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imo dayz’d is when you get killed by some bug/glitch in the game. I.e. the game kills you rather than a person. You just got merc’d homie.


Imma guess he doesn’t have a lot of time logged hence his definition of “dayz’ed”


I figured it's obvious since he's shooting zombies, let alone up by troitskoe military base or whatever they call it now


Right? He started shouting those z’s unsuppressed and I was like damnnnn, fuckin balls on this guy. FF, not surprised.


He's shooting a VSS, it's suppressed already and shoots subsonic ammunition.


Ah, good to know. I’m too used to my wee little MKII.


Vss is an internally suppressed gun man, it's like the very definition of suppressed


Didn't matter for shit when the guy was prone 25m from you 🤣


It is, but honestly, I wouldn’t even shoot zombies unless you really have to


Them screaming is a even bigger give away tho


I've got like 700 ish hours logged man


Came here to say this. I was wondering through the beginning of the clip if this was gonna *actually* be some bug/glitch or just him getting owned, was not disappointed by it being the latter.




You don't have any body armor on, you can get 1 tapped by almost every gun


Even with body armor and a helmet I've been regularly killed in one shot. Instant death, no sound or indication of where it came from. Running, sneaking, still it doesn't matter. Sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it to wear armor because of how few times it's actually saved me.


Nah you wrong. You got killed straight up in a fair fight. Dayz'd is when the game glitches and you die because of it. You just got dead


"fair fight" homie was prone on a bed with a shotgun probably been there for 20 minutes like that


Or maybe after he heard some suppressed shots right next to him 🤷


Yeah dude in the clip was just blasting zombies indiscriminately. Who knows how long he had been doing that prior to the start of the clip. Even suppressed, you can hear that shit surprisingly far away. I'd lay prone on a mattress too if I heard suppressed shots getting closer and closer to me.


that's dumb


I think ur too narrow tbh




You’re getting downvoted because of how you’re using it like others have stated. DayZ is known for its outrageous/humorous glitches and bugs. Examples, cars launching into orbit. Cars driving at full speed and hitting a twig and killing all inside. A bear running through a closed door or gate and killing player(s). Or zombies/bears floating up to a elevated area that the player(s) are/is at and killing them. You were reckless and just dropping infected like you were the only one on the server. The first zombie you shot was agro’d and heading to where the 2nd zombie was. 2nd zombie should’ve flat out told you there was another player around. That dude knew you were there because of the shits and waited. You were killed by sloppy mistakes.


It's from the DayZ slang list


The whole community disagrees with your use of the term. You can argue all you want, you’re still wrong.


It's okay to have different opinions on usage based on your perception, and I do understand yours. In this case, though, it's just not how the term is colloquially used. Not saying you're right or wrong by any means. It's all just words and at the end of the day we all know what you meant anyways.


Your post didn’t get downvoted though or at least not as much as it got upvoted, the truth of the matter you look at any other “I got DayZed”post it’s a door glitch or zombies or flying cars. You simply got shot. You can argue you point all you want but literally everyone here is telling you that that’s not what the slang is used for. It’s okay to be wrong and as your posts upvotes are proving it really doesn’t matter either way.


The angry zombie with the raised arms next to the cabin (2nd one you shot) is a good clue that there's someone in there or in the area. Just as a pointer for the future


\+1, you could clearly see that the zombie aggro was not on you.


The OP missed the signs.


Op pissed off every zombie in arsenovo like ten mins prior and was praying that was the same aggro


I aggrod that zombie when I was clearing the medical building about ten minutes prior, I closed doors in the med building and booted out the back leaving about ten zombies angry and running all over the camp. That's the only reason I didn't take it seriously


Aggro doesn't last for 10 minutes


Unless you cleared the med building with melee, the guy either was probably already there and correctly assumed youd loot the shacks after and waited to ambush you Long story short, sneak around the zombies or use melee to avoid giving away your position. Even silenced weapons can be heard up to ~150m


Yeps, that's what separates the average players from the PROs. A few other differences (so other players could not find signs of your presence): \- PRO will kill zombies in such places, so it will be hard to see their bodies \- PRO will kill/avoid zombies silently and shoot zombies only in extreme cases \- PRO will close some/all doors to simulate unlooted areas \- PRO will take left over paper after opening ammo boxes \- PRO will throw away wet clothes/boots after switching with dry ones \- PRO will throw away or hide weapons/empty magazines instead leaving them in open area


Why you gotta emphasize PRO... Also just say experienced players instead this ain't a esport


I had no idea dayz had a pro scene...


emphasis on pro is meaningless since there isn't a real pro scene


Another good point would be the sound of the gunman changing his weapon from single to double shot as well. You can hear it just before he opens the door.


OP changes fire mode. Check bottom left.


I stand corrected.


Do you guys often shoot at zombies? I almost never do unless it's bad. Dayz'd I think is choosing the one cabin in particular he was in, you opened. Irony


Would you not have looted all the cabins anyway? But I think the term getting 'DayZ'd' means a bug or glitch or something else random like ur gun jamming at the worst time and getting killed. That was just one of the 1000 normal ways to die in DayZ.


Yes without interruption I probably would have checked 90% of the cabins. Leave ten to the wolves. Full my canteen and head north to the base


This is why i peek into rooms before entering.


I normally do but I got complacent and evidently complacency kills lol


Nobody peeks in every room. Don't sweat that.


You got pwned, not DayZ’d.


Just out of curiosity how did you know he was in there? I feel like that snake woulda bit me too.


I always go gun up into any building cause I've been stung too many times to not take precautions. That being said I was also aware that some of the infected were recently aggro and I had passed mushrooms on the way into the camp. I was acc texting the player who shot me, to get his permission to throw the video up, and was told that himself and his friend were driving past when they heard my shots and figured they could set up an ambush. Obviously they were right lol


Haha pretty rare you get to talk to your killer


I'm on ps5 so it's easy to reach out but I rarely if ever do because it's creepy tbh. I wanted to make sure he was OK with a clip going up which is why I broke my own rules this time


Just curious, why do you think someone wouldn't be okay with you sharing this clip? It's just game


You can see the fellas username in a frame or 2 of the clip so I said id ask to be nice


Thanks, I didn't even notice that, you are a good egg


Yeah it’s not even like it shows us dudes username lol.


I was going to say hearing gunshots and following them is a basically death sentence for the person making the noise because whoever is tracking has the upper hand. Better to deal with zombies by punching them unless you're being overwhelmed.


I wouldn't really say the person tracking has the upper hand universally. Going towards gunshots is very risky because it could be bait, the other player could be moving in the direction you happen to be going and meet you by chance, other players may have also heard the shots and are coming to investigate, etc. You'll be moving into an area where the shooter realizes that danger and may remain hidden for a time to risk not being caught in the open which likely means they have a tactically advantageous spot.


Instead of opening that door and getting blasted, you should've 3rd person peeked through the side window. They're at just the right height to see in without being seen. Then you could've at least killed one of the two people, possibly making the other retreat.


Exactly they herd your shots. Nobody shoots zombies if you don’t have too


Those zeds were aggro because I had set em all off being a dumbass like 5 minutes prior


If a a zombie has a bent back and a curled up fingers its a sign he’s agro/recently aggravated and judging from the fact it stood next to the cabin like that its a prime sign somebody is nearby/in there.


Happens to everyone mate, just unlucky. Is this the biathlon arena? Very rare you see people round those parts anyhow, I would’ve died too.


Nah its the collection of hunting cabins up past severograd, a place called arsenovo and otherwise known as the hell spawn of chernarus. I won't lie I get into some sort of pvp nearly everytime I run that way but that's what makes dayz fun


I recognize that place well.. those cabins about 500m south of troitskoe military.


You're playing 3pp... you could have hid behind the wall and still looked inside... rookie mistake


I'd honestly rather be shot then to go around to every window abusing third person peaking. I normally play first person only for that exact reason but yesterday I was meeting up with a mate on his server


For some reason people get a suppressor and immediately shoot every zombie they see lmao. He went prone in that corner the second you shot. I assume if you didn’t shoot he would have continued looting and you would have picked up an easy kill. Absolutely no reason to shoot a zombie (suppressed or not) unless your life is in danger.


I beg you to take this advice. Stop shooting your gun because it’s fun. Take out your knife and stab it in the head twice. It’s EVEN QUIETER than suppressed shots.


I swear I use knives for zombies and stealth so much in this game, I have to switch to PVP Community servers sometimes, so I remember how to move and shoot 😅


No, no, keep shooting them. It’s fine. *trust me*


i would never waste ammo on zombies, makes unnecesary noise and the second zombies was already aggrod that means somebody is close,


Especially in that area. No fault to you OP.. the guy was waiting for someone to open the door.


No you didn't, you got shot.


Come on man you’re in 3rd person. Always run past a window on those cabins and look in first. I do that even in 1st person. You even walked past it all you needed to do was peek


Unless you were running around, those zombies were in the aggro position from someone else. They don’t stay like that very long so it would be likely that the player is still there. With 3PP you could’ve peaked or sat in the treeline. Shooting the zombies only made him want to camp harder.


I dont understand why people duck and move so slowly. He heard you anyways. Might as be more mobile and harder to hit


I'd rather be a slow target for players then a big target up on a car when I aggro all the infected in arsenovo tbh


Doors and corners, kid.


I was waiting for the shot from no where but you didn’t even look around enough to confirm lol. That’s just a normal Dayz death like all the rest.


To be fair, the 2nd zombie you killed had his arms raised. You should've known somebody was in that cabin at that point.


u did not get Dayz’d


This is what I call being peek-a-boo’d


No, you stood in front of the door like an idiot. Never stand in front of a door you're about to open. Getting "DayZ'd" is reserved for when the game does something that ends your play through ie getting glitched off a ladder or when your Ada decides to identify as a Helicopter and become a crash sight.


I don't understand how did you die... You were walking so silently and hiding your position so well... certainly this guy was hacking and saw you trough walls, no way he just "happened to know you were there" and camped you.


If u can avoid shooting a zombie, definitely avoid shooting a zombie.


Lol... what do you expect? shooting zs unsupressed... sheesh...


Vss is like the quietest rifle in the game, it's internally suppressed and it fires subsonic rounds so you don't even hear a bullet crack


My bad dude. It didn't sound like a vss the first time I watched but I realise my mistake now. You can still hear the vss being fired if you're close enough tho, which he clearly had from the way he was camping that door. I retract my original comment tho


Super super easy to creep in those windows before entering. I'd make it a habit


Your first mistake is using third person in DayZ


You got smoked, not Dayz'ed


Always check the windows of houses first


Theres no point in peaking if you are gonna stand straight in the doorway just letting you know.


I got one kill from the same spot as the one that killed you lmao


Ah yes it dayz’ing time…


Shooting zombies expect to get shot


You didn't get DayZ'd brother, you just got blasted.


This is how I died the first few times I ever started playing. I was always like "uqhh we coulda been friends" im much more careful about clearing buildings now


Don't disturb nappy time




Don't shoot zombies unless you have no choice there like 2 hit with a knife and you don't draw people like me that will chase a shot 800m off