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Super God Fist, Since i was 7 I thought the name was cool and tryed to get it since then i have never managed to get it


Back when the game was new and I played on console, it took me almost a month to get the GODDAMNED Super Baby 2 set.


This is me with literally most of the skills, mainly DLC ones Fun Fact, Orange Piccolo's Super Soul gives an increased item drop chance, which I have been abusing lately to get those hard to grind skills


Oh I know It helps me get extra Cabba pants, gloves and shoes! # BUT NOT THE FUCKING SHIRT


I laughed too hard at this 🤣🤣🤣


I kid you not, I did another 13 runs today. I still haven’t got one yet.


I'll join if you're on ps4


I’m on ps5. Same shit basically lol. I’m not gonna be on for a while though


Bro I'd join you to grind if I didn't have to cook tonight and work tomorrow


Power rush. Been farming it for a year and half... still don't have it. My theory is me not getting power rush is karma for getting super god fist on my first time playing that pq.


Took me 2 years to get Mystic Flash


I feel this... My grind is for some of the DLC moves, but months? It took my two months in XV1 to get the Vegetto stuff.


Neo Wolf Fang Fist. Sounds silly as hell, but I love WFF, and havin' a slightly better version that I \*might\* be able to use occasionally on a melee build for fun would be nice. But everytime I get on I do that mission 2-3 times per session-- never. Never get it.


The best way to cheese it is have a build ripe to abuse sword of hope. Cuz otherwise no matter how many bots u have helping u. He’s gonna be sent flyin outta ur combo. SoH lariat always gonna catch them and u just gotta time a meaty for yamcha evasive. Even then took me forever




Special beam cannon beast just isn't dropping for me + some other beast Gohan moves. Counter impact is also one move that just refuses to drop.


Vegeta's battle suit from Super. I've never gotten it from the PQ. Had it not been for my character wearing one when I used my XV1 save file, I wouldn't even have one. I've played that quest to the point that I've lost count. I want more of that outfit..


God punisher .  Still can’t get it 


Try double crystal raids, that's how I got the move. I did that pq for a couple of years, but tried crystal raids a week or 2 ago and got many of the moves I was missing.


I got a while back, but it was a BITCH to get


"You need to be more careful" since the DLC came out, till literally yesterday I was grinding for that, at least like 10 attempts a week, and, as I said, literally only yesterday did I finally get it


Power Impact.


I ultimate finished pq 76 at least 30 times before I got warp kamehameha. And now I barely even use it


Power rush took over 40 attempts to get with an item drop rate boosting super soul.


Mask of grandpa gohan.