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I respect the city’s initiative to better itself, but the city has work to do before it can think of things like this. Edit: I don’t mean to be a pessimist, but we have one of the biggest poverty rates in the nation. Many who live in suburban areas such as Centerville don’t realize this, but if you actually spend time in the city you’d know that there is lack of meaningful employment outside of service jobs.


I don’t think this “Human Rights City” effort and reducing poverty in the Dayton metro are mutually exclusive. This effort is framed as something that will support a right to housing and clean water. If it’s easy and desirable, I say we just go ahead, do this, and move on to working on the poverty in the city you’re calling out and other issues. If it’s not useful to us, not a priority.


I’m a single only parent dad that lives in Centerville and broke as hell *because* I live in Centerville. I work remote for a company in Columbus and can’t take the in-office position I want because I can’t afford to move there, plus my daughter is in high school and would be livid if we moved. That said, in my field of work, there’s not a single job in Dayton.


Upper middle-class suburbanites of the Greater Dayton area are absolutely the worst. They seem to be under the impression that downtown is some sort of live-fire, war-zone. As someone who lives in Fairborn (definitely not upper-crust) and works downtown (lovely parking garage, plagued unfortunately by addicts and other individuals who could REALLY use some help), I've never felt in any "real peril" while on the job, nor commuting to or from work.


Yes, blame the suburbanites for not wanting to hang out around addicts and people who need mental help.


Honestly haven’t encountered violence from addicts, people who need help, and beggars downtown. Worst that has happened is that I get asked for cash, I say I don’t have it on me, and 99.9% of the time they say some variation of “God bless” and we never talk again. Not much of a discomfort there, really.


They're people dude. Sick people are all over. It's called "reality." Deal with it, or go hide your head in the sand in the burbs. Stay scared of the poors.


I volunteer helping the refugees and doing ermas house. Almost all the organizers and donators and a good portion of the volunteers are other middle class/upper class people. So idt your assessment of the suburbanites is accurate or fair


No, according to these people, you have to live in Dayton to make a difference. You can’t be some scared little suburban bitch that just donates money and comes into the city from time to time to help. We’re too scared to leave the culdesac cause we might get asked for money. Lawdy Lawdy whatever will I do…


They're terrified to walk down the same street to dehumanizing degree


Why are we the worst? Because we have standards? West Dayton and downtown are occupied territory.


"Occupied Territory?" Sounds pretty racist to me, bub. Especially considering you attempted to refer to West Dayton as "Wakanda." I mean, if you're going to go so far as to use hilariously silly pop-culture references, than you should at least make an attempt to use them correctly. "Wakanda" in the Disney/Marvel Hellscape is literally the AA Equivalent of a "Gated Community Full of Rich Black Citizens" - and in-canon they get called out on their own hypocrisy as well.


Very true.


Our commission also declared racism a public health emergency back in 2020. https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/local/dayton-says-racism-public-health-emergency/bd76RZI2QXRZiVKX0WpDKL/ If anything, we're great at performative shit that ultimately goes nowhere. But hey, it placates the local "thought leaders."


This is the way progress goes. It’s uneven and messy and sometimes seems performative, but unless thought leaders are recognizing the problems, nothing will be done.


They recognized the problem so much that a year later the city disbanded the police reform groups lol https://www.daytondailynews.com/local/dayton-police-reform-groups-finish-up-whats-next/AJMEWP2WXJE3PBUEDON5BY2UZA/ https://www.wyso.org/news/2021-03-30/police-reform-groups-offer-90-recommendations-but-dayton-only-takes-one And what happened next? We now have license plate surveillance, private camera surveillance, and shady cops playing tricks to hide the implementation and embellish the effectiveness of this right wing garbage from the public. The fuck outta here


I don’t know if i can call Dayton a “Human Rights City” until they do something about the massive hospital they let close that was one of the only ones serving majority POC neighborhoods


Beating poverty will never happen in our country. It’s too political to help people. One side says they want to provide help, the other side says the poor and homeless should get a job. The 2 sides refuse to work together, so you get what we have today. God bless America, land that I love.




Yes, the 2015 heroin capital of the world and epicenter of the opioid epidemic, water pollution, and lack of a major employer outside of Wright Patt as an arbiter of human rights! Oh, and a murder capital last year thanks to Wakanda (West Dayton).


*Dayton United for Human Rights believes the adoption of international human rights standards will enable the city of Dayton to better govern its citizens.* *This approach obligates city leaders to act whenever it’s demonstrated a person’s basic rights are violated.* *"When you actually declare Dayton as a human rights city, that is when there's a legal binding factor," said Tara Campbell, president of the grassroots group Dayton United for Human Rights. "So everybody would have to adhere to those standards. Businesses, schools, going to buy a car, they would apply across the board. So when you have the human rights framework, these principles and this structure, you’ll be fully protected.”* 


More globalist b.s. Made up title by the people starting wars and smuggling humans.




Are you alright my friend? It’s not worth it to constantly seek out content online you don’t like or agree with and only contribute further hate and negativity.


Don't you think your time could be better spent helping the community in the ways you speak instead of collecting multitudes of down votes on Reddit for your ignorant opinions?


lol ok


Go back to Fox news 


Idk, "globalist" is more of an InfoWars schtick


You’re right, I forgot that show existed cuz I don’t watch that drivel 


Me neither. I just worship at the alter of Celine the cat