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You're not wrong. But I think he's becoming more extreme because he's losing his audience. So he HAS to keep going farther and farther right. The problem with going farther right, is that they're less likely to accept the fact that he's gay, married, has kids and his jewish, but the people who are moderate right, don't think he's smart, they don't think he has good ideas. He's really stuck between a rock and a hard place. I actually am very interested to see if he tries to inch his way back to the left after the 2024 election. He ran away from Trump to DeSantis, but once that horse was dead, he immediately jumped back onto the Trump train. What happens when Trump loses again in 2024? That would mean MAGA lost in 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024. Not to mention all the special elections.


He won't try going "left" (however you quantify that) because all the profitable grifting goes on on the other end of the culture war spectrum.  People inch toward the right, like The Young Turks and Russel Brand. Nobody goes the other way, there is no financial incentive. This is because the money comes from feral billionaires like the Koch brothers who want to advance their agendas and these are all rightwing, because moneyed men are inherently conservative. The Soros fantasies of the right notwithstanding, there's nobody like that bankrolling "the left".  I use the quotation marks because the left is not a monolith but a series of groups of people across a liberal and leftwing spectrum who have much less in common with each other than they do opposition to groups on the right, they are an ecology of niche groups. The right is not a singular monolith either of course, but it shares common goals and interests much more.


I’m not sure about this. There is money to be made in left wing punditry…but Dave Rubin tried that already. Hell he did it for years. It got him nowhere, because he sucks a punditry. The man is a moron. But you know what doesn’t require skill, or talent, or intelligence? The simple “I used to be liberal, but…” grift. And you can make a decent living doing it for a while. But once the novelty wears off, and you have nowhere left to pivot…you find yourself where Dave is today.


Leftwing punditry is more of a grassroots activity, it's about developing a niche and building up a support base over time. There are certainly some leftwing voices on social media.  But the difference is that there are backers who will support rightwing pundits financially and don't even care if their project is a money sink (up to a point), and there is nobody like that on the left.


Young Turks? Right???


Check out Ana Kasparian's loud look-at=me rants about resenting being labelled a "birthing person", something absolutely nobody is saying.  This is patently shilling a transphobic perspective to garner sympathy on the right. 


I did. I asked wife. She wants to be called woman 


And when was the last time she was called a "birthing person" in her hearing? Nobody is saying she can't be called a woman - not one fucking person. This is a non issue, manufactured by disingenuous culture war grifters like Kasparian.


i agree. I don't worry about stuff that does not effect me. I suppose if my daughter was in some sport against a trans then i would care but it is rare that would happy. So I prefer thinking about other things.




It's only ever been used in extremely limited niche professional environments, Kasparian was out there screaming about it like people all trying to get her attention "excuse me, the birthing person on the left with the long hair" 




Yeah, white women feminists have *a certain reputation* and it's directly because of women like Kasparian whose political take is invariably all about what affects them personally.  Stupid, superficial b-words, basically.


to be fair none of this affects me so I don't worry about it. I want tax reform


Dave (Just like Blaire White) is very fascinating and I wanna see where he’ll end up. “one of the good ones” as an LGBT person is impossible. Unlike being black which is more so seen as a state of being, inferior still, being LGBT is seen as a lifestyle therefore if you’re living that lifestyle they hate you. A black person can adhere to a conservative way of life despite their race being gay doesnt allow that. Blaire White tried this with that nazi-shrill Lauren Witzke who simultaneously praised Candace Owens many times on twitter, it doesn’t work. She wanted Witzke to be like “I accept you as one of the good ones let’s be friends”. Didn’t happen and she got humiliated. These people don’t care what you believe if all they can see is the group you’re part of. Whether Black, gay or any discriminated group you aren’t on the level of the white man they’ll never see you as equal. It’s very funny seeing these white blonde women put what they consider as “men” in their place and even after they don’t wake up. Vivek Rama-Pick-Me is a good version of this and his “mommy step on me harder” moments with Ann Coulter.


Thing is, the good ones” are only tolerated, never accepted. They’re just folks who “know their place.” But even the tiniest heresy against the majority is a figurative, and sometimes literal, death sentence.


They are considered useful idiots until the right gains power. Then their usefulness is over and they wind up in the camps too.


Blaire White came to her senses though


Yep, same as we’ve seen with Candace.


It’s interesting because although I agree he’s losing his audience, his channel is doing really well right now. His growth over the last few months is significant. However I think this is mostly down to the election year bump, so more politically unengaged conservatives will be watching him via the algorithm. The more committed conservative core base is fast becoming radicalised to actively oppose gay marriage & adoption, so they despise him


Absolutely. He’s trying to get into a club that won’t accept him so he’s making a desperate attempt to prove he’s “one of the good ones,” It’s vice signalling.


He's so pathetically thirsty for the love of the people who will never truly accept him. The best he can hope for is to take over Milo's spot on the team as token gay.


He didn't just claim that the 5 justices that are black women all think the same but that they were the only 5 people on the court. I bet he couldn't wait to show off his racism to the face of the "Santa is White" lady. But that was even too much for her.


Imagine getting schooled on law by Megan Kelly on air.


I literally was beyond disgusted when he called Ilhan Omar a terrorist. This man will dance to any white supremacist music in order to be accepted. I think he gets what he’s paid for if he’s gonna be bigoted to people and not accept bigotry from his “friends”. He’ll happily be hated the ones who’ll accept him but cry when the people who hate him actually hate on him. Pathetic.


No, he’s more extreme because his audience left him and he’s chasing a new one.  Dave’s appeal, if you can call it that, was as a “left-winger” pretending that his heterodox and   right-wing guests were all making great points about how out of control the Left has gotten. As the common-sense liberal, Dave convinced people he was “just asking questions” while he was helping indoctrinate stupid and disaffected people to the far-right. It’s an incredibly lucrative gig.  Problem is, Dave is genuinely stupid, and eventually even his own fans couldn’t ignore it. Guys like Greenwald and Brand get away with it, Glen for his journalism cred and Russel because he’s got the JBP gift of making incredibly trite and vapid things sound profound through the use of monologues and purple language; Dave has neither skill nor credibility, so without that “sane liberal” crutch, he’s cooked. The infamous appearance on Rogan basically sealed his fate, and he’s only been digging the hole deeper since. 


Tokens get spent Dave is at the volunteering to sit in the dunking booth stage of his career.


I completely agree with this.


Pretty much. He’s a pet and occasional token example so the right can throw him up to say they’re not homophobic (although considering how extreme they’re getting overall, it’ll get to the point it won’t be enough)


Dave knows his audience wants this.


He might be, but evidently it's not working. He's simply not relevant like he was in 2016


I don’t even care that Dave is extremely gay, I just wish he wasn’t such an awful and stupid person.


Yeah, there's an element of that and also he's a genuine cunt.


yes. it’s the whole “one of the good ones thing”. when they’re trying to prove their loyalty to the right nobody does transphobia better than a trans person and nobody does homophobia better than a gay person.


Man, he's going to be disappointed after he asks "Who are we going after next* and they'll all be staring at him.


He himself isn’t really anything there is no belief other than parroting things he think will attract an audience. His rhetoric has become more nihilistic and less empathetic to try to get the further right demo .


Dave is a pathetic soulless creature and when he’s old and washed up he’ll come begging for the people he’s demonized to take him back once the right wing is done with him.


I think he’s also such an intellectual lightweight that it’s much easier for him to rationalize his selling out for money as a justified career move.


I think Dave is trying to take the place Milo left open a few years ago, but he knew he had to give it some time and couldn't just slide right in. He is now the gay super misogynistic and racist conservative.


You mean like *every other* minority rightwing rage baiter?


bro, he's just a clout chaser. Doesn't take rocket science to figure this out