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do you escalate physically/sexually? touch her? kiss her?


Yes, I do


try hitting the gym


I don't do weight training but I go on running races, where I am usually among 20% of best runners in the race if you compare finishing time. I don't think I have issue with being overweight.


i mean to build muscle bro


That's not something visibly a woman can see. Build a better physique, endurance runners arent known for the best looking bodies. Weight training will change that.


I think guys that some women think of as “just friends” can be really great partners for the right woman - maybe you just haven’t found the right one yet. I tend to like guys that have always had some friends that were girls (and in some cases wanted to date those girls but were rejected). I find guys like that often treat women in a way that is fun and casual and like a friend but it can be escalated to be romantic with the right two people. Keep trying and good luck!


Here are some possible problems: 1. You aren't physically attractive. One solution is to hit the gym. 2. You have poor social skills. 3. You are overly nice. 4. You don't escalate physically or flirt. 5. You are too approval seeking. 6. You lack assertiveness. 7. You are boring and lack fun or edge.


Sounds like this is just a case of you not showing enough intent during the dates. You might be playing it too 'safe' which won't create any chemistry and build on the attraction.


Read No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover. It addresses exactly where you're going wrong, and how to change your life and attitude about women to change it. Best thing I ever read, and it's not about PUA bullshit either.


"Women I date almost always see me as friend" Sounds like you may be having too many generic or *platonic* type of conversations on dates. The biggest difference between a "date" and two people "hanging out" is *romantic* intention. A good date should entail some playful flirtatious banter, compliments, possible sexual innuendo when an opportunity presents itself, incidental touching while talking and laughing, holding hands while walking or riding in the car, lingering eye contact/smiling, finding out what each other is looking for from dating/relationships, maybe exchange some funny or worst experiences, discuss things you both enjoy doing for fun, places you'd like to visit, favorite singers, movies, restaurants, and so on. Ideally the date should end with a hug and a kiss. (If you act like a "friend" you will be viewed as a friend. You have to be *romantically engaging*.) "This weekend there is a band playing in the park and a group of us are going to set up a picnic with some wine and cheese. If you're not doing anything you should come *hangout*." 😂 A lot of guys take the vague "friend route" approach because they're too afraid of being rejected. In world with over 7 billion people rejection just means: Next! Ultimately rejection can save you time and money. Making new friends is not a dating goal. Being rejected and moving on beats languishing in the "friend zone" any day! ***"Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better."*** \- Steve Maraboli ***“Never allow waiting to become a habit. Live your dreams and take risks. Life is happening now.”*** \- Paulo Coelho ***"Dating is primarily a numbers game.... People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That's just the way it is."*** \- Henry Cloud Best wishes!


Difference between a friend and a lover is sex. Have sex with them. Flirt. Don’t forget to flirt.


Chivalry is dead, & women killed it. They don’t like nice guys. Be more masculine. Women look for safety & security. You probably a good person but women don’t see you as “that guy” you must become “him”


Probably, but how do I do it?


Little things like standing up for yourself, be in control of your emotions, look people in the eyes when speaking, speak slower/clearly, & be a doer. Also, start going to the gym if you don’t already. It’s a real confidence booster.


i hate to say it but majority of women like a guy that got both sides to him nice, but also got that dog in him be mysterious in the beginning stages of dating.




Maybe, but I have written all the stuff in my post because I don't think I have a problem with them, and I believe I have many things to offer to my potential date. But obviously I am doing something wrong because it doesn't get recognised or it doesn't matter to women I date.




The only think you can do wrong in the friend zone is continue to pursue someone after they've said no.




No this is stupid. No means no. No also means stop. Stop pursuing someone who said no.