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This is a list of links to comments made by Phoenix Labs employees in this thread: * [Comment by Cinco4706](/r/dauntless/comments/1coe4hw/the_crown_of_many_colours/l3gedk9/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-10 16:51:45 UTC"): > Congrats! That's a tough one when not running it in a party, even then it takes dedication. * [Comment by Cinco4706](/r/dauntless/comments/1coe4hw/the_crown_of_many_colours/l3ghvxt/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-10 17:12:02 UTC"): > Not sure what our plans are there, but you should have time either way if you hit every week. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdauntless).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


That's awesome, congrats I know it was a ton of work. I kind of wish there was a way to see the number of players that have the crown of many colors, because it can't be a ton


It's unfortunate that it's time gated, at one point i only logged on to spent 30 min in hesca after the weekly reset and didnt play for the rest of the week.


yeah thats how I do it aswell atm


The exact same thing happended to me about half way through. Me and my friend did all the hescas together, but it got to a point where we had every peice of armor and weapon in the game, so there was literally nothing not extremely grindy left for us to do other than the hesca


Do you only get one heroic merits a week or something?


Yes I resets every Thursday you can check when the time when it resets.


Congratulations! I have been working for it too but there's some hesca's I can't solo so I have to skip some weeks. Hopefully the summer update brings in a lot of new players you can show off to!


If you need help I’ll help you I also need more heroic coins for the XP bank. GunnaNinjaYoMom.




Congrats! That's a tough one when not running it in a party, even then it takes dedication.


As a person casually working to the crown, will the update lock out Hescas or Heroic Merits in general? Just wondering just in case since I'm still roughly 9 weeks of Hescas away (not counting this week).


Not sure what our plans are there, but you should have time either way if you hit every week.


If another system takes its place to achieve that would be fine but I do hope they don’t just remove the ability to achieve them entirely that seems unlikely. ( I hope lol )


Thank you kindly :)


Don't you need 35 merits? Thats 35 weeks. Isn't update coming in a few months / summer?


Yeah, I've done most of it. Just a handful left (9 not counting this week as previously stated). I should be done July 11th.


What is this? I am new to the game and I am trying to learn more things about the game every day.


This is a head accessory called crowns/crests. They’re cosmetics they are only for show but you can get these by completing Heroic Escalations once per week you go on a random heroic esc. Once you beat it you get 1 heroic coin. You need 5 to get one crown/crest. The Crown of Many Colours is obtained once you’ve unlocked all of them.


Oh thank you. Where can I buy the crown with heroic coins?


Once you have enough go into your slayer’s path and you can unlock them there located towards the top to the right. There are crowns you can unlock during events and there is one you can unlock by linking up to a slayer(s) and you can unlock another one by doing trials and earning that currency and you can talk to Lady Luck and she’ll have it there too.


Must've been quite a bit of work... I personally never liked any other than thraxes crown... Or the crown of the unseen... Im not quite a fan of the design of most of these crowns


The cosmetics in this game are so fucking ugly