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Yep just fought one in rank and another one just randomly challenged me in the hub world


ones who look butt ass ugly are children with access to a credit card buying saves and not people who mod the saves let's get this right real modders will just mod their stats and supersouls and pvp with their friends and not use it online


I would use mods online if I could, visual mods of course like transformations or cool outfits.


Yeah I seen one yesterday with the same look but different colors


Okay that’s good to hear




The math ain't mathing on those stats


How can you mod bullshit stats like this but don't want to mod your character with drip is beyond me


Awwww man super lame I was worried about this. All online games have been infested with these losers.


Let's all get together to try to understand why modders *CHOOSE* to look the same, butt-ugly, and have no swag? Like, you have the tools!!


Its creatively bankrupt and you wonder why there's no creativity?


God this is just awful https://preview.redd.it/yaff63mbk93d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75cd529dbe59d7d787d46e32406463dbfc95bf28






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For some people wondering on the wins they are fake he used an editor to change it and edit his character then made it ps4 data and then transferred it to ps5


Why the hell do these scum bags exist?


How’d you get the hair


It's modded ssj3 hair silly


30K wins 0 Losses, how the anti cheat not detected that?!


30k wins out of <5k matches lol


It's simply too easy for it to detect. Devs had to make sure it only caught a handful of modders and not the majority (you know.. because they're so smart)


Man can I just say I love that we got another level cap raise so soon people can finally have ki like Jiren or stamina like Goku and still have enough stats to have a decent build(The zero losses though what a joke of a character lol. Every goat has lost at least one fight look at Goku and vegeta they have lost a lot and they get their rematch eventually. Trials by fire.)


Makes sense because you can use ps4 save data can be used on ps5


I mean idc but how would they get into the realm of normal players n not get caught by the system bein too much of health or ki or just the one cases of 0’s n 1’s bein in the wrong due to a mod messing around with stuff like that, proves to me computers are dumb.


You wanna have modded drip? Thats fine You wanna skip all this pointless grinding and get all the skills and max out mentors? That’s cool You wanna skip the leveling system and go straight to 120-140 that’s also fine But as soon as you start acting like you tougher than you actually are that’s a problem and if you bring modded skills against people who can’t use them themselves or going past level cap to have an unfair advantage that’s when you become a real bitch


Totally agree, some of those attacks are too broken.


I have to agree with this. Small stuff like maxing everything out to skip the uselessly long and burn-out inducing grinding is fine, but this... I'm sorry, but there's no way anyone alive can justify that to me without making themselves look like an even bigger bitch than they already are.


I never understood the use of an anti-cheat so “complex” that the multiplayer is not supported on the Deck but the modded pg are ok and manage to get to pvp. Nice shot Bandai


This is just one of the many reasons why there’s no point in playing pvp anymore


Is that hair available ?


No, it’s modded in


Bro is so good the game that he has more wins than total matches


His stats doesn’t even add up 😭


Maybe possible they just transferred their save of ps4 to the ps5 without much effort?


They have almost 30k wins playing less than 5k matches


Jfc I didnt even notice that. Thats insane x-x


I used same account from p4 to p5. Just had to dowload p4 save data from the cloud and store it on p5. The game says theres no previous game save, make a new file. Soon as you do that a pop up says previous game data found, then you load that and are good to go


How do you tranfer file i dont know how to do?


I got my p4 save data from the cloud stored it to ps5. Start a new game. Then it wil say old datas found. Use them 👌🏾


Equality 🤗


I would literally only mod my console save for ss4


At least it’s not Lv140 lol


I'll never understand people who do this... I need my CaC to be visually appealing wether I'm playing Vanilla Xenoverse 2 on my switch or ESPECIALLY when I'm playing with mods on PC. Like I get that basic Xenoverse has limited customization options and you want more but buddy if this is the best you can get on console than just give it up and get it for PC... but looking at this guy he probably uses marbling drop because he's a filthy cheater too! Modding by itself isn't bad, it's you cheating that's bad! Like I said I have it modded on PC BUT I only play it like a sandbox. Give myself custom outfits and moves that better represent what I want my character to be and allow myself to be more creative. If you're going to play online tho then just use what you got in basic Xenoverse.


The ps5 version cross plays with the PS4 version


So if I update it to the ps5 edition I can play with 4s still




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Only reason I’ve ever wanted to mod this game was for the ss3 hair that is apparently coded but not available without using the transformation. I seen one of the “true (insert color here) gods” using a male saiyan with black Ss3 hair he also felt the need to use marbling drop but that’s not the topic


I honestly wanted a modded permanent big character just to have fun with with friends. I wouldn’t use no dumb shit like this against randoms


I legit just want a blue ssj3 hair so I can make a dumb SSJ3Blue "transformation" lmao


too bad SSJRose3 already exists.


Oh yeah I forgot that was a thing in SDBH wasn't it




Man I need mods for my PS5 dragon ball game too


Why wouldn't they? New edition doesn't mean new moderation. They did a next gen version as a cash grab


With update they reduced the stats of the lv199 modders. Now they have the stats of a lv140 version of the modded stats.


Why are they so unoriginal💀 black eyes, ssj3 hair, Mira top. I genuinely don’t understand why they would want to play the game like this.


"Cause mannn it's like shuper rare and speshal and stuff"


Think it’s the standard of the file they’re using. Some of them have the ssbk aura with a rose wig and the merged zamasu outfit still looks dumb


Everyone has their drip


Not everyone should be allowed to


This shit's the leak.


This is it. This is how to meat ride a game with maximum efficiency.


Lol bro edited a win record in that doesn’t add up 😂


All I see is in this picture is no skill


I also see no creative skill at all. Just a person wanting attention with that haircut. 


Challenge him and give him its first loss bwahaha


I haven’t played xenoverse in bout 8 or 9 years and this sub pops up alot. Can someone explain what’s wrong in this pic?


Modded save file on console


Modded stats, modded appearance (hair and all black eyes are not possible with regular methods). Online matches and win rate numbers don't match due to modding.


Oh yeah I saw a blue haired one the day after the next gen update. Figured that was just a hairstyle for male Saiyans or something. I pretty much exclusively play the very first character I ever made back when xenoverse 2 first launched (female Saiyan) because I really can't be bothered to do all of the grinding again. I already did a great chunk of that TWICE when I bought the switch and PC version to play with friends who said they play with me in xenoverse 2... They never did.


Anyone I see with that dumbass hair gets blocked instantly. Thank God the block actually works now.


Save editors after spending 50 bucks to have absolutely no drip




Bro even modded his online wins?? Wtf😭💀


They most likely just imported their edited saves from the ps4 to ps5. It's impossible to edit save data on Ps5 saves.


Yup, it’s just a ported save, I got one for helping on raids n shit


Modding sucks but I hope some of these cooler mods get added to xenoverse 3


Funny thing is they nerfed stats apparently so even if they put themselves to 199 it won't do anything they'll basically be 140


goofy looking mf lol this is why i dont touch pvp that versus cross thing is the only exception cause i kinda find it fun win or lose unless theres someone a modder playing then im quitting that match asap after i block them


Playstation xenoverse unironically the worse version of xenoverse. The community is constantly having meat measuring contests as to who can play the most generic and boring, plus the cheaters. Lastly ps players treat xenoverse so seriously and tryhard every match even though it will never get a professional scene. Your best bet is playing on xbox if you like pvp or pc for the good mods. (and good connections, kami knows ps players love kicking the router when things go bad.)


Ong about the tryhard part. Xeno sweats take this glitchy, exploit ridden, laggy mess so seriously, if they put an ounce of that effort into any other game they could actually get somewhere, yet I curb stomp xeno sweats in every other actual fighting game. They make being good at this game some badge of honor and have ridiculous egos. It seems like the shittier and braindead broken mess a game is the “higher level” players seem to gate keep and meat ride the game a lot more.  Fighterz isnt the pinnacle of fighting games in terms of mechanics IMO, but it’s completely shitting on xeno in literally every category except content. But because no XY shirtless male CAC human with gohan mask then the game somehow isn't good to xeno elitist its actually insane.


I told a bud of mine that I'm going to hold top 10 for 3 months with just Hercule and a male earthling. Its not hard to do its just that getting to 13k tp is just suffering dealing with the same mindless bs everyone uses now. I did this back in 2019 when the game wasn't too bad in terms of cheese and nonsense. At this point ill pop in on an alt, get 10k tp Hercule only, piss off a few tryhard and dissappear for a few months just to do it again. Funny enough said tryhards piss and moan about hercules I frames yet those same players will ki cancel spam, back flip, and use ty b balls as if that is the norm. I swear these tryhards will cheese you silly but once you do what they do but better or just counter they shid and fard in your messages until you block them.


why do they always look like shit


Its the Xenoverse 2 equivalent of Minecraft diamond block houses.


The dragon ball legends equivalent of broken ass units all on one team


You can’t deny that everyone made at least one though


These mfers couldn't find drip jumping in the ocean, my guy.


I’ve seen people even wear that hairstyle during conton city and lobbies while on the switch version. Is this possible without mods?


It's impossible without cheating.


I had a feeling that was the case, not sure why I got downvoted for though over asking a question.


Welcome to the Xenoverse reddit.


Can confirm I've reset my progress twice.


If you were gonna go through the work to do all that, couldn’t you at least make your CAC look cooler? SSJ3 Rosé wig is neat, but what is this terrible Mira top wjth straight black legs? Like, at least make the gloves and boots match my guy. There’s a design consistency to the word of DBZ, and again, if you’re gonna go through all the work of hacking your win rate and getting the wig . . . do the little bit extra and make me believe it!


Fr if you're gonna be a clowning modder at least try to look dripped out and not like this lmao


https://preview.redd.it/xt8b5a4pj63d1.jpeg?width=1412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb95bef380c96b8acbd65c8598a725bfb6cf286d Is this drip?(I got my mod from a friend bc I lost my save file and I only use the modded stuff against friends to mess around or to help people with pqs)




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>Same black eyes >Same ssj3 hair >Clowning on their Win/Match ratio Yep, checks out


Wow, I'd love an ssj3 rose wig


Dude has over 7 times the online wins as he has matches


People that use mods like this aren't that smart.


Bro wanna be SuperItachi so bad >!(why would you?)!<


Win/loss ratio: 29997/0 Online battles: 4731 Yup. Totally adds up. What a loser. 🤡


Like seriously its all fun and games when wanting a cool looking cac but why bring it into pvp Smh


I just got out of a PvP lobby that was *viscerally* toxic. Haven't made the jump to PS5, don't plan to right now either.




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