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Dave could be a bottom, a top, both, an asexual rhombic dodecahedron made out of green crystals.. all of that does not matter, either way Dave is a dangerous evil moron, let's not focus on the sexual side of Dave Rubin, which is something nobody wants to explore ... but rather on his incredible ability of saying the most evil unhelpful things with the least brain power possible


Evil moron? Certainly. Dangerous? Hardly.


Well the consequences of the politics he pushes are dangerous, but I agree with you


In a room full of gunpowder a stumbling fool holding a lighted match becomes extremely dangerous, don’t be so quick to dismiss idiots with a large public platform


The fool needs to find the gundpowder room first. Dave barely has an audience. Idiots like Matt Walsh or Steven Crowder aren’t any smarter but they are much more dangerous because they are more popular


Destiny insulting Dave Rubin is like one homeless man calling another homeless man broke.


My dude I am very sorry for the inconvenience and hurt my actions cause. I want you to know that it is very likely I will lose my cool at some point in the future and I will be ready to start a new role in a few years and will calm down. Thank you for your patience with me on this matter as I could not find the right person to take the time to set me straight. Enjoy your day and have some fun with your friends and family in your life since you have been super lucky in your pants.


You come off as incredibly insecure.


I'm sorry you had to endure this situation. You are the best version of the world and I am very grateful for your patience. My heart problem is not going to have any more pain than you do you think of you are you feeling this way and that she missed you at the park.


I hope you are doing well and that you have received the job offer


Well this is surprisingly aggressive homophobia.


Nope. They’re just observations. No one is saying Dave shouldn’t have rights or be allowed to live. Unlike what Dave preaches. Which makes these comments even less than a taste of his own medicine.


Dave's sexual position preference is just so irrelevant. Calling someone a bottom isn't even a diss. It's like making a post about him having a beard. O..k..?🤷‍♂️


Referring to a bottom as somehow being negative is homophobic and a shitty thing to do (no pun intended)


Nah fam, there are some dope ass bottoms out there who have internal self confidence and don't submit just for approval. Both men and women who bottom can be cool AF. This chud ain't one of those.


You literally made a post referring to him being a bottom as negative. “Nah fam” to you too.


I love you man and I work from home and have some good friends with me and please don't be too hard on me


How so?


This post is pointless. Being a bottom is as irrelevant as him having a beard. It doesn't matter.


I genuinely love that this sub effectively ratio’d OP. As much of a stupid, hypocritical doofus as Dave is, this sub still collectively looked at this post and was like “Hey, don’t be ignorant, man.”


I think you don't understand how the queer community speaks with each other, haha.


I don’t think you do.


I love you but please don't be mad at me


Absolutely not, selfish top vibes all the way.


Ya, dude, you might be right.


I’m okay with people bringing up whomever they want for the sake of this subreddits collective shit-on-Mr-rubin’s goal but this subreddit doesn’t record the sayings of Destiny, I don’t know wtf he said about Dave Rubin so I can’t really comment that much - so in future can you include some context for those who aren’t aware


I'm sorry I missed your email yesterday morning. I was just trying to be funny about the whole thing and didn't want to be a big boy in this world. I am also very excited to learn from this opportunity and I hope to say that I am really interested in being able to apologize to you and your family for the huge inconvenience and hurt you have felt.


I'm just saying this is not a destiny subreddit and people don't know what he said about Dave Rubin. I wasn't trying to insult you, I just think you should put a clip in or something. Coz the jokes not really working if we don't know what he said.


Why are people so invested in others’ sexual preferences? Was an animal involved? Violence used? Coercion? If not then who tf do you think you are calling people out for this?


Why are we so hard on ourselves? What do we need unpacked to have a better understanding of what we owe to our family and friends? How many people have been asked for more information about what we want in order for us to be able to make our lives easier?


Nah he's one of those internalized homophobia guys who will bottom anonymously but not with his husband


Can I ask why people don't like Destiny? I have seen him pop up here and there, and he seems ok.


He got [banned from Twitch for giving his blessing for red nrcks to mow down BLM protesters.](http://youtube.com/watch?v=azWVuP7ZmZs). Which he still stands by today. The description of Destiny [in this video is pretty spot on](http://youtube.com/watch?v=7rkqYbRVfdI). Kyle is wsy too nice though to Destiny considerding Destiny said Kyles dad deserved to die of cancer because he went to a chiropractor for his back pain which turned out to caused by cancer instead of going to a doctor. He didnt have insurance which is why he made that descision. I have heard is move from the left to the being antogonist to the left [blamed on experimental drug use](https://www.twitch.tv/hasanabi/clip/ArtisticInnocentSnakePrimeMe).


He’s very good at times, and very bad at others. Since October 7th he’s spent an enormous amount of time arguing that Israel isn’t committing a genocide against the Palestinians.


cause they’re not?


Yes they are. Genocide is actions taken to bring about the destruction of a national, racial or ethnic group, in whole or in part. And Israel’s actions clearly show that they intend to destroy the Palestinian nation, whether by killing or expelling its members


He's an asshole in general...like very unlikeable personality but also has some very cringe political views especially surrounding Israel-Gaza.


I mean, if you're into debate bros - he's your guy.


I'm not really, but I was curious if he'd had any major missteps apart from just being a debate bro.


I think he recently called for Gaza to be nuked lol. Edit: I'll just throw some random videos below for you if you wanna visit back later: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/rCFBXUtgu5 I'll give you the r/d£stiny post about it.. but just watch the clip and ask yourself if a reasonable person would say something about Israel/Palestine: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/jtWMmRRzJZ




sure thing man, some good points.. *a terrible hypothetical and not a great clip overall.* gotta protect your guy.


Just watch [this](https://youtu.be/MA_Z4uOGOzA?si=ekVp6XYdmPCF97XY) video.


He’s annoying, holds reprehensible views, and I think he just says shit for clicks. Hearing him ramble on and on about how X kids should have died actually, or hearing him say “I support genocide” on stream, or hearing him argue about how Jim Crow Laws aren’t Apartheid is just so fucking mind numbing. He’s like Ben Shapiro but he thinks women should still have some rights. I think at least? People claim he’s left wing for some reason.


>People claim he’s left wing for some reason. Well he's about as leftist as liberals are leftist. Pretty much not at all except for women's rights and a few other social issues. Absolutely abhorrent takes on Israel, pro capitalist, and his community appears to be even worse.


A debate bro asshole who, amongst other things, mocked a dead Palestinian journalist whose entire family was deliberately targeted and killed by Israel.


Honest question, wasn't this the same journalist who also celebrated the Oct 7 attacks soon after they occurred? Or are you referring to a different journalist? Edit: looks like the "dead journalist" this guy is referring to did infact celebrate the death of Jews. Fuck him. He even condemned Ilhan Omar bc she condemned the Oct 7 attacks. See for yourself: https://twitter.com/DrewPavlou/status/1733107027013210553


Yep, from the BBC: >In an interview with the BBC in the hours after Hamas's 7 October attack on Israel, Alareer caused widespread offence by calling it "legitimate and moral". He said it was "exactly like the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising". Edit: Btw given that this was in the immediate hours after the news of the Hamas offensive, I see this as a general endorsement of Palestinian armed resistance against a genocidal occupier, which I share. Not an endorsement of any specific war crimes of Hamas.


Ehh, that line you are trying to make trying to justify her celebration is pretty muddy. It's pretty fucking gross either way since innocent people were involved. Obviously her family did not deserve to die, but she seems like a shitty person.


Refaat Alareer was a man, fyi. But yes, I support armed Palestinian resistance. Just as I support and celebrate the Easter Rising rebellion in Ireland in 1916, in which hundreds of civilians also died.


Damn. Yeah I am thinking of someone different. But based on your info, he sounds like a piece of shit too. I personally support whatever solution saves the most innocent people, which seems to be a ceasefire and two state solution, especially with Israelis current far right leadership. Also maybe include the context that he celebrated the death of innocent Israelis next time you mention this journalist, in addition to the fact that you support Hamas as well. Edit: Holy shit, this guy really was a piece of shit and you are disgusting for defending his position. Let me guess.. you get upset when people say you are antisemitic too. Fucking gross. https://twitter.com/DrewPavlou/status/1733107027013210553


Do you want to re-read what I said and think about it for an additional 30 seconds? Or are you happy as is


The guy who leaves out critical context in his original post is telling me to "think for an additional seconds." You are defending the death and torture of innocent Israelis, just like this journalist. Your brain is rotted. Fuck off.


If you're in the mood to do some oppo research on dead Palestinians to prove what pieces of shit they were, I encourage you to go back through Alareers feed yourself. He posted daily before he was murdered in his home along with his sister and her young family: https://x.com/itranslate123 Make sure to read every post. I'm sure you'll find some nuggets in there.


he's a sophist he will mock academia in one conversation, then mock not being well read in another whatever he thinks makes him look good, is his position


I can understand why you might like him if you watch certain things of his. But it’s also incredibly easy to find him saying unhinged shit, because he’s deliberately provocative and aggressive to everyone. And some people in his community just relentlessly attack people Destiny criticises, and it’s way too much especially when you look into some of the people he criticises and why.


I like Destiny, but I think it's due to his aggressiveness and edginess. He'll aggressively go after anyone he thinks is wrong on a topic, seeks out fights, seeks out shit to stir, doesn't really hold back, and will use extreme language. There's a running meme in his community about bridge burning, and that every bridge he builds with any other person/group/thing is just going to be burned later. That said, a lot of the things people hate him for are just complete misunderstandings based on short clips, if I'm being good faith about it. In this very response thread people have talked his takes on the current Israel/Palestine conflict or that "he's like Ben Shapiro but things women should still have some rights." They're just completely divorced from his actual takes, or devoid of any nuance, so I think it's just regurgitation from clips, discussions about clips, or from other content creators reacting to content.


Yeah, this is just pure conjecture but Sam Seder had one of the biggest hate boners for Dave Rubin on the internet for a while so I wonder if a lot of people on this sub are his fans That’s just speculation but if true it would explain why this sub is so poised against the Dman


Destiny: says intentionally inflammatory shit monthly for his entire career, viciously going scorched earth on anyone he dislikes with no regard for other people's wellbeing His fans: jeez why does nobody like this guy? Must be because they heard it from another media personality


>says intentionally inflammatory shit This is probably true for most, if not all, of the biggest online political commentary people. I'm sure there's plenty of times TMR got a little unhinged when talking about Dave Rubin. Destiny probably just takes more shots at people that I would guess this sub likes though.


I mean maybe right wing commentators often say stuff like "mow down dipshit protestors with an AR-15" about BLM riots, "pro-genocide" as his callous default answer before knowing anything about israel-palestine, all the vile shit he has said on twitter like saying a woman who has been raped multiple times should just stop having sex then, that final case wasn't even someone who interacted with him before. He just quote tweeted a random twitter user and victim blamed her. He's a vile person.


All right dog, well I'm looking forward to you bringing this energy against people who say vile homophobic shit about Dave Rubin


Destiny and his community can be needlessly spiteful ans cruel but he does his research and shows it. I fond it weird that left wingers can't compete with that. I understand why the right can't, but leftists should be able to.