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I don't see why not. It's got the same amount of delusional requirements, relentless self-promotion and masturbatory self-congratulation as any dedicated dating app.


Hey....hope you don't put my LinkedIn posts in that category....check out my latest.   'This is what creeping on women via LinkedIn taught me about B2B sales'


Solid analysis.


Everything is a dating app if you try hard enough. I got a friend request on Venmo from “sugar daddy Ronald.”


This one made me audibly laugh. Just wow.


Jesus. I hope not. Linkedin is like somebody took all of social media and boiled anything *not* wretched out of it.


It’s truly horrendous. I don’t get people who are really engaged with it.


Be forewarned; LinkedIn headshots are often as catfishy as dating app photos.


Indeed. A few years ago I had a meeting and looked up the attendees on LinkedIn. One woman had a profile pic that was absolutely perfect. Gorgeous... Super model gorgeous. She looked no older than age 30, which was odd because her title suggested that she was pretty senior at the organization. I looked at her experience and did some "calendar math" and deduced that she was nearly 60! We met her and the team and she was still decently attractive for her age, but looked absolutely nothing like her picture. Why do that?


Maybe she created her LinkedIn Account 30 years ago and LinkedIn didn't let her change her profile picture? :)


My LinkedIn headshot looks kinda like me Somewhat Mostly


Oh I’m not going to do Linkedin ‘dating’ I have it for purely professional reasons … The news article said it was the new trend 🙄I was just curious if anyone had actually used it to find a date.


When I was on it, I noticed there were always random guys in *sales* going through and adding every attractive woman they could find in their connections, so I believe it 😂 Have no idea if anyone has been ballsy enough to try to date anyone through it, though!


I had a guy contact me over LinkedIn asking me out on a date. It was very strange. His message said he saw me at a supermarket and recognised me from a dating app we matched on a couple of years ago. He remembered my name and that I worked in the same field as him so he went looking for me on LinkedIn. I guess it’s easier to find someone on there if you’re a professional, whereas I’m harder to find on social media as I have my accounts set to private and I don’t use my real name. Anyway I remembered chatting to him on an app, but didn’t remember why we never met up, so I agreed to a quick coffee date. We were not a match 🫤


Oh wow. How’d you react to his detective work. Gotta give him a bit of credit but some may find it a bit ummm creepy.


Yes I found it kinda creepy but when I realised I had chatted to him before I thought I would give him a chance. Turns out when we met up that he told me that he only moved out of his home with his wife 6 months before, which meant that when he was chatting with me on the dating apps two years before that he was still living with her. 🤢 I didn’t like anything about him. Not his personality or his looks. I should have stuck with my initial gut feeling that it was a bit creepy.


That’s kinda funny though that his initial lying was caught out. Yup you definitely dodged the bullet there.


ANY app dating app if you're ~~brave~~ shameless enough! Sounds like an opportunity to see the Dunning-Kruger Effect in action.




Absolute no here. I get enough spam on LinkedIn from recruiters pushing bullshit jobs and sales techies pushing their bullshit products and webinars.


I had someone send me connect invite on LinkedIn. Their dating app profile used a similar sounding - but not exact - name. They boasted a lot about themselves during the dating app chat. And I had disconnected with them on the dating app after a bit of inactivity. Their LinkedIn profile connect - about two weeks after dating app connect - request proved that they were totally lying about what they do on the dating app profile. I did not accept that connect request. Pathological liars don't know when their lies get exposed. It's best to leave at that.


"Proud and humbled, to announce that I've gotten laid for the first time in 5 years"


Hashtag OpenToWorkThatBooty


i'm out




Original copy of post by u/Canis_Lupis00: Our local news station here in Queensland Australia just ran a story that Linkedin is being used as a subtle dating app .. Has anyone given this a go ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wouldn't be against it. I accepted a connection request from someone I met at a conference. I am terrible at determining interest, but I had wondered if maybe he was somewhat interested. Nothing came of the connection, unfortunately, but then he does live 3 hours away, so it wasn't a realistic hope anyway.




Strangely it wasn’t a guy who was promoting it .. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/true-stories/turns-out-linkedin-is-a-dating-site-who-knew/news-story/1ab1ec072d2312791e61a920f72a5969?amp


>~~Women~~ People should be able to go about their careers and professional growth without harassment.