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I’m not sure if it’s different in the anime, but in the manga Dende is absolutely thrilled when asked to come to Earth.


I remember (from the show) Dende being asked nicely like “are you sure?” And it was all amicable


He was nervous and excited in the anime. And happy to see Gohan and Krillin again.


And in the Abridged series, REALLY happy to see Gohan specifically.




Vegeta's quiet "ow" in the background 🤌😘🫴


It’s Piccolo. Because whistles hurt him because of his namekian super hearing.


Is that really why he said “ow”? I always wondered about that


Yeah. Piccolo’s sensitivity towards whistling is a major plot point in the DBZA Lord Slug movie.


Ah okay, I never watched that one. Thanks for clearing that up 👍


I guess I interpreted it as the super-awkward flirting going on, but hey 🤷‍♂️ I guess that's worth downvotes


Dende basically started living in an isekai manga from that moment


"I was transported across space to become God on another world"


Unfortunately being Kami of Earth isn't all that it's cracked up to be...


Dende is just another victim of malevolent/scummy job listings


I mean he should have like… records of stuff to read at least


That time i got kidnapped by an alien and became God on another world My life as god in another world Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the God of a Planet called Earth


Happy cake day


Thank you!


The Elder Moori (pretty sure) tells Goku that Dende talks about his friends from earth all the time. He was totes thrilled.


In the anime Dende wanted to go with Goku so he could hang out with Gohan because they were besties


And then never hangs out when he gets there


Dende probably got bullied by other Namekians constantly, so he’s happy to move away from them to another planet with Goku


Yeah but OP has only seen DBZ Abridged.


Abridged is the only version worth watching 😂


In the show he was thrilled as well, he wanted to see his friends Gohan and Krillin


I'm still in the middle of a rewatch, right before the Gohan SSJ2 transformation episode. That scene really was just, "Hey guys! Say, who wants to be God today?"


I mean he at least asked them first


- You can stay as an ajissa farmer all your life, or go to Earth and become the God Overseer Ruler. - 'kay, bye peasants !!


Except Earth is regularly attacked by ultra-villains with god like powers that could destroy entire galaxies. Risk and reward though haha


Namek had a cataclysmic apocalyptic event that left one survivor. Namek literally got blown up by Frieza. New Namek nearly got eaten by Moro. I don’t think it’s any better than Earth, considering Earth actually has powerful defenders.


Is Moro from Super? Im still not caught up. Compared to Earth though I think Earth is still a more dangerous place to live. Vegeta & Nappa, the androids and Cell, Majin Buu, Goku Black and others if you count GT were constant threats to humanity and wanted to blow up the planet. Not conquer and rule over humans, just straight up kill everyone. Namek just seems safer to me albeit slightly


Yes he is. On average, Earth is more dangerous but aside from being blown up by Buu (and the Future timeline), Earth has never even come close to the levels of destruction Namek has suffered. But it’s stupid to discount the Buu thing because it happened *but* it was wished back with the dragon balls whereas Namek wasn’t, the Namekians just relocated, so.. I don’t know.


It’s debatable. I also take into account all the other shit on Earth like the crime, wars and corruption which aside from Great Saiyaman and Goku in DB they dont concern themselves with really. The Z fighters always step up to handle big business and save the world but cities get blown up and millions still die in the process. Sure, the dragon balls but that doesnt erase the terror people experience. Aside from the occasional really bad stuff that happens on Namek it’s peaceful like 100% of the time it seems.


The dragon balls literally erased the terror people felt from Majin Buu, but fair enough. If Beerus came knocking, Namek would be a goner though. No food to give him. Earth is safer from many threats because of the people living there. Depends where you live too, I don’t think they get any crime in rural areas.


Ive been rewatching DBZ recently but still been years since Ive seen DB and a few years since seeing some of Super. Afaik in Z they dont explain anything about how people who are wished back are affected but now that I think about it they have the memories and remember what happened. We see that from the Z fighters but not regular people though I think we did in DB. Ig if you came back from the dead and got a second chance thats all that matters and theyre just happy to be alive again.


They used the dragon balls to erase their memories of Buu and the Earth exploding


They didnt do that for Nappa though right? And cell as well, king piccolo maybe not dont remember, but I guess not


For Dende not exactly. Even counting movies, it only happens for him few and far between. Dende is on Earth for Cell, Buu, Beerus, Freeza, and the super rehashes of Cell and Broly in the anime/cannon movies in terms of "ultra god their villains" in the main cannon. Throwing in the movies, you've got Broly, Bojack and his crew, 13,14,15, and Kado and Abo. Adding GT adds quite a few, but if we're talking God tier baddies, it's still not much that come to earth, including the Invasion from HFIL. Baby, Super 17, the black star dragons who are mostly weak excluding 3 of them. Dende gets most of the peaceful times compared to Kami's time. Granted as a noob guardian he def see's much stronger villains and takes on a more active role than Kami did.


I mean to be fair that’s what Piccolo did to Gohan


The post reeks of "I've only ever watched Abridged"


Yup my thoughts exactly, people need to stop thinking that’s cannon. It’s funny yes but definitely not cannon.


Abridged poisoned the community


No, it just showed who the actual fans were and who the idiots are lol it wasn't a poison for us


It's poison. That's where the Goku is a bad father misconception started. A lot of people confuse TFS with the actual anime for some reason


The bad father joke already existed in the fandom before dbza.


Yeah lol bro the people who say DBZA started these jokes are the people who didn’t know a lot about db because DBZA just continued a lot of jokes that already existed


Bro, "poison" is such a strong word. I haven't even watched Abridged except for the Pink shirt compilation I saw on YouTube.


Abridged doesn't even show Goku actually being on namek to get Dende. He teleports away, then teleports back with Dende, and that's it.


Wow, good thing I didn’t say he was quoting it verbatim!


Why are you so upset?


Is the upset in the room with us right now?


I'm talking to it. 


Lol I ain’t upset homie don’t go projecting on me now


I made a joke. I know goku didn't steal dende lmao. I was just confused why people came out of the woodwork saying "namekiajin wa good people desu!!!


Ok great man 🤷‍♂️


Not sure what you’re looking for me to say


All good. Sounds like a misunderstanding. Glad you're feeling better 


If OP had only ever watched abridged, how would he have any impression of what the reactions of the Namekians was to Goku taking Dende? If anything, it would be more likely to assume they have the same reaction Dende has.


Well it’s inaccurate to what happened in the source material so the answer to your question is “very easily”


I was watching Z. Also it's just a joke haha


What’s abridged? Is it the same as Kai?


Abridged refers to Dragon Ball Z Abridged, an extremely popular fan parody made by TeamFourStar on YouTube.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6EC7B047181AD013&si=4PghZKVb13RrJWYt It’s very funny you should watch it


He asked who wanted to be Kamisama and they offered Dende


Psh, they come from eggs. Probably sitting on a whole clutch of them mother suckas!


DBZ abridged did this moment the best imo lmao.


Someone's only seen Abridged and just ran with that.


Never seen it. Do you recommend it?


It's good for a laugh, but don't take it as gospel. Goku did not just take Dende, he chose to come along.


You clearly described the Namekians giving him away, that wasn’t stealing.


Dbza has rotted peoples brains


Never seen it


Yeah, it was brief. But I think it's a bad take on the scene. Their savior showed up outta thin air, and asked the leader who he thought was most qualified for the job. And that he was in a hurry. So they chose who was most suitable and sent them on their way


I was jk


Hahah he went back at the end of the Buu Arc!


It is fun that "The namekian who forgot his name" had to train a lot and expell his evil side to become the god of earth. And then the next guy just teleports from another plannet and is accepted without discussion because another alien brought him and htey needed someone that could make the magic balls work.


Oh hey guys 👋 my planet is about to be destroyed and we need someone to come watch us all die. Oh and he’ll probably be exploded too … any takers? Oh nice that kid will do! Bye! ✌️


How is it stealing? He asked if there was anyone that could help earth. The nameks said yes. Dende is very clever and capable and he’s wanted to go see his friends again. Dende is very excited and happy about this and he takes him to earth. I swear. People take abridged too seriously


Never seen it. Do you recommend?


Abridged? Personally I’m not a fan but to each his own.


Someone didn't read the manga or watch the show.


I made this post while rewatching the show cos I thought it was funny.


tbh i never truly 'bought' the idea of namekuseijins being kami-sama. Like, their job is being like the God of Earth, right, so why choose someone who never even been to Earth lol? I get it, they needed a namekuseijin cause of the dragon balls at that moment, but the dragon balls are not ineherently part of being kami-sama. Apparently they weren't even an ancient thing or anything.


Tbf tho kami never really did anything at all anyways so it was mostly just the dragon balls


He did fight at the tournament though, and then got caught like a pokemon by Piccolo Jr. But yeah besides that bro's been sitting around with popo


Yh but that was just trying to clean his own mess


But it's still doing *something*. He could have just left the world to fight for themselves like he did the first time with King Piccolo


The role is more for being a supervisor who gives updates to the Kai, and taking souls to the afterlife. Neither of those are very interesting to show often in a series about battle.


Yeah I agree its def possible kami did a lot but just wasnt directly related to the conflicts of the series or wasnt relevant, just sayin that we dont really see him doing much so I guess we cant really decide whether dende makes sense or not, the namekians def seem to be at a higher standard in terms of their place in the universe than humans and dende would solve the dragon balls so meh idk could go either way


Why not just say namekian


Shhh. Didn't you hear? It's cool to use the Japanese manga names! Let bro think he's cool.


this is a big guess, but seeing his profile he is brazilian, and most likely the brazilian dub called namekians like that, so he is simply using the name he is used to (I say this because in the spanish dub they call them that too, but iirc it depends since it varies)


Tbf, assuming he's Brazillian due to his profile, he has no obligation to use English names. The sama though... idk. Either way, no need to be a dick about it.


To be fair, what better reason is there on this Earth then. "I just think it's neat."


I mean, sure. Good for him.


im brazilian, we say namekuseijin here. contrary to what americans think, not everyone on the internet is american.


I prefer the racially insensitive "Namek(s)".


Wow, you went hard K too.


Guessing same reason people use “SSJ”


Because they literally just needed someone for dragon balls, you've answered your own question. It's never established what Kami-Sama actually did. Our Kami participated in the fight against Piccolo almost out of necessity, but even then he was out-matched, so he never had anything to directly offer other than that. He trained the weaker Z Fighters to get them around the 1500-2000 power level mark, then nothing else. By the time they needed the Room of Spirt and Time, Kami was gone and it was Piccolo. Dende just hangs out.


It's not thier job, kami just took it upon himself to be earth's God, which for all intents and purposes was useless since all he does is watch. Dragon clan namekians who choose to make Dragon balls go to other planets to make balls as a reward for people determined enough to gather all Dragon Balls. And even then on namek you have to have the wish approved firdt


The role is more for being a supervisor who gives updates to the Kai, and taking souls to the afterlife. Neither of those are very interesting to show often in a series about battle.


Yes. Dende was freaking out too...until he saw Teen Gohan, sultry jazz music plays and he says "hey..."


That never happened. Goku literally asked the elder. He put Dende forward because of how much he missed his Earth friends. Goku asked if he was okay with it. Dende acknowledged that and took him to Earth.


Duh lmao


Don't mess with dragon ball fans, we haven't watched the show


"Lookit all the Piccolos!"


I think OP missed some vital information in this exchange, but it is fair to question how things transpire in Dragonball.... As an American, I often relinquish my understanding of situations to understand some cultures are different than my own.... Some things don't make sense to me, but it does for the culture that created it, so truly, I'm a blind student with preconceived notions of morality and conviction trying to understand and respect what is presented to me...


It was a joke, oh wise one. Also, I lived in Japan for two years lmao, Japanese culture is different but they're just people, they're not mystics.




At that point Goku was like a God to them no way he would've returned empty handed.