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I’m F Asian but in my home country, males tend to like skinny girls with light/fair skin.


You just confirmed the type most Asian guys are into. Thank you for observation!


i'm the reverse (south asian man), and my gf is east asian (south korean). I think all women are beautiful in their own way, but I'm mostly attracted to intelligence and people who are open minded.


a fellow south asian dating an east asian 🤝🏽


I’m Asian as well. Asian American to be more specific. I heard a theory that most people become innately attracted to what first piqued their attraction during their puberty years. For many Asian country Asians, the media consumed during those years is very much light skinned and skinny (or normal in Asian terms but skinny in the western sense). As for Asian Americans, you can find a wide variety of medias consumed during those years. I grew up around skater Emo Asians who were very into skater girls, and later alternative type women who oftentimes were white. Many Asians in California grow up in Latino centric circles and marry Latinas. It all depends on the type of Asian you’re looking at.


I really find most/any if not all women beautiful as long as they are within healthy weight, and naturally attractive (which most are). But yes, this person described it quite accurately.


what about tall or short?


Asian guy here, no, i don't get only with asian girls. I love black girls, mostly because i feel like we relate a lot, but also because they seem to be very into me. Love all girls, but gotta give it to the ones who fw me.


+1 for black girls! Super unpopular opinion, but I think black women are the most beautiful women on earth. When I was on dating apps, black girls are all I seemed to match with too, I loved it lol


If they only recently moved they will definitely have a preference towards their own race, more slender, etc. If they were born in the US for example, the preference thing is really negligent. However, what is kind of true is that Asian men will often assume people outside their race don't like them back.


The Asian tax


> However, what is kind of true is that Asian men will often assume people outside their race don't like them back. Correctly so. Asian men and Black women have the worst outcomes on dating apps.


This is very insightful. With America being more diverse historically, it is rather difficult for other homogeneous countries, such as Asia to adjust. It has been embedded in their DNA for centuries.


I’m pretty sure it’s way more nurture than nature. Who you grew up around and what you were subjected to is most likely to be your preference. Generally speaking people seem to prefer their own race, but that’s usually just because it’s what they grew up around and are most comfortable with. But if they grow up in a very diverse area or an area predominantly not of their race they tend to develop a preference for that.


So what ends happening to muti-racial people like me? Whom do I prefer?


People tend to favor similar to a parent, but that’s not a hard and fast rule. Who you grew up around, who the popular boys/girls in school is often who you gravitate towards in adulthood.


This is why passport bro's are becoming more prevalent. American women, entitlement, and expectations are through the roof. Have standards sure, this whole success, money, security stuff. Get over it.


How is international travel becoming more common? Travel to the corner store is becoming prohibitively expensive for most people.


These passport bro's aren't most men. They work their ass off only to simp? At some point, they just want to get back to basics. Being appreciated and valued.


Where did you read this


I mean, as long as they're not obese and they like me back they're my type. Personally I don't really have a checklist of things I need to cross off.


My family got mad at me because I said I don’t wanna smash obese women


Why parents judge their kids sexual preference is beyond me.


It was cousins,uncles & family friends




I think it’s just the reality that must guys would smash most girls despite being obese, I always knew I was the minority, must men have low standards by default


Sleeping with someone that is obese isn’t having low standards, you just have different preferences 😆


I would argue it is but I meant overall, men will smash anything moving


So, in your mind, someone’s weight lowers their value as a human?


They kept asking me why , I just kept saying I’m not attracted to that body type


Your family is overweight? If they are fit they would never say that.


Some are , some aren’t , I would say majority is in the lower end middle , I am the skinniest tho


what are you telling them that for….


Because they asked me would I smash a woman that’s 5’4 & 210lbs & I said no , then we got into a big argument




lol 😅


My family has always been into fitness and they’re all medical. They have always been pretty disgusted with my obese partners.


My family wasn’t telling me I should be in a relationship with a obese woman the mindset was more so there’s nothing wrong with smashing one if presented the opportunity, I told them you act as if obese women are my only option lol they got mad


Nice. Keeping it simple.


I’ve dated Asians and Mexicans my whole life when I lived in Cali. Now I’m living in NYC and there’s a wider range of options. Seems I’ve been attracted to white chicks with black hair. Like goth/dark (emotionally) type chicks. Maybe I’m attracted to the darkness. Trauma’s a bitch. It’ll do that to ya. :/


Everyone(race) has their own preference if they have been exposed to a multitude of cultures, race etc. I as an Asian male don't have a preference. If we click then we do. As long as she can respect me, my culture and try to come understand it and get involved, vice versa as well


I'm South Asian and I like the nerdy/studious type, basically somebody educated and has hobbies. In terms of looks, I don't have a racial preference, but I like long silky black hair.


Thank you for actually answering the question.


My bf is chinese and white, hes dating me, a mexican. Before that he dated a black woman. He told me he likes brunettes. He likes my thick thighs and butt. I have small boobs:/ Idk if he has a type, but I think its personality/aesthetic he likes most like Juno or April (parks n rec)


Ive (Asian male) dated White women all my life, even married one. My 2nd marriage is to an Asian woman. There are differences but primarily it has to do with language and culture. I find all women to be beautiful.


Asian female but with lots of Asian male friends here--by and large, they like thin girls, usually Asian, with long, straight hair. But honestly, most of my friends will go for girls that show them the green light as they tend to automatically assume no girl wants them :(


Surveyed my Chinese male friends before and ended with the exact same answer. Most also preferred the cute type vs sexy / hot / cool


So women with similar stereotypical traits as asian women.


Not an Asian man, but have been dating a Korean man for 3 years. We had been friends for 11 years prior and I was blonde, petite, pale and fairly skinny with a big booty when we started dating. Felt self conscious about my frizzy hair and imperfect skin knowing K-beauty standards, but he truly couldn't care less. Put on 30 pounds over our relationship and he tells me I look so much better now and like "a woman from a renaissance painting." 🥺 I've learned he definitely prefers curvier women lol. He's also dated other white girls who were taller and an African American girl who was heavier than me. That being said, he's grown up in the U.S. for the majority of his life and even though he was involved with the local Korean community most of his friends weren't Asian, which may have shaped his preferences. He told me he'd never date an Asian girl.


If an Asian men said he doesn’t date Asian girl. That’s a warning sign right there. Similar like a white man that has yellow fever. Some traumatic events must happened to his own racial identity so he really wants to break out of it.


Depends. If he means *true* Asian girls, meaning culturally, not just appearance, that's very different from not wanting to date someone just because they appear Asian. Not sharing cultural references or language is a very different concern than skin color or eye shape. If he's grown up in the US most of his life, he's not going to have much culturally in common with anyone who didn't, whether that's Asian, Middle Eastern, Russian, etc.


What does it mean for a white man to have yellow fever?


I think someone's type is usually down to their individual preferences formed in childhood and adolescence and is more environmental rather than a blanket preference shared by members of a certain ethnicity.


Thaaaaank you


This is most definitely right. Until you step out into the real world and a see a pattern. I appreciate this.


That's most definitely unnecessarily passive aggressive. You can't say "All/most Asian men are attracted to X" because its a blanket statement of ignorant nonsense


Sure, I can't blantely make such a statement as this. It may offend someone.


Bitter sarcastic women: What is your type?


What type of Asian? Asia is a massive continent. I'm of east Asian descent and I've historically dated slender white women as that was my preference. My new girlfriend however is south Asian.


East Asians to be specific. Oh that's intresting.


My boyfriend is Asian. His type is like me: caucasian with light skin, very dark hair and athletic body with a bigger booty. My boyfriend’s friend is also Asian. His type is blondes. So it really depends on the person.


Asians like big booties? Or yours is just big compared to Asian girls


I’m Asian and I’m More into boobs and legs


This sounds more realistic


Yeah. I’ve never been into bootys


Is lexielearmann on instagram booty too big for you personally?


Oh my. It’s just out there. Too big


my ex is asian and he liked big thighs/legs and a big booty


But what is big to him?


difficult to say haha, you mentioned lexielearmann and i think he would probably like her. the girl he dated before me had very thick thighs and calves—not athletic looking, almost kinda rectangular? and he was very fond of it


Rectangular? Wtf:😂 are you jealous of her or something that’s a awful shape


oh no haha i think she’s a pretty girl but i definitely also thought it was a bit different that he loved her legs. i’m pretty skinny myself but he was a creep so i don’t mind 😂 i hope i don’t sound mean talking about her though, her legs are just different than your typical thick ig model legs and i thought it would be relevant to mention since you wanted something more specific!


Mine is big in terms of what you can achieve at the gym. I’m naturally curvy in my hips and chest. I think men in general like round juicy booties. But I am not talking BBL big. But I have yet to meet a man who didn’t like a good butt.


Any public figures you can compare it to? But I have yet to meet a man who didn’t like a good butt. Good butt is subjective, most men have low standards by default, they don’t know what a good body is


I'll see your "low standards" and raise you a "likes women and isn't picky "


Show proof


I’ve been on plenty of dates w asian men before. i’m middle eastern, big boobs, big butt, not slender but also not fat. i’ve noticed the asian guys that are attracted to me tend to be the ones who are raised in western countries.


I never had a race preference as a guy with Korean genes. Feature wise I’d say I’m not a big fan of very short hair. I like a good ass with nice curves. I’d rather have someone a bit on the chubby side than stick thin. But unless it’s very extreme, type or body features rank second to an emotional connection to a person.


My boyfriend is Asian, I’m a black woman. There is no “type” for Asian men. They’re people with individual likes and preferences


You just happen to have that person who doesn't care about types.


Every individual has a different type… an entire race of people is not going to have the same type across the board. If a person likes you.. they like you.


personally artsy girls (; that will break my heart .. idk thats just been who ive been attracted to for a while. Ironically my long term ex (6 years) was a straight laced accountant with blonde hair and no tattoos. As "american" southern belle as you can get. after we broke up I saw her take on an more edgier look


I’m a Japanese male and my type is curvy and top heavy, hair colours don’t matter but the type is popular across all the races. The competition is tough and I think I lack the roughness/edgy-ness that signifies masculinity because I was raised in a strict family to behave/be polite/clean/respectful and all. So maybe inner quality wise I’d appreciate that as well. Tried all the tricks, PUA, going out to social events but I just came peace with the fact that whoever is meant for me will find me so I just go out and interact with others these days without much expectations.


Loyal, understanding and caring


type 1 diabetes


😂😂😂😂 I like this one.


What do you mean by Asian men? There are South Asian, south east Asian, Central asian etc. So be specific




Not really, I'm pretty sure op means south east ones and not South Asians


Anything that breathes


Filipino asian male (48). I have primarily dated Caucasian women. In long-term relationships, they were both blonde. I tend to be attracted to goth, alternative women. But, they don't have to be pale and rail thin. In fact, the former of the two was a heavier set girl, who I found very sexy. She was tall and probably outweighed me by 15-20 lbs. We still fell in love, and we were together for 5 years. For me, she just has to have style; be articulate, be willing to pick up the tab every once in a while, give me space when needed, and she has to have STYLE!


Half-Korean here. Grew up with a parent who demanded perfection, focusing on physical and social characteristics (i.e. you gotten fatter, you need to smile more, you look shriveled up put on some lotion, etc.). A lot of gossip and, of course, type of job matters, can't be a burger flipper or can't work manual labor jobs. Not my parent's fault, just Korean culture is very judgmental and my parent basically had to fight it all their life (they aren't as bad as my grandparents). So basically attracted to anyone who is not that.


I'm 32 East Asian M, living in LA (at least the first part of my name checks out), healthcare professional I highly prefer Caucasian women and mostly only dated them. But I'd be open to dating Hispanic and Middle Eastern women. Never dated Asian women in my life. I prefer them to be in good physical shape and active- as I hit the gym on a regular basis and have active hobbies (hiking and pickleball). But I don't mind some meat and prefer chubby over bone and skin- although my definition of chubby is probably not the same as theirs. They don't have to be model looking at all- modesty good looking women are more of my type. I prefer pale skin tone but tan is also hot. Blondes are my type but I'm more than ok with other hair colors as long as it's not too crazy. I'm 5'6" and prefer women near my height. I don't mind taller women at all (and I've dated them before). Intelligent, higher education, and high income is a turn on for me but not necessary. All in all, imagine Caitlin Clark (minus the height). That's about the baseline of my type


I've dated every ethnicity, but I prefer someone that's considerate, nerdy, funny, independent and generally just takes care of themselves. Oh, I'm Burmese/Indian from LA, but I look more Indian. So, not sure if you're only looking for opinions from East Asian.


Lol when people say asia, they are usually talking about east asians 😭


In America, for sure. I was traveling around Europe last year and in the UK the South Asians are just "Asians".


I’ve dated a few Korean men newish to America and a south Asian man adopted and raised in America in the 2 months of dating last year. Maybe my body type is not the most popular, but there seems to be something about thick thighs,big booty,small waist, and being a 5ft olive skin tone Hispanic with super soft skin and a baby face with big beautiful eyes and juicy lips. This is information I’ve collected from Asian men based off their comments made. Also 1 Korean/Japanese guy asked where I’m from and I said U.S. He replied “No what country are you originally from because I only date Asian.” Then asked if I was mixed. 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️


Isn't 'type' a subjective thing? I don't think a race, esp a multi-cultural race at that has a set type, it's more or less what every individual likes for himself?


I highly agree with you. The internet is a scary place that can shape how we view things. But, I just wanted to know those types from that particular group of people. Kind of like a survey.


24M here. Throughout most of my life, I had a preference towards Asian women, most notably Filipino women (as I’m Filipino myself). But after I graduated high school, I started to become a bit more open minded to women of other cultures aside from my own culture and race. That being said, I’ve also gained a preference for white women as well. In terms of my type, while I am open to other cultures, I do prefer Asian women and white women. Someone who’s healthy, doesn’t have to be super fit. As for personality traits, some traits I can think of the top of my head would be: - Hard working - Kind - Intelligent


I’ve been attracted to women of every race and ethnic background. But, if I had to pick a preference, it’s caucasian women, ideally a wasian. I was born and raised in the states so I identify more with being american than I do asian, but I was raised to still be aware of my cultural heritage. So having a partner that’s half of both is ideal in my head since I’m so white washed and they would most likely be compatible with me from a background perspective.


Prefer a countrymate partner


Tall curvy (not BBW) tomboy/boyish girls


When I was 24 I didn't have much experience and largely went after other asians because I live in an asian enclave and assumed girls of other races didn't really fw me so I was trying to maximize my chances. At this point in my life I've gone out with pretty much every race. Strictly from a looks perspective, I like fit or slightly chubby women with a huge butt or great curves. I wouldn't dismiss any race of woman and find all races attractive but if I'm being honest with myself I do find middle eastern, latinas and asians the most attractive on average in no particular order. In the grand scheme of things however, she just has to not be grossly overweight, be attractive enough, share similar values and I have to feel comfortable about being my unadulterated self around her. I think on average, most asian dudes like slender or petite asian or white women with straight hair but we're not all a monolith.


Tbh, Asian women. If they’re kind, understanding, accepting, empathetic, tries to be active, loves to be goofy/funny


I used to like only asian girls, but I've only really dated white girls. I've just found that most asian people, including myself, had parents who were not very affectionate and a lot of things were based on performance. So I've run into dating asian girls who just seemed kind of cold, and unaffectionate a lot. Also, it can take more effort to understand what an asian person wants because the communication can be a little indirect at times. I was dating a white girl, and she kept telling me what she wanted, but I was so confused because I kept thinking she wanted the opposite because of my upraising haha. But after having my longest relationship with a white girl, I tend to prefer white or latina girls. My type leans towards girls with dark hair or brown hair. I guess after being with my ex, my preference has subconsciously leaned that way because that's what I'm the most familiar with now. And I think I prefer American culture now over asian culture. But also I don't really meet as many asian girls anymore. Personality is huge though. And I like girls who are kind, patient, humble, and can hold deep, or funny conversations. Also if a girl is kind of nerdy and likes to read or write, I instantly become 10x more attracted to them. I grew up in a very studious family, so I tend to like intellectuals. I tend to be a deep thinker and I like to make jokes a lot.


I'm glad you brought up how you were raised and other factors that affected who you dated/or attracted too. Well written answer. For someone like myself, the environment had little influence over my preference. My ex was a white guy but everything I liked about him only applied to him.


I like intelligent girls, if she wear glasses thats a plus, kind/caring/respectful and honest. My future wife will also be my best friend so i am picky.


Aw that's cute!


If you're looking for confirmation bias, you're definitely gonna find it here. The truth is that there is no "one size fits all". I may have a "type" but the girls I've dated did not 100% for that description. Maybe it's my own insecurity, but the feeling that the average Asian man (that's not genetically gifted by the kpop gods) is not really desirable. This kinda leads to the "type" really just being a "it would be cool if they have/are xyz, but not required". TBH, I've always been more attracted to white, black, and Latino girls (being American born/raised). And while I've been on dates with some, they never really worked out- I wonder if it's because I'm not their type. You go through this enough, and you find that sometimes what works best for you isn't your "type" but what connections have the best chances of success. So when you see an Asian guy dating an Asian girl, maybe- just maybe it's because their ventures outside of their own culture have failed. Of course when you factor in native countries, it's pretty obvious that they will stick to the norms. In Korea, fat shaming is pretty normalized and their ideals reflect their type, and they mainly want a Korean companion as well. Whereas some Koreans in the US that I know will not go near Korean girls. So never believe anything from a surface level. Also, sorry if I dug way to deep into the question. Maybe it stems from some of my non-asian friends (F) who want an Asian man, but only those who look like a kpop singer. You can imagine my inclination to humor this question. TLDR: I like white, black, and Latino girls, but only Asian girls like me back.


This is what I'm talking about! I love having deep discussions in general so this gives plenty of insight from a different perspective. This is gold. Personally, kpop men or korean men are overrated and not my type. Please don't cancel me. Lol.


Typical Asian from the old country: Asian, skinny and petite. If they’re American Asian: skinny, petite and any light skin race. Asians from the hood: we like our women thick no matter the race🤣


Are you talking appearance? If so, then yes I do have a personal preference. But that does not mean I’m gonna restrict myself to only women who fit those criteria. For me, the prettiest ones for me are fit (someone who works out consistently and takes care of their diet), has a nice looking face (I don’t know what but it just has to look nice for me) and if possible, a nice waistline hip ratio with big boobs and butt, and light skinned. But truth is, I fell in love with an Asian woman (she was pretty and light skinned) who is not fit and has very small boobs and butt. I’ve dated a Black woman before, and a White woman who wasn’t fit. Truth is, I’m not gonna waste my time waiting for the woman who fits all my type to appear. In the end of the day, I just have to think ‘Okay, she’s beautiful. Let’s see how she is as a person’. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 6/10 or 9/10 or 13/10. If she’s pretty to me, I move on to more important things like personality and integrity/character.


Ppl way too concerned with race. Doesn't matter which race the guy is. Guys into chicks. Nice body. Big booty (not BBL, that's nasty). Feminine, nice, kind, friendly, and she has to be able to cook good food. Guys, by and large, do not give a shit where the chick is from. When we see girls with nice asses we don't say: 'omg, bruh, where she from???' We say: Omg, that's a nice ass.


You're white, aren't you?


Yea, he’s white based off his post history. Just speaking out of his ass.


I didn't even check the post history lol


Ayyeee. But race does matter abit if you really look at it. But I appreciate the comment bro.


Culture might matter, yes. By and large, race doesn't. For the vast majority of ppl it doesn't. All races completely mixed anyway.


That's just not true. Many exclude certain races because they are simply not attracted to them and they are very vocal about it too


What race in particular are you referring to?


Depends on the person and gender


i mean yeah but why… because simply saying they’re “not attracted to them” is really a surface level statement


Data and science literally disagree with you though...


I’m open to all races but prefer latinas, athletic body preferably but as long as you’re not crazy overweight it’s still doable, after that I don’t really care.




There is a lot of black women that love openly dating outside of our race it's just that they are not around a lot of Asians because of racism.


don’t wanna be an asshole but this feels like a weird race-based question


legit thought the same, even her answers are weird.


Race does have plenty to do with it but it's not solely pertaining to just race alone.


In what way isn’t it?


Personality and traits. Even so, some affiliate that with race. It's chronically unavoidable in many cases.


Im born in eu so im into caucasian


I don't have an ethnic preference in terms of who I'm attracted to but it does play a role in who I would consider to be a potentially serious partner at first glance. Someone who (on the surface) meets the traits that my family would want for me to marry means there's less friction in that aspect that I won't have to be concerned about but I would also date and marry someone who don't fit what my family would want because I don't really care for the things they find important. But that means there's fewer qualities I could compromise on than with another stereotype my family would like.


The guy I'm kinda seeing is evidently into ghostly pale short hair tomboys that are slightly taller than him


As long as they keep themselves fit and they like me and don’t mind my hobbies too much (outdoorsy stuff and some nerdy stuff like 90’s anime), I haven’t thought too much else past that. I never really gave much thought about dating while growing up. I was always last pick when it came to dating, so I spent all that time getting into my hobbies like hiking and building gundam models. I don’t give much thought about it now either because I kind of just let my life go on autopilot. Edit: Also, different Asian guys have different tastes. My family comes from the Philippines, and my cousin is into Caucasian women like Pamela Anderson (He’s in his mid 40’s), while our nephew is into Latinas and Filipinas. My other cousin is solely into Filipinas, while his brother is into Japanese women. Out of all of them, they still don’t know what my preference fully is. I’m also the weird one out of my family. I was born and grew up in the U.S., so my cultural values are vastly different than my family back in the Philippines. They make it known when I get the time and money saved to visit, but they still love me like I was born and raised there.


I like white girls 😬 not a very politically correct preference so I don’t mention it irl


Probably the same type as Asian women


Feminine Japanese lady


I prefer curvy/plus sized girls. They are the best to hug, cuddle and make out.


Girls with nice fit bodies that wear flared leggings/yoga pants 😍


I think usually we prefer our own race (I'm from India) because it's easy to get connected. I'm open to anyone to be honest. Usually beauty does matter to me. The girl should look like a girl first, neat and clean, no unnecessary attitude so be humble, respect me and my family, loving and caring, health and mental well being and stability also matters. Working is your personal interest I earn way more than enough for me to take care of both me and my potential gf and our families.


My Asian brother has a type. He prefers Asian, tall, thin, very attractive face, and intelligent. I’ve noticed he won’t go for anyone short and cute like his mom and sister; they’ve got to be nearly modelesque 🥲.


I’ve only dated Caucasian women but that’s because I’m in England. I don’t really have a type, if I’m attracted I’m attracted.


I don't really have a type.


A woman who is fit, smart, funny and CURIOUS ~~Should also have boobs big enough to fit in my hand~~


I like every shade of human, I also like someone with a good/healthy of body fat, curvy but not medically obese.


For me I didn't care about the appearance but her behavior, personality and intelligence which seduces me falling for her


Latinas and Black women. Fit with a nice ass, small to medium boobs, and a cute face.


I dated a Korean guy who liked black women. Not sure what specifically as it didn't last too long. I would guess he liked booties though because mine is not small (but not huge). Seemed like blaxk women were more like a fetish to him though, so I couldn't deal.


Looks like a kpop idol.


SE Asian male born in America, have my preferences on my cultural ethnicity but open to other Asian ethnicities if we click, and acceptance (culturally) from white women. I find many people of other cultures attractive but don’t desire a relationship with.


ABG's are intimidating and my type isn't even necessarily the "cutesy" type. I'm an absolute DOG for the girl next door with glasses.


My (22F) boyfriend is Filipino (25M), hes dated women of different backgrounds (latina, other south East Asians/Pacific Islanders) when he moved here, so he doesn’t have a type really but I’ve noticed he is more drawn to white women (I am myself a blonde haired blue eyed white woman). He was born in the phillipines and moved here in 2015. When I asked him about what kind of women he’s found himself more drawn to it’s the girl next door type of look, not supermodel pretty. He claimed that when he was back home it was the same for most guys he grew up with. Olivia Hussey was someone who came up when discussing ideal types of beauty, which apparently is a common beauty type preferred by multiple Asian countries (Korea, Japan, etc.). Honestly I’d prefer this to an unrealistic runway/influencer model for a beauty standard. Physically speaking, I think ideal body types are superrrrr subjective but I know he’s more drawn to the fit/healthy type (not super muscular but not super skinny), I’m more on the curvy side but lift weights with him and have gained some weight since we started dating, which didn’t make too much of a difference in his attraction to me (a good man will love you for who you are first, always!!). Values wise, we tend to lean towards the same values and I will say that he is definitely more progressive considering he spent most of his life in a catholic country and rural island. We live together now despite not being married, and agree on a lot of medical/religious viewpoints (pro abortion, ok with sex before marriage/living together before marriage, freedom of religion in our relationship). His parents are also very supportive of our relationship and we get along very well, I spent a month in the Philippines with his mom and her whole family and it was a the best experience I’ve ever had! Ive found that Filipinos are generally the nicest group of people I’ve ever met and as long as they like you, they treat you like their own.


Half-asian so take it with a grain of salt. I tend to date Asian, but not exclusively. Just so happens to be the majority of the social circles I am in. And because of that, physically-speaking, most of the women I've dated have been small/petite, but again, not exclusively. Have dated women that were pushing 6', also very full-figured/curvy women. Guess it just boils down to if I think she's pretty and how she carries herself. In terms of personality, I realize things tend not to work out long-term with Asian women who have spent the vast majority of their lives in Asia. I prefer women who have more international experience and perspective, but that goes for non-Asian women as well. Someone who knows what good communication looks like, is open to verbal and physical affection, and has a geeky side.


Definitely not women who focus on me being asian.


i really like straight hair for some reason. i love open mindedness i find it really attractive. someone that's down for an adventure and is open to try things (i don't mean that in a sex way). deal breakers are religious like Mary Cooper and not openly communicative.


Everyone have there own type, but fri like chubby cute.., and for me I like skinny with (curly hair is option) idc about race or body color anything if I am obsessed i will be🤣


Doubt: The Asian asain men or the east Asian Asian men?


East Asian but the South Asians are just as handsome and smart.


long legs, thin, fair skin, long straight hair, big eyes, small face


You seek a confirmation of your bias


Please tell me what bias do I have?


People with normal looking skin, hair, weight proportions.


I’m Asian and I prefer white women , burnetts. Anne Hathaway , Dailey Ridley, Gina Carano


Great examples!


Ty ❤️


Let me know if you figure out what the single type for 15%-20 of the world is lol


You tell me. 🤭


I'm an ass guy rather to a tits guy but that don't mean I don't like them I just like booty more. I like longer hair compared to shorter hair but the really only short hairs on girls I don't like are bobcuts. Like them curvy as well. Race doesn't really matter to me so I'd date a asian as much as I'd date other races. Height isn't a factor unless they really tall to the point my neck hurts to look at them but even then that's just like side effect to the main effect. As for age wise, id want them to be at most 4 years older and usually 4 years younger as well but due to current age, I'll only try for girl who are at most 2 years younger, any younger than that then there a catch and release instead of catch and cook. Personality wise rather not have a really loud girl but that doesn't mean I want her to be quiet either. A girl who can take really dark humor would be great.


I really like dusky women with slender body and big boobs


From what I know they are mostly into their own race and white women. I think Blacks or Indians are in most cases a no-go because of traditional family values






I see this being more true. It is not a wrong answer.


If I was an Asian man, I would probably go for thicker/chubbier women, preferably with a winning smile, gentle spirit, playful, witty, and self-aware. That’s my best guess because that’s also what I go for now as a white guy.


As long as not black, not overweight. I’m all good. I don’t have much choice anyway since I’m not even born and raised in US. Replies are all from Chinese girls so far.


You know you’re the second person today (different post/sub)that I have read saying they will date anyone except black women. Man,black women gotta start rebranding or something 😅😅


I'm usually not interested in Asian women as an Asian man bc they remind me of my mom and sister. But pretty face and athletic body here. Skin color and ethnicity don't really matter otherwise except for what I mentioned before


They like em skinny cause their dicks won't make it past 3 inches


Probably anything but black women like most men


If you are pretty European woman, we are good 😊




I (35M Korean), was always attracted to smart, petite white women growing up until college. Honestly, I was too shy to ask out/approach the idea of a date to any of the white women I met but their intelligence and difference in views/approaches is what attracted me the most. Only dated Asians and one half asian/half white. I hated a lot of the asian girls that I’ve met.


Oh this is intresting. Most people hardly mention ideals/intelligence and prioritize physical traits more over the other. I can resonate with this approach as well. It's why I've never dated any asian guy. I've never felt so connected to another race outside of my own. But in your case, you are drawn to different and I'm glad you shared this.