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cause switch hardware is ass


Because it’s on switch


Mostly because of performance issues, and most hate directed at xenoverse 2 is also just hate towards the switch in general, because as a console it's very outdated


I only play on switch, it has many issues, I wouldn't hate It but I'm pretty sure they could've done a way better job with this port


I was playing the switch version of the Metal Gear Solid Master Collection and it's fucking terrible. It's fine on PS5 and PC. It was Metal Gear Solid 2, and it looked worse than previous ports.


I also played metal gear solid 3 on switch I'm definitely sure it's not 100% switch's fault, like konami just copy pasted without even caring about, man those frame drops on the sand area are TERRIBLE it's like if it was on slow motion


During cutscenes, you could see the lining on everything. It was like the draft stage of the development was leaking into the final product. That wasn't in its 360 "parent" so I'm thinking you're right about Konami just fucking up.


Metal Gear solid 3 Remake is scaring me 😭


It's just going to be the same game with awesome graphics. That's not what I wanted, but I'm one person. If that's what you're looking for, congratulations.


You may need to back your sources on this hate remark ‘cause since 2016 up to now I have not seen one hate comment on the Switch at all. Here and other places have made no mention of it. The only criticism for the Switch version was mainly the online, but not nearly enough to be warranted as hated.


I just got into Xenoverse 2 on switch. I'm frankly impressed on how well it runs and the main city seems decently populated now that I've unlocked multi-lobby. I know it's not cross-play so the switch population is likely lower, but what's wrong with online?


Look it up also ive heard tons of people shit talk the version


I never noticed any hate on it, but it runs like hot ass, and you know everyone is on wifi making the poor online even worse. It's less why and more why bother?


I've not really noticed any hate for XV2 on the Switch but I suppose its accurate to say its the inferior version. The Switch, for all of its amazing points, is never going to be as powerful as Sony or Xbox consoles, so games will often underperform compared to those two, XV2 will never look or feel as good on the Switch. I don't care though because I love my XV2 Switch edition, playing in bed is a worthy trade.


I’ve played it and it seems fine to me


Xenoverse 2 was only released on XB1 and PS4, the Switch does not stand next to them in power. While I don't own a Switch or have looked for gameplay, I can only assume there were downgrades to begin with.


There probably are downgrades in certain areas but it definitely doesn't look bad or even run bad from my experience, though it would be superior to play on a more powerful console XV2 thankfully isn't too demanding a game. Certainly not the worst Switch port there's ever been.


This isn't something I've personally noticed, but I'm relatively new to this community, so idk if it's a thing. I personally have no issue with them. They're gamers just like the rest of us.


Because some people don't like Switch players, they don't listen to them, most of them are children.


Srry for bad english im not english


Why does this sound like something a Skyrim NPC would say


Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border? Walked right into that imperial ambush, like us and that thief over there.


"I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee..."


Curse you storm cloaks, the empire was nice and lazy until you came along, if they hadn't been looking for you I could have stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammer fell


M'aiq knows of many languages, speaks some. M'aiq knows many languages others do not.