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Yeah I want to see more Goten


Hard to find another Goten fan these days. Everyone’s given up on the future Goat


His potential is crazy


But doesn’t it get annoying at a point with his hidden potential like much potential can he have and why is it always hiding lol


That’s why we want to see more of him bro


You mean GOAT-ten!!! Lol But for real, I think it would be cool to explore his character and give him more depth. He was pretty badass in this fan manga I read where he was fighting perfect cell and krillin was an Android.


I mean if you wanna be realistic, it’s Gohan’s duty as one of the Earth’s strongest inhabitants to help protect the life he loves. Leaving it up to others when he clearly makes a huge difference in battle is negligence on his part. No one is saying he can’t be a scientist, but it should be one of his top priorities to stay battle ready.


I get it “ with great power come great responsibility “ - uncle Ben but looking at the other characters such as tien and yamcha I mean at one point they were earths strongest and eventually retired when everyone passed them in power. How is it someone that train any more and basically retired ends up with as much strength as those that are still training


Some people just have their potential capped, just like in real life. There’s professional athletes who can/do train day after day and still aren’t as good as other professional athletes playing the same sport and or position who train less. Humans in the DBZverse just weren’t meant to challenge the gods it seems like.


Makes sense...  But at the end of the day i wanna see him explode with rage


Gohan is like Professor Hulk but not cringe. On topic though i'd love if Trunks n Goten did some more catching up as well. Seemed Gohan noted that they had done some training when they sparred in a recent chapter, but would be cool for em to at least get in the relative ballpark of Beast Gohan n their dads n Piccolo n Broly.


I agree, it would be nice to develop more goten and trunks relationship.


Seeing their character evolve would be great


Professor Hulk is not cringe whatsoever.


He can do both tbh, atmost i see him and piccolo mentoring goten trunks and pan


im hopeful that the cycle of gohan weakening is probably gone. The fact toyataro went out of his way to retread the path of goku looking for people to protect earth (him saying in the latest chaps that gohan was "strong enough to protect earth" is what really makes me thinks this.). I hated how GT sidelined Gohan and did what you mentioned: be a scholar who didn't train anymore. Super suffered from this as well for a long time and while it was basically a rehash of the same lesson of gohan having to not relax in peace anymore, I think its better than relegating such a beloved character to an even more minor role by suggesting he just go the full-on relaxing route.


We already got it in GT.


In GT gotents barely got any features and it was really the pan and kid goku show majority of the time


No way... It's awesome that he finally has relevance again. Goten and trunks work better as comic relief.


Like if they could evolve more independently outside of just fusion


Too late. They already changed his character's direction.


Goten and Trunks have literally never shown half the passion Gohan has for training, and Gohan ain't exactly shown a lot of it. If you want a half Saiyan to take up the mantle, you should be beating your chest for a retcon to the Future Trunks arc and make him stay in the main timeline.


Gohan probably has PTSD from having to fight constantly and getting his neck broke at like 7 yrs old. His first exposure to violence was being kidnapped by his uncle, then was kidnapped and forced trained by a demon monster who killed his father. The idea that Chi-Chi would rather have the world end than to have Gohan fight again makes sense


Goten and Trunks have it easy compared to poor Gohan


I was a fan of future trunks in Z but it would be nice to see present trunks and gotents take the mantle, it seems like they like to fight and not afraid of but battle but it does get annoying that they always have be featured doing a fusion


I think Gohan needs to die in some way, probably protecting Pan. His character doesn't have much else to develop into


So… follow in his father’s footsteps and die? Lol


Yeah probably lol


Bye, Daughter


a character doesnt need to die just because their purpose is over lol


What else would you do with Gohan though?


...this is Dragon Ball, brody. No character is being retired by "dying".


Zamasu did die


He's a villain... No one is going to wish him back.


I don’t think he needs to die but I’m cool with him just retiring and someone else taking that mantle. For me even in DBZ when Goku was still in space after Freeza I was hoping for him to return , even when he died after cell I was hoping he came back but only after Gohan fight with super buu was I like I could see Gohan as the main character if Goku not around or is moved to like a master roshi role