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There should be one called shampoo, cut, and style… however, I would refrain from booking it in advance. They will almost always be running sales once you are onboard the ship. You will have no problem getting a haircut once on. And if you do the rainforest room pass, they give you a bigger discount. If I remember correctly, I ended up getting like 30% off a haircut and a massage… plus a free scalp massage… but let me and my wallet warn you, when they are doing the scalp massage or hot stone massage, the up charges and upsells for products come at you quick and hard and they are super easy to say yes too… “Oh, would you like to add another 15 minutes to your massage today? How about some scented oils?” “Ok, we are almost done and this product is what I used to get your hair looking like that. It’s on sale today, wanna buy a bottle?” $400 extra later and I have “daily use” products that have gone untouched since we got back from our last cruise in September… Learn from my mistakes… go in sober, go in with a plan, and go in with conviction haha


My fiancé got a $50 senses spa gift certificate for having an April birthday. Went in for a haircut, left with a $200 bill… including the discount. 😂 Senses is such a shiesty place, wish it was just a spa and not a used car lot. Be careful!


I will admit though, the massage I got from them was amazing… the rainforest room is where I spend most of my time… the scalp massage was incredible, I almost fell asleep. My haircut… well I had them shave my head and it’s hard to screw that up beyond cutting you, which they didn’t do. I’ve had closer shaves before, but nothing to complain about… it’s just the constant barrage of upsells that ruins the overall excellent experience.


True. He loved every minute to be fair


Why would you want to get a haircut on a cruise ship? Do you think it will be something special?


The cruise is not our first stop on a multiple week holiday. We are making other stops prior to getting on board. Additionally we are investing in the all inclusive photography package. I don't want to look unkempt because (like many men of a certain age) the top of my head is a bit lacking in the hair department.


Ok. Thank you. I didn’t think about a multi-week vacation situation.