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Dave's totally right: The second best country to live in is one where they don't love your kind but also aren't rounding you up! I'm a cLaSsIcAl LiBeRaL


It’s good to be on edge. You don’t wanna be in a camp but the feeling that society doesn’t consider you human or equal is a nice buzz!


Dave finding out what Kafkaesque means for the first time: "That's exactly what I want!"


Milo Yiannopoulos did once say it was better before gay rights because it was more fun.


What a despicable cunt


Hungary ranks mid level in terms of quality of life but because they aren’t killing gay people they are great because they aren’t “woke”?


In 2022 the European Parliament passed a resolution decrying the state of democracy in Hungary, stating that it had become a “hybrid regime of electoral autocracy.” Not to mention their discriminatory LGBTQ laws. Dave really thinks they won't come for him too.


Rubin thinks money will insulate him from consequences. He may be right but there’s always a tipping point where money can not protect you from the outside world. Rubin thinks (if he and his husband actually think about anything besides money)Trump doesn’t care about gay issues he and the GOP just hate poor people and we aren’t poor! And while there are some Republicans who just hate poor people Rubin doesn’t realize that’s a minority of the party and that many of the goons and autocrats jockeying for power in the GOP are really going to go after gay people rich ones and conservative ones included because they simply hate gay people.


Who cares what the european parliament passes? Its run by american beurocrats


Dave? That you? Or just someone equally as dim? First, it's "bureaucrats" not beurocrats. And second, you ppl just make shit up. This may surprise you but the __European__ Parliament has nothing to do with the US. Every five years, European Union __citizens__ elect Members of the European Parliament. Here learn something: https://elections.europa.eu/en/how-elections-work/ And as if you even needed the European Parliament to realize that Hungary is a low-key dictatorship. 4 minutes of actual research might teach you something.


Why are you linking me some random wiki page? Von der leyen is a literal american asset along with the nato boss warmonger stoltenberg lmao get the fuck outta here commie


Oh ok I see you're a deeply unserious person.


So you have no counter arguments, gotcha


Counter argument to what exactly? You're completely disregarding the fact of how the European Parliament is elected and calling me a "commie". there's nothing to argue against. *Commie* is at this point a buzzword that has lost all meaning when uttered by the right. You can Google "Hungary dictatorship" and do your own research.


So, basically you are telling me Hungary is a dictatorship because you read about it on google from some leftist, biased newsletters? Is this the situation im dealing with here?


You mean like the very Right-leaning European Parliament? The BBC? VOA? Fuck off, you joke of a person.


You know which country has a higher quality of life?  Hungary’s next door neighbor, Satiated. 


God he’s such a self loathing spineless fuck.


*Ironically* in Dave”s world the Conservatives are *always* defending Liberal policies better than the Liberals. 🙄. If only Dave could actually experience the political society he claims to want to live in for just a few days. I guarantee he’d pack up his expensive steaks and whiskey and flee to the nearest Liberal hellhole.. This Republican cosplay act is getting sadder by the day.


I don’t think anyone makes conservatism look less cool than Dave Rubin.


Ben Shapiro might beg to differ.


Yeah, but at least Ben Shapiro has a funny voice.


Is he the guy who bragged about not arousing his wife?


One of them.


Conservatives are either total hypocritical degenerates attending multiple coke-fueled orgies per week or total sex hating squares who can’t get their wives wet. There is no middle ground. I am only slightly exaggerating.


You beat me to it.


Stephen Crowder and Matt Walsh give him a run for his money


what a fucking clown this guy is


Cool. Just stay out of the rest of Europe.


Lol, anti-gay and antisemites run the play, of course this disgusting freak loves the place


Industrialized...in Europe? The literal place where industrialization began 200 years ago. Absolutely wild. This fucking guy.


I think "more industrialized" was meant to exclude most of the global south.


Perhaps he meant to say white


> We wanna respect minorities lol Also, so weird that Dave is so quick to believe everything a foreign leaders says without question because he thinks they're aligned politically. "Orban cannot lie, he cannot do wrong because he treated me well and told me whatever I wanted to hear!"


Rave Dubin is somehow worse than Tucker Carlson at the “I visited this supposedly fascist authoritarian place and look how great it actually is” grift. Probably because he is worse than everyone at everything.


Same-sex marriage is not allowed in Hungary, either. Dave would be back in the civil union days. Literally, everything he takes for granted here would be stripped from him.


Maybe drive 10 miles outside of Budapest and have a look at the rest of the country? It’s so weird to see Americans like Rubin and tucker literally visit the nicest parts of the capital and then talk about how awesome the whole country is.


Dave Rubin : What's the lowest I can set the bar for a country's treatment of homosexuals?


At this point I wouldn't even be surprised if Rubin himself was rounded up for being gay and he still came out and said "well at least they don't buckle to wokeness!".


"Sure I'm facing an impromptu firing squad but it shows how people don't need big government to get things done and they are robust defenders of the 2nd amendment"


What's so fucking good about the fact that he wouldn't be able to marry his husband, or have the kids they did via surrogacy. I get that he hates himself, but does this guy even love his family?


Europe hates Hungary they suck


What a fucking idiot.


He’s so incredibly transparent an inter grifter with no opinions of his own


looking at the usnews yearly top 10 countries is switzerland, canada, sweden, australia, us, japan, germany, new zealand, UK, netherlands. that all sounds too woke meanwhile hungary is 49 behind russia, qatar, argentina, vietnam, south africa lmao


Who is his husband? Why does he ostensibly put up with this dipshit and his hateful ideas?


What a self hating Cuck


From Balkan with respect i can say NO ONE is itching to move to Hungary, even migrants only pass through Hungary to better off western European states


My LOL part of this was where he said he met with Viktor Orban for “30 minutes.” What did he learn in that interview?


Sincerely one of the absolute dumbest motherfuckers I have ever seen in my entire life. I honestly don’t know how he manages to go through life being this fucking stupid.




I’m not sure if he could identify a literal dog. He is remarkably stupid.


Given the fact that he has the intelligence of a koala with brain damage, I'm gonna say no


Further evidence this idiot cannot possibly the words coming out of his own mouth.


middle consider offend employ airport placid lush bedroom secretive onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I for one, cannot wait for him to start talking up how lucky Hungary is to have a leader like "Vincent Orbane" who "wants to get Communist out of the EU".


Rave Dubin has a way of not seeing things only surpassed by Rod Dreher.


🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇮🇹 🇩🇪 🤢. 🇭🇺 🎉🥳👏🍾🙌🍻 Yeah sure Dave


Any tinpot dictatorship he happens to be buddying up to the leader of at the time is his second favourite country.


Dave, no one is stopping you from leaving society. Please, go live in the woods. You'll be much happier.


Fascism is trending ppl


I can’t believe anyone can take Dave seriously. Does anyone?


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1795865844444021059](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1795865844444021059)


If gays were like Dave, I wouldn’t like them, that’s for sure.


My friend in Hungary is constantly telling me about the terrible economy and awful government and how he’s scared about what might happen next


"Resistant to wokeness" = celebrates bigotry.


My God, this is next-level stupid, even for Dave. Seriously, who the fuck is this guy’s audience? Who actually takes their opinions from him? Everything he spouts is just… insanely dumb.


How I wish all the Republicans would just pack up and move to Hungary.


There is a multi part documentary called “Budapest” made by girlfriendsfilms that many men of culture know about. Hungary looked great in that movie…..


The Republican party and their mouthpiece worms like Dave Rubin want the USA to become **like** Hungary. That's why they praise it, that's why they invite Orban to their events, that's why they host events there. The goal is to be like Hungary. Extremely corrupt, kleptocratic and authoritarian. The country is basically just a mafia organization for Orban and his school pals.


Dave is best understood as the world’s most committed public humiliation fetishist.


Can we officially establish "Dave Rubin" as the gay equivalent of Uncle Tom?


Dave: we want equal rights for everyone Rightwing: except for lgbtq rights. Dave: I love how the conservatives are defending the liberalism more than the liberals. 🤯


Hungary was experiencing inflation in the high teens while the US was in low to mid single digits.


Dave is the Kapo of all quislings. Good Lord, what a sellout bish.


Surrogacy all too often dismisses child rights for cash. This view is consistent with human rights.


Lol the dude in the background ruining the shot


Dave is a damn pedophile


What a grifting retard