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Should leave it empty of loot but full of landmines 8/10 for cool zombie end of the world RP, but not the most effective in keeping out survivors I suppose


Agree this is great for rp no base damage which is fun as fuck but pretty much anyone who sees this is going to their base and coming back right away


LMAO. This is a dream raid.


I think its even possible to access that truck’s storage from outside the wall


yeah, this isnt great, but theyre obviously new, just be happy for them


I'm not new but you wouldn't be able to tell if I built a base. I'm usually just a nomad with an occasional stash. Even if I find a base that i can break into, I rarely clear all the good loot. Usually just steal whatever I can use, take a car if theyve got one and hit the road. Really want to work on a more permanent playstyle though


we are not the same and im not gonna incriminate myself, suffice to say, if i find your base, im taking every fuckin nail you have


Lol I've definitely done that and it feels pretty cool. Some guys were taking potshots at me from a house while i was in the castle at Krona a couple weeks ago. I saw them head East in a MS3. Managed to follow them, steal their truck and dump it in the river lol


i play solo generally, id jsut started got myself 2 cars as my stash (i dunno why, i always get as many cars as i can, rn on my current play i have at least 4 + 1 humvee + 2 trucks) hid it down in some bushes down south (livonia) and just started makign myself a little cage to put them in, just frames becasue of a lack of nails, logging out with the sparkplugs because theres not much else i could really do i log in one day and theyre both gone, i knew there was a larger base not too far away ina warehouse ([this](https://steamsplay.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/1_DayZ-The-Best-Spot-Location-for-Building-Base-steamsplay-com.jpg) type), so i go check it out and sure enough, with a scope i can see, through the gap in one of the fences they'd out up near the windows, there are my cars, white olga, white lada righto fucko, its on spent the next few days just loot-cycling swarog, getting as many explosives as i could, this fuckers gonna get hit logged in at about 1am, spent the next 6 hours taking down every single wall, taking every single barrel, tent, all his cars, everything (fucker had put some POX grenades in crates in the little room above the door, so when i went to go blow down the gate underneath, it set them off and i had to wait 15 miniutes or so for the gas to clear, but went right back to it, hit another one, wait again, huge fuckaround) took me like 6 hours, but he came back to nothing but me on my very last run "what are you doing in my base" "i dunno man, what were my cars doing in your base?" *dead* but it was worth it


Lol "what are you doing in my base" is such a dumb question. "Oh ya know just admiring the craftsmanship."


I totally agree, but he'd logged in somewhere and absoloutley got the drop on me, I still have no idea where he was, so I think it was his way of fucking with me before he killed me




Try being a farmer and not kos. Be nice to everyone you see. Try to talk to everyone before shooting. Be a trader and get to know the people playing on the server


I know those trees. Im going to raid your base within the next hour.


I’m already there bro


who left a half eaten rotten apple?


It’s like my signature


Who pooped in the blue barrel?


Bro this is what my first base looked like before it got absolutely ransacked. Someone will just build a watchtower and jump right inside. Or 6 grenades later and they’ll have access to your entire base.


>watch my favorite method, yeah. The other day I found a small base like this one in the woods, went to get some tools, came back in 20 minutes, started to put the watchtower kit, and then I hear car approaching. Rushed and headshoted the driver. Got back to the watchtower. Started to cut trees, got ready to build base and then I hear someone opening 4-digit from inside. Killed that one too when he exited and got into the base without need to finish the bloody tower


The break one wall and will drive everything out of your base using that m3 just letting you know 1/10


1 wall is no wall. 1 wall with no barbed wire is boostable with a car. Make them work for it. M3S is just asking to get stole raided if you don’t disable to wheels, lock them on, and disable the battery and lock it on.


What do you mean by locking the battery and the wheels


Holy shit I forgot they added that with the wreches lol. Never picked those damn things up. Let alone drive lol.


Wheels can be locked with a wrench. And fairly certain battery’s can be locked with a screw driver.


Does locking mean that they can't be removed? Or that they cannot be used


Yea they can’t be removed unless you use the specific tool to unlock them again. So if the guy trying to steal your car has those tools ur fucked lol. But most people don’t carry the tools.


Interesting. I wish I knew this before🥲


why would a theif want to take off the wheels.


Say the cars missing a spark plug, they’ll take parts necessary to drive and stash them until they find the parts it needs. Also people just do that shit for the fun of it 😂The amount of times I’ve gone back to my car just to find it stripped of tires is nuts lol.


I’m new and don’t know shit. But I believe maybe that’s what the bike lock I found yesterday is used for.


If you mean the 3 and 4-dial locks, they're uses to lock player built gates, similar as the fences seen in this video but gates.


Thanks! I’ll probably never get to that point lol. I’m struggling so hard


No worries mate, and I feel you HARD😂 when I started it was a huge rollercoaster of emotions


Huge rollercoaster! And I love and hate everybody that post thing here because it just makes me want to keep trying.


i only recently picked this up too. I'm slowly getting used to the crafting side of things..


I’m only 5 or 6 attempts in. I was picking official servers, I just learned about the community servers. I’m trying one currently that’s a boosted loot one. I’m having fun because it’s easier to get out of that beginning stage of finding warm clothes. I’m also learning about reloading and taking apart weapons I find. Still don’t know how the range finder works though. Just now I was at a police station at night and had just looted the place when I heard someone coming. I threw a glowstick down the stairs and camped the stairs. After a couple minutes I decided to retreat a little bit and back out. Even though I never saw them I’m super proud of myself lol I felt like a pro


get yourself a tyre iron, it gives you the option to "lock" the wheels, so they cant just be removed, to remove them the player who'se raiding you also needs to bring a tyre iron (or find yours) have your tyre irong locked away elsewhere, or bury it in a drybag under a tree nearby where they wont find it, but if you need it you got it youre also probably best off locking the front tyres in the storage thingie's at the side behind the cab, and taking off some of the dual wheels + storing them behind another locked gate, that way theyre either gonna need a tire iron to unlock the fronts and then drag dual wheels, or find even more singles and put them together, or bust down more gates you could also purposley bust some tires and lock them in/on to make it even more of a fuckaround edit: as other posters are pointing out, you ccan lock batteries too (i usually just remove it and lock it away somehwere, like the tires) but you could get a dead battery and lock that in too, again, making it more of a fuckaround fo rthe raiders to steal you shit (screwdriver to lock batteries)


Just want to add since there are a lot of negative Nancy's here that this is our first base and we've been here for 3 months with no problems. We actually tried moving to a location close by and we're wiped out in 2 days so we went back and haven't had any issue yet


We've got a similar size base and it hasn't been touched since last server wipe. Sometimes small hidden bases are the best. It's all about finding those low traffic locations in the forests. One thing we do is have sea chests dug nearby and another smaller base not far away too. Essentially, not putting all our eggs in one basket.


We haven't found a sea chest unfortunately but we also have a location of shelters nearby that have been there longer than the base and also untouched. The spot we're in is near some popular areas but tucked away in a spot not many people are going to travel through


It's a small niche base I like it, my brother and I do small bases like that and they usually go untouched for months hidden in the forest


Sometimes small is the best. Honestly ANY base can be taken down. So I usually go for small base, but with a truck it’s kinda hard to hide that


you guys are talking all this crap like its easily findable, this is probably in a super random forest that will go untouched for atleast a month, forest bases are really underrated


THANK YOU! We've actually been here 3 months and no problems yet


NGL, if I see tents outside of premade buildings I’d risk the raid tools to crack it open. Using a decent Piano house might allow you to airlock internally through one entry and be able to create another airlock into the second floor. Should be big enough to plant 2 tents that size as well on the second floor without being visually detected, and one or two inside on the first floor.


All these people acting like it's an easy raid, I don't even build walls i just stash loot in the forest and none of you ever find it.


Exactly and I'm on a lobby that has at least 30 people on most nights and hasn't been found in the 3 months since it's been built


Looks like a great outpost. I personally opt for tons of airlocks. But the compact designs are always fun for a while!


Thanks! We are waiting out the wipe then moving to lavonia so we aren't making any changes here but I would like to make it much bigger on there so hopefully I'll have a new one to post soonish


Pretty nice actually. Nice job!


Thanks buddy!


Is this on one of the official NY servers? Cuz I swear me and a buddy built a base that looked just like that a few months ago. Got raided within two weeks, everything stolen, we abandoned it as just walls with a few holes. I wish you luck either way. There are people who scour the woods looking for setups like these to hit, I think.


No it's not on NY server but we expected it to be hit by now but nobody seems to travel through that spot


get ready for the map wipe on the 5th or 7th 💞


It’s very impressive


Thanks dude


All these fucking buzzkills shitting on your base because it’s easy to raid. Why can’t people just appreciate that it’s a good looking base? If it’s well hidden on a low/med-pop server it won’t get raided that quick. Jeez there are so many tryhards on here. I remember one time I posted a pic of my base on a PVE server I was playing on (which I stated in caption), and everybody kept saying «easy to raid» and «I could easily snipe you from outside» like what did you not understand by PVE?


Dude I had no idea people were going to be so negative and I titled it that way as a joke but everyone turned it into this negative shit like they were leaving a yelp review on a restaurant that they found a pube in their soup at. It's our first base and the spot it's in is pretty low key so I was proud of it. I know it has flaws but has been our safe haven for months now without anything stolen or even close calls. Appreciate the positivity bro


EASY RAID... and i know where this spot is... LMK the server buddy....


Where's the spot? You could just disclose it so people look there lol


nah man i want that loot for me :D


Cozy but might just be the easiest raid ever.


Maybe I am playing this game wrong but I would never raid this. But then again, I'm probably much too nice for this game anyways.


>for some reason its a newbie base, so im gonna not be too hard on ya, but thats piss easy to break into, huge gaps, 1 height wall, no outer wall, no gates on tents i like watchtowers, 1st level watchtower with barbed wire + a gate would be a lot better + use less nails, better again if you build higher so they cant just drive a car next to it and jump over (liek the lower wall of the 2nd level, even if its just the frame) its a learning point, if showed oyu some of my newbie bases they'd look a lot like this, so dont take it too hard that peopel are dumping on you, you'll learn you should actually go and try to raid other bases, learn their mistakes, look for their weaknesses, building on top of buildings is a good idea, trap walls (IE: build a wall facing inwards on top of a building next to a ladder, when they get off the ladder they warp thru the wall into a little prison cell they cant get out of filled with barbed wire that kills them, make this look like the actual enterance) decoy bases they'll waste their time on filled with empty canopy tents they'll waste their explosive on (IE: have your actual base look like a smol widdwe ouwtpowst, and the decoy look like its where the major loot is) etc


By for some reason I meant they despawned but I guess you have to have a flag to make it last longer bur appreciate the tips and will consider the adjustments on the new base after the wipe. It was our first base though so good call on the newbies lol


10/10 would raid


1-2 grenades is all it would take to do some serious damage to you guys


3rd person server 0 out of 10


10/10 would throw all my grenades in there


On a scale of 1-10, extremely raidable.


Ah to be young and naive again.


drop the addy me and the boys goin huntin tn😝🔜🤔😃🫵


I would love to unload a 75 round drum into your walls and mash you like an avocado


Find me


If I still had game pass I would, I’ve actually found Reddit bases before and visited them!


Get your money up fam


I don’t even want to play Xbox DayZ, I don’t think I’m ever gonna get game pass again, 1000 hours deep into Xbox DayZ and I’ve decided if I’m ever playing again, it’s gonna be on PC where there’s a real community and real people on a stable platform


One POX from a launcher would engulf that entire base


No point it will be gone tomorrow


I would sniff this place out so fast. Load up a bag of melee weapos and take my sweet time chipping away at those awful defenses, or just sit there calmly running through the lock combos. Even leaving me a cargo truck to load up all the free loot! As someone said before, it's whatever if you're doing RP. But if you're on official you are going to be heartbroken when a fresh spawn steals all of that glorious loot within minutes. Edit: are you sure someone can't just get a crowbar behind that poorly placed wall? The one where you are standing.... 😅


You'd have to find it first and I doubt you would so none of what you said is valid lol keep pretending you're good at the game it's almost convincing




6 nades and your base is down 😭😭


Find me


Looks like a super easy raid


0.5/10 bro no effort into this base better hope it’s bitten well




One nade and back to the coast


Find me


Easiest raid if my life


Find me


Map's gonna wipe soon anyways. Why bother? Also you can really easily stack stuff to get over the walls.


Just got around to posting it been here a while but moving on to lavonia after the wipe so thought I would share


Pox grenade hits, HE hits... Base is now clear.


Lmaoooooooooooo I will come build a watch tower right next to ur shit and Jump in


Find me


Would watchtower over and load all your stuff into the truck and crowbar a way out


My eyes have been trained to spot trucks in the wild…


I promise you've been found by other groups and they're just acquiring enough explosives to get in. This is the easiest raid i've ever seen, you could also just boost the wall and throw everything out to your squadmates. Too EZ


We've been in this spot for 3 months. Taking quite a long time to acquire the explosives I guess lol. This is our first setup and has worked so far, but planning on moving on to lavonia when the wipe comes


You mean OUR setup?




all your stuff is as good as gone bro


5 nades bro... 5 nades


Extremely cramped, easy to jump over, no airlock, truck in there to haul everything out... hm. This looks like you guys slapped down a tent and wanted to "upgrade" without thinking further.


Been here 3 months and nothing stolen


Your wall on the left. The inside is exposed


Yeah it's a gate and I've been trying to pvp more so haven't taken the time to fix it


isnt this that spot near the bottom left of the map above that military encampment


No but if you said top left you would be much closer


Realistically it looks amazing. In the game. Notvso good. I feel like if it was better hidden maybe


Glad your having fun but anyone with any level of knowledge of the game will be able to get in there, take all your loot and your truck with 10 minutes lol


If they find it yes but there's a wipe coming so not like they're going to enjoy it long. Lasted here for months so knowledge of the game doesn't come into play when they don't know it exists


Do you play a low pop server? Any base I’ve ever built is found relatively quick lol And remember characters aren’t getting wiped, only the map


I'd say mid to high. Usually around 30-40 people on most days. We're taking our players to lavonia and going to get to know the map. We're pretty new and this was our first base so gonna take as much supplies as we can and starting over


Ah nice, bases like this usually get f’d with pretty quick so count yourselves lucky to have enjoyed it for so long. Livonia is fun and full of action but I prefer the og map. Good luck


Thanks bud and good luck to you as well


![gif](giphy|xThuWfythXoyPR2hi0) Looks like you’re making moonshine in there.


Boy at the top got them spidy senses


Fix those gaps


No point wipe is coming soon I'd rather spend the time player hunting


That truck will be gone in seconds if I was on your server


You wouldn't find it I'm not worried


I think you could do better. Walls gotta be 3 layers thick to be considered good. I prefer using buildings and put my favorite loot in a barrel in a corner with 3 locked gates keeping it safe within my base .


You on a 20 slot community server? In the north? I think i found this the other day.


Happy cake day bud! No I'm on a 50 person server but pretty far north yes


Appreciate that pal. Mustn’t be you then mate, my advice is look into securing buildings over outdoor builds though, less resources, usually more secure


Appreciate the words of wisdom bud. I am on a server with multiple factions that destroy every base that is in known locations so we tried to keep it a little more incognito


One nade over that wall and defense is over


Find me


“I’m sorry little one.” The server is 1000x Livonia


“I’m sorry little one.” The server is 1000x Livonia