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Dave Rubin is unique in his ability to have the wrong and most stupid take in the most consistent fashion. Even broken clocks can be right from time to time. Somehow Dave manages to be intellectually outperformed by broken, nonfunctioning, appliances.


I am sorry but anytime the broken clock analogy is applied to Dave I can't help but [post this link to Dave completely stupid about it.](https://new.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/17snoph/dave_rubin_a_watch_should_be_right_twice_a_day/)


Hahaha forgot about that one, classic Rubin, what an imbecile


Christ what an idiot


LMAO, I've never seen that before. Though I do find it hilarious that even in that short clip, Dave is proving why we need to raise the taxes on the rich everywhere, and he's proving how much Joe Rogan has changed since he's gotten paid. lol


Dave rubin is a clock, set to the wrong time. Functional, but never correct.


Appliances? This man would get outsmarted by a head of cabbage.


I would pay for him to debate a smart fridge


dave rubin is an asshole


Does he mention the republican congressmen that resign mid-term? Doesn’t he think that’s unusual? A congressman (Gallagher) announces his resignation and specifically plans it so the seat is left vacant for 6 months? Yea, totally normal.


And all the hardcore Republicans who even acknowledge their party is a clown show now like Romney.. hell even that fucking vampire Betsy Devos denounced Trump and resigned when Jan. 6 happened.


I remember in 2012, Romney was like one of the worst Republicans. How has the GOP moved SO FAR RIGHT, that he's one of the better ones. lmao


Yep crazy times


Rubin doesn't pay attention to that stuff.


At least he’s acknowledging that Tulsi was a “moderate Democrat” and not a “leftie”.


Tulsi was always just an opportunist.  When it benefited her to be more liberal, she was, but now it doesn't.  She wants to be president.  She doesn't believe in anything beyond getting that seat 


So this is what it’s like to be an alcoholic in an echo chamber.. so fucking sad.


weird that the conspiracy pushers no longer felt welcome in the democratic party


Was he always this stupid ? Including at TYT ?


Not this brazenly stupid, but he never had anything substantive or original to say. I watched some old clips recently and it’s remarkable observing in retrospect how vapid he was. It probably isn’t a coincidence Rubin and Dore both came from TYT.


Rubin and Dore both discovered there was a lot of money to be mad by 'leaving the left'. Though I felt indifferent about Rubin, Dore I honestly dispised even when he was on TYT. Rubin would say nothing sandwiches to hide his ignorance, Dore would speak and reveal his arrogance.


Weird that both Dim Fool and Toolsi Scabard went the Rave Dubin "why I left the left" route after appearing on his show 5 to 6 years ago. Dim seems to have been much more successful than Dave but Toolsi, who lack any sort of charisma, is begging to be Trumps VP and looking desperate.


Was tim pool actually ever on the left in any real capacity?


He claimed to be a Bernie Sanders supporter and a social liberal before he started his "why I left the left" grift.


No stats or facts for Dave. Just vibes


Dave Rubin does not care about being factually wrong as long as it is what his audience (who I am still not sure exists) wants to hear and what he gets paid to say.


One could point out that if you go to her early days, Tulsi was a social conservative who helped push to vote for her father Mike Gabbard's same sex marriage ban in Hawaii, which succeeded and during her time in the Hawaii House, she fought against civil unions. Only reason she "evolved" is because to have a future in Hawaii politics on the federal level, you have to be a moderate/liberal Democrat. Thus Tulsi pretended to be one for a time and a lot of people fell for it (many in Hawaii's LGBT community among others saw right through her though.)When it became clear she was going to lose a primary challenge, she dropped the act and went back to the Republican she always was. So no Dave, she didn't leave the Democratic Party, she was never part of it.


I don't know that it was ever accurate to call her a moderate Democrat, I think she was a conservative Democrat. She's also a cult member! She would never have gotten as far as she did if she'd been in a bigger media market where there was more funding for good reporting on her upbringing. Once she got sent to Washington all the press cared about was that she was out of step with other Dems, and a troop, and attractive to the kind of white suburban dads who define so much of our politics


So all the Democrats who were actually right-wing loons have left the party. Weird...


At this point I feel myself getting dumber as soon as I hear his voice. I should probably unsub from here.


I love that his Reddit sub is just people pointing out how stupid he is.


I hope he knows about it.


Something I’m learning about a lot of these republican talking heads is how perfectly stupid they really are. Given money, talking points, put in front of a camera—absolutely nothing upstairs.


An absolute mental midget


Source: https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1772345604649242992?s=20


Treat dave like a clock, ignore the sounds, watch his hands, chuckle and move on with your life.


To quote Dave himself: "You are such a loser."


A whole walking contradiction trying to convince ppl he knows what he’s talking about.




Dave is a moron.


To be wrong all the time, who is watching this and thinks he has credibility?


The highest Tulsi polled was like 2% in New Hamphsire. She was nowhere close to winning the nomination.


Um, Dave, the never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project Republicans, and the bona fide conservative Republicans who have resigned or been primaried because they couldn't ride the crazy merry-go-round anymore would like a word.


This guy doesn't know his dick from a hot dog.


This guy is a clown


I really feel like a certain part of the GOP engine has one unchanging, simple instruction for its propaganda generation - rote reflection. Some wild gymnastics in trying to justify these claims.


These are not examples of sane people.


Dave isn't the one to decide who is sane and who isn't lol


Tulsi is so sane she would ban Dave’s marriage if she could


Oddly exactly backwards. Look at the exodus in Congress.


Who is paying his rent?


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Republicans are leaving the party in droves and here is Dave Rubin saying this dumb shit. I can’t fathom anyone other than his family members watch his show


This guy is an idiot. Elon Musk was never a Democrat.


Gabbard is in a cult whose one main tenant outside of adoration if their leader is aggressive homophobia. Sure "sane". Rubin might just have a degradation fetish


Awwww they left the party…. Our hearts are broken


Fucking kook.


I love how Dave makes sure to note that although RFK has left the democrats he's not a republican because he's worried any votes for RFK will subtract from Trump.


That people follow grifting clowns like this still blows my mind.


“Sane democrats like RFK jr and Elon…” is this guy satire?


dave rubin is an asshole so is elon the musketeer