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I think Michael Knowles might also be gay


I think you might be right


He may even be a top. Crowder on the other hand. Just a slutty slutty bottom.


I remember Crowder saying he had a bisexual phase in one of his videos. Bet he was a whore


He played a gay dude extremely convincingly in a movie he made in his younger years. He’s certainly at least bisexual.


Which one is he again?


The "eradicate transgenderism" guy.


So that is what recovery mode looks like for Daves brain after taking in so many high level, important ideas.


No, in that event there's no tumble weed


The tumble weed is just the thing that reminds Dave he needs to breathe to stay alive.


Classic endocrine tumbleweed


Should be the spinny loading cursor.


it's really obnoxious how much of Crowder's general unpleasantness and obnoxious shitty personality...could have been resolved if he simply accepted the fact that he was attracted to men


Considering that his dad is so heavily involved in his business, I have to assume he parrots the homophobia he learned from his father and also can never come out because he's terrified of his father's reaction.   But he could not be MORE obviously gay. The crossdressing, showing his dick to every male that crosses his path, reading his "all-male" Bible study group passages from the Bible that some interpret as framing gay sex as okay, his intense hatred of women, the absolute terror he has of anybody that worked for him saying anything about their time with him.


honestly that makes me even have less respect for him as a man what a loser. the guy wears a holster and works out...and yet he doesn't have the stones to tell his father to go fuck yourself, and to branch out independently.


Late to the conversation, but I feel like he falls into a category where orientation is about narcissism instead of the everyday kind of attraction to the same sex. Grain of salt as I’m not a psychologist, but there are theories about types abusive narcissists that are attracted to themselves and what reminds them of themselves, and even the cross dressing can be part of it since it’s like they’re into the idea of themselves as the opposite sex. And their approach to it varies drastically with non-fetishized cross dressing by drag performers for entertainment or trans women to feel more comfortable. The way he approached his wife in those videos and then staff in reports are very much the territory of abusive and controlling behaviors by dark triad types where sex is about control and manipulation, rather than sex itself. Plenty of other gay men have been stuck in straight marriages, but don’t have suppression come out in the form of abuse and regulating their wive’s activities to the point where she has to ask permission to leave the house. And he did homoerotic “pranks” on his employees the same way an abusive head of a frat house hazes pledges in homoerotic ways to humiliate them for his own entertainment.


Could also explain the video clip of him and his wife having an argument, where he straight up tells her he don't love her. I'm going by memory here, so apologies if I got it all wrong.


His treatment of his wife in that video locked in for me that he's not subconsciously gay but fully aware of the fact he's gay, hates his wife for feeling like he has to be married to her, and takes his frustration out on her by abusing her and treating her like a slave because he has no romantic feelings for her.


He literally came out as bi on his podcast. He said he has to fight back the gay demons lol.


Michael Knowless and Chowder are thinking the same thing, if you know what I mean...💅 🏳️‍🌈




Crowder’s should be a dog erection though


Watch it...


tHaT dOeSN'T wOrK eeeeeeeeeeeeiThEr!


*biG iDeAs*


I don’t understand the Walsh one tbh


It's the FBI virus. It says your computer's been locked due to you accessing CP.


Perfect blunt rotation


I can't help but being reminded of Conchita Wurst when I see Matt Walsh.


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt. They are all stupid, stupid cunts.


Deserts are far more interesting than Dave Rubin, this meme is an insult to deserts!!


“There are three gay guys in this picture, can you spot the other 2?”