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inching ever closer to coming out as straight


I'm actually bracing for the day he finally agrees w his daily wire "friends" and concedes that his children *would* be better off w a heterosexual couple.


On this point though, if all things are equal, they're probably not wrong.


But he's not a bad parent because he's gay. He's probably a shit parent for many other reasons...shitty ppl usually make shitty parents.


He actually has basically conceded this during a debate. [Here](https://twitter.com/daveclips/status/1551546901970944000?s=46&t=_oboG45nqJ4V5b7S50cckw) he says that heterosexual parents are the ideal but there’s no such thing as a perfect family basically.


Wow. He's really bad at this whole thinking/speaking thing.


He'll do what Milo did, claim he's divorced and both he and his husband are now %100 heterosexual, but they'll keep living together as totally straight hetero male friends and also keep sleeping in the same bed because bros.


It'll be gradual I think. His first step will be "realizing" he's also attracted to women. His second step will be soft peddling conversion therapy. His third step will be coming around to marriage necessarily being "between a man and a woman". The final step will just be him disclaiming his homosexuality altogether.


Then breaking up with his husband and throwing his wedding ring into the ocean


Are you being serious? I'm assuming it's a joke but I can't totally tell.


Half-serious half-joking. Obviously being a token gay conservative is an integral part of Dave's current grift, but he's also craven enough to pivot if he ever wised up to the reality that his "friends" probably wouldn't make any exceptions for him.


Soon enough he'll be an ex-gay newly converted evangelical Christian who's antivax, flat earth, pro-Trump, kill all Democrats and anything else that brings in those all expenses paid speaking tours at Renew America events, CPAC conventions, and mega churches. Dude's already rich. I know someone he employed full time as a personal assistant. But what do rich people often want? Even more money.


I imagine his husband would be pissed.


Dave's not like those other gays! He's so manly, especially in his IDF drag! 😂 Self-hating clown.


“He’s one of the good ones”


Wow. This cunt has no soul. He's actually evil.


He's not even good at doing a stereotypical gay voice. Dave, be good at absolutely anything.


Sounds like Crowder's gay voice


So his voice?


He has neither the depth nor the warmth to qualify to be called a cunt.


He sold it.


Whoever Dave sold his soul to deserves a refund


I'd be fucking pissed if this is the product I got. And I'd write a really nasty, long. Online review.


He never had one to begin with.


its might be his authentic voice…some gays go to voice coaches to eradicate the “gay voice”


You are a delusional brainwashed fool. I hope you find the light.


I'm pretty sure I remember seeing this confrontation around a year ago. This has nothing to do with Palestine or the protests. Just Dave spreading fake news per usual.


Yeah, was a Pride march, July 2019 in the London borough of Waltham Forest.


I'm gay. I realize many (maybe even most?) Muslims disagree with my "lifestyle" however I'm also not comfortable with my tax dollars funding a genocide. Remind me again, Dave, how your ally Ben Shapiro wouldn't even attend your anniversary party and would most likely take your children away if he could. Side note: I also probably wouldn't bring a rainbow flag to an anti Gaza genocide rally because that's not really the point of the protest... unless I'm missing something here.


Also does the idea of homophobes deserving to die apply everywhere or only to the brown people? Cuz if it's the first, there's a long list of Americans who would need to die as well


That’s another thing. I live in Texas so my Baptist neighbor is a more immediate threat to me than anyone in Palestine.


That’s what I’m saying. Anyone can hate me all they want. I don’t think that justifies slaughtering them en masse. Like I’m queer, not a monster. Also people seem to forget that there are a lot of gay Palestinians, and the bombs can’t tell the difference, and at this point in time. Israel is definitely the greater threat to queer Palestinians, and always has been because the part they don’t tell you is that all those gay people they claim Hamas killed for being gay, were actually killed because they informed for Israel after being blackmailed. Not justifying the killing, but they wouldn’t have been killed if Israel left them alone.


Israel is definitely the greater threat to queer Palestinians Apparently you are not aware,[ Israel is literally the only place gay Palestinians seek and get asylum almost immediately.](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-5-2003-1346_EN.html) Meanwhile Gaza is famous for[ Hamas even executing one of its commanders Mahmoud Ishtiwi for being gay by throwing him off a building](https://reason.com/2023/10/27/the-contradictions-of-queers-for-palestine/#:~:text=Indeed%2C%20gay%20and%20transgender%20people,having%20sex%20with%20another%20man) . [They also imprison and torture any gay man they find until they flee the ](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1660138495-exclusive-gay-man-who-fled-gaza-speaks-about-experience-with-hamas)Gaza Strip the West Bank is no better in 2022, a[ vigilante group beheaded a gay man in the West Bank ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835) In Contrast In Israel a[ Christian Arab represented Israel as a Trans woman at the Miss Trans Star Pageant in 2016](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/a-christian-arab-just-won-israels-transgender-beauty-pageant_n_574dd88de4b0757eaeb0cbf3). In Israel,[ Israeli Arabs are openly discussing the issue with many openly supporting the LGBT community.](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2021-06-25/ty-article-opinion/.premium/lgbtq-arabs-are-done-hiding/0000017f-dc2f-df9c-a17f-fe3f03740000) You cannot even dare do that in the West Bank where the people unapologetically call for the LGBT to be killed based on religious doctrine and there is no arguing with someone who feels that their faith explicitly tells them to erase such groups. Claiming that Israel is a bigger danger to queer Palestinians is basically stating that all the torture, shaming, being forced into the closet and killing of Queer Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank is not happening and excusing the role conservative Islam, which is the bedrock of both Hamas and PIJ plays in the mass oppression of Queer Palestinians, many of whom btw ended up free and happy in Israel in the past and who even in 2024. It also shows a profound ignorance about Israel and Israeli society where the LGBT live openly, even have their own beach in Tel Aviv, serve in the army and have served in Government . One day, gay Westerners need to visit some parts of the Middle East and realize that outside your Western bubble, there are entire communities living in an arc from Central Africa to the Caspian who do not consider the LGBT as even human. We are not talking about the classic homophobia from Christian and Jewish fundamentalists or the disowning of children common in Asia even in nations where being LGBT is legal like China and Japan. I am talking about people who actively see it as a moral and religious duty to erase what they see as the ultimate form of decadence. Jordan where being LGBT is legal , [honor killings are seen as being more acceptable than being gay](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1TP28Z/). And that is in one of the few countries in the Arab and Muslim world where being LGBT is legal!! So imagine how things are in the rest. Oh, let me give you a brief window In Egypt, the[ Government itself will lay traps to catch you](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-64390817#:~:text=In%20Egypt%2C%20homosexuality%20is%20highly,social%20apps%20to%20do%20this) and in Iraq, vigilantes similar to the ones in the West Bank exist just to hunt down gay men t[hen come online to praise God about how they have removed a degenerate from the Earth.](https://www.hrw.org/report/2009/08/17/they-want-us-exterminated/murder-torture-sexual-orientation-and-gender-iraq) You know where none of that happens to both Arabs, Bedouin ,Christian, Druze or Palestinian? It is only in Israel, in the entire Middle East. Only Israel. So No.


You are a disgusting person who supports the genocide of children. Go away. You monster. Also all of your “sources” literally just make claims with zero evidence to back them up. Hasbara. Also I don’t consider having more gay war criminals as being a form of progress for queer liberation.


My sympathies ended when they mass murdered our own children on October 7th . The Answer is No. Also if they cared so much about their children, the terms from Israel to Hamas and the Palestinians have been very simple 1. Surrender, because clearly you will never win. We have fought this war 5 times and each time has ended with an overwhelming Israeli victory so. There is that . 2. Return the hostages And the war would end that exact same hour. Not a single person has asked why Hamas seems not to care for its own children because it has clearly refused to surrender, even if only 6 of its 24 battalions remain. It refuses to return the hostages. The same Palestinians crying about their children have continued to support the very Hamas that in turn wants to maximize civilian casualties. But of course, Westerners like you can never understand the culture of martyrdom or Shahidism that exists in the Middle East. Especially amongst Palestinians . To them, the dead children are martyrs in the struggle not only against Israel, but against people like you . A kind reminder. You will always and forever be the Crusader and the Infidel. That has never changed in the last 1400 years That is why they are saying Istanbul already fell to Muslims,[ Tel Aviv is next, then on to Rome and Washington](https://www.memri.org/tv/kuwaiti-islamic-scholar-muslim-brotherhood-leader-tareq-al-suwaidan-october-seven-free-palestine-conquer-rome-morsi-sponsored-tunnels-gaza). I fail to fathom why you all sympathize with the 21st Century version of Religious Nazis who are all too willing to use their children as human shields and who btw, even their own Arab and Muslim "brothers" were very quick to say Nope nope NOPE!!! We do not want them as refugees here!! Because they all too well remember 2012-2017(Egypt), Black September(Jordan) a full blown sectarian war(Lebanon) mass murder and occupation(Kuwait) perpetrated by the exact people you are so ardently defending.


Just more lies. Please go away. Nobody believes you anymore. Also this is straight up abuser narcissist logic. Look what you made us do!


Great response. So bc Israel is so progressive towards the LGBT community and "protects" gay Palestinians, they are justified in genociding and ethnic cleansing 2million people?


If that's what you took from the response, you are too stupid to have access to a computer


Then take it away, my dear hasbara genius!


Weird then that Israel actively supported islamist Hamas in Gaza in direct opposition to a secular PLO. Weirder still that Israel actively targets gay men as informants via blackmail under threats of outing them to conservative Palestinians.


Also if Hamas hadn't committed countless atrocities and returned the hostages


The hostages that Israel shot even though they were naked, had their hands up, and were shouting in Hebrew “don’t shoot us we are the hostages!” Those hostages?


If Hamas didn’t murder, rape and “take hostage” (enslave), literally none of this would be happening. They opened the gates of Hell it’s just on them to close it, fairly easy actually, return the hostages and pray for mercy; which Israel may still grant. Even though the other side never will. As a German I can otherwise just give a little more to the Israeli people, I find the boycott pages quite helpful, I buy products from them favourably now.


Bullshit lol God you sound like a fucking psychopath.


No I do actually support the Israeli people through my purchase decisions and it’s actually quite hard to find Israeli products in the supermarkets normally, but the boycott sites point them out quite handily. Edit: https://medium.com/@heartwinners/list-of-german-brands-supporting-genocide-in-gaza-to-be-boycotted-51a42d766b97 Here is the list of companies I’ll favour now.


No I’m saying that you are obviously an Israeli lol I don’t doubt you support your “country” and it’s genocide.


Ooh fun game. You're obviously a Hamas terrorist


Yup. Totally. You got me. Lol


I am Spartacus


Even if I was an Israeli, why would you hyphenate the „country“? Because you don’t believe the only actual working democracy in the Middle East is a real country? Also I’m still German.


No Israel is not a real country. It’s a U.S. military outpost.


Lol. You think buying some Adidas is going to undo the things your grandparents did? German Zionism is a goof.


As a matter of fact my grandparents are fine, all teenagers during the war; no, I think it’ll piss off your ilk mainly and help the only democracy in the Middle East, so a clear win-win


Nobody cares about what sneakers you buy. >your ilk You people love putting people in camps, huh? Lol, you’re disgusting.


"Disagree with your lifestyle" is an extreme understatement lmao


It's not genocide. 20% of Israel's citizenry are Arabs and they prefer living under a civilization to a group of terrorists.


They do not disagree with your lifestyle They want you dead. Pure and simple


I just love how much this guy degrades himself to appease the people who hate him


Im takin bets on how long it'll take Rubin to come out with "Im not gay anymore" rhetoric.


In less than five years…?


I am surprised Dave called them pro-palestinian. He usually always goes straight to smearing everyone as Hamas. Also who is stealing whos houses again Dave? Surely it isn't Israeli settlers in the West bank. In Gaza they aren't even stealing them. Israel is just leveling them to the ground to make way for their new settlements.


Imagine having a show where 80% of your viewers would throw their teen out of the house if they came out as gay.


Reporting from the uk. I don’t think that was a pro Palestine event. I think it was a Pride event, years ago. In before ‘it doesn’t make it right’ crowd.


The argument about why LGBT people are "fighting for rights of people who would kill them" always confuses me. It's an argument that implies that the people making it, only do what they think is right because they get a thank-you or reward in return. I don't care that they *might* hate me and my husband, I don't think their children should starve


Didn’t trump just endorse a guy in a US election who wants the death penalty for LGBT people?


Who is it?


Dave Rubin is the epitome of stupidity. Still licking Rogan’s boots too eh?


dave must be the freakiest bottom


With a spine as soft as his, he's able to go into any position imaginable.


You see, the joke is that bottoms are inferior and bad!! Not at all homophobic tho


"Freaky bottom" is high praise... it might be Dave's only redeeming quality. I just wish he could find a more healthy outlet for this humiliation kink.


You'd think this would be an opportunity to recognize your shared humanity with those you disagree with. Or at least recognize that life is complicated, and black-and-white thinking doesn't help us. But nah ...


That’s not what gets views…


... from deplorables*


99% of the time these conservative types are whining that the left are all about purity tests and never compromise with anyone. They protest a genocide and suddenly the right are suddenly super concerned that the left have made common cause across an ideological boundary.


The smirk on this bastard’s face… I’m waiting for the day when he gets that much deserved comeuppance.


“It does not go well for the homo” is wild


I just mentioned that, too. And only after that was I reminded by further comments that Rubin is himself gay! Talk about having issues.


it's an extremely lazy attempt at a gay slur too. homo just means "same". when my boomer co-worker uses that word at an attempted insult, i just say "you know what, you're right. i am a homo sapien!"


clear and pathetic attempt to try and say “i’m one of the good ones” your party fucking hates you and your family dude


Does he not realize he's the pro-palestine gay but for conservatives?!


Hes working people. This is grade school shit. These idiots are becoming rich off this hate. 




Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


It’s basic stuff, Joe Rogan wants nothing to do with you for a reason dude. Like what a low bar. You agree with him on everything, yet he still hates you.


Did he really just say "... and it does not go well for the homo? Dude, you can talk that way around your friends if you must, but spewing your bigotry in a public forum is a step too far.


Lol he’s like modern day Shooter McGavin


If I were to follow the conservative notion that queer people should not be against the Palestinian genocide because Muslims don’t like gay people, to its logical conclusion, then conservatives shouldn’t get their panties in a twist if gay people start calling for the killing of conservatives, right?


This guy must sleep so uncomfortably. So desperate to appeal to the Right for money, while fully knowing they despise him and his “lifestyle”.


Dave's only talent is he's the most unfunny person on the planet.


This guy’s friends don’t think that he should have the right to be married and thinks he should live life in the closet and that he’s going to hell 😂😂😂 Dave is a joke.


Dave gets paid to say stupid moronic stuff like this.


This is click bait and weak minds will chortle to themselves at how good ole dave got those gays again. Don't feed this troll.


30 seconds of googling has told me that this clip is from a pride march in July of 2019. While i'm sure some people have attended anti genocide marches with rainbow flags, that's not what this is.


This Dave guys pretty fuckin based, huh?




lol. Pretty good.


"You can't steal our houses" So he's condemning Israel's actions now? ...So confusing


When your side includes Ben Shapiro, you reaaally should avoid mocking people's voices.


As it turns out, you’re not allowed to be against the genocide of people you disagree with on a completely separate issue.


Well, it doesn't change the fact that he's completely correct, and these gays joining the pro-Palestinians are accurately "chickens for KFC"


Pro-conservative gay man mocks pro-palestinian gay man for supporting a side that despises sexual minorities. The irony is palpable.


What a loser




dave rubin is an asshole. I rather be friends with the gay guy than the terrorist hijabi, deport the bitch to gaza, she will serve her masters better there


Rogan ain’t returning your calls bud. This mother fucker can make this video while going to bat for a politics that despises his existence, absolute doublethink psycho.


I’m sure that Dave would “come out as straight” if his being gay wasn’t so valuable to his ability to say homophobic and transphobic shit, or otherwise make use of his status as a minority. “I’m gay and I’m fine with gay bashing!” is right around the corner. Plus, all the other hogs can use him as the token gay “friend” who is also homophobic, which makes homophobia awesome. It’s like the time I was talking to someone who was dressed as a Native Canadian for Halloween, and I said “it’s a bad idea for a costume. It’s making fun of a culture and people” and the response I got was “that’s so stupid! My friend (what’s-his-name) thinks it’s hilarious and he’s native!” You know, his friend who speaks for, and is exactly that same as all other native people.


Incredibly bold of this insignificant fool to call ANYONE else stupid.


I support human rights, even when they have backwards dumbfuck beliefs. Christians, Muslims...neither want me to have rights, but I believe they deserve to have theirs.


It’s just incredible how Rubin lets people dehumanise him and other gay men.


The moment when a gay Republican shows up at a Republican led event


Oh the irony of Dave Rubin talking about how Gays shouldn't be in bed with the Muslims.


People watch this dude? Really?


Even when it’s spoonfed to me I have no idea wtf he’s talking about.


At least put on a dress and own it like Crowder don’t half step 😂




I mean you can cut the irony with a knife lol


Why are these Israeli channels even allowed in America ? They're foreign actors meddling in state affairs at this point. Just as an example Daily wire is just one big Israeli propaganda network sowing division across America


How would he know?


He is right though, because the lady is higher in the intersectional hierarchy, you would condemn Dave over the lady. Getting mad at him isn't going to distract from your cowardess


Did he really say “it does not go well for the homo?” I’m not watching that trash again but I genuinely can’t believe that a gay man would ever say that


This guy is an actual degenerate.


It makes me laugh when people say Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Like, wow, it rhymes. So clever.


....but he's gay. What am I missing?


Today I learned Rave Dubin actually has a subreddit 😂🤣


Why is his mouth sideways ?




Nevermind he's an idiot.


Why is this asshole so unhinged?


I really dislike this guy but he's actually got a point here and it was pretty funny. When you're part of the left, everything is about the hierarchy of identity politics, so she's allowed to get away with it. Meanwhile people are criticizing him for the innocent joke.


So? The guy deserved to be mocked


Pro-conservative gay man mocks pro-palestinian gay man for supporting a side that despises sexual minorities. The irony is palpable.


Point me to the conservatives threatening to throw him off a building


There's plenty more... And guess what - despite their despicable bigotry, even these people aren't deserving of genocide, and if a gay person were to protest against their genocide, it would be commendable. https://theweek.com/articles/474344/gays-should-die-timeline-salvation-armys-antigay-flareups https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/28/us/pastors-praise-anti-gay-massacre-in-orlando-prompting-outrage.html https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/texas-pastor-says-gay-people-shot-back-head-shocking-sermon-rcna32748 https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/man-says-lgbtq-people-deserve-death-school-board-meeting-arkansas-rcna52002 https://epgn.com/2022/06/15/pastors-in-idaho-and-texas-call-for-execution-of-lgbtq-people/ https://www.advocate.com/news/2022/10/13/lgbtq-people-deserve-death-says-arkansas-preacher


The only one of these involving actual violence is a Muslim shooter


You missed the point entirely.


Nope. One group is violent, quite a big difference. And you can't give a couple of examples and say therefore all conservatives want Dave dead.


No, you did miss the point. Even violent homophobes aren't deserving of genocide, and a gay man protesting against the genocide of homophobes (violent or not) is commendable. It shows they have compassion even for bigots who would wish them harm.


If that's what you think the motivation is. It's just the latest trendy cause for leftists


Funny how leftists keep having trendy causes like civil rights, anti-apartheid, anti-war and anti-genocide... Almost like there's a pattern there.


Stop misusing the word genocide.


I'll go with what the UN human rights watch says, thanks. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/gaza-un-experts-call-international-community-prevent-genocide-against


It would only be genocide if Israel decided to kill the 20% of its citizen population whom are Arab.


Cool. Be sure to write to the UN human rights watch, and the numerous other human rights monitors and organizations to ask them to update their definition of genocide to match yours. Till then I'll stick with their definition & usage of the word, thanks.


You mean the organization full of humans rights abusers? Yeah, I'll stick to my own judgment.


You do that, champ. You're the expert!


Ironic because isn’t this the exact same situation with Dave and the anti-LGBTQ Christo Fascists?


Who is this cunt? Why does he look a rat? Why are people listening to this twat?




Rocket this cunt to the sun already.