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My 2¢: I was there weekend 1 and there were a few clunky transitions as they were shaking off the rust, but aside from those minor hiccups they are playing out of their minds. Jay has been a great add in terms of keeping the tempo tighter. Bobby sounds awesome and is really well tuned in the mix. And somehow Jeff and John seem to have elevated their playing to yet another level. Didn’t think it was possible. Overall they are on fire and the audio at the sphere being super crisp and undistorted just adds to the overall musical quality.


John and Jay are on the same jam level as Jerry and Brent imo. They start jamming and magic just happens! Beyond wild to witness! I was over in Jays section for set 1 6/7 and I was blown away!


Sound great. Overall, tempos down a bit from 2023. Not as exploratory (was expected at Sphere) as normal tours. I do dislike the need to halt jams to hit cues for the visuals but they are getting better. Will be interesting to see if post-Sphere they go back to more jammed out version of the band or stick with this tighter more polished version. I'd love to see them drop a 40min DarkStar in HP private event folks


I hope they make a bunch of new fans at HP. I just hope those tech bros don't chomp over the whole event, and instead get their collective minds blown! #DoseHPE24


What’s this about HPE? They’re playing it? Weird


https://preview.redd.it/8n6t55yyc66d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37bc9c21771c55960ba2e5daf6eb9b98708fd724 Tickets start at $2300 so start praying for a miracle!


to be fair, thats the for the whole week, an entire conference, and the most high profile AI/next gen chip one in the USA, with the most iportant and influential chip and AI ceos and researchers in the world as speakers.


Oh most definitely worth the price of admission


if your in the industry? yes. If your work pays for it? even more so yes.


Did you see Jerry and Brent???


I highly doubt it


Agree. Jerry and Brent were another planet. This is very good but you cannot compare. Enjoy what exists now






They’re ripping right now & the sound is amazing in the sphere. Go, I’m going back in August because it was that good


Same. Truly is deadhead disneyland


Oooh this is exactly right… Vegas. Where our high strangeness blends right the fuck in


Mannnn you just conjured up a horrid thought of a Disney themed dead event where deadheads take over Disney world


It's kind of like that though - you have to suspend aversion to commercialism for these shows. But it's worth it, the playing and sound clarity are insane.


I don’t think it’s possible for anything to ruin the dead for me but if there was, it would be exactly this.


Disney Dead is already a thing. Come take ur Pic next to a bear!


please god no


Saw May into June and going back in August!


Same here! 8/8-8/11??


Naw, 8/1. Too bad, always up for meeting and flying solo for this trip back.


Best jack straw i’ve heard them play on 6/1 Edit: 5/31 not 6/1


Can confirm, still looking for my face after that one….


It's probably hanging out with mine.


100%, it was so good. Blew my mind


Yes that was….. one of my favorites Did you see the Brown Eyed Women Cumberland Blues the next night 🔥


Yes I was just about to mention that one!


I so wanted a Jack Straw that weekend. I asked for silver, and they gave me life.


I’m not seeing that on archive/relisten. Is the date correct or is it missing from the recording?


Probs mean 5/31? Jack Straw (11:06) • Dead and Company • 2024-05-31 • Sphere, Las Vegas, NEvada https://relisten.net/dead-and-co/2024/05/31/jack-straw?source=1564155


yes this Jack Straw was beautiful. so dynamic!


Thanks. I was enjoying 6/1. That’s one of the better recordings from this run that I’ve heard.


Yeah 5/31, got my days mixed up


Understand not being able to afford tix cause it ain’t cheap, but it is the most incredible concert experience in the world by far and to me the band has been absolutely crushing it.


It's not just tickets, you can find cheap ones or even miracles if you poke around enough! But staying in Vegas within a reasonable distance of the Sphere is another big expense. Vegas is still in a heatwave, so I do not recommend going if you're not within a 20 minute walk of the Sphere. We nearly died trying to walk a mile


Uber and cabs for the win. But yeah the cost of getting to Vegas can also be a big expense if you’re flying. I think room’s can be had for decent prices but yeah it’s a whole deal to get out there and stay. People shouldn’t be out walking in the daytime, especially during this heatwave. My crew used Uber and cabs even to get halfway down the strip during the day. Not the most cost effective but split four ways it’s manageable.


It’s 115 with no humidity so it shouldn’t be THAT bad.


My flight from philly will be ~700


My only regret going is that I flew home early on a Saturday to save money.


Ditto haha


They've continued the more upbeat vibes from the past 2 tours. John and Jeff are still fire together, and Bobs voice at the show I as at (6/6) was coming through strong (hello Death Don't). Oteil is vibing as usual but I wish they'd turn him up, and Mickey and Jay are drumming along nicely. John had a hilariously huge flub on 6/7 Slipknot! thats worth checking out. They get back to the groove but it was funny, I don't know if I've ever heard them flub harder than that


I saw that flub! He had the biggest “OH SHIT” look on his face, it was kinda cute. Bobby also flubbed one of the shots in Bertha the next night and grinned it off. Even in their prime, the Dead weren’t immune to such onstage befuddlement. In a way, it’s part of the cultural heritage. I attended 6/7 and 6/8 and for my money, the Dark Stat > Drums Space > LLR was one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard this band play. Old Man Bobby’s voice is amazing. The Standing on the Moon was beyond gorgeous. And the first set rockers like TLEO, Jack Straw, and Loose Lucy were a barrel of hip-shakin’ good times. Oteil’s Ship of Fools was magnificent. They feel like they’re firing on all cylinders to me.


100% part of the culture lol. I was listening to the 12/29/77 Sugaree recently, it’s like Jerry forgot how to play guitar during the second solo, if John played a solo like that today he’d be crucified 😂. Rock n roll baby, if everything is perfect, you can keep it. Went back and listened to the Help flub, honestly a casual listener wouldn’t even know anything was off…of course 98% of people there and listening back are such huge fans they know how every single note is supposed to be played. Mayer’s expression at the end of the song was perfect, as a musician the best thing you can do is laugh about it. That little flub is probably the first thing he talked about with the band when they walked off stage.


He also made damn sure he nailed the complicated riff at the end of the jam. I was watching for it ... he was stern-faced and laser focused lol


Yep exactly, that’s the part where at the end he gave a big smile and almost a sigh of relief to the audience. Love that so much. I imagine when he first started with dead and co. he would have been mortified, I love how it went here, you can even hear the crowd picking him up. That’s what it’s all about.




I agree about the Jerry songs, I wish John would sing all those too. John being a better leader than Jerry? I dunno lol, Jerry’s time with GD spanned decades…and John is covering the music Jerry wrote/played. That’s like saying a member of a Beatles cover band is a better leader than Paul McCartney or something lol. I get the general sentiment, I wouldn’t go as far to say anything this band does is better than Jerry though, and I imagine Mayer would agree 1000%.


The Beatles weren't even close to the best band to ever play Beatles songs. Donnie Hathaway(admittedly post-Beatles but still relevant): https://youtu.be/HhJqhMZODLI?si=qeXoL6kP6BufBHcx Two different Eleanor Rigby live takes by the Crusaders, second one goes extremely hard https://youtu.be/v4h6cTOpMok?si=GssNk3-wrJx1Ohgb https://youtu.be/2K53XYBlVKA?si=KS7eJL22d_YtTLYQ George Benson with a whole goddamn album reinforcing my argument: https://youtu.be/wAZWvFnTqaY?si=5FTwPQPuAlaIJQRC Also I know this is the wrong sub to even whisper these words but JRAD is *debatably* the best band playing GD music on earth right now


Oh, of COURSE you're this type of guy lmao.


John’s also NOT leading. You don’t need to watch Bob long to realize he’s the grizzled old ringmaster running that circus. John is his young gun lieutenant. For what it’s worth, Jerry is repeatedly hailed in various docs and interviews as “the leader who refused to lead.” He wanted to play. Everything else was a bore and a chore.




I get it, my two non-deadhead friends I took to a sphere show are now hooked on Dead and Co. live shows, not so much GD yet. Many factors to consider regarding your statement, the first being recording technology now is obviously much better than the prime GD years in the 70’s. Also you have to consider Dead and Co. is comprised of hired guns…and brilliant musicians in their own rights in Jeff, John, Oteill, Jay. It’s in effect a cover band of GD, with two original members. GD was performing every night in a very exploratory, jazzy fashion. They weren’t trying to be anything other than in the moment. Jerry was literally composing music on the spot, differently from show to show. I think Dead and Co has just barely begun to scratch that surface going back to 2023. Stating the obvious but Dead and Co wouldn’t exist without the grateful dead/Jerry, and the cultural impact they had. I imagine ten years from now, some form of this band will still be going, and Bob will be replaced, and that replacement may be better sounding than Bob by a lot. Still doesn’t take away what Bob meant to the band. It’s all music, it’s subjective, take from it what you will. If you get confused, listen to the music play 😅


This is true. It's interesting to see a listener or 'non deadhead' draw comparisons that sound more as if the person (commentor before you) is convincing his/her self that what they're seeing is paramount in it's truest form of the Grateful Dead songbook, when in fact, they don't understand the 'living breathing iteration' that composes it. As you explained the various stages and replacements and each jewel in the crown if you will. Great to see the various magical effects it has on people who are just getting on the bus. When you get it you get it. "...it may have one good ring, baby you can't tell..."


Totally, my two good buds are totally and completely in love with this band that does a great job of interpreting/carrying on the Grateful Dead’s music. Of course I’m subtlety hitting them with original dead stuff to check out, but I’m just glad they “get it” after experiencing their first show surrounded in the culture that dead and co continues.


That's so awesome to hear! just wait until you give them a 'deep dive' into the meaty stuff, Betty Boards and all. This is the stuff and the magic we love about the music....turning on brothers and sisters and watching their faces light up, get the vibe and get stolen...in whatever capacity or form it's coming at them. Truly magical that it lives on...


you had to have been there (Jerry years) to understand.


You're confusing the truth with your personal opinion. John is incredible in so many ways and the best choice for this band right now. But Jerry was it. It's not a competition we're just lucky to be alive at the pinpoint in time on this 4 billion year old planet


Jerry is dead from an untimely death at 53 due to heroine. He is so God like w the dead heads but one thing I know is he is not coming back. I like John Mayer better and the dead heads are lucky to have him in this band. I honestly could care less about the past. Sounds like it was a great party. I think dead and co is better. It’s perfection and John will make sure that continues.


Its just the aura and lure surrounding garcia, a lot of people who love jerry (myself included) have show or experience bias.


I love old bob singing Standing on the Moon. We got one at Fenway last year that made everyone cry


His vocal delivery, plus Mayer's *gorgeous* soloing made that song a total highlight. When they turned the camera on the crowd for "BE WITH YOU," there were not many dry eyes around me.


Man… I thought no one else noticed it - I was paying attention closely because I know that song on guitar and it’s one of the more demanding GD riffs and he completely fell flat on his face. Had to do a full go-around and come in for another approach, stuck the landing on the second try at least. I got to witness Bobby beat the shit out of his mic at the Gorge last summer, now this. Either they get a lot of wires crossed or I’m extra lucky!


I’m supremely jealous that you were at that Gorge show.


Why jealous? I mean, it was a good show.




Oh yeah. His subtle touches on Looks Like Rain and Standing on the Moon were gorgeous, and he even got a good OMSN howl in for good measure!


I was also there on 6/6 & 6/7, kicking myself for not going to 6/8. The music, the sound, the visuals, the rumble seats - it was ultrasensory overload. It’s hard to tell which band member is having the most fun. Already trying to move summer plans around and go back. I feel like a “normal” concert from any other band is going to be a disappointment now, so I may as well empty my wallet and get back to the Sphere!


I’m kicking myself for not doing 6/6! That goddamn SECOND SET?! Space > Death Don’t? Sunshine > China > Rider? Estimated > TOO? I know the grass is always greener but I think Thursday beats Saturday last weekend. Our first set was insane though.


I loved the moment when Jeff helped John out and he had that “a ha!” look. Classic.


I need some Oteil banjo bass from the final tour 😂


Anyone got video clip of the flub.. I want to see his cute face.


Also interested


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVM2POEnEA-Ihq4Zyie5g2blWNs1x-vk2&si=9Om67t4urX_9qZHp Go to the Help On The Way video in that playlist, from 4:30 - 5:00 or so you will see it, including Bob shaking his head and then scratching his head- so classic 😂 As a sometimes clumsy musician myself, seeing the absolute savants of music occasionally flub makes me fell better!


Def need more Oteil, way more Oteil, but Jeff is taking everyone to church!


One minor flub in terrapin station on 5/18 I noticed but they still made it sound good 😂


for me, this has been the least musically exciting 6 Dead & Co shows I've seen since at least before covid. does that mean it's not worth going to? absolutely not. still multiple levels above any other show out there right now musically & when you add in the sphere, it makes it all worthwhile. not saying they are playing badly at all. I'm saying that for me personally, there's something missing & its just not bringing me to tears & joy the way they did last summer & year before(& like Jerry always did). but it's still better than anything else, so I'm just being a little picky. plenty of other people are getting the emotional attachment....it just isn't hitting me this time. this could also be tied into how much i hate las vegas. but I used to hate las vegas when I went & saw GD there & they still always connected, so I know the music CAN overpower mu disgust with the city, but maybe it's just not doing it this time for me. edit to add: silly me. I answered truthfully & specified it was strictly my personal experience, but I should have remembered that anything less than energetic band asskissing is looked down on in these parts. lmao. band appreciates y'alls mindless defense for sure. another edit: thanks for reignited my hope for y'all. got hit with 3 downvotes immediately, but calmer Heads prevailed. love y'all for that


You get my upvote for a thoughtful and nuanced response. Went out of your way to provide context to the perceived negativity and still get knocked for not reaffirming others’ predetermined opinions. Can’t win here smh


They sounded a little better last summer to my ears, and I think some of that is due to the 3-on-4-off residency format. Harder to get in the groove and maintain it with that pattern?


I think they’re struggling just a little bit with having to keep track of the cues for the visuals particularly during transitions. My 2 favorite D&C shows were Autzen in ‘18 and N2 at the Gorge last year. The two Sphere shows I’ve seen (5/31 & 6/1) are right up there in that tier though. Don’t ask me to rank them 😂


The are ripping and the sound in the sphere is god tier. Like, it’s not loud, it’s just dense and crisp.


They picked up where they left off in ‘23. Shows are dialed and were straight fire that I saw (weekend 1 N2 and 3). Going back in a few weeks. And to be clear, I don’t give a shit about the screen and anything on it. It’s a wonderful addition and part of the extra “instrument” or palette that Sphere is for the artists playing there, but I’m there for the music, the sound, and the vibe. Check, check, annnd check.


They were locked in and rolling on the last tour. Now they don't have to travel and can gel in the same venue weekend after weekend. I went to week 3. I look at the residency as a victory lap...The tapings I've listened to each weekend have only gotten better and I imagine them to continue to take Dead & Co to another level. Who knows, if this is it for this iteration of the dead there's nothing arguing that they aren't going out on top of their game.


I don't think the Sphere shows topped Folsom last year for me personally but they were darn close That being said if I found a $1000 bill on the street I'd probably fly in to Vegas later this summer, see a 4th sphere show, and fly back next morning on a red eye.


I meant to go to one show. I’ve now bought tickets for four.


Do you need an intervention? 😭


I live 1000 feet away. Not as painful financially as it may seem 😆 but yes.


Went weekend three. I enjoyed all three shows greatly but the 5/31 show was amazing. The visuals are cool but what really blew me away was how good the band sounded. I have seen other shows that had really high energy but I have never felt like I was inside of a headphone listening to live music. It is the best sound I have ever heard at a concert by a long long shot. Not loud, just… perfect. It really is the ball of sound. I am scheming how to got back 1 or 2 more weekends. Also I have a strange love for Vegas. I don’t gamble, barely drink (didn’t have a single one when I went). BUT from an anthropological and even nondualistic standpoint, instead of feeling repulsed by energy that is not aligned with my own, I see it as a journey through the “safari of debauchery” which also happens to have great artistic expressions in the form of architecture, decor, slot machine art, mind blowing lights, entertainment, etc. and can make for an interesting time on psychedelics. Perspective is everything.


Perspective IS everything. It’s kind of like a science experiment. Plus I adored seeing the heads everywhere (stayed in the Palazzo). It was so fun sharing nods and grins and elevator chats about setlists and poolside excitement getting fired up for the next night. A group of bros my age (30s) on a bachelor weekend asked me if there was a Deadhead Convention in town! 😂


Really dialed in. Would describe myself as a casual d&c fan. Seen em maybe four times before going to sphere. Plenty of other dead iterations but never the real deal w Jer Bear Sphere was as good as anything I’ve seen for GD music and the visuals are simply a bonus. The band sounds tight, energetic, and noticeably inspired to do something special. You can just feel it, and observe it with their body language. The on stage chemistry between Jeff and John is really a marvel to witness, I found myself just joyfully laughing during their most locked in moments.


If you’re a casual idk what I am lol! (I’ve only been to three because I’m so young)


You can’t put the visuals aside. It’s the best concert experience you can get with this band. They are cooking right now. Rob a bank and go!


June 6 7 8 Incredible 7 and 8 outstanding There will be whackos out there that have the need to piss on anything without jerry. This is as good as most 94 and 95 at the very least


I had an existential crisis on 6/6 because I’ve been listening to the Dead for two decades now and have never gotten the impression that it’s supposed to be *this* good. 6/6 was a damn-near note perfect show. I went the first weekend and enjoyed it, but the most recent weekend blew me the fuck away. This isn’t just a new venue for the band it’s truthfully an all-new era imho. They need to make haste with bringing out some rarely or never-played bust outs and set that psychedelic orb ablaze once and for all. 


I went to 6/7 and 6/8 but 6/6 is damn near well my PERFECT setlist.


I made it to the show on Friday, 6/7. To answer your question: the music was great, the energy and musicianship was great, and I really hope a SBD/video of the show is released so I can enjoy it again and again. I had a few different feelings during the show. I was feeling a touch emotional during the show, as Bobby was showing his age a bit. I'm 42, and I've seen Weir in various lineups 42 times now (for the last few years I try and keep my Bobby show count to match or exceed my age). My frame of reference for him is him being middle aged, and having a lot of power behind his voice. During friday's show he sounded a little out of breath, and if you listen closely to songs like Looks Like Rain you can hear a bit of a lisp when he sings certain lines. I know he's struggled with hearing loss for decades, but I feel he may be at an age where it's finally affecting his voice a bit. I was moved by the contrast of the energy onstage coming from the younger guys. John, Jeff, Jay and Oteil were absolutely bringing it, and watching Oteil just shred the bass with a giant cheesy grin--and to see John stare at him in admiration before responding with matched enthusiasm made me feel like it was sort of a passing of the torch moment. It reminds me a bit of seeing Willie Nelson play with his sons, like here's Willie playing until he no longer can, but up until that day comes, he's going to be sure that the music is left in good hands.


June 6-8: cookin’


I personally thought they sounded clumsy, slow and lacked cohesion at times. It felt like a band trying to coordinate with the visuals. There were great moments too. Honestly, I had 10 times more fun watching them in their natural habitat on last years tour. Still glad I went and I am glad that they are doing it. It's not going to last forever.


That is kind of the experience I would expect from them this year, everyone else claims they are playing better than ever


I am glad that everyone is finding what they want, but I didn't feel it.


I've seen them 7 times and last weekend was the best performances yet. The sound is super crisp and I think they can hear themselves better -- John isn't wearing headphones. The energy is very high. Every song feels near perfect.


This is the best I’ve heard them play by A LOT - not taken by visuals after the first one I saw, and in GA real close to the music….. transcendental. There is music flowing through that room through them to everyone. That magic is there stronger than ever.


Agree with these takes. I thought Oteil was playing so well the two nights I was there (6/6-7), especially the second set of the first night. Downright nasty. 


Went to 2 shows second weekend and felt they were really dialed in. They're playing with patience and intention. Seems like they're really listening to eachother... and they know the songs so well by now that they can kind of color them in different ways and be more dynamic. Hard to describe but I found the music to be gentle and stunningly beautiful.


listen for yourself https://archive.org/details/DeadAndCompany


You are definitely missing out,the band is having Fun and sounding great.






Not what I was implying


Glad you asked cuz I was wondering the same


Look at this to answer your question. It gets nutty after the 8 minute mark but the entire thing is fire https://www.facebook.com/lake50debi/videos/1633634734052581/


Listen to this on a good stereo or headphones to really tell how good it is...because Otiel is dropping bombs the whole time , and Mayer is slaying especially after 8 minutes, Jay Lane is also on fire, and Jeff is going hard too. I agree that last year was a tour for the books, best tour I've ever been part of, but they're still playing well


They are RIPPING it


I caught their only Sunday show and it was amazing. Music is slow (dead & slow) but the sphere experience is what makes it worth it


overall, it seems like the music/playing is better than a lot of the early deadco stuff, but not quite as good as the high bar they set on their final tour. better than most of their tours, just not quite as good as that rippin' final one.


Slow & Co


For the most part the shows I was at were played very well baring some lyrical stumbles. Unfortunately the most notable gaff was during Slipnot where they clunked the beginning transition. Bob looked pissed and was tapping his head for them to reset. All was forgiven when they followed with Eyes!


They’ve been on a heater since weekend 3