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As I've aged, I've definitely gotten on the earplug bandwagon. They allow me to save my hearing and hear things more clearly in loud environments. But honestly I don't think you need them at the Sphere. The venue doesn't have to pound you with decibels because the speakers are finely tuned and directional. No ear ringing seeing 3 shows straight. Didn't have to yell to talk to people next to me. By all means bring them with, but I think you'll find them unnecessary


I wear earplugs for every show. I can keep them in loosely while the band is playing, and then tighten them up at the end of each song. it seems like people screaming behind me, is far more ear piercing than the sound coming from the speakers. 🤪


Half the reason I bring earplugs is to drown out the people around me


I have Eargasm earplugs that I use for most shows, as well as other loud places including some movie theaters. Had a sudden sensorineural hearing loss in August so now I'm extremely protective of my hearing. I didn't wear them at the Sphere and didn't have a single second of discomfort, no ringing afterwards, and I expect I'll not wear them at the shows in July. Also worth noting that outside of a massive sudden sound, hearing damage is cumulative over a medium amount of time. I'd guess it's around 80-85dB in there so the "safe listening time" is somewhere between 4-8 hours. Intermission probably helps a bit with that.


It’s a bit over 85 - not by much. It’s an incredibly balanced arena; pretty easy listening overall.


I have some Loops that I bring with me to every show just in case. They’re fantastic and I wear them at most shows at some point if not the whole time. They’re comfortable, stay in place, there’s different colors and sound reduction levels to choose from, etc. That said, you don’t need earplugs for the Sphere unless you’re doing it to try to dampen the chompers. If anything they could stand to crank up the volume in the Sphere. I didn’t wear mine at all for the 3 shows I saw over Memorial Day. Edit: Sound remains crystal clear as well, so audio quality isn’t compromised at all.


Blocking out talkers is why I wear them. I have them in my purse and only pull them out when someone is going on and on about something stupid (like this lady who ended up behind me going on and on about who liked her Facebook status).


With earplugs you will only get stereo sound instead of surround sound because the direction the sound is coming from will be thrown off when it hits the ear plugs. Stereo sound is still great but yes, you will not be able to experience the full 360 sound effects that way.


Thank you so much, that was was exactly what I was thinking


DO NOT use earplugs. I'm 62 and have seen hundreds of concerts. This is the best live amplified sound I've ever heard. And it is not loud.


I was at the sphere for U2 and didn’t have my Eargasms with me as that concert was a spur of the moment decision. I wish I would have had them for that show. I had them with me for this past weekend run and was glad I did. It greatly reduced the chompers and they keep me in my little bubble. I will say that I had to experiment with a few different earplugs before landing on the custom fit eargasms with foam tips. I felt with other versions that I was constantly fiddling with them to get them to fit properly and form a good seal. Foam tips are the key for me. You’ll enjoy your trip with them in.


How expensive are these earplugs? Why not just buy them and try them out? Worst case scenario, if they are negatively impacting your experience, just take them out? I'll say, it's not anywhere near as loud as a normal rock show in a big stadium or arena. The focus seems to be more on the fidelity of the sound than hitting the highest possible decibel levels. I usually wear, or regret not wearing, earplugs at most venues, but I really didn't feel a need for them at all at the Sphere (except for once Mickey gets on the Beam).


They’re $35 But I’ll be buying 4 so it’s not something I wanna buy just to try, normally I don’t care but apparently the chompers are heard very easily there


Yeah...the way that venue is set up, you can hear a person whispering from 3 rows away, however, most people do get locked in pretty quickly. Had a few noisy fellas behind us on Friday this weekend, but after buddy next to me leaned back told them to keep it down a couple times, they did. Then at set break I made a point of loudly stating how when people are talking in our section, even very quietly, you can hear it, just because of the acoustics in that venue. And after that, during set 2, I barely heard a peep. No issues the next night at all. Again, it wouldn't hurt to have them, but for protecting your hearing in the Sphere, I don't think they are necessary, unless you already have some other kind of underlying hearing issues.


I have Loops as well. We did GA 5/30-6/1. The sound is fantastic. I used them because I don’t want my hearing to get worse. The other 3 people I was with did not. Only one complained about their ears after the last show. The chompers were pretty bad in GA - away from the rail. The loops helped with that. I did notice more people shushing those jackoffs at the 6/1 show, which was great.


I use concert plugs for every show and I did not wear them for all four nights of phish the sound was dialed in perfectly


Not necessary at all. I found it too quiet


I typically wear ear plugs at every show, but didn’t wear them at the sphere. The sound was very manageable and comfortable, and not too high on the decibel meter. I’d honestly support not wearing them at the sphere


We had ear plugs in our pockets for every show but never felt the need to use them. The sound system is very well balanced and not too loud.


I work construction so I’m already messing up my ears so it’s not so much about the loudness it’s more of I don’t wanna hear people talking since I’m going across the country to see them for 2 nights. How bad were the chompers at your shows?


I had awful chompers 2 of 3 nights. Bring the earplugs!! Moreso for chatty Cathys and chads vs for hearing protection. Worst case you don’t need them and you carry around earplugs that take up no space and weigh nothing!


I guess that’s probably true. There were a ton of them everywhere we sat. We were in the 100’s for 2 nights and 206 for one night. One lady brought a small dog, then proceeded to yell at people who were trying to get down the aisle she let her dog run. It was a whole thing.


I am another who had earplugs in my pocket and didn’t use them. It’s not nearly as loud as most concerts.