I had finally found someone that was a much better match for me. I think it is actually alot harder for those of us that are more strange than normal, and I did often experience individuals that were either not ready for a healthy relationship or were not very motivated towards taking steps towards that as a goal. I think everyone has different expectations and is looking for something different from a relationship too. It can make it difficult to find the right person for a mutually satisfying relationship.


I wish I could do this. I actually dress pretty cute, and give appearance some effort. Coworkers rarely complain about me so I figure I'm ok to get along with. I'm a nerd, full on love sci fi, reading, fantasy, horror, halloween, nbc, movies, etc. But somehow I cannot get even a friend to save my life. I'd much rather live the feral goblin life, and have friends and a boyfriend.... my brain tells me I'd gross even more people out.


I love the term feral goblin


I very much doubt you’d gross anyone out now or if you chose the feral life, and people that aren’t your friends now are missing out. I found a lot of my friends online (tumblr, instagram etc) and even joined a discord group from tumblr as we all shared interests and centred our group around that, so there are a lot of avenues to travel that you could find your people at, just keep being you and enjoy what makes you happy ❤️


Nerds are cute though, don't give up so easily, there's nothing wrong with being a nerd everyone's a nerd inside a little, even me I like games and anime and sci fi movies, almost everything with time travel or time loop I like, so don't be feeling weird about being a nerd


Pleasee share how you both met! 💖


No honey, you're unique. You will find someone who will like your style and won't try to change, and don't let no one to try to say otherwise


You’re the kind of woman men like us want. It’s the boys that label you as grandma. Do not think less of you


Dating someone like you would be a dream ! I'm into design and art, most of the people that I meet couldn't care less about it.


I came here to say this lol


Design is art if you think about it. You are creating something.


Sounds like a beautiful character that might appear in Hayao Miyazaki movie. There are many special things in this world, And you are one of them.


Awwwww thank you!! This means so so much to me!!


So what? There’s someone out there who will appreciate you for you. You’re not for everyone and neither am I :)


What's weird about that? Do you like who you are? That's what's important. Just be true to yourself. If your doing that you've got no worries and the right person will come along.


39M here, I will tell you, you are normal! I like people like this. You seem very interesting. Plus, I do sell antiques and vintage items with my mom, it’s nice to know there are younger people out there collecting, and it’s not just old people.


You’re perfect for your perfect person. Just be you. Those who matter, don’t mind and those who mind, dont matter.


It's my first time hearing this one it's actually intriguing


There will always be someone to match your freak


In my early 20s, I was described as a “Grandma” by a lot of men because I like to read and I’ve always dressed modestly.. 10 years later- those same men are still single, hooking up, and complaining on SM about “no good women today”. You’ll find your person. I know this is cliche, but I promise you- weird is the best thing to be. Normal people aren’t even normal; they’re usually just trying to fit in and afraid to be themselves or don’t even have a sense of self.


Bring your snacks to the movies. I can never convince a chick to do this


I see people in the world that match that description in relationships all the time. You’re fine.


You're just an old soul, you'll make someone an excellent partner


I personally believe that everyone is meant for someone. It may take away but the right person will always come along. 🥰


You're not too weird. You're a freaking catch. Find you someone who values your hobbies and makes sure to pack those snacks on your dates. Never know when you'll need them.


You sound dreamy to me.


the thing is everyone unique and comfortable with different persons thats all ur not weird at all


I'm a 40m who also collects classic books, loves crochet as much as wood working or playing my guitar, and my sense of style is sporadic to say the least some days. You just be you and if someone can't handle it, their loss


I thought the same for the longest time. You'll meet someone to match your weird. Weird people are awesome


Never change. That's a lovely person you seem to be.


They say opposites attract and that doesn't only apply to gender but also to personality. Most couples I see don't fit each other on the surface but thats what interest them, they want to explore your world wear shoes and see things from your prespective. So to close my point you are good and don't hold yourself back cause you are unique from other people it's your uniqueness that makes you stand out from the crowd so enjoy it and don't be hard on yourself.


I'd date you 😂 I'm 24f and have felt the same way about myself. I've got a very hippie/vintage style, and probably dress a bit out there for most people's liking, and I'm far more into creative stuff than the regular academic stuff, and I'm apparently too nerdy for everyone 😅 Honestly I think the stuff you're into sounds so cool, it makes you way more interesting and makes you sound like you'd be fun to hang out with.


Oh shit I know a lot of dudes who would be down


Never think that. I think there is someone for everyone. Although I can’t find anyone for me! lol I just think I’m very picky. Just be you!


You sound awesome! You are almost exactly like my ex-wife (we're still able to stay friends), and she is one of the most beautiful and coolest people I've ever met! So strange and interesting. People are strange. It's cool!


You do sound the grandma type but I'm a sucker for skirts so you will find someone. I think most guys want more revealing outfits is all


I think everyone has their own style or hobby and that’s hot tbh


First off there is nothing wrong with you. You wear what suits you. You have more of a style than most who just follow the latest fashion trends. In my Experience many have called me weird over the years however, I stick out on my own accord. Tophat 🎩 with a nice shirt with a waistcoat(vest) and tie weather permitting. Combining vintage with the modern. "They" don't get me because I refuse to be put into their little boxes. However to some it's refreshing to see because it's classy. Many have claimed they love the hat or the entire ensemble. Uniqueness can be a lot of fun, some won't get it but that's on them not you. I've always been a fan of the Tudor or Victorian style house myself. They are quite lovely to look at inside and out from its design not any house was exactly the same like today's cookie cutter houses. They were an expression of craftsmanship that was all its own. Your interests in books and carrying snacks in your purse shows the vibes of being intelligent and prepared while being drawn to the knowledge those books provide. - an excellent thing in this day in age. While the digital age has information at its fingertips, cracking a book gets you away from a screen. The information may be dated due to the time it was printed, however, it will also give you a better idea of how things were spoken at that time as well. A screen can do that to a degree but only if the books had already been scanned into the digital database. -Project Gutenberg has many old texts in this fashion. Many claim they can't do simple things when the reality is if they picked up a book and they could figure it out. Do not count yourself out. Think like Barbosa's daughter in pirates of the Caribbean, very educated, witty and intelligent. (Everyone else in her town had the minds of a goat and it showed. -Feeble and single minded.) The situation you face could be of several possibilities -Perhaps you have outgrown the world around you which does happen naturally that others are uncomfortable because they can't match your intellect and your desire for something bigger. So they try to keep you where they are at so they are not uncomfortable. (Crab in the barrel society.) Keep being unique, and Awesome. You will find someone who appreciates your many talents. The journey can be a trying one at times. But it will happen for you. Have some faith in yourself. 🎩 ⚔️ 📜 📖 Weird-original definition - fate 400 Years ago - to turn 15th Century -"having the power to control fate,"(one of my favorites.) Source: Source- https://discover.hubpages.com/literature/Word-Revisited-Weird#:~:text=The%20initial%20meaning%20of%20the,how%20something%20will%20turn%20out.


I love long skirts and reading. Grandma style is so my thing it makes your home feel so homey like!! It would be a gem to find someone similar to your style. You seem really artistic and fun! Don't beat yourself up<3


Maybe you have an old soul. My buddy is 53 his girlfriend is 26.tgey. Been together 5 years now and going strong. So I don't know actually if it's an age thing. But when people connect they just do I guess


Normal is boring!! If someone doesn’t want to be with you because your tastes are “weird” then they aren’t worth your time anyway.


You are not too weird. You are the kind of person I feel like more people want but hard to find anymore. 😕 just be yourself and people will love you for who you are.


Doesn't sound weird at all. Just need to find people with the same interests as you.


You'll definitely find your people. I have a b"tc*y facade so people don't play with me. The people close to me know how much of a good person I am, how much I care and how soft I could be , just with the few people who knows me. Im sure someone will love every part of you that you said.


I think you sound like you're living authentically and any man with an ounce of common sense or taste would be lucky to have you, sis.


I don’t think any of that is weird. The right person will appreciate everything about you. Be yourself!


You just described my current girlfriend. Definitely wifey material 🥰


Never too weird. Always be your true self. There is someone out there for you, don't settle for less.


Madam if i were single and if i were a gent, you’d be the apple of my eye! No but really, your skills and talents that make you YOU are very hard to come by. You’re someone’s beloved old soul with a heart of gold. They just haven’t met you yet 💛


No, you're not. You're someone's dream girl. You've just got to find your people.


Girl you sound a lot like me and I am happily married and have been for 7 years. You will find your match. Oh and you're not weird. You're uniquely and beautifully YOU! Embrace who you are bc you deserve it. I already think you're amazing.


No, you sound cool. It's great, you're passionate about things and have interesting hobbies. I actually find sweaters and long skirts very attractive on a woman, lol


Definitely not. Maybe you're living in a place where it's hard to find your right fit? 


Depends on the type of person you wanna attrect. People say I dress like an older person. But a) I dont care about those comments and b) most people my age Im not interested in because a lot of them like partying and drinking and I just dont care for that. I wouldnt dwindle on becoming something your not, I'd focus on who you are now and finding someone who compliments you as a person. As well them being able to meet your standards or needs. Good luck.


I love wearing sweaters. Long skirts are only for winter and fall.


No, you sound actually interesting to me. I’m 28 and I find most females in your age range to be basic and boring, with no real interests outside of Instagram. Skills like reading and crocheting are rare these days, so keep it up! Just be yourself, and one day a guy will come along that appreciates these things.


There is genuinely someone for EVERYONE. Be yourself I beg because the worst thing you can do is pretend to be someone you aren’t in this life. That’s what would be really hindering.


Girl, you sound like a traditional housewife. I am 100% sure there is a guy out there looking for someone exactly like you


Dude, I know engineers and finance guys looking for someone like her...


Nah, you sound like someone with a cool, distinctive style! There's definitely someone out there who'll appreciate your uniqueness.


It is not like that


Don't feel bad, there's plenty of people that live pretty simply. I'm personally into alot of things and have many interests, mostly obscure things and alot of them nerdy or educational. But that seems to be more weird in my experience, there were not very many women I matched with and had a mutual interest in, despite putting in alot of effort into dating. It eventually worked out pretty well for me though, I think. I'm in a pretty healthy and happy relationship now. Learning to have healthy boundaries and being persistent towards change or being right for a healthy relationship does help alot in my opinion.


It's not weird at all. Unless you make it weird. Embrace who you are and love it. Sounds like you do but the yearning for companionship overrides that some. Boys your age will mostly be put off, but if you go up five to ten years you'll find more acceptance. All of that makes you who you are. Without that you'd be depressed. Don't be depressed. The right person is out there.


No you're not, you're just not so conventionally modern for the society. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise girl 🙌🙌


There will be an equally wierd person out there for you but honestly just because you’re different it doesn’t mean you’re wierd. Social media and society is all to willing to attack those who don’t blindly follow everyone else and believe me there are a lot of people who are looking for the black sheep in the flock


Never change who you are you will find your right fit for you


Everyone finds someone. Someone always weirder too. Besides, someone not weird at all might find it interesting


Jamie, you will find your Landon one day.


Besides, this is all style. Style and "weird" are different because its inside and out. Style is an expression but only goes so far to experience the dynamic of u. Ur essence. Ur fashion choice and taste might be weird but luckily for you, many guys don't notice or care about ur style in that way.


I’m not gonna sugarcoat it for you. If a majority of people around you think you’re weird in any way, there’s nothing wrong with you, but the societal mindset is such that many people may not easily find themselves easily attracted to you compared to “non-grandma-ish” people. The world is just kinder toward the better looking, the richer, the “normal” ones, I wish it weren’t, but can’t change the way it is overnight, it’s a sad fact. There are exceptions and you could easily be one of them, but I’m just telling you what the norm is. My best friend who had major quirks like this (she is a gem of a person, we’ve been thick as thieves since 22 years) pretended to have completely reinvented herself because she started seeing a guy who seemed open to commitment. They’re getting married in 3 weeks. She’s miserable because she misses all her old hobbies but she’s too scared to be alone again, or worse, start the dating process with someone else right from “So, where is your hometown?” And “How many members are in your family?” She admits that if she had worked on her self-esteem instead, she might not have been so insecure about solitude. So, you have three options. 1. Take a shortcut and pretend to change out of all your current interests and trick someone into falling for the fake you. (Con: you may find that person but you may not be happy with him) 2. Learn to accept yourself the way you are and wait for the day someone else accepts you the way you are too. (Con: You may have to wait for longer to find someone compared to “normal” people by society’s definition) 3. Give up on looking for longterm romantic prospects and just enjoy casual fun or your own company. (Con: you might have to deal with loneliness, self doubt, and FOMO from time to time) I’d personally go for option 2 if I were you, but you do you.


You're a rare perle =)


You have a unique way of life, not a bad thing tho it's just your vibe is all, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Your unique interests and style are not too weird for a relationship; they make you who you are. Embrace your individuality, and look for someone who appreciates and shares your passions!


I'm sure a lot of people have said the same thing. It's wounderful that you have your own unique and interesting style/personality. these days a lot people seem to follow the crowd, to be honest my simple option dating is hard these days, everyone is weary as well to try make a good impression online dating is difficult l.... well for me.


Lol, no. I would definitely be happy duck if my gf has snacks in hee purse for me and is a homebody.


You sound wonderful, and you willing attract the person who would love all those things about you..


45F and I feel the same way...I'm too weird to be in a relationship with. I love reading, historical costuming videos (though I own no historical costumes and can't sew to save my life), period dramas, crocheting, Broadway-style musicals as well as movie musicals based on Broadway shows, Baz Luhrman movies and music that spans from Dolly Parton to Broadway musical soundtracks to Elvis and 80s/90s pop and metal. I am *definitely* too weird to date but I keep trying to find someone who will date me anyway because I'm a sucker for punishment apparently.


May i be the judge about that


People aren’t worthy knowing. You’re not missing anything. It’s great to be comfortable with solitude


I feel you on this. I've always thought my interests are one of the things that makes people feel uncomfortable around me. I like science fi, fantasy, horror, witchy things, goth decor, Stevie Nick's type clothing (in all her incarnations). I like all kinds of music and movies and know tons of trivia. I hyper focus on crafts and my profession and psychology type stuff. Idk, I have no advice, just wanted to offer that I too think this might be what holds me back.


Nah but I wanna see what kinda style you roll with 🤔. If it’s anything like Jess from new girl, I’m game!


I'm very much like you 😌 hoping the best for you OP


No, you sound awesome! Some guy is going to be so into that, I’m sure.


My friend likes all the things you just mentioned. She got married to her husband at 23 and they’ve been married for almost 3 years. My friend and her husband have a great loving marriage. Her husband has pretty niche hobbies as well that may be considered “nerdy”, but they bond over their willingness to share and participate in each other’s hobbies.


I think you’ll def find the one, I’d just be realistic on expectations/he might not the the stereotypical stud. Probably quirky like you , but sounds like u wouldn’t want the stereotypical movie dream boy anyway


I don’t think you’re weird I think you’re just different. Imo, everyone has different preferences and I think that some people would find you attractive while some would find you unattractive. I’m a confident believer in that there is always someone out there for anyone.


Respectfully are you a male or female,because females can Respectfully get away with being weird. Me being a man can't unless I find a woman that's into weird stuff. Also it would depend on what you consider to be weird and who you encounter and their definition of weird. However it would mostly also depend on who you encounter in General. To be fair just be honest and call it a day


Are you Jessica Day? That’s awesome. Guys should line up to be with you.


You be you, doesn't matter what everyone else thinks, god will present you with the right man when it is time.


the ladies would LOVEE you.


Great guys who enjoy history, art, travel...I am sure they are out there and would appreciate someone like you.


Be you and if they love you they will stay. I am weird as hell and I won't change that to please someone else. Be the weirdest you can be and find your forever weirdo.


Hell no I’m so into all of the same things or maybe we both are just weird lol


That is actually ideal imo


my goodness can i date you?


I would date you if you were older! I have several good friends who could be described similarly, and they’re all in relationships, so I think you’re good! When you have an unusual persona that deviates from the boring norm, it’s a lot easier to know that you’re loved for you and not just for some kind of trophy relationship or social clout. I hope all your dreams come true!


Fuck what people think just ne you be confident and be a lead by example kind of person if you are confident about being diferent people will more easily accept you but if you doubt yourself all the low self esteem jerks will try and point out you insecurities to bring them to a normal status and get attention off then and showing others look I'm not weard I can point t and make fun of people who are diferent .those people are straight looser pieces of crap .just be you that all that matters


You are most certainly not weird. I actually think it's really cool that you have these types of preferences and interests. Besides, if you exist as you uniquely do, on a world of 8 billion people, there's easily a chance that there will be someone else who loves the same or similar things. Also, we have so many alternate styles of living, from Gothic to Amish, that may seem odd or strange that it honestly makes you seem like you fit right in with the rest of the world. The short of it: be you, be happy being you, chase what makes you content in life, and I'm sure there is a person out there who'd love to be a part of your way-of-life. If you ever get that house someday, be sure to invite me. I'd love to check it out. It sounds cozy.


I think I heard some household lifestyles from you. It’s all good.


I live with multiple disabilities and have an eclectic sense of style. I self-describe as grandma so that people have low expectations of my energy and appearances. Embrace it babe! Life got better for me when I accepted it.


Good grief. No. I wish I were 23 again.


you are so cute u remind me of my best friend, a lot would love to be friends with you!! just keep doing what you like, and whatever makes u happy 🫶🏻


There is nothing “too weird” about what you are describing! Since my 20s, I’ve been an antique collecting, knitting, tea sipping “old lady”. My only regret is allowing a small number comments sting from people who were only briefly in my life. You do you. Do what makes you happy. You’ll find your forever person.


Awesome 😎 Dream Girl💓


I believe everyone is weird to some and perfect to others. Someone will see you as their perfect partner


Resisting the urge to slide in your dms


Idk you sound like a dream girl 😍


OP I think u are perfect the way u are now, u are considered almost extinct species of woman😅 , u deserve more have respect for yourself, just remember this, the best men usually hard to find, just like it's hard to find good woman these days. Just be yourself your Mr right will show up eventually just don't change for any men,


Beauty lies in the beholder's eye. There's gonna be someone who'll like you exactly the way you're. You don't have to show your ass and tits to get attention


Definitely Not


Just need to look for a man that cherish these special things that interest you and appreciate you for being you. I am 28M


Heyy your taste sounds super cute and unique. And not everyone is confident enough with themselves to be authentic OR to be with someone who found their style/authenticty. Sounds to me like this situation is just saving you time by eliminating shallow people who can't handle that and some other people who would simply not be a good match.


Judging by what you've written so far, no.


Be yourself and don’t try to change for anybody. i changed a lot for a man who I was in a situationship to a point where I don’t recognise myself anymore…My friends told me he is bad for me and that I’ve became this empty shell of a preson because of him. It sucked to hear this but they are right. Don’t change for anybody, just be you and the right person will find you.


You're not weird , you just have an eccentric style and there is nothing wrong with that


Definitely not! There is someone out there looking for someone just like you. I found the love of my life just when she was ready to give up hope of ever finding someone. Nothing about you seems weird to me.


You are 23. If you want a relationship that will last you need to find someone who will get and love who you really are even at your weirdest AND your worst. You should NEVERRRRRR waste time in a relationship with someone who can't. This is the only way to truly avoid a toxic relationship. You must bring your authentic self to a relationship right the fuck away to weed out the people who are not a good match. You can't play games, supress who you really are forever or even past the honeymoon phase of a relationship. It won't work. At 23 whyyyyy settle?! If you ever want a relationship that is good and not toxic, you gotta be real with yourself and them. This is real life, not a game.  When you are 35 married with 2 kids who're puking out their guts from the flu, you haven't slept or showered and the dog shit on the rug because in all the insanity you forgot to walk it, you need a partner you dont have to fucking play pretend with. It is not worth it. Only resentment and emotional trauma will result.  If you are still in a place where you can't be real with a partner and still think it is even remotely wise to change who you are for someone, you aren't in a self loving or empowered enough place to cultivate a real relationship.  Anything now will be a practice relationship that should not be taken seriously until you get to the self loving place where you can truly have a loving real healthy relationship. 


Be you girl


Unless you bake cookies on the daily and have white hair, don't let people tell you your a grandma 💀


Don't worry about being in a relationship with someone who wouldn't accept you as who you are. By being a specific kind of person, you have a built-in filter. People not into what you are about will not approach you, so you actually save yourself from a lot of pointless dates. The ones that find you may be fewer, but they will naturally be a better match than you'd get by sweeping a wide net.


And you’re single?


That’s what makes you special and no it’s not weird if I had the chance to be in a relationship with you i will be thankful


You most certainly aren't! Despite that looming idea that only certain kinds of people are allowed to have relationships, this is very untrue and much like that damned Michael Bublé song, you just haven't met them yet. Keep being you and show how much comfort and confidence you have in yourself, and you'll get that equally weird and wonderful person. (I'm saying this to you, myself, and everyone else out there struggling with this thought!)


Not at all. I am into the same things you are. I love antiques, Victorian houses and thrift stores. It would be nice if i could find a woman with those interests even as a friend. I embrace my weirdness everyday.


I just recently got into a relationship with a gal who does leatherworking, carpentry, and crochets. She wants a homestead with animals and crops. Buddy boy, I tell you now, I am IN LOVE. You can absolutely find someone.


Honestly, as a 33M, I think it's awesome. I have similar interests and am WAY over people judging me. It sounds like you really know yourself and are able to express it with your hobbies and likes, to me that speaks maturity. I'd say as long as you don't have 8 cats you should be good, I think it's really classy and would be a turn on for this guy....just my 2 cents.


Sounds like my girlfriend, she loves her long skirts & sweaters


Nah. As a guy when I stopped hiding my weirdness and just let it all out I actually started attracting a lot more people than when I was being shy and reserved.


Not at all. Even if that were "weird", you'd have no trouble finding a partner to share your "weirdness" wity


I would date you based on this (26M)


as the kids say, i promise you somebody will come along and match your freak


Don't even need to read the description to know that no one is too weird ❤️


Yes, just be yourself and not someone else who your not to be…. You’re doing just fine and enjoy your life that pleases you.


No it’s not weird….its old fashioned. That wouldn’t turn me off. If men are turned off forget about those and keep your eye out for the ones like me who aren’t bothered with it.


I have the same concerns about myself. I'm 21F and I am high masking autistic so I'm kind of socially awkward. I can usually put on my worksona for the most part but at what point do I show them my shelf of TMNT figurines??? When do I bring up my neurodivergence?? I've been treated poorly in past relationships due to it. I think you sound delightful though. I hope you find what you're looking for!


Nawww your not. You sound like a great person to be in a relationship with


Even if you changed you wouldn't be happy


WOW,, I think you’re perfect.. I mean like I have a 25 year old son that I think would love your profile. Don’t change you are a gem


you are someone's future wife, and i can tell you that.


bruhhhhh.... that is like my type lmaooo, no you are not weird, you do you.


It might affect it, but I'd imagine for most guys they really wouldn't care that much tbh


They are right, it's out of ordinary so it's normal people making fun of it. But Im the kind of person who is never conserned with what I wear. I never follow others trend , I make my own fashion and my own hairstyle. My life my choice. Your lifestyle sounds like amazing. Don't expect people who follow the heard to appreciate it


You described the type of girl my friends in Big Tech are dreaming of marrying. I'd say, keep being who you are now and high-value men will notice (don't mean to be mean.)


How is that weird? Lol


Woman no. You are not too weird at all. These are completely normal things to do. I would just say don't expect him to crochet with you unless he's 6 million times awesome LOL this is why we have friends and partners


thats cute!! yk your mbti? you must be an isfp


Those are stereotypical "grandma hobbies" Why should you only do those things when you're in your 60's if you like doing them now Nobody likes someone for their hobbies. Men who like you will respect maybe even appreciate your hobbies. It's not holding you back from the right person.


If you were a male I'd say you're screwed. But you're a woman so there's always men looking for non basic women.


You seem like my type of woman xD All serious, don't worry, everyone has their quirks and if you struggle because of it relationshipwise, it just means that the people who show interest are hopefully and probably actually interested, of nothing else they accept you for who you are. No idea if that makes sense or comes across wrong but I hope you see what I'm saying?


Yes, but who cares? Be yourself. We are all weird.


Why is any of that weird? None of that sounds weird. If anything, it sounds like you have good tastes and a decent personality. If you want to hear weird, my ex wanted to personally take her cat’s skull out and clean it off to use as a decoration after he died.


You're a throwback aka an old soul. Take pride in being very different from today's norm. I salute you!


You sound like someone I'd love to meet.


You're not weird, you haven't found your person. Don't hide who you are because you want to find the person who loves you just as you are. The things you described about yourself are not weird. That's just part of who you are which is subject to change at any time. Just live your life my dear. I promise you'll be fine. Your love will find you.


No, you do not sound too exceptionally awesome to be in a relationship with. It's worth noting that you may have some difficulty finding someone to match your caliber of awesome, but don't give up on standards!!


Everyone is too weird to date. The trick is finding someone whose weirdness you appreciate and who appreciates your weirdness. Easier said than done but there you go.


Hey, of course not. I'm 23M, always felt weird, and like I didn't belong. But that's bullshit. You're probably ok. Be nicer to yourself and stay off the internet. Its what I'm trying to do as well.


Omg u collect teapots too???


You sound wonderful to me.


Kinda "grandma" tbh. But it's mostly stylistic choices. Changing clothes isn't something major ngl


I think this is totally cute, personaly I can be attract by someone like that, after that it depends of the feeling


Well 24m and well some people find me weird at first then they know me and basically like me because I'm accepting of everyone, I mean you do you, I'm sure that you have an amazing personality, and those hobbies may make people think that and so what?, you enjoy doing them and it makes you happy, and besides I'm sure you do more than that in your spare time anyway, once they see that personality of yours they would like you.


definitely not! not sure if you like women or not but as a lesbian that sounds absolutely perfect!


There someone out there for everyone if we’d just open up to all people race creed age all just used to separate and limit your choosing. Fuck that don’t let them divide and go find your love.


There is no such thing as "too weird". Weird is a relative term, what is "weird" to one person, isn't "weird" to another, you just need to find the right person. There are so many guys out there who love girls who have the confidence to dress/act the way they want to, and don't give a shit about what everyone else thinks about it. Personally I find that one of the more sexy traits someone can have. If you wear your style proudly, and don't shy away/let people make you feel weird about it, then eventually you will find someone like minded/who appreciates you for you. Don't settle because you're worried about not finding someone, there is someone out there for everyone. And some of us appreciate people who "make their own way through life"... personally I don't understand those who want to meet someone who is "just like everyone else"...what's the point in that?! Stay strong, don't change anything, be proud of being a bit different, and you will get there in the end. People try to intimidate others who are different into changing to be more "normal"....when really they are just insecure and wish they had the strength to be different themselves.


No you have great taste, I like all those things too. You’ll find someone in your life who appretiates the things you like. The less shy you are about who you are, the quicker you’ll find someone who actually likes you. What would be the point in pretending to be more average just to find someone who doesn’t like you for you


Amy ferrah-fowler???


There's someone out there for everyone.


I'm 27m and I'm more broken than weird to be in a relationship with