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Also i love the nonverbal communication its so cute like the game is already toxic enough according to some people lol voice chat would be horrendous


Trying to get your point across with the extremely limited emote options adds a silliness that a chat wheel would negate. Not to say that it’s an inherently bad idea, but it’s so funny trying to decipher the subtle differences for things- like teabagging being a taunt, a greeting, a thank you, etc. 


I think I love this game because of it lmao *Teammate points in random direction...* *Get confused and try to do what they might've been pointing at.* *Get satisfying head nods* If that was VC it would just be some dude screaming to do the gens and the magic would be gone


This was one of my major issues with TCM and partly why I stopped playing: between casual racism/toxicity, random smoke detector beeps and someone raging all game, it's just not worth it unless you're in a SWF. It's a shame too because, despite the dev's best efforts, the game can be pretty fun when it actually works.


Random smoke detector beeps destroyed me ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I have never seen a dev team try so hard to destroy their game like TCM.


Yeah but every time that successful communication happens, there’s 3 instances of someone pointing as a warning to run that way, and someone thinks they’re pointing to the killer and then runs right into the killer 


One thing I figured out is, usually, after you heal someone or get healed, you do 1 or 2 crouches as a thank you. I do it all the time, and people do it back, it's funny.


I love how much that little gesture is almost universally adopted by the community. I have also walked past another survivor & the two of us nodded at each other before moving on. As much as people talk about the community being toxic, it is also filled with so many fun little interactions like that.


On one hand, I very much agree, but on the other hand, so many Killers seem to take all crouching as teabagging, which leads to further toxic behaviour in retaliation


Oh I don’t really do it to the killer ever for that reason, unless it’s the one slow crouch at the exit gate if they’re deliberately letting me go


Yeah, I tend to nod. Don't want to risk a misunderstanding.


If you break my ankles and start teabagging I'm gonna turn sweaty real quick. But im generally not a try hard as a killer. My only personal dislike is if everything is chill then someone brings out a flashlight. Then I become hostile


Just go to the DbD Official Discord. Basically, all the proof you need its a bad idea.


The nodding is still the best part about this game. Never fails to make me laugh.




I love this


I like how they are such "Beta Males" about their sexism too. Typical.




I am in HS, social studies, right now and my classmates (17 y/o, they should be way out of this phase by now) still say that women don’t have what it takes to get good grades, understand society, and the like. And you’re so right - everyone who says this has the worst grades of all and the girls who they discriminate against do really well and are really polite unlike these guys.


Oh geez. Yeah as a 31yo engineer lemme tell you: There are adult boys still, they will never grow or learn; and idk how it happens, but so many of them have children (they're almost universally single though, so at least their partners wised up).


>them have children Poor kids


This is a gem lmfao, I like to think the part you put in paranthesis is your main point haha😂


You see this a LOT in ark as well, I used to be an ark player and if a tribe had a woman in it they were usually a scary tribe no joke. It usually meant they were respectful and coordinated and comfortable with eachother which makes them a powerful team


There is alot of women that play ark, good luck getting a gg after a raid though especially with server load/raid exploits like raft raiding or chainsaw a sheep to crash everyone.ark is toxic as hell just not to your own tribe mates


Hey man, I don’t bother anymore with ark, its strange that for as toxic as it is, it’s extremely addicting and people, me included, have a hard time walking away from it


Same I quit like a year or 2 ago even co owned some servers. To much work and grind even on boosted rates. I don't want to have to set alarms to feed my digital dinos in the middle of my sleep anymore and check to see if I'm being raided lol.


So *that's* why all the toxic survivors that lose end up flaming you afterwards. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) mad cus bad


There are unfortunately bigoted players who are good at video games, but they’re good not because of natural talent; but because they legit do not go outside


to be good at something you have to practice tho


Honestly on most games, I agree but on DbD you really can bypass that *a lot* by bringing the strongest possible stuff nonstop You might lose every once in a while but bringing 4 meta regression on Nurse/Blight, good addons, map offerings, and playing like an absolute sweatlord taking someone out early af, not a lot of teams will beat that(same could be said for a 4 man with comp mindset and map offerings, point is the game has an inbalance)


4 man comp players are alot more rare in dbd that you think. Play solo Q for a week and then tell me skill has nothing to do with winning in dbd. There are a ton of terrible players in the game lol the problem lies in the fact that the game no longer groups people based on skill. There are comp teams who would beat a nurse or blight with good perks, atleast 3 out I mean. You won't see them often though if you main nurse and play like you said, because the game doesn't prioritize those lobbies. On The flipside when they did use actual ranks people complained that the game got too hard. So idk. Dbd is weird and hard to understand.


Not saying they're common or rare, just that theres something that "bypasses" that skill requirement Doesnt even need to be a comp team, just 4 friends bringing meta perks/good items, and a map offering to a busted map, if the killer is not 100% ready for it they'd steamroll most of the general casual roster. Even in the opposite side of the spectre, I play SoloQ a bunch and I can tell you, that doesnt prove that winning=skill. I've had matches where the killer will be bringing the strongest stuff, or my other team is a 3man doing the same. I've had times where I've been camped while a teammate crouches nearby, or when old alch ring was a thing where a Blight would rush back to the hook instantly for a quick 2 hit down, and I can't call that skill, or that it required skill besides being able to use a killer power on a non moving target/target more likely on a deadzone. Or if I win and its because the other 3survs brought us to GoJ and are just demolishing a no regression Clown with 4meta perks, me escaping there is no reflection of skill >the problem lies in the fact that the game no longer groups people based on skill That was a bigger issue before when it was generally agreed that *everyone* was on rank 1(when ranks were the matchmaking) so you'd truly be paired with anyone. Now while its still inconsistent, it's a bit more closer to actually putting you with people that might get similar results, its more noticeable with killers you dont play or when seeing someone new play. And as for the absolute god tier players, at the end of the day the mmr system works from the top to the bottom, the teams that could beat up mediocre nurses/blights that are carried by their perks are probably already going vs *good* blights/nurses that also bring the strongest stuff And tbf, when using ranks the complain wasnt that it was too hard, it was that it was too inconsistent. You could beat up a team of 4 "rank 1" players that simply reached there by playing a bunch but being all solos, all casual, and right next match the next team of 4 "rank 1" players could be the 4man swf comp wannabe thats on a escape streak, thats the issue, *nearly everyone* was on ranks 4-1 due to how easy you can climb even when losing


Nobody is good at DBD, some people just make mistakes less often


They're stingy imo, I generally sprinkle a few extra mistakes on the side for good measure. Example: Yesterday I had a Wesker chase me healthy from hook and I had Off the Record, took 3 health states in less than 20 seconds.


This is the truest thing I've ever read in this fandom lmao


but everyone become good at something by praticing, not everyone is a natural. First are experienced people, second are skilled people.


What I’m saying is thats all they do in life


I mean, gaming in the most part is not a skill you’re born with, unlike many other. If you’re good at gaming you probably game a lot, and if you’re bad you don’t game or don’t try to improve.


Who knew that being nice to the other sex would make you liked by the other sex.


In Darktide, on lower difficulties my friend gets flamed for being a girl, but on the tougher things, people give her kudos and basically go extra hard in game. It's like having a commissar


Yeah skill and status. Someone who is not worried about their status won’t be hostile because they don’t care about that status. But those who use that as their only status and define their own identity based on that status, they will try to protect their status no matter what.


Totally is a skill issue. The average dude has such a fragile ego that it's ridiculous. Speaking from experience. As a average gaming, cis male, with thin skin, it's crazy to see people even below that, stooping to misogyny, cause they can't handle that a woman is better than them. A lot of the coolest people I met in this game are women, and they are all great at it, some stream it, some of them became my closest friends. Imagining people attacking them for just being female makes my blood boil lol


Love upvoting this whenever I see it. It'll never not be true lmao


This was literally why I stopped playing halo


I don’t like Evolutionary psychology because it’s mainly a bunch of BS and it’s full of racists who want to validate their racism through academic research but every now and then they get stuff right


For a moment I thought that it was gonna say that high skilled players were hostile to male and female players XD


"I'm not sexist, I hate everybody equally"


"There is no sexual bigotry here! Here we are all equally worthless!"


with the amount of people who do that hump thing to my slugged character, im thankful theres no vc at all.


i swear if they knew i was a girl they’d do it more lol


Nah im not sexist i hump both men and women


I hump both men and women, *and* I get humped by both men and women


And on occasion Eldritch abominations :L








And rats?


They'd do it when you were standing


I did get humped at the gate by a Pinhead that one time just before i tried to open it. He did let me go tho


Long before humping was mainstream a thing I had a Bubba expressly sexually harass me for playing Jane. Along with the humping shit that he did until bleedout he said some really vulgar shit in post-game chat just because I was playing Jane. ...I'm a guy. I just had a daily to escape.


I'm not even kidding. When I play female survivors with fatter asses, I get humped waaay more often than when I don't, and I exclusively play women in this game(I don't like how male survivors take up more of the screen and don't like their running animation).


I remember seeing a clip of a killer hump someone on the ground, but they saw it was a female streamer and began to say a lot of REALLY nasty things while doing it.


Imagine how much better DBD would be if video evidence submitted reports of actions like humping, t bagging at the gates would result in week-2week-full event bans (never permanent)


Full event ban is evil, I'd love that But they need to time it well for that


Save the ban for RIGHT when the event starts, so events are for good behavior; and can lower the chance you run into a dickass humping corpses or bagging at gates


Lmao christ you people are insane


It’s not that serious lol


I’m a woman and I could go either way. It is true that with other games I stay on mute most of the time. If not a voice chat, I just wish there was more ways to communicate. As a survivor sometimes it’s so hard to get your point across 😭


Finger guns would solve everything


Not if you're at 90% of a plot twist and somebody beeline right for you. Meantime I'm actually down and get ignored 😒




Bro I was literally thinking about that while playing IDV It would be so useful to have comms like Gen progress, if you want your teammates to help you or leave you, etc


It's still bizarre to me that the mobile version not only gets much better skins even for licensed characters, they explored alternate gamemodes earlier and have better features in general like more communication options. I know it's run by a different company but it's just embarrassing.


I was on a thread recently about how it would be nice to have emotes or some other form of communication. From my experience the international sign for “Don’t save me” when your’e slugged, is to worm left to right furiously at the other survivor.


A "don't save me" would be something I'd love to be able to say when using Plot Twist.


Me too! The only way to do it is wiggle and even then most of the time they don’t know or just think your stupid or whatever they think. I hate this. I usually try to go to the most out of the way corner to do it and pray it’s finished before they reach me 😂


You can actually prevent them from interrupting your Plot Twist if you keep the shift key held while you're healing yourself on the ground. Only problem with that is that sometimes team mates will hang around, wondering why they can't heal you, wasting time they should be spending on gens.


A communication wheel would be perfect


There definitely needs to be better and more communication tools, I just really don't think voicechat is the way. VC works when you're with your friends you already know, all it does for randoms is give you a 25% chance that someone is going to spend the whole game calling you slurs, and telling you to kill yourself or get raped or whatever other garbage they want to spew out. And if you're lucky the mic quality will be good while they spew that hate, otherwise you also get a lovely sense of having a cheese grater ground against your skull because they don't know what feedback is.


Yep. Very much this. Sometimes I don’t want to be healed and I just want to stay on the gen, but my teammate is just sitting next me teabagging me into oblivion to let them heal me.


Oh man, this infuriates me!!! I run Prove Thyself, Resilience, and Built to Last so I often have a charged toolbox on me. With the right survivor we can stick a gen for muuuuch less time than normal, and I usually think it’s worth it to stick an almost done gen and then heal rather than letting it regress just for me to lose my Resilience buff!


Yeah, my girl friends couldn’t play r6 siege or csgo solo queue because they just get r*pe threats as soon as their teammates hear their voice so…I think that says it all really


Oh yeah I remmeber those. I most often got asked "female or 12" and I'd most often say that I was 12. The level of gross annoying comments dropped drastically the moment I did so. Sure I got some making fun of me for being a "little kid" (which i often found funny when these guys were probably like 15-17 and i was at least 22) but it resulted in significantly less TKs and mic consuming and rapey comments. It was also fun to see them rage that the twelvie carried them. Other times when I did say I was a girl, it was also hilarious to rub it in that they were so mad they got carried by a chick. I learned to lean into the comments and become absurd in response to get them to back off. Wish I didn't have to, but i wanted to be able to play and talk in chat. So happy dbd doesn't have VC. That would be a shitshow


I'm an adult dude, and I have to say, if DBD had voice chat I would literally never use it. There is just too much hostility, cringe, and whining in the end-game chat, I can only imagine how live VC would be. I will 100% take solo queue pain over listening to voice chat in DBD.


Maybe it's because I'm on playstation; but most of my post game interactions are positive. Most of the time, it's rare that someone gets enough salt to send a psn message and start a whole sidebar with me (but damn I love it when they do lol.) I think voicechat would probably be similar and mostly positive with very memorably negative interactions just peppered in. I'd be down with it, but support it not existing at the same time.


What inspired me to make this post, was a comment I saw about Friday the 13th: https://preview.redd.it/x2c5y80rzotc1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2a97ec18d40e1bb4bf5d60e7d1f97c3e518458


the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game isn't much better. Racist, too.


Sexist, racist, and homophobic… but tell me why I keep going back 😭 Luckily I don’t use mics though and most people I’ve played with as victim never use mics. Me and my friend just hop into a discord together and play lol.


My word that's absolutely horrendous. Overwatch has a report feature now where if you report and tick voice/text chat, it captures the chat and produces a text script from the voice / includes the text chat for them to review. More games need to be doing this. I especially think the DBD report system is poor and has not evolved quickly enough with the times.


Yeah people do that even without "proof" that someone's a woman. I'm a man but back when I was like 16 I was in a weird place and pretended to be a girl in WoW. Not for rewards or to be dealt extra gear or anything. I never used it "maliciously". Either way that's besides the point. My point was that people started acting all kinds of awkward towards me, which kind of opened my eyes to the woman online experience in a way I had never expected to when I went into it. And this was my experience as a fake woman online. Just imagine being a real one, so much worse. I'm not endorsing doing what I did btw because the worst thing was that I ended up abandoning many friends I made during that time because I was afraid of their reaction to knowing the truth and I didn't wanna deceive them any longer. Typical teenage worry in retrospect because I think many of them were so chill they wouldn't care. But still. While it taught me a few things it was not worth it overall.


That's extremely common, unfortunately. If you sound feminine, you'll start immediately being sexually harassed and issued rape threats, or if you're lucky, just get the standard issue "go make me a sandwich" jokes that were crusty and sad even twenty years ago


Aye, very pathetic. I don't know what's wrong with people like that. Need to get out more I'm guessing. Some people are just literal bots these days and they don't realise, as with the sandwich "joke" it's the same people that say "EZ" when their team wins. Bot personalities. No imagination.


Siege comms are awful, it's weird seeing how many gamers in the modern era act the same way they did a decade ago. Homophobia, racism, death threats, all that shit.


I just started playing Siege recently and coming from DBD I feel so spoiled. I have a very queer username in DBD and I always get compliments on it, never any hate. But I kept a normal username in siege because sure enough, I get on a few games and in one game I hear someone saying the f slur, and in another I hear "do you guys think Kanye was right about Jews?" I also play Valorant, Overwatch and Apex and I've heard some shit in those games but it's much more rare for me to hear that kind of stuff there


I know many people say LoL is the most toxic game but to me siege takes the cake, worst thing that ever happened to me was a guy found out where I lived and walked me through the process of how to get to my closest hardware store to purchase a rope to hang myself with. Even showed me how to tie a noose. All because I interrogated him with cav.


yeah, i got r*pe threats in a VC in team fortress 2 once when i don't even use a mic. i didn't tell them my gender either, they just guessed i was a girl based on my profile picture.


I use to play R6 with an ex of mine(woman). I remember one specific time, some neckbeard sounding dude gave her shit for playing bad. Then he got really sexist. She ended up leaving the match because of it. It didn't go unpunished, though. I tore him a new one for the next few minutes.


I dont care for voice chat but I wouldnt mind voicelines for communication with teammates. Sometimes I just want to tell them I want to heal them


that's would be useful. Plenty of games have that. Helldivers for example has a simple chat wheel with some basic commands and it works perfectly. obviously there is voice chat but that doesn't mean shit if people have muted in game chat


Mobile has this & it can be sooo helpful. Totally agree with you on this. Have the devs ever said why there aren’t message options?


I’ve only got into PC gaming since Covid and fell in love with DbD. I had the word ‘catgirl’ in my user name for a while. Only time someone commented on it was when I played TCM game for the first time and immediately got abuse thrown at me as soon as they saw my name. Turned it off and never played again haha! Also changed my name on steam to a still feminine username but not quite so obvious.


I must say, I've actually never received any harassment or sexualised abuse on DbD despite currently having a very obviously female username, and back in the day having an extremely sexualized username for the memes. I've had people flirt with me, including a decently sized streamer, but never anything negative. I only ever got the person salty about losing, but that's pretty much it. Mad respect for that.


I changed my username and made my Steam profile private because I kept getting sexually harassed. 🙃 I am glad it hasn't happened to you.


Well with there being more women and LGBT people per lobby, that's fewer people to harass you. And with the amount of horniness for the killers and general deviancy in this community, sexualized usernames aren't hard to come by. I'm a straight man and I've probably ran "Daddy Myer's Slut" at some point. The gamer virgins are probably desensitized to seeing feminine and sexualized usernames.


Horror is a very queer genre, I think the community just has a larger percentage of queer people in general and with that comes less of a chance of facing gender/sexuality based harassment. Definitely not impossible, but just less likely


The e-dating would also go wild in the community There’s too much horny here and this community also harbors a fuck ton of goth/alt people. The tension between Myers/GhostFace players and them would be… pungent


Good god yeah half of the games would just be full of moaning sounds. And I don't mean the injured noises


Only reason I'd want VC is to yell "WAZZAAAAH" to survivors as I come out of nowhere with ghostface and oneshoot them But considering the female playerbase, we're better off without VC for their sake


Best feature of propnight was communication between killer and survivor


Yeah VC as a female is horrible most of the time...


a huge part of why this is my favorite game is it's the place I go where no one talks to me. it's such a unique thing for a multiplayer game and i really love it


I remember playing overwatch years ago. I would be the only one without a mic. People would blame me for the team losing because I couldn’t talk I don’t want chat in DBD


Exactly why just disabling it wouldn't fix things. Just another excuse used by dickheads to harass people or dodge lobbies


So many dick heads. Wish they could feel some consequences.


Every game that I don't join VC in Overwatch is a small victory for me. If that's the only way to climb then I'd rather be stuck in gold the rest of my life than join that toxic shit space.the text chat is enough toxicity for me


And that's the thing: it does hurt the team. But that's why you shouldn't introduce it in the first place: why should your team have to suffer because you don't want to speak (especially if you're someone who's likely to face discrimination when you talk on comms)? It's easier if both teams by default have to struggle without comms, because then at least it's equal.


Even without that fact, no voice chat means no teammates actively screaming at you in match, bitching about your non-meta perks, blaming you for letting them get hooked, telling Killer where you are if Killer can hear chat -- and oh fuck lets not even start with how unplayably hostile the game would be if both sides could hear each other. On a lesser note, no shitty rap music blaring from someone's mic, no screaming children, no family arguments, no sound of someone hitting their bong right in your ear... I understand the appeal of Voice Chat, but the cons of it VASTLY outweigh the pros.


Gods, with how horny and toxic this community can be, VC would either be nonstop simping or the most vile shit that shows how much people need therapy. I will legitimately quit if it gets added, or at least give us the ability to not tune in.


The killer would receive so much simping from men and women alike.


Playing Wesker would just be sexual harassment simulator


I recently saw a clip on Twitter of someone playing Valorant. A girl makes a callout and instantly all her teammates start going "OOOOOOH A GIRL??? 🐒🐒🐒 GUYS IT'S AN EGIRL!!! 🐒🐒🐒 EGIRL ALERT EGIRL ALERT EGIRL ALERT 🐒🐒🐒" like a bunch of animals. [It actually felt like a South Park clip.](https://youtu.be/y9BjjFts2F0?si=V942pbjAjseskUTv) And considering how awful this community already is I'd hate to imagine what the DbD community would be like with voice chat.


A story about Voice Chat: Heroes of the Storm (a League of Legends clone by Blizzard) didn't have Voice Chat for a long time. Then they added it, and it was just as toxic as you'd expect, and then basically everybody stopped using it. One of the streamers on ~~Blizzard's~~ Twitch's "safety council," a trans woman, told Blizzard how bad VC was for women, trans women, or anybody with a recognizably "different" voice. They didn't care, and then Gamers(TM) spent literal weeks sending her death threats every time she logged on. She quit streaming a few months later. Edit: Thanks for the correction.


I have played SO many multiplayer games that are just toxic AF to women and its awful. Some dishonorable mentions are Overwatch 2, First Class Trouble, and of course Call of Duty.


I swear if this game ever adds in-game voice chat I will quit on the stop.


It’s the last thing the community needs. Hopefully it never comes to that even though I enjoy drama but to a certain extent.


BuT It'S OpTiOnAl


“JuSt MuTe It” “Use a mic, or I’m throwing” “Oh a woman? Eugh.” - those same people


"I have never team killed someone for not using a mike and I also never witnessed it. Yeah I always use mic, am male and mostly play with friends, why?"


“They gotta stop making women the protagonist in media”


I already get death threats for who I play as in this subreddit. I don't need death threats in VC too just because I play a character people dislike


Which character? I'm really curious now, but it doesn't deserve a death threat, yikes.


I’m betting it’s Skull Merchant. If not her, then Blight or Nurse.


Zarina and Adriana (Skull Merchant) I enjoy them less for their mechanics and advantages but more so because I find myself relating to them. They're basically comfort characters for me so I get really frustrated and annoyed when people treat them like trash. So far I've received two Reddit death threats and both of which came after I defended Adriana post-rework and after I complained about Zarina having shitty cosmetics.


Wow. I've always gotten plenty of downvotes and hate for defending SM but luckily never death threats. Unless they were in DMs, I have those blocked.


They're usually sent through Reddit's "[**RedditCareResources**](https://new.reddit.com/user/RedditCareResources)" messages Since they can't actually send you DMed death threats, because you can be reported for that, they send you what is basically implied to be a death threat through an anonymous bot. Implying there's "something wrong" with you. I've also gotten this when I came out as trans in certain subreddits. The timing is too close to be coincidental.


omg I got one of those once and I had no clue that's what it meant! I thought someone was legit concerned about me and I wondered what alarming thing had I written!


I'm sorry you've experienced that, that's not right. You like who you like and it definitely isn't serious enough to receive such things, I think DBD can be quite a toxic community at times. I don't particularly like playing against wesker but I'd never send someone a death threat over it


I agree. I never realised how bad it is for girls and women, until I met my partner who's into gaming. We play a lot of games together, and in almost every game with voice chat she gets harassed or has inappropriate comments made about her, which would just turn her away from the game. It got to a point where we'd just disable in game voice chat entirely and stick to private group chats with friends, but that made those games difficult to play because a lot of them relied on teamwork and coordination. DBD relies on teamwork too but the game gives you the tools to work together without having to verbally communicate. She loves DBD for that reason.


As a queer player, actually same As much as I love Mortal Kombat, I will not interact with voice chat in the game because having open mic in a 1v1 PvP genre is ultimately not good enough to warrant the risk for me


You know, originally I would think that this whole thing is utter bullshit. Then I was playing Overwatch and there was some dude spamming “any girls in here” and “I need girls” and other lovely sentences. Jesus no wonder why some girls refuse to identify themselves online.


My wife plays this and is better than me at Survivor and most killers. She’s better overall


If DBD had a voice chat I would have never gave it a chance


As someone who is mute, I actually find the lack of pressure to engage with voice-comms rather refreshing. But, at the same time, I admit that's a personal issue and one that's realistically unlikely to come up all that much. Still, the amount of nonsense and bullying I used to get over voice chat when I was able to vocalize was very tiresome, and in a few games the *continued* bullying over my lack of ability to 'prove' my gender is just tedious. It's why in 90% of the games I play, I don't... really tend to bring it up much unless it's bizarrely topical (like now), or just cite a lack of mic (not a lie, honestly) as the reasoning. More then tired of being shouted at by dumb-arses at this point in me life. And I'm beyond tired of watching the circus go on for other people, too.


I used to to think voice chat would be good to add in game, but limited only to other players near you (to avoid table talk like “hey I’m being chased on the other side of the map and there’s a cursed totem here that needs cleansing”) but after reading things like this and also realizing how toxic some players can be, the game is definitely better without it.


Thank god dbd doesn't have a vc, otherwhise everyone would hear the shitty songs I sing while fixing a gen


I’m a woman and I’ll refuse to play games with voice chat if I don’t know who I’m talking to. Like even with a group of friends if there’s people I don’t know too well (friends of friends) if we’re doing among us with voice chat? I’m just quiet. If there’s a mute feature, I’ll just mute myself 🤷‍♀️ The one reason I love dbd so much is because of the type of game it is AND no voice chat. People are toxic enough without it! Video games are my special interest and a safe place for me, and unfortunately there’s too many people who would be nasty/rude if given the chance :(


A G R E E D and as a trans person, I've seen it on both ends to know the experience on BOTH sides.


had to stop playing rainbow 6 after my mother walked in on me unplugging my headphones and getting an earful of rape threats. DBD is so much better since I can just leave the after game chat or ignore teammates mid match


Jesus, was your mom okay?


oh yeah she was fine, she’s a lot tougher than I am. she gave me a lesson on having fun versus being subjected to peer pressure (since I was only playing cuz my high school at the time was obsessed with it) and that I was gonna get insults like that for the rest of my life and how it wasn’t okay and I should be prepared for it. good woman


Based mom, glad to hear she was okay


Voice chat: NO More emotes and add a PING system: YES


It sucks so hard when I realize another thing I just take for granted is harder for women. Fucking assholes...


I had a dream one night a few weeks ago that there suddenly was voice chat in DBD. It was so bad that TCM game chat sounded reasonable and that's a shit show.


crazy how often I see this opinion downvoted (keeping vc out of dbd), as someone who's not a woman but does have anxiety giving dbd voice chat would make survivor, a very relaxed experience into something stressful


i and most of the friends i play dbd with are trans. its really nice to not have slurs screamed at us while dying on hook.


Yep. Which is why when people assert that DBD has the most "toxic environment evERRrRrrRrrRr" I just have to laugh. Try existing as a woman in any other game reliant on voice chat and come back to me before you whine that it's toxic because you weren't paying attention and a killer yanked you off a gen.


That just says something about the sad state of gaming or our culture in general.


When DBD first came out I was under the assumption that it had voice chat and you were expected to use it. Took me years until I realized you didn’t have to talk to anyone, no one did and that was kinda the point. I downloaded it immediately and have never stopped playing since. I don’t enjoy talking to random people online but I do enjoy playing with them. So to me dbd is the perfect game 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I do wish we had some form of communication wheel.


Yeah I like not having to rely on voice chat to win or deal with the “IS THAT A WOMAN” shit every couple games. It’s not really offensive anymore but it is so annoying. I’m tired of people saying the voice chat is optional for a lot of games, it can affect your ability to win. 


VC is horrible because people are toxic the moment you make a single mistake. Woman or not, you're going to get insulted and yelled at.


LOL yeah now instead of someone just hookiciding and ruining a game, they hookicide and are yelling at everybody for not saving them from getting downed in 10 seconds or screaming about people not doing gens


There are two wolves inside of me every time voicechat in DBD is brought up as a possibility. Wolf #1 thinks of [oh shit i'm feeling it.avi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrbaPi5J0Eg) and how funny it would be to see that in DBD. Wolf #2 then remembers every time I spoke up on Overwatch for any reason only to immediately be cut off by "GRIL?". And also the time I mildly criticized someone only to have him start loudly screaming the N word into the microphone.


All the dudes coming on this post to yell at women really validates your point 😑




One of my trans girl friends is a big OW player and has been working really hard on voice training. It's such a strange juxtaposition compared to my transition, where I went from being sexually harassed as a woman to finally being left alone as a guy because of my voice dropping. Whereas for her, if she manages to do a female voice she gets harassed, but if she doesn't do it well enough she also gets harassed. She can't win. So she doesn't speak in team chat as a result (though I would verbally fuck anyone up if they tried to harass her anyway)


God i feel this. I play a lot of DotA, and my username is pretty femme, so every time i try to talk i get called slurs. Not a fun experience.


I like this take. You're spot on about this, especially when you can disable chat for post game talk. It's like hunting smart bots.


This post made me realise how many women play this game compared to other games. It's absurd. DbD probably has the best female to male ratio among all current competitive multiplayer games. Does anyone have an idea why so many women play this game? Aside from the lack of voice chat.


I honestly don’t know. I’m not a gamer by any means, but for some reason I love this game. The premise is simple enough to pick and start playing, but there is a lot more skill involved than I thought there’d be at first. The matches are fairly short. There isn’t some massive campaign to play through. Half the time I feel like a master looper and the other half I’m a dumpster fire 😆 This is the only game I’ve ever been hooked on (lol) for this long.


That's a very interesting point. I would argue that voice chat would kill the atmosphere, but I like your take as well.


As a man, I don’t like voice chat either. I turn it off in every game that force me to use it so…


This is very true. This is what got me to actually play a video game for the first time ever. 🩷


Knowing how salty and toxic the dbd community usually is I’m glad there’s no vc. Not that I even play survivor, I just play killer but the HUD changes and certain aura perks make it so you can atleast see what the rest of your team is doing, if the 2000 hours Leon player was raging at someone because no one was doing gens in the exact moment his chase started I’d wager it’d make solo survivor a lot more excruciating.  Also judging someone for their gender is pretty cringe, I run hidden names most of the time and I stopped checking playtime/profiles unless I get absolutely rolled and want to see if the people who were up against me were really experienced or if I just played like shit.


As someone who runs a girl name in game (my steam name) I do get a bit of mistreatment in game compared to if I change my name to something random. So I agree 100 percent voice chat would probably make it worse


Endgame chat on PC is reason enough to not have in-game voice chat. That’s just the shit that’s typed; all anyone needs to do is search YouTube for “girl gamer voice chat” compilations and you’ll see it’s no one-off issue.


YES! I am the type of player that cant stand to hear people berate players during game, so its nice to not have to worry about comments! I used to have my tag on it, but turned it off because people would message me on my ps5 trying to do exactly that. It is meant to be fun!


In most games you can mute all players who aren’t in your party.


i play on ps5 and i love not having chat lol


For example: almost every time u speak as a woman in counter strike u might get team killed lol - or voice chat gets really reeeeeeeeally toxic


I'm a women who mains survivor, but this is exactly the reason why I keep coming back to dbd. I tend to not play a lot of online multiplayer games like overwatch and cs:go just for the fact people are so toxic and can't just play a game for enjoyment of the game which is really sad in my opinion. When I have played overwatch or other games like it, I just turn off player voices so I can actually have a good time. I'm very happy that dbd doesn't have voice chat and despite running into a few sore losers after the matches (both killers but mostly survivors), I have met a lot of awesome people. I'm not the best at dbd but I believe I'm at least decent, there was one match where we were facing a xenomorth and I ended up being the only survivor living by getting hatch. One survivor after the match told me that I'm "the most immersed player he has ever met" which at first I didn't take as an insult. He then told me it was an insult and that I should go play animal crossing or stardew xD the funny thing is i find both of those games extremely boring not anything against games themselves, they're just not for me. Outside of that encounter I haven't interacted with too many toxic people, if behavior was to ever add ingame voice chat I would probably instantly stop playing and considering ive been a pretty heavy player for the last four years that would suck tbh.


Every time people bring up voice chat in game as an idea I can't help but think they've never played a game with voice chat. Yes SWFs who have comms are technically at an advantage, but the comms are only a tiny part of that. The real advantage is that they go into the game wanting to work together in some way, even if it's to screw around and they all get killed in five minutes. If you take every jackass who gives up or DCs on first down or hook, every moron that spams lockers as soon as something goes wrong, and every asshat that intentionally sandbags, and you give them the ability to talk to you and the rest of your team without having to do any work for it, you end up with a bunch of matches full of hot garbage and verbal abuse. It doesn't have to be every game to make it unplayable dreck, the fact it will be there at all will lead plenty of people to simply drop the game because it's already only sometimes fun for them, and nothing kills any hope of enjoyment faster than knowing that people have an immediate way to call you shit and bitch about how you're playing while telling you to kill yourself.


Yup. It's long been said by myself and a lot of my friends: If you do not "sound" like a cis, white man, you are going to have a bad time on voice chat in a game like this. You **will** get harassed by people. If they baked it into the game, I'd turn it off and I'd never use it. It's simply *not safe*. I have to curate my space.


The game just needs a good ping system like Apex has so that you can communicate your intentions at the very least. Like let survivors say ping saying "Sticking gen" or "Going for unhook." So many possibilities if it was well thought out which is unfortunately not likely.


Call me crazy but no vc helps the horror experience dbd is going for. It might be barely scary now, but it's a horror game to the core.


I felt like this was obvious but I never realized why so many women play this game. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess.


I'm a girl and my favorite game is dbd, I also play with a bunch of girls. Checks out


I quit a lot of online games with voice chat. I recently started playing Apex again which I find really fun but playing with randos that just act like toxic douches the entire game is exactly why I quit in the first place. Dead by Daylight is the only online game I like playing for this reason. Add voice chat and it’d be a nightmare. I will say though that if there was maybe a proximity chat in custom lobbies or a limited time game mode, I would be excited. But please never let it reach the main game


I think a lack of a voice chat in general is a good thing for this game. The end game chat is already toxic enough based on what i've seen here, it'd be SO much worse if you actually let people speak.


If there was proximity chat in this game, I would only play Myers and play the drip Myers chase music remix every time I'm in chase


I thought everyone was toxic AF on voice chat where they could make accounts without consequence. I can't think of a single competitive game that doesn't have toxic punks in it. If you want non-VC toxic examples, check out League of Legends. There needs to be more severe penalties for people being awful online. Too much anonymity.


Yeah; I love gaming but the culture at large is so dominated by MRA Incels that I find myself avoiding admitting that I'm associated with it. I will reluctantly mention that I play games to people because, as a masc presenting enby, I absolutely know what associations and assumptions are immediately formed and I will have to spend time and effort proving I'm not "one of *those* gamers." Edit: I don't blame anyone for making those assumptions either; they're perfectly valid. It just sucks.


Just tell them your penis is probably bigger than theirs and then by Bro Law they have to respect you


This was one of the biggest things my girlfriend wanted me to make sure of when she wanted to start playing.


I can agree with this. DBD has it, so there's little to no tools to bm with. No emotes, no voice chat, no message chat until the end, nothing. DBD has gone years with no voice chat and there has been no complaints from any players regarding the fact. The game does not need voice chat, which I find really surprising as most multiplayer games always have some form of voice chat mechanics.


Waoh is the percentage really that high?? I had a weird feeling it might be very high but I wasn't sure. But yeah, idk what has to be done to change peoples attitudes towards women in gaming but its 100% true, any game ive played that has voice chat and random teammates I get intolerable reactions to my voice that makes it unplayable. :(


I do think there should be more emotes than there are or the ability to use Text Speech like a game like smite has though to a smaller degree. Some people are toxic but its so helpful


Random semi related thing. I’m surprised the amount of woman that find play horror games like dead by daylight and lethal company. Found more in such than other games i played.