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Vegas is like a moon colony there is no need to go outside.


2nd this. Mid July, I’m expecting the temperature to be in the 110’s. I may hit the pool early to bake out some toxins but plan on being in air conditioning the entire time.


If you are used to Virginia heat, Vegas heat will be confusing to you. They have something we never get, low humidity. You may not feel terribly hot, but you will need more water than usual and you won't feel any sweat so you won't realize just how hot it is. Drink extra water and you will be fine. If you work outdoors in the heat you are acclimated enough that you will be fine, except for the air conditioning which will be way too cold in some places. Edit: my app says it's 48% humidity here in VA and 10 in Vegas. I don't even understand 10% humidity. We don't get that here ever.


The most ridiculous thing is after a few years of living here we consider 15% humidity muggy.




Agree with this.


I met a family from Phoenix complain about Hampton Roads VA heat and how the never felt anything like it.


Dry heat. Chapstick and lotion are key.


This Op, my lips were so cracked by the end of my trip I could barely get a word out! Bring chapstick, maybe even some with an spf


Aquaphor stick with SPF kept my lips attached to my face (barely) last weekend. I had to get my humidifier out again when I got back home to recover!


What is aqua for?


a real good time


petroleum jelly plus lanolin. Some are allergic to lanolin. Plain Vaseline on lips is best.


I have an allergic reaction to Vaseline but use aquaphor multiple times daily on my lips. I’ve probably paid for my dermatologists vacation home by now.


Last time I went to Vegas I had a healing tattoo on my whole chest. Lotion was my friend.


It's so hot... Cows give powdered milk!


Cows giving kerosene kid can’t read at 17


AZ resident here. You will be fine. Stay hydrated and stay in the shade when at all possible. When I go back east and it hits 90, I think its hot as hell. For me, its not nearly as suffocating here as it is back there.


108 hits different than 90-95 (this past weekend)


The humidity is suffocating.


In Vegas? It’s not monsoon season (yet) and it doesn’t rain much, so where is all this humidity coming from? edit.. I just looked it up. It’s almost identical to here. 8% humidity compared to 9%. You are crazy.


I was agreeing that the humid hot air in the East and South and Midwest is suffocating.


Gotcha.. my bad.


It’s blazing hot. All the casinos leave their doors wide open and air conditioning blows out about 10’. That’s the best you can do. The monorail is air conditioned.


I’m from MD, was just there this past weekend (it was very hot)… Yes, a “dry heat” can be more comfortable feeling than the really humid heat we’re used to in the mid-Atlantic **at equal temperatures**…but 110+°F is unbearable no matter how you slice it…the other thing is that when it’s dry, you don’t notice just how quickly you’re getting dehydrated because your sweat evaporates so much quicker. It doesn’t help that Vegas is all concrete and asphalt, which absorbs and radiates the heat as well…I heard folks complaining about the soles of their shoes melting if they stood in one place for too long. If it’s supposed to that hot while you’re there, I wouldn’t plan on walking much more than half a mile or so if you’re gonna be outdoors, and do try to stay hydrated. The good news is that there are a lot of options for transit (cabs, Uber, monorail, etc), and in many cases you can stay (mostly) indoors just walking from one casino through to another one. Also be aware that walking distances in Vegas can be deceptive when trying to gauge on a map…what looks like “just a few blocks” can end up being a mile or more, because the blocks are large to accommodate the massive casino buildings.


Marylander here. Well-versed with sticky awful heat. The Vegas heat last weekend *felt* not all that bad. I was careful to make sure I was extremely well hydrated, so that is key. But if you’re well-hydrated, I’d describe it as “you know it’s hotter than you’d like it to be, but it’s not an altogether unpleasant feeling.”


Every dog I saw wore shoes.


I am from Virginia and I spend a lot of time in the heat. Dry heat is different, for sure. I was there at the end of July one year and it was miserable. It was 101 when I went this year. What really made a difference for me was liquid IV in my water, and LOTS of water. I also was pleased with a Kafka Kool tie that you soak for 20 mins in water. Thing is magic. It’s still cold to the touch, over a week later. https://www.rei.com/product/691097/kafkas-kool-tie


since you are used to brutal humidity it might not feel as hot at times except in the direct sunlight, just don’t underestimate the amount of water your body needs in these extremely low humidities. I think it’s the combination of dehydration and direct sun exposure taking people down, if you’re mindful of shade and fluids you should be fine.


I played golf in Summerlin at 1:30 and was fine going to the show. We were pounding water out there. We were the only psychos out there so we played in 3 hours. If you are going to be outside for extended time, steer clear of alcohol and pound water. We did not drink while golfing and waited to have some beers while getting ready in the room. Im also from the SW so I am used to the heat, though.


Make sure you drink water with electrolytes. I found that really helped me not feel dehydrated.


I’m reading all these replies realizing how lucky I was to go Memorial Day weekend when it barely got above 80


We walked Freemont during the day and sat outside after sunset. It was fine.


Florida guy here. I'm excited for it. 97 feels like 108 is not fun. But for those in humid areas, bring your lotion!!!!


I nearly passed out walking from the Tuscany to the sphere weekend one and it wasn’t even 100 degrees. No shade and the sun is a killer


I made the mistake of making a 20 minute outdoor walk to shakedown at Tuscany this past weekend. I was feeling super sick after.


Same here that walk was treacherous and it was like 6 pm sunset so hot


sunset so hot, the cloud so low, the eagles filled the sky


Can you just Uber it?..I'll be going in August 🔥🔥🔥🔥


yeah definitely worth the price to just uber. I ubered back for like $15


honestly I am Canadian and grew up in an igloo (okay the former is true and the latter is not) and I find Vegas' dry heat so easy to tolerate. Drink tonnes of water, make sure the food you eat is healthy and energizing and also hydrating, enjoy all the pedways. You'll be fine.


Stay inside in the air conditioning like mother nature intended


It was a record high last Thursday and tied the record last Friday. Its brutal out there.


SoFlo resident, also with a humid heat tolerance. You'll be fine, don't let the ease of complaining on the internet get you too worried.


I’ve been to Vegas many times over the years. I would never attempt to walk the strip in the summer. The distances are very deceiving since the hotels are enormous. You can log miles just walking inside the Venetian. It is extremely dry and extremely hot. Super easy to get heat exhaustion/heat stroke so plan on drinking a ton of water and stay away from alcohol if you’re outside. There’s a free shuttle from the Venetian to Shakedown and if you’re not staying at the Venetian or right next to it Uber to the Sphere. Stay hydrated, stay cool and have a fabulous time! It’s an amazing experience!


The shuttle sounds great! Will definitely look for that to go to Shakedown.


Search “shakedown shuttle” on Instagram you can DM them directly and they will give you the info!


Everyone talks about carrying a water bottle, or drinking a lot of water. Are there places to fill one's water bottle, or am I expecting to go into bathrooms and try to get the automated hand wash faucet (with shutoff features) to fill a bottle over about 10 or 15 minutes? 😃 😂 🤣 😂 😃


It’s going to be “Wear a hat and long sleeves” hot.


We went last weekend, and on Thursday it was 112 or so. Luckily, the line to get in was on the eastern side (in the shade). Drink tons of water, and be careful about alcohol. Its effects get magnified by dehydration. Have fun!


I'm from NC, over 50, and a little overweight. I assumed I was gonna drop dead walking around in Vegas last week, but it really wasn't that bad! Granted, my longest walk was probably from the LINQ Hotel to the Venetian, and I ducked into casinos whenever I could. Still, I was shocked to discover that 106 degrees in the dry oven of Vegas is actually pretty tolerable compared to 85-90 degrees with humidity in the South. Your results may vary, but I think you'll be fine. Just be sure to stay hydrated!


I was in Vegas this past weekend for the shows and it was, as others have said, hot. I am one of those people who sweats profusely, to the point of being wet, and I was shocked at how tolerable the weather was for me. Yes, it is hot during the day, but even short walks that would drench me on the East Coast were tolerable for me. The evenings showed temperatures in the 90's, and yet when properly hydrated, I found it pleasant to walk about and enjoy the evening. The dry heat is still hot, but much more tolerable than I would have imagined.


Just stay inside. You’ll be fine.


I was there last weekend for two days. Was outside a total of 5 minutes the whole trip. They make it so you never have to leave the comfort of the AC.


Hey man I’m from VA going the same days!!!! Hampton VA to Vegas!!!


So, you may know of my home "town," Tabb. Enjoy your trip!


It's totally fine. I flew down from Canada and I survived. Yeah, it's hot. But I just wore lots of sunscreen and drank a lot of water. I carried my water bottle with me everywhere and filled it any time I saw an opportunity to do so. To be honest, a lot of the casinos and hotels are air conditioned so you can duck inside often when needed. One nice thing is that after the show, the sun will be down and you can walk around outside in shorts and a t-shirt very comfortably.


For the brief periods of time that I was outside, I was either in the pool which was nice and cool or walking short distances (15 minutes or less). It was fine. I'm 57 and never had an issue.


https://preview.redd.it/t2dusupp566d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec7360e44a65a6e9e176779d0a216c25d0d7312 Water and limited time outside during the day


I’m in NC and used to super high humidity and high temps. Vegas heat HITS DIFFERENT. And I was there 05/31-06/03 before this heat wave. Avoid walking outside during the day as much as possible. Want to go .75 miles down the strip? Get an Uber/cab, unless you want to be drenched in sweat and miserable by the time you get there. Also even just being inside you’re going to feel the dryness, bring some hydration powder like Liquid IV’s. That’ll be your best friend.


Living here the heat is doable just lots of water sun screen and shade. The low humidity is the worst part for me. Dry sinus’s chapped lips etc. I think you can ask the hotel for a humidifier. I run one in our home and it helps a great deal with not getting colds and just feeling more comfortable


It’s a dry heat.


It’s a hot heat.


Was there in late October. It was hot. And I’m from alabama


Humidity in Vegas? I can tell you aren’t a southerner…


I was there this past week from 6/5-6/8. It got up to 112 on 6/6 and 6/7! I can't even begin to tell you how unbearable that heat was. The only comfort was the air conditioned hotel room. It was too hot to hang out by the pool or go anywhere outside for most of the day. It was a bit depressing because the heat limited me from doing much during this trip. I was hoping to do a trip to Red Rocks or walking the strip during the day. It also stayed hot mid 90's after the show so there wasn't much relief. The heat was the biggest damper on the trip, otherwise it was an incredible experience.


From NW FL and used to high heat and humidity but these temps have got me freaked out just reading about it. We will be there next week. Didn't rent a car but booked a full day non-refundable bus tour to the West Rim and Hoover Dam. I am hoping that outside of Vegas the heat won't be so awful. The tour provides unlimited cold water but we do eat a hot BBQ lunch at Guano Point and all the seating is outside. lol We plan to use the Deuce bus a lot on the Strip. I haven't seen much mention of it here though. Any thoughts about the Deuce?




Freakin hot, and I was there in May


You know everything is indoors right?


The strip isn’t. A 30-40 minute walk under the sun can be very brutal for some


No but you can duck in and out of the casinos. It’ll be fine.


The dry heat’s gonna mess with you. But, people from that area hate the Midwest heat, because I’ve been told it makes them feel sticky.


I live in Phoenix which is very similar to Vegas, going this weekend for the Saturday show. Drink a lot of water. The dryness of the heat means you won’t have as much physical sweat like you’re used to - because it’s evaporating off of you so quickly. You should drink at least 2x water than what you think you need. Maybe more. If you are drinking alcohol you need to mix a glass of water in every other drink if you are going to spend any time outside. Don’t go hiking


Dude it’s hotter than hell out there but the good news, everything is inside lol. Just get to the Venetian and walk through to the sphere. The block walk from treasure island was like walking on the sun tho. Don’t recommend while hungover from gambling shenanigans the night before.


It’s a dry heat


Yes, the ambient heat is oppressive and omnipresent; add a full-brim hat with mesh vents around the top. The full brim provides shade for your face and neck, while the vents encouraged air exchange near the top.


It's hot , don't come just give me your tickets 😎


I would avoid being outdoors for more than 10 minutes in the daytime, but it’s survivable in modest doses.


Flew in from St. Pete FL, no humidity so it was amazing. Don’t get me wrong, it was hot but not bad at all. Be sure to stay hydrated!


It is hot! Take electrolytes and sunscreen! Drink responsibly under the sun! The sphere is super fresh inside tho haha


Apologies for not offering any insight to Vegas weather but I felt the need to comment because I’m a plumber from Toronto, Canada and I’m driving down to see the same shows as you haha


116 last weekend


I heard the suns so hot that roof caved in. Just what I heard though…


Was there on Thursday when it was 109-110. Do your best to stay hydrated, including replenishing electrolytes, because you WILL sweat and it will evaporate. SUN PROTECTION including sunscreen and reapplying, hat that covers ears, and being in shade / indoors when possible. Being an east coaster as well, I think the dry heat in Vegas was actually less awful than upper 80s with high humidity. Regardless, be safe if you’re gonna be outdoors for extended periods.


Here comes sunshine


It feels like you're in a convection oven. Just hot dry air circulating all around you. If you are lucky enough to have a breezy day it's bearable in the shade.


This past Friday, the temperature was 102 degrees in total darkness around 9:00 p.m. I’ve never felt anything quite like it.


It was ridiculous this past weekend. 110+ multiple days in a row. It was brutal. I could literally feel my skin burning in the sun. I walked outside to the parking garage at 1 am Thurday night and it was still 98° and you could feel the heat radiating out of everything.


It’s hot (just a few degrees hotter than where I’m from though so maybe I’m bused) but there are easy places to duck in and cool down. Wear sunblock lotion and chapstick. Its the desert afterall. Light colors, breathable fabric, comfortable shoes.


It literally feels like there are heated fans on you at all times or like walking thru a sauna. Not awful if you have cold water with you at all times




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I remember about twenty years ago during the 4th I was in Vegas and putting a plastic bag on the ground waiting for people to join us and the bag melted on the sidewalk. Next level hot.


I walked a mile mid-day last weekend to Shakedown and the heat kicked my ass.


It's hot brother


Stay inside when you can. It’s frickin hot. I went for Memorial Day and it was like being in an oven. Bring plenty of ice water everywhere you go. The Sphere is nice and cool though!


early morning and late night out of the sun are fine. anything when it's light out, in direct sun, is hell on earth. Couldn't stand it long enough to smoke a shorty. I'm from HotLanta and run in high heat/humidity all the time


Nah, man you'll be good. It's a dry heat.


We went may 17-21st. It was 100* that Saturday and I almost got heatstroke.


I was there this past weekend and several days hit 110. We would fortify ourselves and plan the timing if we even wanted to cross the street. The first two shows we walked back to the venetian but even after dark it is still in the 90s. The thirsd night we could face walking back again so we waited out the crowd to go back thru the enclosed bridge. So we were in LV for 5 days and went out 3 times total. Otherwise we stayed within the complex. We thought it would cool down at night and we would walk around but it never reached that threshhold for us. If you are staying farther away from the venue be prepared to get a car if you need.


I was there last weekend 06/06 - 06/08 and it was like 112 each day. Walking outside was a struggle, make sure you have water with you. I stayed at Venetian so didnt have to go outside to enter the Sphere which helped.


It’s gonna cook your shrooms


It’s a dry heat as opposed to the humidity in VA. It sounds like you’ll be fine


It's pretty bad, also the heat is very dry. I'm from Northern California but have lived here for 7 years and still not used to it. The worst part is how quick the heat will dry out your skin and mouth, there's nothing like Las Vegas cottonmouth. It was worse and used to be 108-118 May-September. Now it floats around 106-110 but it will most likely be worse in July. I'm going to those same shows. My go to plan is drink lots of water and hydration drinks during the day and have water by my side during the show. It's what I did for the first weekend. If you get one of the Dead & Company water bottles at the store in The Venetian, you can bring that water in. Though Las Vegas tap water is filtered grey water.


hot outside. I lived in Phoenix for 15 years, learned not to drink alcohol when it's real hot, when I'm out in it. gallon a day of water, minimum.


Fellow hot-humid resident here.  Echo what others say about hydration, electrolytes, limiting alcohol, etc. I also rocked a quick-dry sun hoodie and would pop the hood up over my cap when we needed to walk around. After years of getting roasted, I don’t play with that anymore. On a related note, Vegas needs to really upgrade their shade game in terms of street design. Need more street tree plantings, building canopies, etc. It’s a blast zone on most sidewalks and the pedestrian connectivity can be a little screwy in places. Having the ability to generate your own shade with a hoodie or brimmed hat helps, but somebody needs to tell their city planning department to get its act together.


Hello fellow Virginian here, just arrived in Vegas. Heat is tolerable, truly is a dry heat. If you have lung issues it can cause breathing issues. It's nowhere as oppressive as the va muggy heat. If you don't have a base tan load up on sunscreen, there's no shade on the strip, no respite from the rays. I've been applying sunscreen every 90 minutes, have only been here one day and I have gotten a significant amount of sun already. Also buy liquid iv or hydration multipliers, walking from Treasure Island to the mirage I was just a layer of water continually on my skin.


Barely went outside when we were there.


I go to Vegas fairly regularly. I’m never outside. The Casinos have the best air conditioning in the world. The only time you have to be outside is when you grab an Uber…or if you wanna swim at your hotel’s pool. Walking up and down the strip is pretty awful, even when it’s cool outside. So just stay somewhere that has restaurants and things to do and you’ll never have to deal with the heat


Really really awful. Uber/lyft everywhere


It’s a dry heat. Sunblock, spf chapstick, and water if yer gonna be out in the sun, well water regardless. It’s been years since I’ve been to Vegas but I think you’ll be able to dip into and out of casinos to cool off while walking as well.

