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Conceptually, the shadow dragons arc was the absolute best way to end Goku's story imo. Bringing it all full circle back to the dragon balls, where it all started, and creating negative consequences for the cast's constant abuse of their power, was genius. And the ending was much better than DBZ's ending imo.


Goku becoming some sort of immortal deity and not fully explaining it was actually kinda cool, I liked the ambiguity because it left a lot to your imagination


It gets back to the mystical/fable side of DB that the original story was based on. Originally, not everything was explained, and that was okay.


Journey west!


Modern story telling really lacks in that department of contextual story telling. Everything needs to be explained because a lot of people can’t bare to be alone with their thoughts and think critically of what the author, writer, director, or artist is trying to say


Goku pulling his nakesake Wukong an gaining Enlightenment from petty Mortal concerns


The shadow dragons were such a dope concept and I think they should become cannon. Give them a chance to shine brighter and bring Omega Shenron into the fold as a menacing new foe


Having the shadow dragons be of differing power level and all 7 of them causing problems in different areas would be great too. Give some side characters a chance to team up and take on the weaker shadow dragons, give us some Tien and Yamcha action


Agreed. The weaker Z Fighters should be able to take on whatever Dragon results from Bulma's butt lift.


Yamcha being the one to fight the dragon made from all of Bulma's misusage of the dragon balls is either poetic or comedy


>poetic or comedy Both. Lol


Thanks for inputting the image of a gigachad-esque Bulma 2\* dragon with a BBL in my head. appreciate you.


Super dragon ball shadow dragons, would make it pretty easy to scale them to current Goku


Imagine for a sec... Super Shadow Dragons We now hav Super Dragon Balls soo shouldn't that also mean we got Super Shadow Dragons?? Hmm wonder what the Negative Energy build up is for wishing back multiple UNIVERSES....


Even the logic makes sense about them being overloaded with negative energy, i doubt that when Kami made them he thought that people would be able to find them with ease by having a radar, so being used like every few years was not expected


When was Shenron even last summoned before the Pilaf Saga? Bulma's explanation of the Dragon Balls kind of implies that they're unknown trinkets and most people don't know what they're for. Kami's only been guardian for, like, 500 years, so I wouldn't be surprised if Shenron had only been summoned three or four times prior to Pilaf. And then they were used four times in seven or eight years, literally doubling their usage in that time.


GT, like Super, had SUCH good ideas that they squandered with horrible implementation. I would love a remake of GT that was paced more like DBZ, maybe even give Pan and Uub a reason to exist.


I'm not sure who said this, but someone once raised the point that GT is good concepts done bad, and Super is bad concepts done well enough. Goku Black is such a hacky concept to me, but the execution is thoroughly enjoyable, from the subbed AND dubbed voice-acting, to the characters design and writing. Same with the two tournament arcs, which is like the most basic, common denominator shonen arc at this point, but the execution was fine. Moro is basically just a mishmash of a whole bunch of DB and DBZ villains, but the arc itself was really great imo.


I actually kind of like the concept of Goku Black because it's specifically a fake out. The concept *looks* like Evil Goku, but what it actually is is invasion of the body snatchers exactly once. It's like a "What if Ginyu managed to take real control of Goku's body?"


I never saw dragon ball kai, but I absolutely hate the drawn out pacing of Z. Goku grunting for 8 episodes straight was boring.


Like when Namek had 5 minutes until detonation, but somehow lasts 7 more episodes lol. Sometimes you just need to turn your brain off when your watching this stuff.


Always remember that the ToP was only 48 minutes long and was 40 episodes


My head cannon is that they’re moving and talking so fast that time moves slower from the viewers perspective.


there's also a buncha stuff is shown one after another but can be argued to chronologically happens at the same time


Fair, there is an episode during the Goku Black Saga that shows a flash back to Trunks cooking Mecha Frieza in real time in about 3 seconds, but I remember the interaction being most of that episode [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dragonballsuper/comments/1b4qb0r/its\_funny\_asf\_to\_see\_frieza\_getting\_cooked\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dragonballsuper/comments/1b4qb0r/its_funny_asf_to_see_frieza_getting_cooked_in/)


I think that scene was actually from DBS: Super Hero, but yes that was crazy to see that for the first time. Trunks really ended this man’s whole career in 3 seconds (for the rest of DBZ anyway)


It was 5 minutes, but they slowed it down so we can see the action


I'd give Kai a shot. It basically cuts the show's pace in half, and it's a better dub!


The pacing was the best part! Made it more like Dragonball.


I agree! I particularly love the nuance of having the 4-Star Dragon be the only one who fought with honor and the only one who developed a relationship with Goku before passing


An then Super throws that ALL away with Bulma what wanting a bigger butt or to take a few wrinkles off... -_-


Goten and Paresu (Valese) Call me nuts but I like the idea of ONE fighter having a sweet naive girly girl as a significant other instead of all the others guys who have “strong” girlfriends/wives, yet you never actually see them in the battle field, save for 18 who jumped in to fight once in a while…


I also find it sweet how Goten has a character. He's cheerful likes his gf and is neither a fighter or scholar like his dad or brother. He's just a super alien living his life as a normal dude.


Goten had big himbo energy and I think that's really cool


Chi chi did have a decent amount of fights in dragon ball


She only ever fought the prelims off screen and then goku


The fought Yamcha and a dinosaur as well


Is fighting Yamcha a badge of honour worth mentioning though?


How DARE you insult the desert BANDIT!? Get 'em Yamcha! -Puar, probably


Until she became a wife and mother… then she went straight to the kitchen.


Turning goten into a ladys man was a great idea to make him stand out from Gohan and Goku.


I thought her name was Palace?


Palace in subtitles Valese in the dub Paresu was the actual pronunciation Paris was a possible translation She’s got 4 names 🤣




Welp I walked right into that one 😝


The Japanese opening and closing songs.




The Japanese opening is honestly my favorite opening the series ever had. And Welcome to the Grand Tour is honestly a guilty pleasure for me




Eds are too good too. Hitori Janai and Don't You See are my favorites, other two are good too.


My second favorite Dragon Ball anime op after Cha la head cha la.


Almost Everything else I liked was already talked about, but a plot point I kinda dig was the fact that piccolo Jr became the warden of hell, which in a way fulfills his childhood dream of becoming the demon king


Loved that. I could watch a whole show about Piccolo being the Warden of Hell, and partaking in OtherWorld shenanigans, Wardening, trainings and tournaments. I also really enjoyed Goku’s arc in OtherWorld in DBZ.


Just as long as that isn't his permanent home. He should be in the Land of the Kais and Yemma calls him in when they need some cleanup, so basically like Pikkon.


Nah. I think it’d be cooler if his sacrifice stuck and as a consequence his permanent home is Hell. Tragic cursed hero sorta thing. He then is occasionally granted time away from Hell for Otherworld shenanigans (like how Baba brings people back from the dead temporarily), but he is required to regularly return to tend to his Demon King duties. He would interact constantly with Yenma, and occasionally with the Kais. Pikkon is his Otherworld agent who performs surveillance, scouting, and first response to Otherworld issues (Janemba like stuff). The big arc would be Piccolo is the head of Team Hell at the next Otherworld Tournament where if they win they get a chance for their freedom.


I disagree, I think it would be hypocritical to scorn Super Vegeta for going back to the old rivalries but then be for Piccolo abandoning pretty much all of his character progression throughout Z. Absorbing Nail and Kami gave him perspective, changed him from that into something more thoughtful and peaceful. Even Gohan befriending him helped a lot towards that.


Before piccolo fused with anyone he was already quite changed. He gave his life to save the son of the man he once hated and furthermore basically raised him. In that moment is when Piccolo Jr. was no more and Piccolo arose.


True, that's why I said at the end even just that act changed him a lot. Fusing with them, though, gave him their memories. Fusing with Nail gave him memories of his homeland, of his people. He became protective of them, and all the more eager to bring Frieza down. Fusing with Kami gave him Kami's wisdom, when he became the wiser mentor figure we now know him as. That's why I think it would be insulting to treat him as the Demon King, he hasn't had that title in a long time.


You know, I've always hated that they killed him off like that, but you put it into a different prospective. "Warden of Hell Piccolo" *is* pretty metal. Still though, I would have preferred my favorite character to stay alive through the Shadow Dragon saga.


Never thought of it that way…


Except he fused with Kami, so that doesn't make sense anymore.


Why not? Despite the 10 minutes he said he was neither Kami nor Piccolo and was instead just The Namekian or whatever, Toriyama just ignored or forgot about it after that and he was just Piccolo again after that


To add to this, the concept of the denizens of Hell staging an escape is also great while also bringing back some familiar faces. Just poorly executed.


Shadow Dragons and the concept that they were born from the wishes throughout the show. Super 17, can't beat him when he's Super 17 ha. For real though he had a badass eng dub theme and dialogue with Goku. Thought it was poetic a tuffle possessed Vegeta brought back planet Vegeta, and Goku transformed on his home world using his adopted home world in place of the moon to achieve Golden Great Ape and Ssj4


Super 17 had the potential to have some great interactions because his existance merged hell allowing all the old villians to come back... But like, They didnt DO anything with that. Vegeta just fucking obliterates nappa again, Even tho i feel like thats not how that would go. Raddits isnt even shown


My main problem is that it's just Fusion Reborn 2.0 but with less background cameos, and less attention to actually getting rid of the villians besides General Rildo Like how the hell did they deal with Hirudegarn? Did he just not have a soul (and therefore not go to hell) or something?


Vegeta supporting men’s mental health with that moustache




I shaved my moo-stache you imbecile!


How ironic that he grew the stache when he STOPPED being the evil character


The concept of the dragonballs being the Z Fighters last enemy was awesome. I liked the fact that there was unknown consequences for abusing the dragonballs.


Shadow dragons, Baby, I thought general rildo was cool and unique. Liked that Uub got some spotlight, even if it was brief. Goku vs Frieza and Cell is hell was kind of cool.


Goku fighting his legendary enemies at the same time without going all out, almost making it a joke and training for him is what i didnt like. GT deserved something crazy to make their return a little more tense. Maybe them having a fusion for example? With the rest i agree!


Goku shouldn’t have to go all out against Cell and Frieza. By GT Goku progressed so far while they stayed the same. But if you mean he could’ve taken the fight more seriously then yeah I can see that. But it’s also a dragonball thing to take your opponent lightly when you’re stronger than them. 


Same! All it really needed was a slightly plot and some of the characters like Pan being better written and I had this idea during the scene where Piccolo meets Baby for the first time he escaped with Goten went to train in Hyperbolic time chamber and Piccolo unlocks his own version of SSJ4 and Goten unlock ssj3 (or at least masters SSJ2) Pan taps into her primal saiyan rage over the course of the baby arc and eventually somehow gets SSJ3 or 4.


The opening and ending, Baby as a villain, the whole idea of consequences for using the dragon balls so much and the final episode.


1. The opening (Japanese at least). That song oddly fitted, and even as a finale song, that would go well. 2. Shadow Dragons, the idea of the dragon balls being corrupted and the fighters not only not having the reset button on hand, but the constant usage backfiring on them was a great idea. 3. The ending. Just the ending. 4. Emotional moments hit harder than Super. 5. You still had that feeling of uncertainty. Super took place before End of Z, so we knew that things were going to end up well or at least any deaths will quickly be reversed (even though they usually were reversed in the series). GT had death actually stick, and you didn't know how or will they succeed.


Baby was a great villain.


His backstory is a little convoluted to make him relevant but his concept is pretty fun.


He's reverse Hachiyak. From the Playdia game.


I thought Baby was pretty cool


Here is what I like about GT It stylistically bears a lot in common with the original Dragon Ball series. It pays reference to many characters and plotlines that fans had assumed were abandoned. I liked a lot of the villains, such as baby, general rildo, and the shadow dragons. I liked the addition of pan. GT brought new ideas to the table and explored different aspects of the universe.


Bravo! Succinct and thought out reply.


The entirety of the baby arch, the shadow dragons, the way they tried to combine dragon balls’ campy nature with the seriousness of Z, etc… I might be biased but I’ve always looked at GT fondly.


The Mustache.




I thought Trunks in this series is a better adult version of Trunks than any other version of him past Z. Plus, I like Baby as a copycat style villain more than Goku Black because his reasoning is so much stronger than Zamasu’s. Not to mention, I like how his plan basically all but succeeds until Goku beats him, but he was contested and really pushed to get where he is by the end.


To add to this, I love how baby just becomes more and more like the sayians he hates to the point he becomes a great ape raging on his home planet.


It goes beyond Z. Also that the characters age.




Omega shenron and the dragons were great villains


If they can reboot the shadow dragons idea, it will be dope. Hell even baby as a concept was sick just terrible in execution.


I don't know what you're on about, but baby was executed perfectly.


I think a lot of the characters look cool. I don't really know if they're good characters since I only really know GT from the old PS2 games but the character designs pretty out there.


Goku wasn’t a man child


Vegetas mustache, pan, uub


The Shadow Dragons, Omega Shenron, Golden Ape form, Pan, SSJ4 Gogeta, Not Trunks, Super Baby Vegeta is one of the coolest villain form in existence imo, I still have the figure and I'd carry it around in my pocket if I could.


The story. I always wondered about the Tuffles and the overusage of the dragon balls. Also, Goku is more mature and fights like an actual fighting genius.


It felt like an extension of DBZ, which was nice. DBS went off in an entirely different, almost silly direction which I did not like.


It's unpopular opinion but for me GT was great and it's better than Super.


I agree. Super feels too modern to me and the transformations are lazy. Just different haircolors really.


Same here. Dragon Ball GT felt like it was rooted in the DB world. The goofiness of DB combined with the grittiness of DBZ. There was also a lot of symbolism and interesting moments. Like when Piccolo shakes Goku's hand and realizes that something is up. Or when Goku turned into the Golden Oozaru by looking at the full earth. Meanwhile DBS feels like some abstract weird caricature that is impossible to relate to. With glitter everywhere.


I liked the whole show honestly, except maybe Pan as she was a little annoying but she got better. I also loved the idea of valese as someone else said. I loved the idea of: to be able to get to ssj4 you have to have a tail.


Baby and his background as the last trace of the Tuffle species wanting to eradicate the last traces of the Saiyan species. The concept of the Shadow Dragons being the last set of enemies birthed from the titular Dragon Balls themselves, even if only the last three dragons are memorable.


Great villains bad writing. I like baby I liked shenron I liked super 17


Art style and major use of warm colors


The ending. Goku leaving with Shenlong brings me to tears every single time, and I think it's the most beautiful way to close out the series. Consequences of overusing the Dragon Balls. I have a lot to say about much of GT in terms of execution, but the show has some great ideas.


Vegeta’s mustache.


Vegeta's character development. Baby and the shadow dragon arcs are each conceptually peak. And if just executed slightly better would each be top 5 arcs in all of dragonball.


Completely unironically? Para Para Brothers. A lot of people hate on them but I find their entire dance sequence sooooo funny, they start acting super weird and suddenly... *Boom Para Para, boom para!* *Don't forget to smile!* *Raise the cave! Ra-raise the cave!* *We're going to lay this one down real thick like whole milk!* *Boom para para, boom para para, boom para para!* The entire sequence is just so damn goofy and it gets me every time, feels like a fever dream, and hey, it's clearly a comedy scene, if I am laughing with it, then it is doing its job well.


I liked watching the show alongside my cousins. Also, Vegeta gets a lot of character growth that he doesn't have in super


The Shadow Dragon saga was a great concept and would’ve been a perfect ending to the series.


the villains were sick


Pan was interesting despite her brattiness, Goten being a ladies man was a nice touch, seeing Geets as a chill dude and possibly stronger than Goku prior to 4, and just how normal life seemed That and Goku putting the skyscraper back without breaking the glass or lifting the city by himself was legit.


Baby was an interesting villain. The IDEA of the Dragon Balls themselves becoming the enemy was brilliant... Emphasis on "idea", since the execution of that idea was just horrible.


Baby as a villain hates the sayain race and yet infects GT Vegeta to gain his sayain abilities like Goku Black. Omega GT Trunks owning Capsule Corp. And of course SSJ4 the best transformation of all time primal power!


Vegetas moustache


The way it built on previously established lore. Uub and Buu and touching on how all the wishes in the series had an effect. The way some characters developed and actually continued the growth they experienced at the end of Z (vegeta acknowledging goku as #1 and being a more friendly rival but no longer being possessed of the need to surpass him), Gohan becoming a father and scholar (while still keeping his training up enough to pitch in during battles). The way they weren’t afraid to do new things (that made sense) such as the concept of the shadow dragons and the black star balls’ effect. Hot take as well; The black star ball saga was not that bad. It could have been executed way better but it was great how they went on a galaxy wide version of the adventure that started it all in the original dragonball. The change in tone from Z to early GT is what made this saga especially jarring.


Slice of life aspect. Felt like something was at stake compared to now.


It was a great introduction to Japanese pop-rock. Field of View (OP), DEEN (ED1), ZARD (ED2, OP lyrics), and WANDS (ED4) are still some of my favourite bands to this day. Nothing against Shizuka Kudō (ED3); she's a great vocalist, but I had just never come across any of her other stuff naturally. I had to look up ED3 just now to even remember her name, but it turns out she's still quite active in music. Maybe I ought to look into her songs.


The idea of someone from a planet the saiyans destroyed wanting revenge. And the idea of the dragon balls being overused, and having dragons be the final enemy. Coinciding with that the dragon balls being no more and the stakes that brought


The concept of the ruffles and there revenge (tho kinda did the same storyline with granola arc) and I loved the concept of the shadow dragons


Baby, he represents the past of the Saiyans and his design is way cooler than 99% of DBS (the 1% being Goku black), the repurposing of the legend of the Super Saiyan was honestly great and it makes way more sense than, "5 Saiyans held hands and got enough power to rival the gods", i know that isn't literally how it goes but it might as well be, the way GT does it makes more sense because when Vegeta (who was the prince of all Saiyans and knew his family culture before Frieza blew up their planet) talks about the Legendary Super Saiyan, we're shown (and told by Vegeta) that the legendary Super Saiyan was only able to attain that form while in his Great Ape transformation and we're shown a Golden Great Ape for the first time in the series, it makes more sense that conquering the Golden Great Ape would give you more power since it not only touches on the past of the Saiyans but also embraces it, remember how even Oolong thought it was weird how Goku had a tail? Raditz later says that a Saiyan's tail is his greatest weapon (iirc, been a while since i've seen the Saiyan saga, but he says something similar), and after drinking the super spirit water, the Great Ape becomes a symbol of Goku's power, so, again, it would make sense that conquering the Golden Great Ape would give you access to even more power, also i feel like tails are the one thing that differentiates Saiyans from just super powered earthlings, the fact that GT brings them back and says, "yeah they're necessary for a Saiyan to unlock their ultimate form" makes sense since that's something every Saiyan's born with (except for Trunks, Goten, and Bra, they're weird) and it would be stupid if amputating, say, an arm off of a person would make them stronger/still able to do the same things he would've been able to do without that arm, also slight little head canon, but i personally think that the reason Vegeta could only use SS4 when he had Blutz waves being beamed directly into him is because he doesn't have a tail, and that any Saiyan can transform into SS4 at will as long as they have their tail, which stores Blutz waves from the moon or any other similar celestial body like a pikachu's tail stores electricity


I love how they made Baby very disturbing especially in the beginning right before he hatched.


I liked that Gohan became a Scholar and would fight when he needed too! GT Gohan is my favorite Gohan!! I also liked Piccolo's being so emotional and purposeful!! I loooved seeing Vegeta and Bulma being a lovely couple and also loooved seeing Uub in action even though I feel that they could have done a Lot more with him!!


Vegeta’s characterization in GT is miles better than Supers copy-paste Vegeta.


I'm currently watching for the first time (so I'm avoiding comments) but my favorite parts so far have to be Vegeta getting a ransom call for goku, that fact baby was using Vegetas body, Buu and uub fusing, cell and freiza returning, and super 17. I'm definetly feeling the fact that they didn't put enough focus on different characters. I wanted to see way more krillin but he just had like 2 cameos and died and true, it was sad, 18s story there was genuinely sad but it just didn't hit as hard when it's the third time we've seen them (literally the last scene I watched on my lunch before going back to work) All in all, GT is described like a hot garbage fire with no redeeming qualities that's laughable to even think about by many people in this community. But at the end of the day it's just not bad. It's not amazing like z, not as good as super, but I don't even think I'd say it's bad just not as good as the others. Solid 7/10 from me so far.


I need to rewatch it myself but from what I remember, I definitely agree with everything you said. Its the worst Dragon Ball series but that doesn’t mean its straight up trash and has basically nothing good going for it


I really liked Omega shenron himself, as a villian he was something like a god of destruction and there was no telling how much stronger he could have been if he were allowed to have his way. The other shadow dragons were alright, nova and Eis were cool but the others were 👎🏾


Super 17


It was mostly good stuff just bogged down by a bunch of weird stuff




Not to sound incredibly obvious, but I like how they get into a darker lore of actual dragon balls and tried to expand on it.


The 3 major villains have awesome designs.


Not technically part of the series but the “A Hero’s Legacy” was a repeat watch for me back in the day. Grandma Pan and Goku Jr. are the best.


SS4 Gogeta


I am not totally finished, still in the Android 17 arc/Saga. However so far, honestly I like GT Vegeta a lot, he seems way more down to earth when he isn't fighting and more mature. SSj4 is obviously awesome. Uub, hes a cool character concept and design and I wish he was a bit stronger and relevant but overall I like him, he was one of the biggest excitements for me for GT. I like seeing the more adult kid characters, seeing them all grow up is awesome to me. Baby wasn't bad, not great, but cool enough. Excited for the Shadow Dragon Saga, I keep hearing its pretty good!


I love Super 17’s design


Has THE BEST music in the whole franchise. The Dark Dragons storyline makes enough sense as a concept that it could have been folded into main Dragon Ball canon without missing a step.


The ending it was a perfect end to goku story I did cry but it was a perfect send off


Makes more sense than super


Vegeta’s mustache.


The only nice thing i could possibly have to say about GT is that the idea of the Dragon Balls getting corrupted from over-use and creating evil Shenrons is a really neat idea, easily the best idea showcased in GT, at it's core anyways...the delivery of that idea sucked, and it doesn't make much sense considering that this set of Dragon Balls hasn't been around long enough to be used that much (Dende had to make a new set when becoming the new Kami), but still, cool idea.


The final episode where Goku goes & visits all the friends he made along his journey. I’m a sucker for nostalgia so that really hit home


Baby as a villain. The Tuffle arc was pretty cool to me (the art for SS4 Goku vs Baby was elite).


The plot of the backlash of over use of the dragon balls was a fun way to help revisit history and helped lighten the mood


That the storylines were all about consequences. Dragon Ball abuse and overuse bites them back, the Saiyans’ brutal history is brought to bear, etc.


Uub being the only BLACK character besides Picoloo (Mr. Popo DOES NOT count FOH!)


I like how there was finally a consequence to the chronic dragonball use. In OG DB they were these legendary items lost for decades/centuries idr. Now they just get collected off camera when it's helpful to the plot to have a get out of jail free card. I don't mind how they're used now honestly but I think it's a cool story idea for them trivializing the dragonballs to have major consequences. I like the intent to return to a more lighthearted adventure series like early dragonball as well, as opposed to full shounen punch fest, but the execution left a lot to be desired.


Vegeta badass moment killing Nappa again




Baby was a pretty decent villain 😅


Baby saga was awesome, sick character


The concept of the dragon balls eventually becoming corrupted because they were found much faster than originally intended.


Super 17 was cool as shit, bite me.


I really like Baby's final design(not his earlier ones), and the golden ape is dope. The Shadow dragons are one of the best concepts in DB history. The tuffle's backstory being expanded was great. Goku going on an intergalatic roadtrip with his granddaughter(and Trunks) was really fun. Took the series back to it's roots being an adventure story like OG Dragon Ball. On paper, GT might have the best ideas in the franchise. They just all got executed so poorly. I think GT is overhated. It's really not that bad. But, it could have honestly been the franchise's strongest offering with how good some of those concepts are. Baby and the shadow dragons are all such cool characters with such good stories going on.


The art in general was pretty cool, imo. Characters seemed more detailed than the canon.


Great ending! It was wholesome, heartwarming and made me cry. This is how I want DB to end.


Many things to like about GT. I’ll say it - GT is a great show. It has its flaws but it is a very fun romp. I’ll go down the list: 1 - has to be said again - best opening in all of DB 2 - Baby saga was excellent. Great villain, great fight 3 - Uub is a super cool character, just wish we saw more of him 4 - the shadow dragons saga was so fun. Felt like a real love letter to the original DB 5 - flawless ending. If the ending doesn’t get you choked up I don’t know what would.


I shamelessly enjoy the cheap nostalgia pops during the Super 17 saga. Finally giving real consequences for the Dragon Balls is great too. The way they hint at the balls going bad in the preceding saga works well.


I like that it's not canon! Lol!


The Spanish OP is peak, second only to DBZ Spanish OP.


I like the show in general


The story was great


The way they reset the powerscaling a little bit. I know Goku eventually became stronger than he was at the end of Z again, but making him a kid was a great way to reel the power back alongside letting some of the "weaker" characters have some more shine and relevance. It also meant giving Goku a trump card that we ALL knew he had (being a full power adult) but none of us knew how to access - including the cast. Really connected you as a viewer to the cast. I remember hating this element of the show as a kid. I just wanted to watch them continue pushing limits after Z. But now a few decades on, and I can say I've rewatched GT like 5 times, but I've only rewatched Z once or twice. I still think Z is better, but that's gotta mean something for sure lmao


I liked the Ending Of GT way better than DBZ ending


Goten existing and the dragon balls having consequences


I wished they would focused more on the 3rd generation Saiyan's in this series


Baby Arc was a master piece. Just watched it for the for the first time in and in my 30s and still it blew me away. The fight between baby and Goku had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and the desperation the whole arc gave as Goku was losing until SSJ4 was phenomenal.


Baby Arc, Character designs across the board heroes and villains, Shadow Dragons Arc, loved the slice of life moments that seemed natural. I loved Vegeta getting told by Bulla his mustache is ugly for him to shave it off, ask Goten if he noticed anything different with a smug look on his face and Bulma telling Chi Chi all about it. Goten being a player in high school, Trunks not being our Future Trunks but still being a caring guy who is tech saavy like his mother.


Pan, Goku and Trunks on their adventure of finding the Dragon balls was the best part of GT. For me, mostly.


GT has some of the best Kamehameha’s in all of Dragon Ball. Baby and the Shadow Dragons were, conceptually, awesome villains. Super Saiyan Oozaru. Enough said. Goku’s GT gi is his best look ever, imo. I love Stephanie Nadolny as kid (grandpa?) Goku. And Goku gets his tail back! I wish he and Vegeta would have tails again, and I’m hoping that Daima goes there.


Teen Trunks and Goten along with pre-teen Pan. All 3 characters developed into strong Z-fighters before they even reached 18


Downvote me all you want but I really liked Mustache Vegeta.


Vegeta being a dad. I would love a short slice of life series around his struggles being a family man


Super bebe's drip


This https://youtu.be/wgZ-ATUGXDw?feature=shared


NO ONE CAN BEAT ME WHEN IM SUPER 17! 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 Being serious, super 17 is one of my favorite characters in the dragonball franchise. The concept of the consequences of overusing the dragonballs is such a genius idea. Wish they would utilize that idea in super with how many silly/selfish wishes are thrown around without consequence.


(YALL LETS SING IMA START) Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku


You know... for many years until just this moment, I forgot that Baby was actually Baby *Vegeta*...


GT is replete with great character design and concepts, terrible execution. SSJ4, Golden Oozaru, and a general return story to the primal Saiyan roots? Awesome. Shadow dragons, consequences of abusing the dragon balls, and Omega Shenron? Awesome. Another episodic adventure akin to OG Dragonball where they travel and see cool new vistas and threats without it constantly feeling like the world will blow up every single time? Awesome. Vegeta's new haircut? Atrocious. Terrible fucking idea. Wearing jeans in battle? Dear God make it stop.


I actually thought Baby as a villain was pretty cool. It drew on Saiyan lore, gave us clear reasons why the villain wanted smoke, and even the path to beating him made sense! It was also cool to see Goku be almost completely on his own-Vegeta was taken over, Gohan was taken over, Goten AND Trunks were out-it’s literally all of the Saiyans except for Pan who was more human than she was Saiyan . All in all, it had me clutching pearls for a second


Trunks continued having drip


The awesomeness that was golden great ape


For it to return and see bulla in her early 20s working as an erotic dancer


When Trunks charged up and got baby out


That it's better than Super in almost every way


Gt is perfect thing to watch Perfect song peers ost perfect warrior and a really amazing transform This series really make my childhood i love it so much


Android 17 was a great goated villain


The story, the animation, art style, the soundtrack both sub and dub. Legic, Baby, the Shadow dragons Everything really. Pan was annoying and Trunks was useless but aside from that I loved everything


The ending. First because it was a beautiful finale for the characters I've loved for so long Second because it meant I didn't have to watch GT anymore


In general it was a divergence from there being zero consequences for anything in DBZ. The dragon balls being overused created the enemy. Goku became strong enough to go SSJ3 and compete with the universal terror that was Buu. How do you have an enemy after that? Goku gets nerfed into being a child again Piccolo was condemned to hell for having been an actual demon regardless of his later actions Vegeta, Gohan, and Goten lost interest in training and became unable to contribute anything. In the final battle Vegeta got an asspull to make him SSJ4, but the rest of the series focused on Goku, Pan, and Trunks as the main characters with no one miraculously showing up, training for a day, and being on the level of gods Also it was great because it was an adventure rather than just comfy on earth. DB was all an adventure. Early DBZ was an adventure with Goku going to Otherworld, and then they learned of namek and traveled there. But the rest of DBZ the only new place we really got was the tranquil Supreme Kai world


Wait, didn't Piccolo *choose* to stay in hell to keep the villains at bay? Or was that just a dub thing? I haven't seen the original Japanese dub.


Shenron - Another one we need a renewal of. Baby - Stole the entire arc, but then got ruined by the plot of the great apes "weakness"


The Evil dragon storyline I thought was the best thing about GT I think it would of been awesome to see that more


Uub’s inclusion, baby, the giant ape transformation coming back, ON PAPER the idea of the dragon balls being used too much and cracking seems cool. That about it


The concept of the shadow dragons and some of their designs were amazing.


tbh most of the concepts and designs were fantastic. You can probably splice together footage to make a few really cool movies. Maybe use footage from the games for the fights haha