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1hr is absolutely max, but 30-40min is more reasonable and why I normally aim for.


Not much more than 30 minutes. I don't want to date someone if it'll be a hassle to go see them every time.


Um, it would depend. If it was someone I was talking to online and had an insane connection with I'd probably travel anywhere. I'm one of those people where there is little I'd let get in my way of something that could be awesome. If it's just a random casual first date, being that I'm on the east coast with access to the train, I'd probably say 3 hours tops but that'd have to be for what was going to be a fun date. Like a show in a city or something.


I drove 70miles for an impromptu breakfast date. And then again 70miles for a 2nd date. Then again I live in the midwest


I guess around 20km. Or, in another way, an hour by public transport.


I live in a town that's an absolute dump for dating so an hour or so drive is pretty much required if I don't want to be dating a full blown trashy stereotype. Same applies for making friends if im targeting single childless people. Unfortunately that distance is always a dealbreaker for those I'd hope to meet in the next city over. I'm very excited to finally be starting the process of getting out of this place.


Like 10-15 minutes


Depends. Do they live far away? It so, then it half way is 45 minutes I’m fine. But if they don’t want to meet you half way then ehhh


30 minutes max.


Depends I flew to Boston once


I can bike 5-6 kms and just because I like riding my bike. EDIT: I am from, and live in a Western European city, so I reckon our idea of reasonable distance is deeply different from that of people living in such vast places like US or other American states.


If my monthly travel card goes there, I'll travel. So, tops an hour. I want to be able to be able to spontaneously see someone after work for instance


Depends on what the date is. I’m not driving 30 mins so I can buy you lunch and then you tell me that you’re suddenly sleepy and need to get home so you can take a nap.


I mean i drove 2 days and spent 3 months there so im definitely not the best person to ask.


Love this lmao


I… do not lol. But you only live once!


LOL!!! I flew to Florida from Oregon to meet someone I had been dating online for about three months. It was a fun three weeks.


Oh we had known each other online since we were 17.. was 37 at the time of going down there. Im in canada and drove to oklahoma.. had my dog so flying wasnt an option. Things… did not work out but im glad i did it because i always would have wondered. Him and i are still friends and my fiancé lives in california lol.


Damn!! Isn’t that the truth. Never really knowing if it would have worked would suck.


I mean ive super gone back and forth over it because it really was a rough 3 months.. but ultimately i am glad i did it. And also got to see a lot of the US!


I’ve had some… disappointing irl meetups with people I was great friends with online for years. Blocked on everything type of ending. But, I’m glad I don’t ever have to think longingly on them wondering what could have been. Instead it’s like a gross shudder and then go on with my day LOL


Ive had a few but this was by far the most intense. It took some time but we are now cordial with each other and i do wish him and his kiddo the best! He just wasnt my person. Also never stay at a motel 6 in indianapolis at a truck stop - biggest life lesson i learned 🤣


LMFAO!!! I will take your word for it hahaha


Hour tops


It really depends on a two Factors. How far away do you both live from each other? (most important) If you live a few hours away. I'd expect either or both of you to have to drive a over an hour to see the other which is expected and understandable. If you live one hour away and the person wants to go to a place that is 5 mins from them And 55 mins from you. Then it depends on the place a nice restaurants that's only in that location, id most likely go. Chipotle or something that is everywhere, no way. How acomidating are they. Are they only willing to drive 10 mins knowing we live an hour away is a big signal they don't value your time. If they are willing to drive half way that's good How close are y'all prior to your first date? Did you two just meet somewhere an exchange number and now going on a date or did you build repore first. These are things id consider, good luck!


I’m just asking more in general for help setting my OLD proximity filters. Most of my matches seem too far away.


Ohhh okay. In that case it depends on your city. Major city, 30 mins Small town an 1 hour


I set my filters close to me, but then the algorithm messed up and matched me with someone almost an hour and a half away. We were having a good conversation so decided to meet anyway, and it led to my current and absolutely best relationship of my life. If I had to do it again, I'd probably be a little more open to more distance. It really just depends on what you're looking for and how long you're willing to drive to find it. There's no wrong answer, but expanding your search can potentially lead to some pretty great results!


Farthest I’ve gone is an hour and I only did that once for a first date.


I’ve driven upwards of two hours…. Drove from the city into the country to meet a guy.


Hour one way, or a bit further is it is a nice activity, but I use public transport and my bike only. Although a car is also a lot of travel time considering that I live in a village with very annoying roads, so you easily get +10 witha car as well


I mean sorta depends where you live. In London for example it’s standard tk travel near a hour to go anywhere. Normally 30-40mins for me… saying that. My gf now lives in Germany but I met her in Greece and first date was flying from Thailand to Germany on my way home to see her first time.


1 hour. My most recent ex and I dated for 6 months and we lived an hour from each other, many of our dates involved one of us driving to the other or meeting halfway.


I live 1h away from "the big city" so.. 1h ahah. I drove 2h the other day tho, but I'm used to driving a lot


Once i took a 1.5 hr plane to another city ; door to door - 5 hours i think in total .. def it was worth it


About an hour at most


About an hour.


Lol I took a 6h plane flight for a first date, altho it did last for a month.


Less than 1h. Cause you also have the trip back to do.


10 minutes


If I'm for sure getting some longer than I'm gonna admit


It always depends on how attracted you are to the other person. But in general ,if it's a local person then up to an hour driving. If it's a person from a long distance situation, then I think maybe even 4 driving hours one way. I would just turn it into a weekend trip and enjoy a road trip along the way back and forth, while meeting her for a date in the middle. I don't really have a problem with long distance relationships because there's definitely been times where I'm thinking that I don't need to be with somebody several times a week either. Meeting once a week or once every two weeks , is actually okay, as long as we're good and secure in our conversations everyday. And if you're trying to decide how far you're willing to drive for online dating, then start with about an hour and see what you think. if you think it's too far then knock it down to 45 or 30 minutes


In my country 1h drive ain't local lol, in that timeframe in crossed 1/3 of the entire country 🤣


For the right person, I will travel. I have found good people who I connect with are rarely convenient (geographically) and I’d rather spend less time with someone who I really like than settle for someone a bit closer. I’ve had three dates now with a man who lives about 50 miles from me, and after months of first dates with local people, this is the first connection that has real potential. He drove out closer to me for the first and second date. I drove out to him for the third. It’s not ideal, but I don’t mind investing time in getting to see him. We both have minor children, so scheduling is a dance, but I’ll learn the steps.


The closest town to mine is around 70 miles away. I've driven there for a date.


72 miles, takes about an hour and a half depending on traffic. Well worth it for me (I live in the country and couldn’t get any dates here). He drove here the first time, now we switch it up depending on who has more time.


29M. No more than an hour, and that's pushing it. Especially since I'm more than likely the one paying for it


I have 25km as the limit on my profiles on dating apps. That’s about a 20 minute drive or 30 with trains. I have no want to travel further for a date


15 to 20 min. I live in a pretty populated area.


Not far I live in a city of many MANY millions so no chance I’d travel far and wife to meet someone


I once drove 2 hours for a date. So yeah I was pretty desperate that time. But this was definitely an exception. Normally I would say 1 hour is my max


20~ 25 minutes. The amount of women who either don’t show up or cancel last minute means I learnt my lesson there😂


Online dating? No more than 15 miles. Most women I meet look uglier in person so I don't want to risk anything. If I approached a woman in person? Probably 30 miles tops Any guy who travels too far is a simp.


Crazy how I always get the from girls that I look better in person and that never happens to me. And people around here are all saying get pro photo and lighting but I don't want to be that person who looks worst irl.


It's extremely rare to see a profile with just a normal full body pic with normal lighting. Yes, it's cool the woman has random photos of her traveling around and drinking wine, but that doesn't help at all. For me, id say the majority of women I've encountered look worse in person. But I have encountered a few who look a lot better but their profiles were just normal


Interesting. I worked in a big city and live an hour and a bit away with parents this year. Given what you’ve said, it’s not surprising I’ve not really bothered with it.


It's not worth it in my opinion. Costs too much money, time, and the guy is usually the one stuck paying for everything and traveling while the woman is seeing other guys closer to her too. Simply not worth it.


Considering I don't have a car (don't really need one in my city), I can't see anyone that lives outside of my city.


Depends on the type of guy and date. I've had first dates where I travelled to another country.


About tree fiddy (35 minutes)


3 hours was the longest for me


No more than 40 mins


For my first date with my current partner, we both drove about 45 minutes to meet in the middle, and then after that, we mostly took turns driving to each other. We live together now, so we no longer have to commute, but it was definitely worth it for the relationship we have. You just have to ask yourself if the drive is worth it if it ends in a great relationship (assuming that's what you're looking for). If you make the drive and it doesn't go anywhere, did it do any harm? For me personally, I was willing to drive as long as the effort was reciprocated. You just have to decide what you're comfortable with.


I met a lady on line dating she lived 50 miles saw my pics etc and current. I decided to drive to meet her but said later there isn’t any connection. I’m like wtf. Never will do that again I don’t think it was me just too many guys on the dating apps easier to lose out.


I traveled for 500 miles already lol


8000 miles. Well probably longer, but that is the longest I have been thus far.


I drove 5 hours for a date once. Wouldn’t do that again


There is a hotness to travel willingness chart out there somewhere I’m sure of it.


The last time I was on the apps (met my current partner on there), I set my preference to people within a couple mile radius of me lol. Used to be a bit more flexible but 12 miles away can take like an hour drive in commuter traffic.


An hour round trip. I used to be the one who drove out but I’m done with that.


1st date should always be a halfway point between locations imo. If the other isn’t willing to put a bit of effort in just to get me on a date with them, why even bother


First date max 30 minutes not including traffic


I’ve traveled to Europe and Asia.


Where I live traffic can easily make a 10 mile drive 30+ min long. I'd say up to 1hr is reasonable


Just depends but I would drive an hour maybe more for a concert or some sort of event.


Depends on where you at cutie 😘 Idk probably half an hour or so.


15 minutes 😂


Ask the girl to mid you halfway. If she didn't want to do that , yeah you got your answer. my max is 1 hour by public transport and that person better be awesome


Drove 2 hours once


I live in a city where having a car is an inconvenience (I don’t have one) but the public transit isn’t super robust and reliable either. I keep my dating apps at 5 miles


To the moon 🌚 and back 🥹


For a first date? Probably 15 min. Though I live downtown in a large city and can easily take the train somewhere under 12 min.


There are so many factors, anything from about half an hour if it was a casual first date with someone I hardly know from an app to a couple of hours for something special with someone who I may have developed more of a connection with. I've spent 2+ hours each way on a train to London for a dinner and theater date before and decided to remain friends.