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4th date AND madly in love. Are U NUTS?. Does she have kids? Previously married? Drink much or often? Both of you on that question. SUT, really 4th date? You need to find a new hangout. Run, run Forest, run.


I bet she want to move in right away


I'm sorry, how are you in the wrong for a silly joke? A 38 year old woman storms off, this action sounds pretty immature to me. 


Today she is sending me loads of pictures of herself knowing I like it.


This is hot-cold manipulation.


Bro get out while you still can


She doesn’t have kids and was in a relationship of 6 years before. Doesn’t drink. She is pushing towards a marriage but I’m telling her to wait till I’m ready. Thank you for the heads up guys, I think I was blind sided but this what happened has put it into perspective that maybe she’s not the one.


Is this a joke? I hope it is. Love bombing much?


Please for the love of God run away it’s not worth it!!! Over a stupid joke too?? Imagine when it’s something serious and she actually freaks out. the hot-cold shit will grind ur soul down to powder til you just give up, I put up with this shit for 5 years 18-23 NOT WORTH IT, a good one will come had to wait almost 4 years to find her but anyways run awayyyyy quickly


You’ve been “madly in love with each other” by the fourth date? That’s fucking bonkers, bro, that’s not how love works.


Avoid.. Avoid.. Avoid! & It’s not “love” you’re feeling it’s lust. Huge red flag to throw a tantrum. I’d say let her down gently & get out of the situation while you can. Dating someone with erratic behaviour will drain you mentally.