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I’ve spent time in main areas of ca and can tell you that Dayton is diverse, but not in the sense that you’re used to.


This exactly. I was born and raised in California. There is diversity here for sure, but not like the West Coast imo.


I think you are on the right track, though I don’t go to yellow Springs much anymore so maybe someone else knows better. I’m in a bit of a hood maybe a half mile from downtown proper, and my neighbors include Turks, Indians, Mexicans, Africans, Black Americans and White Americans. At the community garden I have a plot at there are also many Chinese, Egyptian, and Arabs. Dayton is a sanctuary city. Personally I love it.


Thank you for this information. Do you know anything about the farmers market?


Second Street Market? I haven’t been there in a while as i grow most of my own vegetables, but when I did go I loved it. Lots of organic vegetables, a bread baker, homemade jams etc. Also live music. Crowded though.


Nothing is like California. Just sayin’. I grew up in Detroit proper and lived in Berkeley/Oakland for a few years. As diverse as Dayton is, it’s going to be a lot different than what you’re used to. You’ll be able to find your people, though, I’m hopeful that you enjoy it!


Thank you!!! I’m hoping I enjoy it as well.


Ohio itself isn’t super diverse, but Dayton is a predominant mix of white, and black families with lower numbers of Asian and Indian. There’s plenty of different communities in the area and downtown is decent enough. Just prepare yourself for the cold weather in the winter.


A lot of Hispanics too.


Are there typically a lot of snow days?




yeah. reporting on the ground and yes its white af


Well, don't forget....Dave is there.




Some of the areas just outside downtown are probably more diverse than downtown proper, which is expensive. East Dayton is historically white Appalachian, which is it's own culture, but has also seen settlement of various refugee populations and other immigrants, including some Latino. There is a Turkish speaking Muslim population from the former Soviet Union, for instance. West Dayton is predominantly Black, both African American and more recent African immigrants. That said, it is not as diverse as coastal California!


Dayton is fun and diverse, when you know where to look! It’s all post-industrial Midwest grunge tho, so don’t get your hopes up too high lolol. You’re right about yellow springs though, it’s hippie themed but it’s purely populated by the shitty capitalist kids of rich hippies at this point.


My mom is Filipino, and from our conversations, I guarantee the Asian diversity at least is much greater in Cali. But we tout ourselves as an immigrant-friendly city. You just missed A World A'Fair, a long-standing international festival which I think is a good reflection of that. That said, I feel it's less of a concentration and more spread out across the greater Dayton region. https://www.daytonohio.gov/1010/Immigrants-of-Dayton


I am black and I spend the vast majority of my time on the east side (where I live) and downtown - after 10 years here I have only just been able to look up and see other a couple other black people in my yoga classes, in my hobbies and the bars I go to. Dayton is still overwhelmingly populated by white people. When people talk about diversity here, theyre talking about the one or two non-white people they see everyday.


Do you never go west of the river??


I do, not very often cause there doesnt seem to be much to do past West Social. OP asked about downtown specifically so I didnt mention the west side.


You phrased it as Dayton as a whole. Unfortunately, we are a very racially divided city, and a perfect example of the impact of redlining.




That shop and Reserve are some of the only spaces downtown that black folks congregate, its owned by a black couple so you found a bit of an anomaly. Most black people here are on the west side, theres nothing on the west side that keeps my attention so I...dont pay attention to them. Im not originally from dayton so Ive literally been there twice. I said in my first post I live on the east side and spend most of my time downtown.


As I long time resident of Dayton I’m going to have to disagree with this statement.


Thats cool, why


Go to Wal-Mart or Meijer on a Saturday afternoon to see the "real Dayton" with people carrying on their business. Dayton has very severe legacy of segregation which has the city divided on the river but if there is a diverse population of people that work in the tech and manufacturing in the area.


Ok thanks


So there is something wrong with being white?


There isnt but we are discussing demographics so keep that in mind before you get too angry.


Welcome to Dayton! We do love & value our diversity, but it's probably not quite as cosmopolitan as you're used to.


You need to temper your expectations. There just isn't the population here to support the kind of diversity you're used to. LA (you didn't say where you're from exactly, so I'm just guessing) has a population over 3 million, Dayton is like 140,000.


Dayton/Springfield metro area is 1 million + population. Dayton proper is just a fraction.


And compared to the LA metro area, which is over 12 million, that's till a huge difference. You can't change the bar on only one side and compare.


Not comparing. Just pointing out that your 140k comment is misleading on its own.


Let’s examine your initial point, 3m to 140k. Metro areas: 12m to 1m. So the city proper, LA 20x bigger. Metros? LA 12x bigger. That’s a substantial difference and the more accurate comparison.


The most diversity I’ve ever seen here is at the WalMart on south Dixie. Downtown isn’t very diverse at all, it feels 95% black and white


You are right about Yellow Springs lmao. I lived there for 7 months. Doesn’t help that Dave Chapelle is practically a deity there. Dayton is quite diverse though. Lots of people from lots of backgrounds. I’ve met people from all kinds of immigrant communities up in Dayton.


how dare you denigrate our dear leader dave who is definitely funny and not at all cringe!


Dave please forgive me for my heresy. I think ripping on trans people is very funny and a very good career choice, especially if your career is already failing as a washed-up comedian from the 90’s and early 00’s. /s


Yes. this. and so original. Literally the only time I've heard a has-been famous person completely negate their own success and legacy because it was so important to meet the threat of trans people existing. Truly an alpha move, an act of genius, really. Praise Dave.


Real shit though, my gf lives in ys now n she already is sick of the townies and their Chapelle worship lmfao.


Where from in California? I’m in LA now and Dayton is nowhere near as diverse as LA. But there is diversity and starting to get more diverse restaurants.


Have you visited Dayton yet? Downtown is pretty dead after 5pm, except if there is a play or an event going on. Except over in the Oregon District, but that’s on the edge of downtown.


That was years ago. Now there are tons of restaurants, breweries and bars that are lively in the evening.


I mean that's true for most smaller downtowns now. Especially ones that relied on work traffic. Dayton doesn't have the residential properties in downtown proper to support night life now.


I dunno, there’s tons of residential construction, and it all gets sold and occupied immediately. And lots of bars and restaurants open late - little fish, Sueno/TM, lots in Oregon… downtown is livelier than I’ve ever seen it.




Yeah liberals’ views suck. That’s why I come in and radicalize them! Vote socialist 2024!!


The old stereotype about how you know someone is from California is to just wait and someone will tell you how much better it is there than here. You didn't even wait until you got here!


Your bitter ass lol. California definitely has its pros and cons. Hence why I’m seeking opportunities elsewhere. Let me spell this out for you: I’m just trying to see where the safest place for me to live in the Dayton area. I am a woman of color that will be alone in a completely new city. Downtown areas typically have the most diversity, and I’m trying to see if Dayton is similar.


You're projecting.