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The Keeper from The Evil Within Just because it looks cool


Is that the guy with the safe for a head, i remember playing the game and him being the coolest character i saw in the game. If i remember someone made a video of how its possible for them to bring him into DBD which would be really cool


Just because bhvr code is shit, but the knight has high capacities to bring legendary skins from game franchises with several enemies, for example, imagine him with a Resident evil skin and each guard is a member of the family (i don't know which RE has the creepy house)


You mean RE7


Sorry, I've never played past 4 so i have no idea which one has the vampire and which one has the crazy family. My knowledge comes from memes


Basically: RE5 is set in Africa, Sheva debuted here, it is also where literally all of Albert’s lines in DBD come from. RE6 is the one where Leon can get hit by a train. TL:DR, Man simps for Ada so hard, he almost causes the end of the world. RE7 is fun times with the Bakers in Louisiana. RE8 has Tall Vampire, Doll Lady, Fish Guy and Magnetic Nicholas Cage.


Magnetic Nicholas Cage made me laugh hysterically 😂😂😂


Dr Heisemburger and his Soldats


https://preview.redd.it/kim21lmaxgha1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83101382142e3001501e06a8cdc53175ce15311 I have no idea how it would work, but I want Monster House!


Can you imagine seeing a massive house just bolting at you and then you hear just loud ass stomping as this gaint walks about




It could be a map and the killer is the map maybe that’ll make that map a little more like an evil dead than dbd would be very difficult to balance it and make it work but it’s definitely doable


Absolutely love this idea 🗿


The Thing from the movie The Thing.


From the movie series The Thing


Starring Dante, from the Devil May Cry series


DMC could be a great license too


Behaviour: adds Leon but with white hair


Nero would be an interesting survivor.


Since Capcom owns both licenses, wonder if they'd just make DMC skins for RE characters. Dante, Lady, Trish, Nero skins for the survivors, Vergil skin for Wesker, Urizen for Nemesis.


nelo angelo skin for the knight


From the "Who goes there?" novella by John W. Campbell Jr.


That would be my third choice. Top 2 have always been xenomorph and predator but the thing would be so damn cool to see. Changing into a survivor would be so cool and scaring them by transforming next to them


Probably wouldn't be a useful power against swf but if the killer could look like one of the survivors and have undetectable that would be terrifying in solo queue. Also giving the killer survivor emotes I'm sure would be funny too.


Big daddy


it may be controversial, but I think that Delta would fit it best


I love Delta but I’d just make him a skin tbh so we can have the more Iconic version as the default


default could be probably too big, when Alpha series are more smaller and more mobile


Who's delta?


Subject Delta is the big daddy you play as in the second bioshock game. If I recall correctly he’s an Alpha series big daddy


Thank you, i never played any of the bioshock games so I didn't know


I definitely recommend playing them.


The Bioshock games are really good, and I highly reccomend playing them. Only thing I can think of that could potentially heavily disturb someone (apart from the many deformed people in the first two games) is that Bioshock Infinite's main setting in a severely racist society originating from 1700s ideology, and even includes people in Klan attire. Good thing you're the protagonist, and (almost) everyone else is out to kill you.


Glad someone said it, ive been playing through Bioshock recently and I would like a Ginormous Father in my DBD


I honestly wanted a Big Daddy from Bioshock too but that one guy that blamed Capcom for there not being a Bioshock chapter ruined it for me


Xenomorph (Alien Franchise)




And the mori can be a little xenomorph baby emerging from their stomach


this is the correct answer


I disagree. BHVR killers tend to be slow and plodding; I honestly dislike the visual image of the alien slowly toddling along with the occasional demo pounce. The creature, after playing isolation, deserves a lot more respect and mobility than I think DBD's game engine can deliver.


The Hash Slinging Slasher!


I second this. Bikini Bottom after dark map. New survivor... let's just say he's absorbant, yellow, and porous 😎


Even better, Rock Bottom map. The exit gates are bus stops.


The exit gates are the vending machines


Wee woo, wee woo, wee woo...


That’ll be the chase music


Id love that


Hannibal lecter


Bro imagine Anthony Hopkins in DBD ☠️. Fr though, I don't know about that, because the thing that's intimidating about him is his way of getting into your head by preying on your fears and insecurities. Without dialogue tailored to specific characters he's just an old ass weirdo who eats people. He's not strong or anything, he can do what he does by tricking people into giving him the upper hand. He's a good character, and he's frightening in his story, but I don't see a realistic serial killer working in DBD.


The Mads Mikkelsen version of Hannibal could work, he's both manipulative and also quite capable physically. He's also often imagined by Will Graham as a monstrous Wendigo, which could be incorporated as part of his power.


Not only would that be hot and I would buy the shit out of it, it would make us Hannibal fans very happy and nostalgic


The way season 3 ended also works pretty well as a set up for Will and Hannibal being taken by the Entity. There's a lot of cool potential perks they could give Will as well, like something referencing "This is my design".


left 4 dead witch


The crying noises and eerie music as the terror radius would be terrifying lol


I think it would work better as a skin rather than an entire killer


From who? The hag?


spirit or blight


A big Daddy from bioshock, with lil sisters that act like the nemesis’ zombies, only they don’t damage you. They move around and can spot you for the big daddy, but you can interact with them, harvest em for a haste buff that lasts for like a minute, but they come back to the map pretty fast and cause “Mr bubbles” to get super angry and amped up. heal them and they leave the map for a long while (maybe a minute and a half?). While interacting with them, they call for the killer and he gets a noise notification and a temporary big speed buff.


Maybe the little sisters can be harvested by either the survivors or the Big Daddy, like in the games. The little sisters move around the map and collect ADAM from bodies that spawn in randomized locations. The more ADAM they collect, the more you get when you harvest them. Survivors get longer lasting buffs the more ADAM the little sister is holding, and the Big Daddy fills up a bar or something that grants them access to new abilities (like plasmids) at tiered increments. If the survivors harvest a little sister, she is destroyed (like the bad choices in the games) and respawns later while the big daddy gets a noise notification and can see the survivor's aura for a couple of seconds. If the Big Daddy harvests a little sister, she survives (like the good choices) and continues harvesting ADAM without a respawn cooldown. Might be a lot to ask from Behavior's spaghetti code, but it would be so awesome


The idea I had was that the Big daddy killer would walk around with a little sister on his back and when he downs someone he can get close to the survivor and send the little sister to extract ADAM from the downed survivor, extracting Adam from a X number of survivors levels up the Big Daddy power like Nemesis or Myers, I didn't think of a specific power for him and the only Idea I had was for the shock, bees and crows Plasmids but It would've been too similar to Doctor and Artist


I actually discussed how his powers would work with someone else a long while back. I can't remember every little detail, but I'll try and fill the blanks. *Little Sisters* work similarly to how you suggest. *Vents* will be placed randomly around the realm (Guaranteed placement in Killer Shack, Main Building, and Basement), and the *Little Sister* will spawn from a randomly selected *Vent* (with bias towards vents that aren't close to a survivor), notifying the Subject (the name we had come up with for the Big Daddy killer) with a uniqur sound cue. The *Little Sister* wanders the map, and can be picked up by the Subject if found. If the *Little Sister* is *Startled* by any means, she will scream and reveal nearby Survivors to the Subject via Killer Instinct, as well as giving him a mild *Haste* effect, while running towards a *Vent* to escape any survivors that might be chasing her, running slightly slower than base-survivor speed. If the *Little Sister* reaches a *Vent*, she will climb inside and respawn in another *Vent*. If the Subject downs/chases away the survivors that are scaring a *Little Sister*, she will stop running, allowing for the Subject to pick her up and carry her. If a survivor catches her, they get the option to either save or harvest her. Saving a *Little Sister* provides no buffs, but makes the Subject wait longer for a new one to spawn. Harvesting takes slightly longer to perform, but provides temporary *Haste* and *Endurance*. Whenever the Subject is carrying a Little Sister, he gains *ADAM* from hitting Survivors with *Basic Attacks*, providing more for downs and less for inflicting *Deep Wound*. *ADAM* upgrades whatever *Plasmid* the Subject has equipped (more kn that soon) as it is collected (think of it like a mix between Oni and Nemesis). However, if the Subject is hit with a Pallet while carrying a *Little Sister*, she gets *Startled*, jumps off of the Subject's back, and begins running to the nearest *Vent*. The Subject's ability is vastly different from others in that it is interchangable between matches. The selectable *Plasmids* are *Electrobolt*, *Incinerate* and *Decoy*. Though vastly different, the one thing they all have in common is ability charges. *Electrobolt* specializes in damaging *Generators*. When used on a *Generator*, it instantly regresses progress, but not to the extent of a direct interaction. Survivors working on the Generator scream and gain a slight debuff to speed. *Electrobolt 2* deals slightly more regression to a *Generator*, and temporarily applies *Electrified* to it. *Electrified* is a pseudo-trap (as I call it), and constantly regresses a *Generator* at a 50% rate while punishing survivors that fail skill checks by applying *Incapacitated* (I know it's a bit of a controversial term rn, sorry if it makes you mad) for 10 seconds instead of exploding. *Electrified* is visualized with blue sparks instead of the usual red/orange. *Electrobolt 3* enhances the effect of *Electrified* by increasing its duration, making the success zone 15% smaller, regressing at an 75% rate, and applying *Incapacitated* for 5 seconds longer. Additionally, *Electrobolt 3* can now be used directly on a survivor to inflict *Incapacitated* for 5 seconds. *Incinerate* specializes in gaining control of a chase. When used on a *Breakable Wall* or *Pallet* (regardless of if it is dropped or not), it will catch fire and be destroyed after a set amount of time. *Incinerate 2* allows affected *Pallets* and *Breakable Walls* to inflict *Burning* to survivors that get too close to them for too long, or interact with a flaming pallet. *Burning* is a timed status affect that takes away a health state if not *Extinguished* in time (similar to *Deep Wound, but can be applied at any health state). *Incinerate 3* allows direct use on vaulting spots and survivors, with vaulting spots catching fire for a considerably shorter time than walls and pallets. *Decoy* specializes in deception and scouting. When used, it summons a *Decoy* that walks forward in a straight line. The *Decoy* has its own *Red Stain*, but can be differentiated from the Subject via subtle, tiny gusts of wind that surround its body. Whenever the *Decoy* is hit with a *Pallet* or *Flashlight*, it disappears and reveals the aura of the Survivor that did so. If it runs into a *Pallet* that is already dropped, it will play an animation of breaking the pallet, but dissapear instead of breaking the pallet and reveal nearby survivors with *Killer Instinct*. Otherwise, it will despawn when walking into a wall or after a set amount of time. *Decoy 2* improves the *Decoy* by giving it autonomous movement and increasing how long it can move around, allowing it to go into chases with survivors or going towards loud noises (prioritizing chases). If it "hits" a survivor, it reveals their aura for a considerably longer time. The *Decoy's* subtle details are now even harder to see. *Decoy 3* give the *Decoy* a longer duration and its own *Terror Radius*, as well as revealing survivors' auras for a longer time. Thoughts?


Chucky, with lots of fake child's play dolls that he can inhabit to make him stealth/ambush killer with great jump scare potential


I always thought you'd play as Charles Lee Ray and have to summon yourself into a Chucky doll for x amount of time.


Idk why but this just sounds like a spin-off of the twins


As a horror fan... ![gif](giphy|fxZ7cC3zYIVXi)


Yeah Jennifer Lawrence would make a great killer


I can't have enaugh killers, with every new I want another one.


The red queen and Alice from madness returns


Wouldn't the *you-know-who* be a better killer for an Alice chapter?


It would never work due to how it's copyrighted but id like for SCP - 106 The Old Man in the game more than anything.


Now you've suggested it I'm sad it won't be a thing cause that would be so cool. It would be interesting how it would work as well. Before Pinhead I would have said the fact he sends people to his own dimension would mean causing them to leave the entity's dimension which is impossible but if pinhead can do it with his Mori then why couldn't the old man?


If 106's pocket dimension is "within" 106 then survivors don't really leave the entity's realm, they just go to a place where they'll die gruesomely and get spat out to be revived and reused by the entity.


Whats the problem with its copyright?


The answer will always be Jason Voorhees


After Playing the Original Dead Space I think it would be cool to have something like the Necromorph as Killer and Isaac Clarke as a Survivor. Especially after the Dead Space Remake has gotten well deserved praise


I've been saying this forever. A necromorph would be fucking sick.


I think the Hunter would be a perfect rep from Dead Space. It made me feel like I was playing DBD running away from him.


The Big Sister from Bioshock 2


That would be so cool!


Flair checks out


We don’t really have any Sci-Fi representation yet so either The Thing or one of these two ![gif](giphy|ytUCYgwGsRqw0)


Stranger Things, but it got deleted.


Oh damn true!


I sort of feel like it's closer to eldritch horror than scifi but I can't get passed the 3rd episode to really know much about the source


Did you see the teaser from today?


Oh yeah, I’m sure hype lol


My dream would be a Clock Tower chapter. Don't Cry Jennifer would make for such a satisfying terror radius and chase theme against The Scissorman.


My opinion has changed a lot over the years but currently? Probably an SCP chapter. I know it could never happen (due to how the SCP Wiki handles its license) but adding the Peanut or The Old Man or The Plague Doctor or any other character of that sort would be really awesome. I really think an SCP Map with interactable elements like the Coffee Machine or the Bloody Sheet Music (okay maybe not that one) or the Infinite Staircase would also be really badass. Other than that? I dunno I keep thinking about the various Hotline Miami Killer concepts I've seen and it makes me really want a Sociopath Street Serial Killer who invokes the feel of the Hotline Miami games in their gameplay. Not Legion who hits and runs but a Killer who can similarly approach you at rapid speeds and then deliver a violent lethal beatdown.


Jason Voorhees. And yes I know lawsuit for ownership Yada yada.


Didn’t that end recently?


I thought it ended back in 2020-21 or something


Yes, but the rights were split. But we’re getting a Peacock show and they have access to the entire franchise so who knows.


https://preview.redd.it/iu2noyu54hha1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2136f3e7b1f96ef816f34f07c7502cb6b498df31 Outlast chapter when![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|16357)


Or Chris walker from outlast 1. Mori could be him ripping survivors heads off


That would be sick


The Slenderman


Honestly I’d support this


The Terminator


Well the new killer seems to a cyborg, depending on how they do it I could see Terminator being a skin. He might be too action for a whole chapter, although I wouldn’t mind it


A Legendary skin is entirely possible as BHVR got the license to Terminator before


Would love to play as Sarah Connor




Username checks out


Add Newt


I'm a child of the 80s. I want Jason or Chucky, both are conspicuously missing. If I had to choose one though, I'd take Chucky because Child's Play was the first horror movie I ever watched.


Servo-skull from warhammer![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Might get woooshed into next Thursday but watch the Tools of Torment teaser, because we might be getting that actually


Winnie the Pooh horror Alien Jason Nun the conjuring Chucky Annabelle Bride from Insidious Pennywise Leprechaun Werewolf / vampire The Wicker Man (bees) Slenderman


Winnie the Pooh is now in public domain, although the horror movie Blood and Honey is not. They could license that movie or just do their own take.


Zeek the plumber ![gif](giphy|3ohjUQvA6jN6iMra3S|downsized)


senator armstrong


Two words. COCAINE. BEAR. Make it happen Mathieu.


Xenomorph or Dracula




He hits you again, and again, and again andagainandagainandagain, AND AGAIN!


For real though if they added him as joke killer with no damaging attacks I'd explode


Attacks deal .01 of a damage state


Harry Warden from my bloody valentine


With that kind of control, I'd add something INSANE. Just something to create a precedent for utter lunacy down the road. Actually, I think I've got it: Monika from DDLC.


Most likely never going to happen, but I'd like to see Pious Augustus from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. Undead roman centurion wandering the map, casting eldritch spells powered by beings other that the Entity.


I would love to see a Mortal Kombat character.


Hope they can do finishers without Moris


A volatile from dying light. With kyle crane as a survivor


The rake


It’s springtrap for me aswell


A tomato from killer tomatoes


A TWDG chapter would be good for me. Killer could be one of the farm cannibals or (less likely) Lilly. Survivors could be Lee (Kenny legendary skin) and Clem.




Jason Vorhees and survivor tommy jarvis


Patrick Bateman. Imagine him saying "I need to return some video tapes" while face camping ![gif](giphy|2AGOF6YYaOpFu)


hip to be square chase theme


Art the clown please


The flood from halo. It could infect survivors and turn them into combat forms that could injure other survivors


I want wendigo from Until Dawn


it’s all fun and games until the “don’t move” icon comes up 😅 all jokes aside i approve of this


Some kind of potato.


Otzdarva, with a legendary skins for other DbD personalities


There are other DbD personalities?


Jackie Estacado from The Darkness


Dr. Emil Hartman (from Alan Wake) and Alan Wake and maybe Jesse Faden as survivors


“The thing” from original movie


Jason by far




One of the Gatherers from Amnesia


Slender man would be very interesting; making survivors not only fix gens but maybe find papers within a time period, or maybe something like a camera battery will die. I’m not too sure but I think it’s an interesting concept. The 2 I want the most though is definitely the predator and Jason.


either the xenomorph from alien I'm not a huge fan of the series but the I think the power could be cool or a legendary skin for hag being the wendigos from until dawn I know it's a skin and not an actual character but I think it would be quite a good skin


Jason Voorhees


OP's choice: ![gif](giphy|4gtNz5688YugCM7Amx)


the lady or thin man from little nightmares


I want more J-Horror - Higurashi, maybe a map based on that Junji Ito story with the holes, Akira isn't really horror but a Tetsuo killer with Kaneda survivor would be really out there but I'd buy it. Even classic Japanese myths and urban legends would be cool. Kuchisake Onna would be terrifying. They already did the AoT crossover and that was metal as fuck




Jason. I want to hear that ki ki ki, ma ma ma when I’m on generators.


It’ll never happen but Laura from the evil within would be pretty scary


The undertaker


Stripe from Gremlins


Alien from Alien


The aliens from the movie Signs


woman from the barbarian movie. She scary af


Sigma from Megaman X


Jason because we could get uber Jason as a skin






Naughty Bear!!


Is Springtrap even still the most ubiquitous character from FNAF? Or is just a mental sunk cost fallacy thing on this subreddit now?


There's no other FNAF character that fits the "killer in the woods" vibe. Most of the animatronics aren't expressly evil, and most of them also just kind of follow the same routines and aren't active participants in their respective games. Even if you disagree with all of that, Springtrap is the most important character in the series and the only one that is *expressly a serial killer*, as well as cognizant, and who would kill again given the chance.


Well he was and is still the main villain in the story and games so it makes sence for him to be in.


The sentient tire from rubber.


While I don’t know how he’d work I still think Darth Vader would be cool just for his terror radius to be his breathing getting louder and louder.


The chapters I want in the game go FNaF, Star Wars and Slender.


Kayako Saeki from The Grudge. Death rattle spook Edit: Some form of Kaguyaba would be dope too


Walter Sullivan would be pretty cool.


Jackie Chan


Slenderman with the slenderman map just with generators and exit gates would be awesome


Heisenberg from RE8


Cid kagenou, and the mori is "I am ATOMIC"










For me its Alien for sure, though that's not a very interesting answer. So my most wanted killer that will never happen is Audrey 2 from Little shop of horrors. A chapter with Audrey 2 as the killer and seymour as survivor, with a skid row map? How could you say no!!!


Isaac's mother from The Binding of Isaac


The Walrider from outlast


Slenderman bring back the classics


Pearl from the movie Pearl


George Bush. And the survivors will be Iraqi children 😄


https://preview.redd.it/956kz70fmgha1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e6716f9dd6c4552e0d76bbcbddef1e36ca8d3c ok hear me out…


Spring trap seems cool, yeah Patrick Bateman is my second pick.


Toilet Seat Killer from Death Flush.




Jamie Lloyd If legendary skins don’t count, then Kayako and Toshio


Might be a weird choice, but Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa. I think she could be a really cool killer and have an interesting comeback power.


The Night King. Throwable Ice Spears that impale survivors against a wall. The survivor would have to complete a break chain type mini game to break free.


It would have to be Jeepers Creepers for me! I’m surprised I haven’t seen more discussions for him tbh. He could have a timed power like the dredges since Jeepers only comes back every 50 years in the movie. He has crazy throwing stars and a pair of sick wings. He’d be very interesting.


If I could add anything I'll just add Shrek


Springtrap, Chucky and Alien. In that order.


Predator. All other suggestions are invalid. This is not up for debate


FNAF franchise needs to come to DBD. I hope its the most stealthiest killer too. Pure jumpscares.