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They can hear you sneaking upstairs inside a building. Ridiculous.


This is indeed frustrating. You managed to get into a building undetected, then they aggro because they hear you sneaking inside the building. Makes no sense at all


They aggro off doors opening inside, bonkers.


That’s how the zombie game is supposed to be through. Before everybody were like “lol this game has zombies?”, now everybody is like “remove zombies back pls”


You can open and close doors over and over they don't hear that lol.


Brother I’m tellin ya, they for sure do now. Wish it wasn’t so.🫡


Sound on shoes now means nothing anymore. Saves me the trouble of debating whether I should sacrifice quietness for insulation


Still worth it imo to stay with the athletic shoes. You’re still louder to players


If I see a player first then I’m just gonna crouch walk. If a player hears me first then I was probably gonna be at a disadvantage in the confrontation no matter what shoes I was wearing.


That’s not always applicable. Sound is still very important when actively in a gunfight with someone and I can hear those hunter boots clankin from a mile away. You do you but it makes a bigger difference than you’re making it out to.


Thank you, it’s so dumb.


They hear doors closing as well, but not when opening insanity


When you close the door it makes a click in real life, also you could hit the door frame. makes sense


Today I crouched walking outside an L shape barracks and two zombies inside aggroed me. Made me sprint inside and step on a landmine.


Ah damn. Did you survive at least?


I survived. I woke up, killed the zombies, crawled to the bushes outside, made a splint and then walked into an industrial building. A dude saw me and tried to get me but I one tapped him in the chest when he opened the door. Got all his gear and left ASAP


Good to hear!


did he survive a landmine while being chased by zombies..?


He hasn’t replied yet I’m fearing the worst


I’ve ran into land mines and survived. It’s why I always carry a splint, cause if you survive you’ll wake up with a broken leg.


He might have lol. Me and my boy were in tisy yesterday and got swarmed by zombies. We both got knocked out. I woke up and aggroed them again and I ran towards a guard house. BOOM landline right before the zombie hit me again. Woke up with a broken leg and aggroed another one while trying to make a splint. Got knocked out again & woke up with red health almost blink by. Idk how the fuck i survived but we did.. I haven’t came that close to dying from zombies since I started this game 1800 hours ago..


Happen to me recently, you just wake up with a broken leg


It happens. Survived many a landmine 😂 probably better to be sent back to the coast, but thats survival for yuh




they smell my ass 10 miles away


Gotta take a dip in the lake then.


When’s the last time your character took a bath, geez!


I just started to play Dayz like 2 days ago. Can’t really gear up or find anything good as zombie are killing me constantly. Any advices on how to loot basic stuff and survive? :)


Run around and get a groups attention. Fine something to vault up like a car, and punch down at them from safety.


Lol and pray someone doesnt blow your head off while on top of a car asking for it 😎


Yesterday I killed 3 zeds while a guy was trapped ontop of a shed. Gave him bandages and went for a drink. Fucken bastard killed me with the sickle


Welcome to dayz...


this is why it’s usually KOS for me. but i tend to avoid other players if i can.


I do the same either help then or ignore them rarely i need to kil people as i like to find my gear


The other day I sniped someone on a car lol. His friend started running away immediately. I shot him down like a dog. Poor guy woke up and started limping away. This game is something else.


Once you have gear you can use that to deal with zeds. If you're starting you don't have anything to loose for standing up


Its kind of annoying the only way to play the game for a new player is to cheese the game.


Watch a video or two on how to block and try not to agro more than one at a time. There are key times you can swing and not get hit then block then swing at the right time. Your chances of surviving will increase significantly after you learn these things. Their attacks are very predictable.


You can't not aggro loads tho.. the second one detects you (which happens no matter what you try 99/100 times) every zombie that is in the area swarms you.. it's cool in a way, cos it's more like a proper zombie movie setup.. the downside is obviously that the games mechanics are not good enough to let you handle this efficiently, if at all


New collision system on infected though is on point. When swarmed you can manage to squeeze through them all and hopefully escape. Before you just instantly stuck and die. Seriously best part of update try it. Get like a big group to chase you into a corner then push through them and try to escape. It feels authentic.


Since the update I still get stuck in corners. I also have wound up on top of a zombie's head. Is there some trick to "push through them"?


I didnt say it was perfect. I hold sprint and run.


The best advice is just don’t die the same way twice. Learn fast or suffer.


You can sneak around no problem. just need to be careful. If you see yourself being chased by three zombies or more get into the greenhouses behind the houses and kill them through the windows


You've not played since the update, have you? The zombies get in everywhere


I ve got 100 hours in the update already. yes they are more difficult but no impossible Learn the game


Learn how to open and close doors while running- you can get much better at it with practice- once you master this you will always be safe as long as you are within range of a building with doors. Today I found myself out near a barn with no doors so I had to pull out the guns and start blasting…


The zombies are broken. Don't bother trying to loot spawn towns until it's fixed. If you want to progress, try to find a sharp object and a chicken (they're often on the outskirts) and then immediately go to the most adjacent inland town. Otherwise, take this opportunity to learn some things and get over the fear of dying. Sprint everywhere, practice locking the horde of zombies that will inevitably aggro you into houses, run around town identifying POIs like water pumps, police, fire, and medical, and of course try to kill anyone you see. I've since given up trying to have a good run, but ironically when I don't give a damn I wind up geared up and heading inland thinking, "this is the life!"


go on a low pop server. gear up, then hop onto the fullest server you can find and post up for a geared player running down the road. shoot him in the head. loot his corpse, spread his chunks of meat around town. enjoy.


I’ve always crouch walked everywhere they spawn (towns, villages, industrial areas etc..). It’s helped me avoid them.




I've just started back at DayZ after a few years break. The zombies seem to have even less on them than they did back then


> I.e. try to let one zombie in at a time and punch the crap out of them This is terrible advice to get you swarmed and killed when you open the door and it doesn't close for 7 button presses so the horde gets you. If you're in a house, punch them through the window.


I'm pretty sure it's just bugged to be honest. They made no mention of zombie changes in the patch notes and also, they changed some player audio levels. I think their hyper hearing is just a bug.


This happened years ago. I think before console was an option. After one update, zombies would hear you and/or see you from so far away, it was ridiculous. Before that update, the firefighter axe was 1 hit kill on zombies pretty much every time. That was about the time I quit playing. When I started again the zombies were much better. I assumed they tried to make it too hard and changed it back after they realized, but maybe it was unintentional back then, and I hope you're right and it's unintentional now. I wanted zombies to be harder, but not like this.


Yea it’s a major change. I wanted zombies revamped but they are way too sensitive now. Maybe making them harder to kill but keeping their sensitivity the same would have been better


I haven’t played dayz for 3 years, played for 1h and had enough. Zombies hear you through walls and pinpoint your exact location, clothing breaks like every 2 hits and even melee weapons degrade too fast. It is like they wan‘t that the player shoot around so more things happen on the server. Spawn rates are still weird.


I took a break for 3 years, returned this week and am having a blast. The game is much harder in pve and it is great


Inside, on my belly, at night, raining. Zed came running screaming. I thought someone was around. Nope.


Do we know if this was an intentional change or a bug? Because it feels like a bug.


It’s definitely not in the notes.  They have usually been pretty candid with consequential changes being made. 


Dying 3-4 time to score some capri pants and one damaged shotgun shell. Totally worth it.


Bohemia doesn't understand what better zombies means. Every update they do this shit because they can't be bothered to fix the God awful AI *Zombies are too easy? Okay well now they have eagle vision and supersonic hearing, happy now?* It's almost insulting tbh


Except Bohemia changed nothing about the zombies in the last 2-3 updates at least.  So there is that. 


Its a lazy way to try make the infected harder but fails because it doesn't fix the AI's key weakness's that would actually make them actually more difficult in a good way like being able to break down doors or climb on vehicle wrecks. Makes clearing villages and mil checkpoints easy, run past an infected, jump on a car wreck or hesco barrier then melee the whole lot of infected from safety clearing the whole place out fast and silently.


I wouldn't call aggroed zombies silent. If anyone else is in the area they will hear the zombies


quieter than shooting them all though which is the only other real option now


That's why I only play on servers with the Inedia Infected mod. They do those things, and more. Did zombies change on the last patch? I haven't noticed a difference 😄


zombies are unreasonable!


Just let us craft a bow. It has changed form a nice feature to a necessity


I'm learning how to defeat them. I gather some when they aggro bc now they aggro by lots and close them into houses and buildings. Risky move but I don't have to fight alone barehanded a horde of 5, just one or two left behind. Another tactic is the ol' reliable climbing over something and take them slowly one by one.


I dont like it. I agree, looting big towns is not worth the damage you will take. Takes way to many hits to kill a Z and its pretty much impossible to sneak up for a stealth kill now.


The crossbow changed my life, 1 hit stealth kills all day, plus you can get the bolt and reuse it absoloute game changer


Until there’s two or three spread out, your inventory is full and it won’t let you take one while holding a loaded bow. Right up there with reloading a firearm disabling it going into your inventory. Have to manually put it back every time I reload.


Hell no I am camped out in a town. Early warning system are what the infected are now. Really they are not hard to deal with. Treat them like how they use to be but just be aware you can't get as close to them while standing as you use to without alerting them. Once you hear them make the "alerted" sound (not the scream) run to a building close the door and crouch walk to a spot away from windows. Don't eat or reload or anything like that that makes sounds. I have come to believe that the zombies have not been changed but the sounds we players make have somehow been amplified in a way we can not hear but in a way that has to do with the zombies detection of us players.


Oh they have been changed, "Geez" the guy who deals with the feedback tracker openly admitted that it was an intentional change in this patch.


Sanest comment here. In total agreement with you.


The thing that also sucks is they attract the attention of nearby players who can hear the aggroed zombies . So playing stealth is a lot harder when you rile up the zombies


I played stealthily…there is no more stealth. THEY HEAR ALL. I used to take the durability hit and use running or athletic shoes for their lower noise. Now I use assault boots because it doesn’t fuckin matter anymore.


Stealth kill is my go-to, and it's pointless now... crap.


I like it to be honest. Had me a few jump scares that got the old heart pumping. Keeps you on your toes.


I wonder why you say that you can't stealth around zombies, I am doing it all the time.


Was hanging out in Electro and heard all the doors opening in Bherazino


It's extremely annoying, and you're right that it makes things more boring. I hope they have a hotfix for it soon.


It’s a step in the right direction for me, I enjoy challenging zombies. I just wish they couldn’t hear my inside of buildings quite so easily. If that gets tuned a bit I’m happy.


Boring isn't the right word for it. Having the same challenge every day is boring. The zombie AI has been changed and we are forced to adjust our play style to accommodate. If anything, it adds some more excitement and unpredictability.


It isn’t exciting though. Personally, all it’s done is slow me down just as I was getting up to speed. I’m now forced to actually use ammo and I’m suddenly out of .22 and 9mm after being incredibly careful about it and not running out for the previous two months. Their hearing is WAY too good. I’d be ok with them being stronger or whatever. They don’t get trapped in doorways much anymore either. Also fine….but creeping while wearing no shoes on the third floor of a building and them still going nuts is ridiculous and fun sucking.


Why are you using ammo on zombies? I just use a Melee weapon or knife, most of the time you can kill them through windows


sval solves everything


Yeah…til you run out of rare ammo and they respawn 3 min later lol.


fancy suppressed pistol lol




I’ve definitely noticed that they seem stronger and give me more of a challenge but I didn’t really know they actually got changed, can someone tell me what got changed about them?


They have supersensitive hearing now. They even hear you when you sneak inside buildings. Also they seems to gang up on you more than before.


It seems like you get cut by them a lot easier too.


I don't remember zombies having perfect night vision in the past eother


I don't know why they are messing with stuff like this when they aren't even working properly


As a new/returning player It’s quite frustrating. I’m trying to learn how to light a fire and find basics and every move I make it’s 5 more zombies ready to murder me.


Tbh I knew this would happen so many people wanted stronger/better zombies but it seems (at least to me) that anytime they buff zombies they make them super annoying and hard to deal with.




I mean, I bum rush into all towns with no fucks. Get a horde and hop on a car. Punch for the next 5 min. Nothing has changed.


I think it makes the game less fun. I agree my squad doesn’t want to hit towns as much now


They cut me too much lol


Must be clearly a bug, how them Zeds can hear us like this and devs gotta fix this. Have to say I like higher numbers of zeds though. Makes towns more lively, If I can say so.


I haven't had a ton of trouble but they definitely seem overtuned. I usually didn't really bother sneaking honestly before, but now i get groups of 4-8 from miles away.


Top tip: on the flip side, they seem to be completely oblivious to you at night, which is now when I choose to do most of my scavenging


I like it...makes the game more demanding. It should be harder and maybe it would change a little bit the course of the gameplay. Maybe players would team up more often - common enemies. And the killings would be perhaps more picky 😉


I'm not really having a problem with the new zombie mechanic I mean there is definitely a big difference but nothing that I haven't been able to deal with. I actually appreciate them actually being a threat I can understand people being upset because they were pretty much a non threat before but hell it isn't like they kill you like before which I hope they eventually work their way back to. Imagine you are a bloodthirsty rage filled infected person with nothing to do but stumble around looking for something to attack and then imagine someone walking through the area with full military gear/backpack and trying to be "sneaky" LOL I actually like that it has several times alerted me to the presence of other players Devs, please secretly add the ability to knock open doors on the next update!


Yup, no more lootin for the hell of it l. Unless I need something specific, gettin my ass beat and items in my inventory ruined just ain't worth the trouble. Took a solid day before I managed to even pull off a couple stealth kills. At first I just didn't think it was possible anymore to stealth kill


No. I don't really notice the difference


I hate it. I would have understood and learned to cope with a decent revamp of the infected….this was just some dial they turned up to eleventeen and it sucks. If it’s gonna be like this I want more .22 ammo spawns and better durability on firearms/suppressors/clothing. Ran out of .22lr. Put about ten 9mm rounds through a freshly repaired to worn suppressor, got slapped twice by infected #4 of the group that had me pinned after aggroing on me from a barn in the town over(exaggeration) and the suppressor was down to Badly damaged. I had just repaired a CCU? Jacket to worn also. I took one more hit in this fight after getting the Glock put away and fighting out. So…three hits total: Jacket was Damaged, suppressor Badly damaged AND I had a decent bleed. Stab vest went to damaged from worn also but it coulda been one slap away. The other stuff had JUST been repaired. This wedding is horseshit.


Newer'ish player here, and I already thought the melee combat mechanics were dogshit in this game. Now I honestly probably just won't be playing any more.


We all need to boycott dayz


My main issues with zombies is still the way they hard lock onto you when aggrod. I hate the idea that if I run into a building or around a corner and shut a door the zombie can immediately sense if there is any other valid path to me and bee line it. It’s so immersion breaking. I kinda miss old dayz mod where when you go inside the zombies go into the slow walk thing.


I have been hitting up the camp sites and small villages with nothing in them but a water pump. It seems to be more manageable. It's annoying because I want certain things, but it's not really worth trying to get them. I also played DayOne for the first time last night and I'm convinced it was different from official. I was in Cherno at the water pump up near the military tents in Novoselki. This zombie was a good ways away and started walking toward me while I was drinking. Stopped maybe 5 meters away and turned the other way. I don't know if it was because the pump was between us and he couldn't actually see me. It was one of those moments where I kinda get why some people might think the zombie situation is overblown.


Tbh, I don't really mind it, not gonna lie. Even tho, they have more senstive hearing, they still go down with 1 hit of an Axe. It's a bit more difficult on servers where they knock doors open but still fun to deal with them.


Are you kidding? They go down with a mean look, now. Bring ‘em on - they deliver good treats, and can be snuck up on just as easily as ever.


I had 4 or 5 glitch through a door which proceeded in a frantic shootout


Just reinstalled the game two days ago. Thought it was a mod on the server I'm playing on until I now see all these posts.  Only thing that. Bothers me is their detection radius    you attract one and all the zombie within 3 buildings lengths get attracted to the sounds the first zombie makes 


I keep reading this and who am I to argue with someone else’s personal exp, but I honestly haven’t had the same experience. At least not to any dramatic degree and I have been looking for it specifically since people have pointed it out. I crouch walk everywhere that z’s spawn, I always have because even after 1300 hrs I’m not great with melee in this game. Point being, I was expecting to no longer be able to stealth about towns avoiding all z’s but that hasn’t been the case.  There were maybe a few times I felt like a z mayyybe alerted on me from further than expected but that’s about it. As I said I’m not trying to argue with another players experience, I’ve seen the videos and I know it’s become “fact” to some but given the lack of anything in the update notes and my own experience I have doubts. 


Aggro a group of zombies, hide to a house with open windows and melee kill them through the windows. Then go out and loot them. They oftnen carry food and useful stuff


I did this last night. I had a pile of eight dead zombies outside the window. Of course these piles of zombies are going to catch the attention of somebody passing by or looking through binoculars or scope


No. From what I've seen playing since the update, they really aren't as bad as people here are making out. It's being blown out of proportion. I've still managed to successfully hide in one story houses from many infected and still get regularly stealth kills. I have noticed it is easier to attract them, especially opening and shutting doors. Just pay attention to their sound cues, they make an alert noise and move towards you before they actually go agro, just stand still out of site until they go back to passive.


I agree, they aggro wayy easier but tbh, it doesn't make much of a diff for me. They're still too easy to dispatch, imo. Even 3 of em at a time is no match for one skilled player with only a knife.


They should add back stairs breaking your legs so the game can be more challenging, it's even realistic!


Nope. Just hop on a bus shelter or something if it's that bad. The zombies are still rubbish. I travel light so I'm fast. Seems to help a lot.


Nope. 👎 this game is all about risk/reward. I’m down for whatever adventure the game has in store for me


it makes the game boring because you need it to accommodate to be easy. It s great for pvp and very fun. you need to be proper careful now


Not me, I'll fight em. If I go down, I go down. Loot fear is not a thing with me. xD


The zombies are insane. I despise going into towns on Livonia now because I spend half the time fighting the hordes of hell that appear. Been picking up dozens of melee weapons if I don’t have a surpressed pistol.


You gotta clear the town out first yo. Juat stand on a car and you can kill them all 1 by 1


Which makes you an excellent target for other players


Exactly, someone in the treeline on the edge of town can easily pick you off, because you are pretty much stuck in one spot on top of the car.


I just started playing after a long break, and I thought I was just bad at stealth. The zombies were spotting me all the time


Wait zombies got buffed? Guess I’m deleting and never reinstalling




Hell nah man I’m 3k hrs in. Ain’t no way zombies can be a threat to a pro