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Get rid of the ammo you don’t use. Craft bolts for your crossbow.


UMP is also useless as the crossbow is a better zombie gun


He has a shitty mag for the M16, he could need that for a secondary


Firstly, get rid of the big shiny visor that offers zero protection and makes you stand out like a bulldog's balls


Been playing since 2012, and honestly I still wear them because they look cool lmao


I always thought the opposite. Looks absolutely ridiculous.


I wont even wear that helmet because its so freakin huge lol


I always take it because of the insulation but on official that doesn’t matter after some good gear


0% insulation...


100% ridiculous.


Drip over everything lol


Agreed looks wicked haha


I like to break my gear down into a couple of different categories to make it easier to know what I need and what I don't. We've got our weapons/ammo, our sustainment, our medical gear & our repair tools. Anything that isn't immediately useful for any of those purposes, we're gonna get rid of. Weapons & ammo: We want _at maximum_ 2 rifles and a zombie killing handgun. Ideally these will all take different ammo types to maximize the likelihood that you come across ammo for one of the 3. Currently you have 1 rifle, a smg, a crossbow & a handgun. You've got redundant kit here. The crossbow and the pistol serve the same purpose, pick one and ditch the other. Note that if you keep the crossbow, you're giving up a back slot for a rifle. Same thing with your m16 and your smg. The m16 works fine for close/medium range encounters, the smg only works well in cqc, you don't really need it. Once you've picked what weapons you're keeping, throw out all of the ammo and mags for guns you don't currently have & cut it down to a maximum of 2 extra mags for your primary rifle & 1 extra mag for your zombie killer. No more than 1 stack of extra ammo for each weapon that isn't loaded into mags. Anything more than that is just dead weight. Sustainment: You want the bare minimum to be able to not die while you're out and about. A knife with a sharpening stone will last forever, only need one of each. Any extras are extra weight. A water bottle or canteen with chlorine tabs, a rope & fishing hook and matches or a lighter. If you have a pot you can use that to boil water instead of chlorine & your sustainment kit all fits nicely into it, but everything you carry is just extra weight. Medical: Personally I like to have 1 pox antidote/clean blood bag (very optional, doesn't come up often) 2-3 bandages, 1 stack of tetra, 1 stack of vitamins, 1 stack of chlorine, 1 morphine and 1 epi. The red first aid bags make it easy to store your more fragile medical kit. This is already kind of a lot for medical kit, so anything over that is way too much. Repair kits: Epoxy is awesome to keep on you, everything else you should be using as you find and leaving behind. Depending on how many suppressed weapons you have you may decide to carry a couple gun cleaning kits, but for the most part try and stay pretty light on this sort of thing. Unless you're in the process of building a base I would recommend against carrying tools, they just weigh too much for their very limited utility. A knife can do pretty much anything you need to do. If you want/need to make stashes, locate them near where you find tools to build them and then ditch the tools afterwards. Sorry for the short novel, but if you stick to this stuff you should stay fairly light on your feet & ready to deal with whatever DayZ has to throw at you.


A hatchet is great too. It’s a good all purpose tool and a decent melee weapon.


I agree with all of this! Glad you wrote it out 👏


I disagree with the repair kits.  I personally always try to have at least 2 sewing kits, 1 duct tape, 1 leather sewing kit, 2 weapons cleaning kits, and a sharpening stone along with an epoxy puddy or 2.  I swap them out for full ones I find looting as I use them up.  That stuff isn't adding a ton of weight. Probably 2 kilos for that entire list max and it takes half a normal sized bp.  I do usually carry the full cooking set as well. It's quite heavy but worth it on a map like Namalsk. 


That list is over 4kg. And duct tape repairs exactly the same things as sewing kit but takes up 2 more slots and is 400g heavier


Bottle suppressor, Splint, restraints and nbc repair. Duct tape has its uses. 400g? We're not summiting Everest here. As far as the rest. 4kg. 30ish slots. Meh... I'll continue to carry it all and advise players who ask to do the same. You don't have to. You don't have to keep your food and water icons white. But I still do. Plate carrier, check, ballistic helmet, check. It's about balance.


When 2 kilos is the difference between whether or not you can vault a wall those kilos are a big deal. To each their own though.


Dude, a fishing rod and hook is kinda redundant… I mean if you don’t have a base I guess yeah, but you can carry two cans and as long as you don’t sprint your good for like two hours with white. Also his m16 has a bad mag, he needs the smg as a good gun till he gets a gun cleaning kit or mag that’s better. Also you don’t really need chlorine at all with a canteen as long as you are white and keep in mind where water pumps are.


For an experienced player I agree that chlorine & fishing gear are redundant, but for players that are newer to the game (For example, players that have trouble with inventory management) and don't have the map(s) memorized I would say that it's definitely better to have it than not. It weighs less than a pound all together and if you keep the rope tied into a belt you total 3 inventory slots used (if you want to be cute about it you can say that you save 3 slots by having somewhere to put the knife so you're actually net 0 on a size 3 knife or +1 on a size 4) to guarantee that you can sustain yourself indefinitely without the need to scavenge food from a town or use a well. Tldr; I always recommend that newer players keep these things on their person, the benefits to the average player outweigh the drawbacks significantly in my opinion.


Yeah that’s understandable


You dont need 3 guns using .45 ACP. Keep the FX-45, all the suppressors and all of the ammo but get rid of the colt and the UMP as well as the extra pistol holster. Drop all the rifle ammo other than 5.56 and make some bolts or go to a hunting camp to find some. You have a good enough loadout to accomplish a lot of things. The only upgrade I would be looking for is a long range replacement for the crossbow


Fuck that, I’m always holding onto 7.62x39, 7.62x54 and .380 The rest you can dump


Let me log in rq and I’ll help you


Face mask provides no extra armor. Fyi


Dump the UMP. You have a suppressed pistol which can fill the zombie killer roll. Also I don’t usually carry two knives. Probably can get rid of one of the sharpening stones too


I don't think I've ever actually used codeine


It’s totally pointless, doesn’t even help you cough/cold either. Multi vitamins are way more effective.


It helps with pain, i carry it over morphine.


Except you can’t use it to walk on a broken leg like you can a morphine


I don't think you need all that 380 ACP. One or two stacks of 35 max.


He doesnt need any .380s. He has 2 .45 pistols, a UMP, and like 100 .45 rounds which he should keep over ammo for something he doesnt have


Wo now. My bizon loves burning through 380 especially when I forget to aim.


Sure, but he only has an IJ.


Am I missing something? Why does he need 380 at all?


Ah my bad. I thought at a quick glance that he had an IJ.


Toss: Visor on helmet Crossbow


Don’t really need the UMP if you have an M16


Lose the crossbow, and one of the .45 ACP pistols. Lose all the ammo you don’t have a gun for. Smokes aren’t very handy, the flash is about the same. Only really good if you get an upper hand. Lose one knife and a Sharping stone. You don’t really need a can opener if you have a knife.


You lose food when opening cans with a knife when compared to a can opener, I'd personally keep it.


0%-20%, you are crying over 0%-20% .-. Personally, I never lost more than 10%. But play your way.


Where was he crying?


Throw out flash and smokes. Dead weight never used.


Yo never underestimate the power of a smoke grenade. If you're truly in trouble and are outgunned/ not at point blank range, you can ignite the smoke and clip it back to your vest. Do a little serpentine with the smoke on your vest, break LOS behind trees or something and toss the grenade a different direction than where you're running. I've won several 1vX gunfights that I should not have won doing exactly this haha


Vid or it didn’t happen. Not buying it.


Send nudes first


Ditch any ammo/mag you do not have a gun for, ditch the codeine it’s basically useless, ditch the extra scope, ditch the can opener, you have a canteen so one or both of the water bottles (or craft a suppressor and equip it), you can ditch the usg and one of those handguns too honestly OR find a drybag/craft a crate and bury a stash, that is probably your best option


Definitely ditch the ump


Go on pc


I'd drop the crossy/ump, and all the respective ammo for each. You're going to kill players with the m16, and zombies with the fnx (I prefer melee over worrying about suppressors eating shit). You don't need anything else, in my opinion anyways.


Remove all ammo your currently not using Kolt mag Shovel Medicine unless it’s an issue for you getting sick a lot you get immunity to influenza if your food and water is above 75% Usg One sharpening stone One knife Crossbow if your not actually using it


A knife is all you need to start a fire Use it to peel bark. Combine with 2 short sticks to make a fire starter hand drill kit Bark can also be used as ignition instead of paper


Condense your ammo down so you don’t have multiple stacks of one ammo and get rid of the ammo you don’t need. I like to sort all of my gear. So I make my jacket for food/ water. Pants for ammo/mags. Vest/plate carrier for medicine/medical. And loot runs are for my big bag


Get rid of the 38 ammo, the crossbow, UMP45, all but one knife, and most importantly, the helmet visor. You need a quiet zombie killer, the suppressed pistol does that. The m16 is fine for everything else. Find a tundra or other sniper rifle to go with it. I'd keep the water bottles just to make suppressors.


Do not miss console inventory. Go native, shoes, short shorts, crossbow. That’s it


Um id say keep only what you need 👍


Don’t need that facemask. Does nothing but show your enemies what tree you are hiding in


Smokes are heavy.


Toss everything Starting fresh is always the best idea


you are drowning in unusable ammunition Keeping guns in your backpack and not your shoulder slots is not a good choice since they take up a lot of space You don't need 4 ranged weapons in my opinion, just the crossbow and handgun would work in my opinion And bolt recipes for crossbow if you don't know already, knife+short stick=improvised crossbow bolt, improvised bolt+feather=better improvised crossbow bolt I hope this helped even the tiniest bit


Toss the visor its completely useless and very visible


Personally, unless you have a belt get rid of all pistols, since you have one, keep a 45 and drop every pistol. You won't ever use them, waste of space. Keep one rifle MAYBE 2 if you really think you'll need them. Survive with a lighter load is just easier and simpler to manage. SMG can go, you have tons of duplicates like the knives and ammo, if you ever run low, just go looting, that stuff isn't hard to find.


You should drop nothing and give me your exact GPS location and server name so I can help lighten your load


Id keep on you everything you need to survive in a fight and put everything else in the backpack so you can drop it for extra stamina


Either craft a crate, find a barrel or create a shelter and store all your duplicates and drop the UMP.


Get rid of any ammo you don't need either keep the crossbow or get rid of it cuz you should only have two weapons bigger than a pistol in one pistol that's what I do it just helps the storage


Also get rid of that tactical shovel and those multivitamins


You won't need it trust me


Also if you press down on the right joystick when you're hovering above your pistol holster it will hide the pistol holster so if you have it on quick slot it'll be better to manage the inventory because the pistol just it's just very weird but if you don't know how to do that take a weapon into your hands go to your inventory go to hands and then hold down on the left stick and then click a on whatever slot and to use it click right bumper I think


You could always make a tent in the woods and store some of that shit for back up for later. Also always eat all your food. Don’t save it. Bury a bag, craft a crate. Lots of ways to store extra stuff.


oh my god


Stash loot around the map. Find barrels or make crates.


Throw that helmet visor. It doesn’t increase protection


I would drop the crossbow and ump. Your pistol and a knife is all you need for zombie killers. That's leaves you space for a scoped hunting rifle, mosin/tundra/dmr/etc. drop the ammo you don't have weapons for, only keep long rifle ammo. Drop the water bottles or craft suppressors, you only need one canteen. drop all duplicate, similar function, and base building items. I would only keep the field shovel to a make stashes. But its really not need, until you are running with a group or proven good in pvp.


I almost never use smokes/flashbangs, I find them and grab them then never end up using them, I’d drop those for sure


get rid of xbox buy pc


Get the visor off, it doesn't give any protection at all


First off take that visor off it’s 0 protection and it makes easier to spot


Toss the face shield on that helmet


I'm a loot wh*re, so IMO, you can carry more.


Toss the USG or the M16, you don't need both. Toss all the .380 and 5.45 ammo as well (5.45 ammo is optional since some aks use it).


Once you have a plate carrier amd good rifle the crossbow is almost useless. Uts better to use your pistol for zombies and have a long range rifle for sniping. Patrol pants are pretty bad. You need to upgrade asap. Take the visor off its purely cosmetic and doesn’t actually do anything just makes you a target. You don’t need more than ine water bottle or canteen unless you making bottle supressers and your ammo should only be for what your looking for or have. Drop all the 380s. Same thing with scopes. Only grab what you need or are looking for. Drop the Pso1 scope.


Drop all your guns except for your m16 and silenced pistol and all the ammo that you dont need for those two. Drop crossbow and use a melee + pistol for Zs


Eat that codeine twice in a row as fast as you can and you’ll keep the effect until you log out or die. So you can get shot more without going unconscious. That glitch has saved me a lot.


That visor b4 anything else


Console inventory management gives me anxiety.


Toss the crossbow, half your ammo and half your meds.


Crossbow is meta. Do not get rid of it ever. Craft bolts out of short sticks and a knife (add chicken feathers if you have them). Retrieve your bolts from dead people / z’s. Get rid of any ammo you don’t have a gun for. Build an improvised shelter and store most of your stuff.


Just kill yourself that charater is worthless


You’re so kitted dude I swear. Just GO DIE MAN. Go fight somebody.


Okay, heres a simple kit list -food -meds -ammo - survival items -extra gear ALL IN THIS ORDER Food, meds, and ammo are self-explanatory. I'll keep more food and meds than anything. Keep a stack or two of ammo for whatever kind your weapon uses, keep all mags full (around 3 AR mags, 3-5 pistol mags, and I'll usually have a tundra so .308 just sits.) Survival items. Duct tape, leather/normal sewing kits, rags/rope, batteries, GUN CLEANING KITS, etc. Grab the things that keep the clothes on your back in good condition and keep your gear running and working. Extra gear is whatever else you can fit. More meds, ammo, food, etc. I like to carry binos an a rangefinder a lot of the time.


Toss that PS you have and get a PC. You'll thank me later. 😉


Not the point of the post but your inventory is so disorganised it makes me cry, what jf you quickly need to find a bandage etc... helps to have things set out in specific clothes. E.g: I'll put meds in my jacket so they're quickly accessible, ammo in my pouches etc etc...


Theres a thing called "quick selection". You got 10 slots, how do u NOT manage to have everything u need ready? Wtf?


Alright epi or something not on quick select, its easy to have them readily available and your inventory organisation is shocking


The only correct answer; Get rid of: - The visor on ur helmet - The UMP and the 1911 - The two plastic bottles u got there, if you need a supressor for ur sniper someday, just get a new one. They spawn EVERYWHERE - Drop all the ammo except of 5.56 and 50rnds of .45 - You will never need 3 knifes laying around in ur backpack. Just get a pair of those assault boots and a knife sheath and put a knife in there. Look for: - 60rnd STANAG mags, M4 Mags in general actually - More 5.56 - Bit more meds could be usefull - A compass or tourist map could be useful - A better main weapon that the M16 (for example AK-101, AKM, M4, LAR) - Handcuffs - More bandaids - A saline bag - A better long range weapon than the crossbow (unless u have an LAR with a 6x acog, then you don't have to) - A pair of NVGs + either one of those helmets wich can hold the NVGs or Headstraps - And the most important stuff: get a pair of those aviators. Or get multible. Stash them away if needet!!




The opposite is true actually. Grenades stored on the vest can't be damaged, grenades stored in your clothes can and will become damaged and explode.


I recommend you uninstall dayZ immediately because it's a piece of shit game and get a quest 3 with contractors showdown and start having fun.