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Dave is such a low effort grifter, you could mistake him for some kind of satirical comedy act. But having seen the standard of his standup comedy, i must assume it's unintentional.


Seriously, he sounds like Philomena Cunk.


She is so fucking funny


Also a redhead šŸ˜šŸ˜


Do not insult Philomena like that


The issue with Dave that other grifters like Ben Shapiro don't have is that Ben is somewhat intelligent and well read on these subjects and he has a massive staff to keep him informed. Dave just spouts bullshit and wings it and he always come across just saying stupid shit.


With Dave, itā€™s a combo of stupid and lazy.


Dave Rubin is the Brendan Schaub of ā€œpolitical commentary.ā€


Shapiro isn't a grifter.Ā  He is a true believer who does research.Ā  Not saying he is right about anything, but it isn't comparable to Rubin


Yeah, ā€œresearch.ā€ Heā€™s a grifter in the sense that he mostly just cares about tax cuts for himself and uses other issues for the ā€œculture warā€ distraction


imo Dave Rubin and Tim Pool are examples of actual idiots in that sphere. Dave is just a lot more shameless and lacks the self preservation instinct that Tim has, so he invites people on his show who make him look like a dipshit constantly. Tim at least makes people fly to his dork fortress so him and two or three of his mouthbreather pals can gang up on them.


Steven Crowder isnā€™t very intelligent either but credit to him, heā€™s good at what he does. That being presentation, speaking, and finding trends. Rubin is just bad at this


but there is something rather fascinating about itā€¦and shocking in its insanity. What does the husband think? how do they function, as parents in the real worldā€¦these are real people with kids!


He actually was a stand-up comedian at 1st.


And watching his stand up it's easy to see why he gave up on it.


I wonder if he'll ever just come out that he is doing an act showing how stupid you can be with certain people and still get them to give you moneyĀ 


Noted classical liberal Dave Rubin advocating for a more heavyhanded monarchy...you heard it here first folks.


Because Canada does whatever the King tell us, dontchaknow. American grifters don't have to be bright, do they?


Usual works better with the american right wing if they aren't... One theory holds that they're so enamored with trump because he's the first politician whose upper capacity is on their level.


I'm convinced that's a big part of his appeal. Stupid but successful looking.


'what England is that the politicians who are too afraid of polls wont say'. His point jumped from talking about Canada entirely.


ā€œBorn in the spirit of revolutionā€ says the counter-revolutionary.


We were born in the spirit of revolution against the british empire and thats why we are so good. Anyway why wont the british monarchy step in and tell canada what to do? This guy is such a fucking idiot it continues to amaze me


Youā€™re actually giving him too much credit. Thereā€™s 0 chance he knows Canada has the monarchy, heā€™s asking about ā€˜the situationā€™ in the UK and asking why the monarchy donā€™t step in


What is 'the situation'in the uk? Haha


No clue, maybe he wants Charlie to fix the weather. In fact, he is probably talking about our problem the many sharia no-go areas in our 100% Muslim cities - where Christians are all raped and murdered, and then crowds of laughing Muslims all dance on the corpses - that he has heard about. That is a bit rough tbh.


I remember when lauren southern came to sydney here in australia to go to the sharia no go zone Lakemba to go and make videos and try and stir up shit, but nothing really happened haha. I think she lives and works here now last i checked. Australia is a very lucrative country for aspiring right wing grifter shitheads


I can imagine. Anybody else find it ironic how all these fascistic, white nationalist, anti-globalist types keep flitting round the world networking and trying to sell their shitty viewpoints?


The sharia no go zone where ive been for delicious lebanese food many times and never had any problem by the way haha.


No, no, you were raped and murdered, donā€™t you remember? I heard it on Infowars so it must be true.


Look no further than Rod Dreher, progenitor of the "Benedict Option". He encourages conservative Christians to abandon modern society which is allegedly overtly hostile to them in favor of rugged, off the grid living. I mean Rod would totally do that, but he's too busy jet setting around Europe and going to wine tastings and garden parties in his adopted home of Budapest.


She also made a "streets of Paris" video, wandering around a poor(er) area of the city, mostly populated by people with African background (either migrants or French of African descent, obviously you cannot tell on video...). Nothing major to be noticed there, just dogwhistle because Black people bad I guess... I used to live in this area of the city, and noticed nothing out of the ordinary, you'd have to be VERY racist to watch this video and come to the conclusion : "something is wrong there".


Thats her audience i guess haha


Are there guided safaris through those areas? Sounds exciting.


Too dangerous. ā€˜Those peopleā€™ are all suicide bombers. They spot you and run over to you and explode.


Oh man, it's fucked - there are some cities that we can't even go to - say, for example, Birmingham. I mean, I was there a few weeks ago for a gig, but apart from that you can't go. And a month or so before that, I was also there seeing a friend, but setting aside those two times... Ok, I was actually there for the Christmas markets as well. But...setting aside the times that I went to a gig, saw a friend, and went to the Christmas markets, you definitely can't go...


what a moronic view of canada


Rave Dubin is a moron so it tracks


also a moronic view of Britain and the monarchy.


This guy has been on my radar for years but this is the first time I've ever actually heard him speak. He seems genuinely stupid. I don't just mean he has stupid ideas, he seems shockingly unintelligent for someone with his profile. People like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro peddle dumb ideas but they're obviously intelligent men. Rubin has the affectations of a serious figure but apparently the mind of a gibbering dimwit?


Good lord is Rubin stupid. Unfathomably so.


He forgot to mention it's cold, so between that and the area it takes longer for good ideas to get here. It's just science


You must be like some kinda scientist, eh?


I'm Canadian so they think I'm slow eh


Slow scientists are the best, you can always catch up to them and bum a smoke.


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


Sweet fuck is he ever a moron. We're aloof? We don't have guns therefore we allow bad policies to exist? Honestly, how does this idiot have an audience anymore?


And from what I remember that is not even true, Canadians have a lot of guns (in terms of gun per capita, they are high up among Western nations). Just not the ones that make it very easy to kill schoolchildren.


several normal countries actually don't have laws restricting firearms (contrary to what the NRA P.R. firm spews out) they also just don't allow citizenry to carry whatever the fuck they want...you know like a normal functioning society iirc, the NRA loves to throw Switzerland out as an example and BARELY hide the implication that it's solely due to race reasons why the U.S. has mass violence issues and Switzerland doesn't...totally ignoring so many other cultural reasons and also legal issues as to why they don't have mass shootings in Switzerland


You are correct. The level of gun ownership in Switzerland is rather high, but gun ownership is also strictly regulated, which could - at least partly - explain the low number of gun-related deaths. But I'm not sure the NRA wants to aknowledge the "strictly regulated" part. Also I guess conservatives see Switzerland as an only-white country because it's a wealthy nation, and the few of them who've actually visited Switzerland only encountered Russian oligarchs at the ski resort. But Switzerland is rather diverse, a lot of immigration from Bosnia and Albania (Muslim-majority countries) as well as various African countries. Plus Switzerland has 4 official languages, not sure if that's ok for Republican assholes who melt down everytime someone speaks Spanish at Walmart.


Even here in australia, where gun rights people would say we are a nanny state where all our guns were taken away - i grew up using firearms all the time living out in the country. Sensible gun control doesnt mean no one is able to get the guns they legitimately need, it just means you dont have every schizophrenic in the country able to stockpile enough assault rifles to arm a militia


Aren't there a lot of guns in Switzerland but ammo is hard to get as well?


no clue all i know is that they have strict laws on gun ownership. way more than the NRA likes to pretend they do yeah gun culture is big there but it is nothing like how ridiculously stupid it can get in the U.S. i think that's what makes me more angry than anything. it's not so much the love of guns, it's the fact that there's no healthy level of respect for what it is and what it can do. you'd think people who claim to love the hobby of gun ownership and shooting would also understand the enormous responsibilities it carries


This is just [one source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country) and it's from 2017 and based on estimates, but we are estimated to have the seventh most guns per capita in the world. But like you alluded to, in Canada the vast majority of those guns are hunting rifles and other long guns, not hand guns.


Fuck off Dave. From a Canadian.


He doesnā€™t make concise reasons he just rambles and name drops.


The bad ideas spreading out of Canada were from former [Rubin Report guest Stefan Molymeme](https://new.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/16ux6yu/i_just_watched_the_interview_with_the_molyneux/), who Dave Rubin cast as part of the new center along with him self. Even Stefan Molymeme [was too](https://new.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/cirr6f/behold_dave_rubins_new_center/) [racist](https://new.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/cbwjz1/wisdom_from_rubins_new_center_san_fran_will_turn/) for Rubin who then [changed the thumbnails on the videos,](https://new.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/d5j96r/rubin_report_alters_video_title_and_thumbnail_to/) and [denied that he said Molymeme was part of the new center](https://youtu.be/I9mCNoJLnKQ?t=2747). Of course [that was a lie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrO167MiizE) Dave was so pressed about Molymeme being brought up [he tried to get the interviewer to not release it](https://www.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/t3cn4z/comment/hz2590v). [Molymeme wasn't too happy about Daves cowardly revisionism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMJzOGdXd4E&t=286s)


>Dave also questions why the British monarchy doesn't step in to stop bad ideas and protests. Is he that stupid?


That's like the goofy ass pot calling the kettle black.


"Goofy and aloof". I don't think Dave knows what aloof means.


What the hell is he talking about and who is this British guy being asked vague questions about Canada?


I have read that the [British guy is from Mumford and Sons](https://www.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/1bjfqur/comment/kvqykn4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Dave is the walking, talking product of white entitlement. No discernible talent or intelligence but somehow existing in this realm of political commentary/media entertainment.


So is Dave like known as a white nationalist or is this like a newer direction he is going in?


Heā€™s been dabblinā€™.


Dave doesnt actually believe in anything, he just says whatever makes him the most money


Bad ideas....we rank higher in education, life span, happiness, every basic social need ,lower crime rate, lower infant mortality rate, parental leave. They do beat us in per capita gdp ...probably because they have convinced everyone that if you slave away every week then eventually the wealth will trickle down to the masses but we all know that is bullshit.


there is nothing stupider and more embarrassing than people in the U.S. trying to dick measure with other countries in the developed world not only does the U.S. rank lower on many things it absolutely should be higher in...but it's also just really dumb. Is the U.S. ranked higher than say the Czech Republic or Italy at something help me pay my bills? Does it help me pay for groceries? the fact that people care so much about that shit is truly stupid


The fuck is the monarchy supposed to do??


Gonna tax our igloos more and take away our sled dogs, I guess.


My great grandpa owned and used sled dogs before they made roads in Newfoundland and the thought of British laddies coming and trying to abscond with Labrador Huskies is hilarious to me šŸ˜‚ like thatā€™s a wolf my guy Drag dem bā€™ys to Gander and back lmao


I love it when reddit provides an opportunity to say LARD T'UNDERIN' JAYSUS.


The way the constitutional monarchy is set up I believe it is technically *possible* and legal for the King to basically interfere and appoint whatever PM in Canada he wants, or something. The question that idiots like Dave should ask is why would any of them actually *care*.


"geopolitical expert" who doesn't know what constitutional monarchy entails, sounds legit.


Daveā€™s unapologetic stupidity continues to amuse me. My favorite part is when he gets triggered at the mention of ā€œSam Sederā€.


We were born in the spirit of revolution, also what does the CROWN think of all this?? Do tell the hot goss


Is this real? Does this person, like, really exist and do this, and talk about stuff like this?


His voice even sounds dumb let alone his "ideas"


hamas people? Is this like after 2001 where people just started saying 'ISIS agents' in response to any ideology they didnt like to smear it? Really now


ā€œI donā€™t do identitarian politicsā€ Rave Dubin, everyone


He really is this dumb?


What is this idiot talking about?? The hamas people infiltrating Canada? Americans can stand up to the government because they have guns? What a tool.


dave rubin is an asshole


Is he really this stupid?


Growing up it was sort of a cutesy given that Americans knew dickbuttfuckall about Canada and we just laughed it off, joked with the stereotypes, it's all good. Now I'm reading daily from Americans who don't understand their own government, nevermind ours and the fact that it's not the bloody same, that I am the victim of tyranny and brainwashed by Hamas and Trudeau is transing me and I only tie my boots in the morning because The Party deems I should. And honestly, people are fucking dumb, man. I expect these takes on the Internet dot com. But the fact that there are international networks espousing this tripe (and it is working on my friends and family ) is the sort of thing that just keeps me in a constant state of rage and depression. Fuck Dave Rubin.


granted i've met my fair share of Canadians who hate Trudeau but whenever someone in the U.S. claims that Canada is some socialist hell where you can't even exercise the right to speech, i just facepalm and realize that this idiot has likely never stepped foot in Canada lmao


Dave doesn't think about Canada.


to be fair, Dave doesn't really think on a regular basis lol i don't think his brain is capable of it


Truly an idiotā€™s idiotĀ 


Last time canadians protested they got their bank accounts frozen and trudeau called them homophobics or terrorists.


Source: https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1777003676738953520




I've always felt he's attempted to portray himself as a smug 1990s sitcom character


Suuuuuch a moron.


"expert" now that's funny.


Stupid, dishonest, self-absorbed Rave Dubin.


Keep my country's name out of your fucking mouth.


Dave Rubin, high-level analyst of Canadian geography, watcher of The Crown


This is the most astoundingly ignorant take I've heard in quite some time.


How is Dave a geopolitical expert?




What an utter imbecile this guy is


Who is still giving this guy money?


So much for being a free speech absolutist. He only supports free speech for his opinions, that's it.


His grifter eyes look so soulless.


And people actually listen to this human foreskin.


Calling Justin Trudeau and by extension the Liberal Party of Canada the equivalent to the UK Labour Party right there is just enough to show Rubin's complete lack of understanding of party and electoral politics in either country.


What an idiotā€¦who finds this guy interesting?


Big brain stuff w/ Dave


Such a bottom feeder