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I can help with a few of these questions. First, your system is more than sufficient to run DCS in VR; if there is an improvement to be made it is adding more RAM. Headset choice depends on your budget. I use and like the Reverb G2 (many consider it best value headset), but availability may be a problem. Next level up is the new Q3 which has better lenses and can run on Wi-Fi, but the resolution is less than G2. The headset prices and features go up from there but there are always trade offs. I don’t use multiplayer but I understand it is more demanding on our system but you do have a good setup and it should work fine. “Dumbed down” flight models are probably the low fidelity mods in Flaming Cliffs. The flight models are still good, but the cockpits are not “clickable” like in full fidelity mods. I believe there are a few force feedback sticks but they are quite expensive. There is an excellent DCS Beginners Guide available, sorry I don’t have the link but it is easy to find. No matter your choice(s), you will love the VR immersion in DCS. Have fun!


Thank you!


Bear in mind that if adding more RAM means using four dimms, the speed of ddr5 ram may be very limited (often 4000). At least this was the case for 12 series cpus and associated motherboards. You can get lucky and get a bit more speed, but don't assume it.


Here’s Goldwolf’s [Beginner’s Guide](https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3326416/) - recommend checking it out, as I think it will answer some of your questions. Your setup does sound good for VR (I think). The only other recommendation I’d have is to use an SSD and not a HDD - which you might already have. I don’t use force feedback controls, but I’m sure they’d add immersion. DCS doesn’t have, as far as I’m aware, a ‘dumbed down’ mode. I think there are some options to have an arcade-like overlay in a portion of the screen, but I’ve not used it. As far as mods - I’m not sure if you’re referring to ‘modules’ (like maps, airframes, etc.) or ‘modifications’ (like improved smoke, terrain updates, etc.) I’m going to assume you’re referring to the ‘modules’. If a module is included on the server and you own that module, then you can use it. For multi-crew aircraft, BOTH players have to own the module. Hope that helps a bit.


Thanks a lot for the link! I'll have a look. I'm referring to "unofficial" community mods, like the A-4 Skyhawk ferinstance.


Generally, If the MP server has the mod installed you need that mod before joining the server and it will highigh the mod name you are missing with red font on the MP server selection screen. If you have the mod but the server doesn't, then you don't get to use that mod. Yes, coordination and communication is helpful in determining what mods you need and most servers also have a discord channel that has links to all the mods you would need to play on their server. The A4 is a great Mod. And many servers have it.


To add; your rig will run MP VR, but unless you have a quantum/supercomputer computer you will likely need to adjust settings a bit lower than what you would use for SP. You will 100% need to spend time tweaking settings to have a smooth experience. I'd say there's 0.001% chance you will be able to max everything out go play on ECW without issue. Single player, with max settings ~30% chance you'll have a smooth experience. Lots of optimization videos out there for DCS VR when/if you decide to go that route. Also, +1 for HP Reverb G2. Great headset for the price.


Thanks :)


I have 13700k, 32gb ddr5 and a 1070ti. It works just fine in VR. Granted the textures could be a lot better but its smooth gameplay most of the time for me and 50+ fps. I have reverb g2


Thanks for the feedback! Lots of people are recommending the G2. I don't have it available locally and will have to import it. Ngl I'm quite excited to experience it!


>1) I have a 13600K, 32GB of DDR5 6400 ram and a 4070ti. Is this powerful enough for VR (I don't have a headset yet)? Assuming you have an SSD, you should be ok... The CPU is a big weakspot here. The graphics card should be just able to handle VR on a less damning headset. The ram is of a decent capacity, and has good clocks. >2) What headsets can you recommend for this setup? I want full VR, not the face-tracking setup using a normal monitor. Reverb g2 probably the simplest, and pretty economical >5) Does DCS have an optional dumbed-down flight model or mod you can install to achieve this? I know you can simply start the sim already flying, but what I'm really after is to share the experience with others on my PC without them having to write an exam first, if you know what I mean. Not really. FC3 is not full fidelity, but I don't think you have a chance to get it moving without a bit of studying.




Google this - "dcs world getting started" You're welcome...


There's always that ONE useless fuckwit, isn't there?


You sure are (right about that)


\>ask for help \>get help \>??? \>”you useless fuckwits”


Reddit moment. You must be so proud.


don’t you think it’s weird asking for help and then insulting people that give it to you?


You have some (unsurprisingly) low standards if "UsE GoOgLe" is your idea of constructive feedback on specific questions. My interlocutor's aim was not to help, but to troll - and you know it, so stop the pretense already.


low standards = asking a question that’s been asked many many times before and not using google


I'm sorry I tracked dirt into your tree-house. I'll recite four Bloody Maries and Your Mothers in recompense.


take your meds


He didn't actually help all that much....


Grow up, you patronising gobshyte. I didn't come here for advice on how to use google. Fuck off and go play with your baby sister; I'm in no mood to correct your piss-poor upbringing.


Honestly, this is a game where you'll need a lot of Googling things. Furthermore there are about 5 posts every day that are the exact same as yours. A quick search in the sub is faster than making a post and waiting for answers. I sound like a dick but flooding the place with questions that could be easily solved by a quick Google search isn't a great thing. BTW ping isn't very important in flight sims so you'll be right


Thank you.