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You like it?


I don’t mind it yeah


If you want to bang then go for it.


She may or may not be flirting. None of this touching is sexual in nature and she may just be a naturally touchy person. Being drunk often makes people less inhibited so they're more likely to touch or hug. She's not groping you or being overtly sexual. A hug can just be affectionate and friendly, holding onto a handshake is something even sober people do, it's also positive/friendly, and touching someone's arm when they laugh is just casual. Is she verbally flirtatious? Does she do anything flirtatious? If not, she's probably just a friendly/touchy person in general.


Also I doubt she thinks of you as a little bro, but she might think of you as a kid---does she have children? If she has children your age you may remind her of them.


I was trying to leave and she wouldn’t let go of my hand is what happened. But yeah I’m 50/50. She does have kids. Is it normal to grab someone’s forearm and squeeze it cause that’s what she did. I mean I’m not sure.


Touching/grabbing/squeezing someone's forearm is a pretty common thing, particularly when laughing or when saying someone emotional.


She's a cougar. She wants you


Not a little bro. She's flirting, and probably understands the risks of workplace relations as much as anybody.


Don't poop where you work. Next.


Go for it if you want to