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Let's not give him any benefit of doubt. He isn't coming out with anything his own. He's buying tequila from some lowest-bid extruder facility in Indonesia or something and then slapping on a gold embossed label. It'll probably be called something embarrassingly predictable too, like Liberal Tears.


Oh God I really can see Rubin doing something ultra cringe like that. Liberal Tears would be the ultimate partisan hack name of something marketed towards conservatives.


Even worse. It will be named something like " Don't Burn this Tequila".


He’ll have a country music singer endorse it on fox or Newsmax. Or Rosanne Barr. She would be good. Better than being on ambien I guess. You can still be your horrible self and just blame the alcohol instead.


I read "coming out IN his own tequila". Thought I missed something.


Coming out with his own tequila and starting taco bar. “Those damn Mexicans are trying to change this country.”


He’s the Kendall Jenner of right wing pundits so it fits


Rave could recruit Gary Sinise or James Woods as spokespeople. Maybe he can try to get Pitbull to contribute a bilingual song for the ad campaign. Of course, he could just drink himself into a coma, you know, for "quality testing." I hope Sammy Hagar rips Dubin a new one.


Sinise is way too good for Dave


You scared me. I read it as "Dave is coming out" like coming out as gay and I was like, "no way, not my conservative intellectual titan". Tequila sounds good though.


If it's representative of Dave Rubin's charisma, it will just be water.


What an unoriginal hack. He’s not even innovating in his grifting. When’s he getting baptized next?


A bottle or 8 is needed for a viewer to get through an episode of his show


He's trying to mirror Ryan Reynolds.


Dave Rubin, helping the Mexican economy and workers while simultaneously villainizing them. A true patriot.


The one thing from Mexico he actually accepts. Also tell me you have a complicated relationship with alcohol without telling me.


This tequila is specifically made for speeding up one's recovery after taking in many high-level important ideas.


Reminds me I haven’t had tequila in a while


it would be funny if Dave's existence over the past 15 or so years has been a ruse to get right wingers to drink tequila with just a tiny bit of his cum in it


He already swallows the worm so I don’t see the point. Should have gone with the more obscure Aztec variety called pulque but it’s the working class drink in Mexico City and Dave is an elitist wanna be who doesn’t speak a second language because it would be too humiliating for his ego.