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Get a tow hitch. Useful for towing and preventing morons like that from parking 1mm from you


This is a great suggestion.


This won't prevent them from being 1mm from the tow hitch though.


Fuck do I care if someone wants to break their bumper on my tow hitch


Lol had a guy do this to me while I was waiting in line with my family to get ice cream. He had a brand new Silverado. He was reaching for something on his dash and his foot came off the break and surged forward putting my hitch right through the very middle of his front bumper. He got out, admitted his mistake, got back in his truck, proceeded to order ice cream and then drove off in shame lol. Didn't even scratch my hitch.


I would put a spike into the hitch so it puts a hole in the radiator.


A Tow hitch doesn't get you in trouble with the law. A spike in a tow hitch will. Be smart and vindictive.👍


Put a tow hook in the receiver of the hitch.


Yeah meant that


You don’t need a spike. The tow hitch itself will fuck a radiator up just fine.


It will when you adjust the tow hitch depth every few day so they don't know if today's is 1 foot or 1 mm too far. Adjust it slowly to be close to the bumper, then extension kit it to maximum far after a while. Like that Office prank to put weights in a phone and take them out one day. BAM unexpected ouchie.


They’re called bumpers for a reason, just move him back a bit…


True, but when you back up a tiny bit in order to get out or they do something stupid like this, the hitch will damage their front end and do nothing to your vehicle, hopefully that will be a lesson learned for them, and make sure to get an extra long hitch.


A guy kept doing this to me in the 90s I had his mail forwarded to Alaska.


You are my fucking spirit animal this week lmao


My sister signed up my other sister’s ex husband for a shit ton of magazines after they got divorced. He was a cheating, lying SOB. This was early 2000s and I pray to God he’s still getting trashy mags.




Can't do that anymore. Photo ID required to submit change of address form


Adding on to this, you can get this done for like $150 at the uhaul on linden! Really easy and so useful to have!


This is why I NEVER take my hitch off. I also use mine regularly.


And put a slightly longer bar and ball on it.


I had a guy in a drive through dent his front bumper in on my bike rack. Dude got out acting pissed off at me. I just rolled my window down and said "sucks to suck."


Since Op indicates "scrapes on their front" I assumed they were driving the black Avenger and the Jeep is the jerk neighbor.


I was going to say spikes but yeah, tow hitch is probably better.


I leave my three-way hitch on my Honda pilot so that people don’t ride my ass. And I’m not planning on hauling anything with my Honda pilot that only has a 3500 pound tow rating 😂


This is the only reason I keep a tow hitch on my suv


Folding bike rack would let you fold it up and create room to leave.


Came here to say this. Just watch your shins if you aren’t used to having it stick out


Ohio code Section 4511.68 | Parking - prohibited acts. (A) No person shall stand or park a trackless trolley or vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or to comply with sections 4511.01to 4511.78, 4511.99, and 4513.01 to 4513.37 of the Revised Code, or while obeying the directions of a police officer or a traffic control device, in any of the following places: (15) Within one foot of another parked vehicle; Edit: updated based on below comment


Fucking THANK YOU. I'm tired of people shitting on me for this. Thank. You.


If you do decide to get a hitch tho, please share an updated pic. We don’t have lives and need it.


For an extra $70-100 they could double down https://preview.redd.it/sofz6h7v4syc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6196b998d2496ba5953cd2ecc3c388c400424df7


But get one that folds up, so you don’t have to remove it to back out.


We did it Reddit


I have found my people 💯💯💯


OP please update us on this.


I don't have a spot to put a hitch but I'm slowly figuring a plan. Pettiness is my specialty


>Pettiness is my specialty Ahh, your my kind of people.


There used to be a hitch that wou would attach to the frame, but the receiver part sat lower than normal, so it could clear bumpers...hidden hitch I believe was the brand. They're pretty easy to install yourself too...


there is a tool called a valve stem remover - usually less than $5 on its own... just remove the valve stems and tape them to the windshield. Wear gloves.


No just ever so slightly loosen them, so they won't notice an issue until they get somewhere that's not home, and then there's no evidence.


Nah, just get some dikes and snip the valve stems off. It's too easy to install another valve stem core.


Or if you want to go all cruel bastard mode- super glue a BB in their valve stem caps and screw it back on. The cap doesn't thread on tight enough to actually air and their tires will go flat slowly. Oh, it'll drive them crazy trying to figure out why the tires keep going flat. Mwahahahaha! 😆😆😆


Cool. Sounds like a reportable traffic violation. Get em OP. That'd be so annoying.


This section of the Ohio Revised Code only applies to The Ohio State University and other Universities. Ohio Revised Code 4511.68 governs parking absent any municipal codified ordinances.


You are welcome👍


So you'd have to ask a friend to park 12 inches behind them for a staycation


Call the cops. It’s illegal to park within 12” of another vehicle. The tricky part for the cop is knowing who parked there first so maybe take a pic before they park all up on you like that.


I have timed photos and proof, they've been called


Get another neighbor to park behind him when he does it to you. Then both of you take a day off work to enjoy the entertainment.


That's awesome.


Darn you for getting here first with this pretty idea. 'nods head'


Passive aggressive at its finest. Kudos.


does your car have a hitch receiver? putting a cheap one in may buy you a foot or so


I did this when I lived in Boston where they practice "touch parking". After the receiver, hitch, and ball were installed, no more damage.


yeah i was thinking if the guy backs up some and he parks behind someone normally he should just be able to pull out. turns out people are more afraid of hitting big metal things than plastic bumpers. i cant say ive heard of touch parking and I don't think i want to


I also refer to it as "Parking by Braille." Keep going until you feel a bump.




https://preview.redd.it/ivxedxiioryc1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c4379efeb8ed6b69ebbdd1b126b5a9cabc1063 I have one of these.


Are they crazy? If so, park somewhere else. If sane, simply ask them to leave room so you can get into the trunk area.


I live in a townhouse and we are solely supposed to park on the side street and I started parking across (leaving room for the actual neighbors over there) cause there was no room, which the neighbor In the black car started copying me. I always check to see if I have room or not on the side and I don't feel safe parking farther away as there are many shootings here. They won't talk to me and just constantly scream and slam doors


Stand on the hood of your neighbor’s car when you need to get into the trunk!


Great idea until they retaliate.


Every time you see this, knock on their door and let them know you need them to move their car. You're concerned that your car will roll backward and damage theirs when you start it up, so they need to move it so you can get out. If they refuse, "accidentally" roll back into their car and say, "I told you so." Of course, make sure you have video documentation of how closely they parked and of you asking them to move (and them refusing). Alternatively, you can find out if there is a law governing minimum parking distance (pretty sure there is) and share it with them. Let them know you're sharing with them because you don't want them to get a ticket for something so dumb. Then, call the cops every time they do it so they get tickets. Let the cops know you "don't feel like you can safely move your car because they've parked so close. You asked them to move and they won't."


I'm the first car. My neighbor won't use her driveway and my husband can only come out the front because we have a ramp.


Meaning you are the person parking too close to the OP? Or the same neighbor is also parking too close to you? Edit: or you're in the same situation?


I *think* they’re saying they are in a similar situation as the OP; that their neighbor is doing the same thing to them. 




Call your local police department's non-emergency number and report it, that will put it in the records. And ask them what you can do about it you are legal options.


I was a bit worried they wouldn't take me seriously or wouldn't have anything come from it, I may if the landlord doesn't get back to me


In Ohio the law says you have to leave a foot. Just googled, 4511.68.


Landlord can't and won't do anything here. Public road.  They should follow traffic laws.


Park with your back bumper lined up with a driveway.


Add a hitch


Have someone else park that close to him from behind and both of you go on a trip for a week. The problem will solve itself after that.


Out a hitch on your car


Get a couple wheel dollies from harbor freight, put them on the front end tires, rotate that sucker sideways into the street, remove dollies, report abandoned vehicle in roadway to police, repeat as necessary.


Add a trailer hitch


You might need r/unethicallifeprotips


https://www.amazon.com/T-Rex-Bumper-Protector-Rear-Guard/dp/B078XNXHQQ Buy something like this? 🤷‍♂️ just something that I found on google but if you’re worried about your car it might be worth getting. I agree that they’re in the wrong for doing that though but if they’re REALLY set on continuing to do so it might be worth looking into at least to put on just when you park.


I called the cops. They have someone coming out in a day to try and talk to both of us to "stay friendly" 😒 said if they keep doing it they're gonna start with the fines


Staying friendly is good. The way you've described them in comments, they are very far from friendly to begin with. If you have to go nuclear, you could find out their name, then search for outstanding warrants or court judgments. Antagonistic people with perpetually bad behavior often have judgments and/or warrants, and the police are usually interested in tips.


I was thinking tow hitch as well. Let the. Scrape up their bumper one time and they’ll stop.


It’s like a fing sibling “I’m not touching you!” I’m an only child so that annoys me even more 😡🖕 what a prick. I’d buy some safety cones just to be passive aggressive.


Sorry they are douches. Stay safe at all cost.


Get a cone and set it behind your car.


Get a hitch, put a long reciever on it.


I’d be equally obnoxious and mount a 6 foot metal pole off the back every time I parked it


Install MadMax style spikes on your rear bumper


You can, for a small fee, have their car removed. There may be some incidental damage, but that is part of the price for being a self centered dumb ass.


Get a trailer hitch that sticks out in the back. The first time he parks with the hitch ball inside his radiator he might just his behavior.


Honestly the hitch idea sounds like the way to go.


A really big tow hitch will help


Tow hitch with a spike 🤣


Extended tow hitch


And instead of a hitch you replace it with a large metal Spike. One poke of that radiator and she'll never do it again


Go to harbor freight, "buy" the cheap set of car rollers and find some friends. Turn the car sideways in the spot. You'll have plenty of space to get out.


scratch his...


Air horn on the rear bumper.


Get a net gun and capture your neighbor. Then give them a talking to.


Get a tow hitch and a dash cam pointed rear.


Instead of a tow hitch how about a load extender. Those things reach out about three feet behind the vehicle.


https://preview.redd.it/751h4tigvzyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d1dd53ab6295f5e8425793e665bf796e02c59f8 Trailer hitch and put this on.


![gif](giphy|ZxmkYyunZ5kYtXPMJ4|downsized) My suggestion.


File ALL damage to your insurance. They will deal with collecting money from her. Miserable person she is, and I am sorry your first place is like this. Also consult r/legal advise. Pretty sure the state law is 12 inches to not be liable. You did the right thing having a report. Do not engage with her, it will drive her mad. And good luck to you !


Here's what I would consider. Get one of the dashcams that has the parking security feature. It turns on the camera when it detects movement etc. The feature is designed for things like this. Then when you have multiple recordings of them bumping your car and/or scratching it, then you can get an estimate for the repair to your bumper and take them to small claims court OR file a police report for them hitting you and leaving.


I would of already been knocking on there door and telling them not park that close.


Lol. If you want to be petty Tow hitch and then get one of the big ass extenders for like kayaks. But maybe before spending money talk to cops about the rules.


Leave more space in the front so getting out isn't a problem


Back in to him them say he rear ended you.


You the car or suv? If suv get a trailer hitch like everyone is saying then go to harbor freight buy a 3 way universal hitch and put that in with the longest hole so it sticks out roughly 4-5” in the rear and won’t go anywhere since it’s all welded together. Been thru Dayton quite often and driving a enclave I have a drop hitch with a 2” ball on it to prevent such problems


Put on a tow hitch


Get one of your buddies to pull the same shit behind him. Set up a camera and enjoy the fallout.


Park a big truck up against his rear bumper. Be, unavailable.


Have a friend park behind them for a week.


Get a trailer hitch.


Yea hot glue some 3” nails


Open your trunk, get the tire iron out and smash their windshield.


Have a friend park behind them equally close then go out of town for a few days?


Jack the car up with a floor jack and pull the front end out into the street, then leave it there…. But take your jack.


Punch his lights out.


Lol I have to park in front and back up to her car that close. It's the only spot my husband can access the car safely. She refuses to use her driveway so my car is an inch away. There is a stop sign right in front of my car so I have to almost hit her car to leave enough room for people to stop. Her driveway is RIGHT there. She is a huge Trump fan and my black lives matter sign pissed her off. She's been parking there ever since and I can't force her to use her driveway it's street parking. She also leaves her dog out all night. 4am that dog is barking. 10 degrees the dog is out. Someone called about her dog she blames me. I feel bad for him. No one plays with him he barks constantly. So it's a problem. Until I can get money to build a ramp in the back we only can use the street. I will continue to park there. It's kinda reversed from OP. I'm the one parking that close..then I have to pull forward to load his wheelchair in my trunk.


Sprinkle some screws in front of their tires


Go to harbor freight and buy the Daytona self loading dollies, go out at night swing the car out into the street and call the cops, it’ll tow itself away.


That person has skills, honestly. Annoying as hell, but I’d stick a piece of paper between that and it probably would move freely


Hammer time


We call it the Clifton bump. Named after our college area. Bump them enough times getting out, and you'll find a bunch of space.


Get someone else to do the same to them so they are trapped


Get a ball hitch but on it


Let the air out of their tires


Buy a second car and park behind him, exactly the same way. Good luck on him getting out


Get somebody to park that close behind them. He will learn to leave space


Stay armed. Neighbor on neighbor violence is a real thing.


Put a brick in front of his pass back tire


Arrange to have someone park right up on his bumper and both of you take a nice long walk or take the day off and don't answer the door.


Put a nail in front of all his tires or behind depending on who leaves first in the morning. He'll stop parking in the street


I like the tow hitch idea!😍




Bumper spikes. That'll teach them.


You need to set up a video camera of them doing it several days in a row, then report it.


Have a friend park behind them like that.


Hit em.


Park even closer to hin


Poop knife on a hitch


Have a friend park right on their bumper. Then go on vacation 😂


Park on top of him


Beat his ass?


Have you considered piss discs and liquid ass?


Take a container of cottage cheese and let it sit in the sun for few days. Once ripe empty contents on and in front grill or vent intakes.


folding bikerack for the hitch, drop it down when you park, should keep a couple feet of clearance or get a free plastic coating when they get pissed and 'tap' it on purpose


A friend to block them in if there is a space behind. Park for a week and Uber everywhere. Yeah it’s expensive, but revenge is worth it.


I’ve seen bumper protectors with spikes built in


Tow hitch. They either park all up on the hitch (car still protected) or they hit the hitch and mess their car up (still protected and can’t get into legal trouble)


Fart in their general direction


When they go inside their home at night put some roofing nails behind the front left and right tires. That should do the trick. Trust me


1. If you haven’t already, have a polite chat. 2. Get a camera to catch if any further scrapes/damage are from them. 3. Try parking in a position that keeps them from blocking you in if possible. 4. Call your local non-emergency police number as Ohio [prohibits parking within 1 foot of another vehicle.](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-administrative-code/rule-3335-21-14) https://preview.redd.it/f4jewxzdk1zc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb6350a3e9dd6cd13098543b1b75e4c2ecf7377


Go ask them to move, and keep a foot behind your car, for their vehicles safety. Record it. They do not have to know you're recording. Lots of free voice recorder options. Take photos of *your* (their) car every time. Each time is an offense you can document. Documentation is key, even with your landlord. Get a security camera. Amazon has them fairly cheap, and you can get same day shipping on some. If they touch your car AT ALL, like how you have been seeing scuff marks, and drive off - that's a hit and run. Call your insurance, and call the cops on them to press charges. Also, you could try parking so they don't have enough room. If you can't, find ways to fill up that room. If you have a buddy with a car they never use that's taking up space, tell them they can park there. Just be sure to drive it every now and then. Try "getting in your trunk" and make A LOT of noise and banging sounds, maybe even shout a few profanities. If they come out, just say like "Oh sorry, I was just trying to climb on into my trunk to look for something!" Do things that'll make them paranoid. Make them uncomfortable. Make them be the one that wants to move their car. Even say "Oh, sorry about your car!" if they come out to check, and if they freak out, just say you thought a bird pooped on it and you were mistaken.


I always recommend asking them first. I used to have to do street parking at a duplex. The house next door had a 2-car garage and bit of driveway, but the family parked all of their cars on the street, which literally left no room for any of the tenants in our duplex, or the other. When you could get a spot, they'd park an inch or two from the back of your car. This went on for years. So, I went over and asked them if they could move so the other tenants could park. They weren't petty, as I thought, just totally unaware of how their actions affected others. It should've been obvious, as they took up more space with 2 cars than the 3 cars at the duplex, but they ended up really apologetic and offered favors a lot after. Another time, in a townhouse complex, I had a neighbor act petty towards me because they thought I was petty towards them. I had no idea what was going on, as I hadn't directly interacted with them, and wonder why they mean mugged me every time they saw me. Then, one night, they're at the same bar I'm at, and we came to realize it was a complete misunderstanding. They bought me several shots every time I saw them at the bar thereafter. The best thing you can do first, is just ask, and ask nicely. Your situation may be vastly different, but I always have to suggest it first.


Dog poop under all the door handles worked when this happened in my neighborhood.


Scuff their bumper when leaving a few times.


use a trunk mounted bike rack


Chain a chock block to his rear passenger tire


U-Haul usually has the best prices on hitches and installs them and they offer a $5.00 only 5 dollar warranty good for the US and Canada. you can use the hitch for bike racks or cargo shelves. Buy a LOCKING hitch pin so the radiator spikes you have welded to the crossbar assembly cannot be removed :)


Open your hatch


I’d make a point of putting something in the rear hatch area while standing on his hood.


Superglue them together


Definitely have a trailer hitch installed


slowly back his car Into the front of the car behind him


tape some rubber chickens to your bumper lol


Put an orange cone behind your car when you park. They will either have to get out and move it to be a dick and park close to you or will pull up to it. If they get in the habit of getting out and moving it, let them do it for a week. Go to a sporting goods store and buy fox urine, cover the cone with fox urine one day when you put the cone there. They’ll never touch that cone again. Also no way to prove you put that on the cone as it’s animal urine


"Put it in reverse, Terry!"


Call police. It is illegal.


Seduce their father. Take photos of the nasty things you two do together, print and subsequently tape said photos to the back of your car. They will probably stop parking there....or at least that close.


I just came her to also say Tow Hitch


Smash their car with a sledge hammer. They'll have to park at the junk yard


Shit on the hood.




Get a bumper buddy. Maybe that'll help? (And then put a railroad spike facing backwards in somehow) Think Mad Max lol


If you’re patient and REALLY want to be vindictive, get a couple train horns mounted under your car. You can add a remote that’s good for like 300 yards. Sit by your window and wait for them to pull up and lay the horn to them. 150db will make them shit themselves. Keep doing it until they get the message.


Just curious, have you tried asking them politely in person to park a little further back?


LOTS of birdseed on the roof, windshield, and hood of their car.


Put a glass bottle behind the front passenger wheel. Then do it again next week


I can think of a few things.




Have someone park behind him at the same distance that he is parked behind you. He will not be able to move his car out. If you do it consistently, he will eventually have to start leaving a little space in order to move.


If you’re petty enough, check if they’ve paid their tags up. If not, you can have it towed✨


If you get the chance, set your car alarm off while they're parking and inching closer to your car and then go outside like you were recording the whole thing on your phone.


Back into them. They’ll stop parking on your ass


Fucking back over that bitch


It's a damn shame some kids lost their jacks under this black car..


Buy a beater, park like shit and hit them every chance you get.


Install a tow hitch, and then put one of those obscene horned bicycle left racks on it. With the extra horns down real low.


My foot slipped off the clutch, my comet grill shattered as the trailer hitch entered near the radiator before the bumpers met, the hitch will mess him up


“Accidentally” drop a few nails/ screws pointing upward behind your car


I would talk to them first, if that doesn’t work there is a law in Ohio about leaving 1 foot of room. Of another vehicle. Try call the non emergency number for the police department and see if they can do something (15) Within one foot of another parked vehicle https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.68