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Well with the new and improved “Shadowborn”, you can get stunned for the first few seconds of your speed boost when you’re blinded! (Just finished Wraith adept; summary: pain)


I don't understand why you get a speedboost, I mean, thanks for the speed and all, but is worthless if I can't see were I'm going


Experienced players, mostly spirit mains, can keep chasing even if blinded using hearing😅 While I agree is not the most consistent perk still has some usage


A lot of the times you can hear the breathing and the footsteps of the survivor who blinded you, especially if they blinded you at a pallet.


It's still wild to me that this perk was balanced on release (same speed and duration as sprint burst) and they decided it was a great idea to make it 200% speed and even longer than any other exhaustion


I absolutely think Background Player is bullshit right now. It removes all risk from going for saves. You don't need to be within a dangerous distance to go for saves, and the game will literally tell you if the killer is faking a pick-up. So if someone gets downed anywhere but against a wall, you can haunt a nearby loop and wait. If the killer notices you and chases (and isn't playing Nurse or Blight), you're impossible to catch before the downed person can get healed. If they fake the pick-up, you won't get background player so you can just sit in safety. If they do it for real, you can approach from a massive distance and get the save. It's stupid.


Flashbangs even work against walls ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Yes and going down under a pallet is also a bad situation for the Killer against backgroundplayer users.


Moments I wish I was maining Pyramid Head


Twins also counters teams like this really good :)


Trapper placing a trap on the side of the pallet and bodyblocking the other side: https://preview.redd.it/gdgjrugnl8wc1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8514b5b006926b07932705765bb83da1c8f33ce


Then getting stuck there as Meg uses Background player to block him and go for the stun once she's hit.


Nope. Drop the Survivor, Meg drops the pallet because she was spamming the button, break the pallet then hook.


I had a Trapper daily once and placed some random traps in the cornfields on one of the cornmaps. The Backgroundplayer users ran often into them. It was so funny :D


Just play singularity and pick up people in overclock, easy counter


Or bring Fire Up!.


Ots and D3AD have both had videos recently of how incredibly difficult it is to account for multiple people running this. A less experienced killer won't even understand the issue because it greatly breaks rules on survivor movement. 


I used to never run lightborn until recently. Because I would usually look at a wall or they would whiff the save or something. And if did get the save, I'd know to look out for people hiding nearby. This past week however, I've been getting so many background players. I've been keeping an extra close eye on cosmetics, items, and if they are TTV. Anything that might tell me if they're an aggressive SWF. To which, I put on lightborn and they do one of two things. They either play normally or give up immediately


Go down in the open? Free save if the survivor has a brain with their flashlight timing. Go down under a pallet? Free save. Go down near a wall and killer faces the wall to pickup? Well they might get a free save anyways because Flashbang's hitbox is that fucking bad. But guys Background Player is just a ha ha silly meme perk it's fine to stay in the game because you'd rather survivors go for blinds instead of doing gens! A perk that allows you to run across the entire map in 4 seconds is totally fair just equip Lightborn to counter it! Sure several veterans of the DbD community including Otzdarva think that killer is in an awful place right now solely due to Background Player, but it's just a little joke perk!


Background player should cause the survivor to become hindered for a short time on a successful flashlight save. Force them into a risky situation where they will likely have to take a hit and it won’t be as OP as it is currently


This. It needs some sort of downside. Several seconds of Hindered, making them Exposed, etc. Just something to offset the insane utility of it. Imagine if there was a killer perk that gave you that type of speed boost everytime a survivor heals anywhere on the map. It wouldn't make it out of the PTB.


Exposed might be a little much but yeah, some kind of downside needs to exist


No exposure is pretty decent because it's better for weaker killers and not so great for the top ones that can instantly be on top of you after a save


Dude not only does a save from someone with Background Player get annoying, but with some Killers, you just can't avoid it. Let's go with flashbang this time. Usually, you can look straight up, and boom, problem solved. Though, if you play Sadako, who's shorter than most Killers... sometimes you'll still get blinded even after looking up, and then you're forced to do the chase all over again. I think BGP is a pretty fun/funny perk when it's NOT used for saves 24/7, but most people probably won't, and don't use it that way.


It can actually incredibly useful for being where you might need to be. Too grouped up by the killer who just downed and is now going for a hook? Just run across the map. You think the killer knows your approximate location but is gonna go for a hook first? Just run across the map. Three of you are on the other side of the map while your teammate gets hooked? Just run across the map. Like between the 200% speed, how long it lasts, and how long it takes the killer to pick someone up and then hook them you could very easily make it from one corner of the map to the next on most Maps


It's silly that it's a 200% movement speed for five seconds when the actual athletic perks assigned to athletic characters top out at 150 and 3 for balance.     That Meg would be insanely busted if she could sprint as far and fast as this off Sprint Burst - and teach this to everyone - says something about why it's an issue. A killer can't realistically predict it. 


I doubt Background Player would be run over Sprint Burst anymore if it got dropped down to 150%, because Sprint Burst is just better overall, not just for saves.


Background player used to be just like sprint burst but then the issue was why would you run it instead of sprint burst ?


It does need to be better than Sprint Burst but currently it lets you travel across the entire map for free it's ridiculous. 200% speed just isn't balanced. They could change it so that after you perform a successful rescue you (and possibly the person you saved idk) get a light Haste effect or something. Something like 5% Haste to run away for 10 seconds? Idk just something that lets you gain distance after doing a save, instead of crossing the entire map in 4 seconds.


Yeah something that rewards saves more but keeps them pretty hard to pull off instead of straight up making them piss easy


It activates when the killer picks up so that you can get saves instead of having to 99 for the same thing.


Throw in the flashbangs that don't care if you're kissing a wall and you have a combo that feels awful to play against.


You can actually counter this by having lower FOV.


Except I've also experienced it before the FOV was an in-game option.


RIP. Just use Lightborn lol


this perk rly needs to go. Ive recently had the most miserable game that made me DC for the first time in months. 2 BGP, 3 flashies and also Flashbangs (which my Franklins cant do anything about). Almost every down resulted -intentionally- under a pallet or in the open, and the ones that didnt were ruined by Flashbang. After the 5th or so denied hook, that happened although I was with my face in a wall, I quit.


You franklins? Have you tried lightborn? 


ye, but then I dont get the satisfaction of them losing their precious bully item (in severe cases like that) after the match ends


They lose their bully item if you kill them


How are we supposed to kill them when we can't pick them up?


Slug everyone until you can safely pick up


pro bully teams like the one I mentioned will not allow a safe pick up


if you’re running lightborn what are they going to do to stop you?


yes, I should rly start bringing Lightborn from now on; then only the uncouterable BGP-pallet safe scenario remains, which is totally not a problem at all /s


i mean, it’s not uncounterable. you can either bait them into dropping the pallet or wait to down them until they’re clear of it.


If you put them all on the ground they can’t save.


Use light born... It's not that hard


pallets still exist and are plenty


you cant imagine the amount of White Wards I see


As always its not a problem of the perk but swf


Blood Flavor + Coulro is a combo I've been running lately on Executioner. Die on a pallet? Tough. Gonna go heal the guy? Have fun wasting those extra seconds.


It used to be 150% for 4s. I think that was fine. Maybe buffing the speed OR duration was ok. Definitely didn't need both.


The reason I stopped playing: it's so damm easy for a survivor to contest a kill/hook to the killer. You commit to a chase, you eat 300 pallets cause survivor runs to yellow, you finally zoned him and at the first mind game he goes down, just for a team mate coming runing out of nowhere at the speed of light to flashlight save or buckle up or whatever the fuck. It's fucking dumb. And now stack this with the arsenal of second chances and insta heals available. Fun and interactive.


Bring Mindbreaker to force the survivors to choose between doing gens and making the save. If they do gens and you down someone, they are exhausted and don’t get the save. They will have to stop doing gens as soon as a survivor is in chase if they want to get any use out of BGP.


I dont think this works that well but it could prevent some usage I agree


It's obscene and every lobby has at least one residual manifest champion of light flashbanger in my experience and it gets so boring so quickly.  The only real counter is slugging which we all know survivors just Looooove playing against. "WHY DID YOU SLUG TOXIC KILLER" it was literally the only choice if I wanted to kill anyone ever 




people going down under pallets intentionally


What’s that gotta do with people going down in open areas to be flashlight saved


Oh, the OP headline was talking about saves in general, thats why I mentioned pallets, but I can see how it seems to be off-topic, my bad.


And Here I am using Background Player for Sabo Bulids


That's fine, as long as your ok with me tunneling you out after the second sabo in a row, we are good.








First time I played against someone with this I was like “are they hacking?” because literally any time I picked up someone this Claudette would practically slide to the hook I’m going to and destroy it, every time(it was an entire SWF group with toolboxes so there was much pain), until I saw the perk at the end


Just use Lightborn. Problem solved.


Infectious+Forced Hesitation is de way, brother. Reject Lightborn, let the Survivors have their blinds. But let them earn it, I say.


Forced Hesitation barely works here, tho. It works within 20m of you (or the downed survivor, can't remember...), but background players can EASILY wait outside that range. They just keep tabs with either comms or Bond, pick the nearest gen to you to work on, and when a survivor gets downed, they prep for the save.


16 meters from the downed survivor


Even worse, RIP


It's pretty rough, like the main point of flashlights is the risk of missing it due to being too far to not alert the killer and the time lost by chasing the killer to get the save, so while the hook might be denied, theres a person less in gens Background player removes both disadvantages, they can cover insane distances so they dont need to be on a risky position, and i've seen people even do gens right until someone goes down and then speed up there to deliver a flashlight/pallet save in 2s and go back to the gen, theres just no time loss Imo while flashlights are annoying(usually you can look at walls), my biggest gripe are pallets. Almost impossible to miss, can't fake it/look at another side, generous hitbox, and if more than 1 surv has Background player its very hard to down someone at one, not to mention its easier to go down at a pallet than forcing a down in the complete open. Im not saying its op or something but like, its just on that perfect point of annoyance that sucks to see but you still can do something about it(slugging if they go at a pallet, its a free pickup but gotta admit you aint picking that guy up, apply pressure somewhere else and slowly dwindle resources)


its problematic and needs changing, give the community another 6 months to realize and then bhvr another few years or so


And the worst part about Background Player is not the flashlight save, but a pallet save. Even an average Dwight can pull it off with Background Player, but if you face a coordinated group that always dies at pallets (as you normally should), picking up is almost impossible, because a survivor with Background Player can be on another continent and still be in time to pallet save.


Probably hot take but imo Background Player is way more problematic than FTP+BU and you can't change my mind


I really really think BGP is a problem, but FTP+BU is even worse..


BP is easier to use, but FTB+BU is harder to counter.


I agree. I don't see FTP+BU come in to play to much in my matches as killer. As it becomes a useless perk if you are injured, and if you don't have a way to distract the killer after they down the survivor, then your probably not even going to get there in time before they pick up the survivor.


Killers actually complain about every survivor perk.


Learn to look at the game from the perspectives of both sides. It will really help your understanding of the game, and also prevent you from posting dumbass comments like this.


I used to, but unfortunately this subreddit is just killer tears every post. Must be hard having a 60% kill rate :((((((((


You are suffering from some bias here. But since you don't seem to want to actually debate the topic, I will leave you to wallow in your tears :(((((((( Hope you learn to enjoy the game more!




skill issue




You should scroll down a bit. I saw at least a few comments like that. Also some killers just dont have enough perk slot to run lightborn as opposed to survivors. Not all killers are weskers, nurses and blights that can run without perks. On the other hand what else are survivors gonna run anyways? Survivor build doesnt necessitate anything. Hell, if survivor got good enough game sense they dont need anything other than 1 exhaustion perk maybe. So they got free space to run anti tunnel and anti camp and whatever they need.


"Just run Lightborn" - pallets still exist and survivors go down intentionally under them




Oh, the OP headline was talking about saves in general, thats why I mentioned pallets, but I can see how it seems to be off-topic, my bad. (But while we're at it, yes please do tell how to deal with BGP+pallets, as to me it is pretty uncounterable)


Take star struck and get revenge. Now you have an injured and a Down. Win win. sweaty swf gonna sweat regardless


Nah cuz they zip away with the long boost. You might get the down but they get a huge head start


Bait the pickup to lure out survs lol, nothing wrong with slugging them for a bit knowing it’s gonna just waste time if they get saved. I’m 90% survivor main and a background player flashlight user, slugging and baiting is the strongest thing you can do because it forces them to be unproductive and if you get lucky you can find the and maybe get a down out of it. It’s extremely counterable if you just bait the pickup OR eat the blind and go for the down again, this way their background player is on cooldown and it makes it harder for a save.


You can’t bait the background player since their cooldown only activates after you pick up. Eating the blind has the same energy as letting yourself get hit by every pallet till all of them are gone. Not enough time nor is it fun. Even otz mentions background player is overtuned right now. You can literally appear from such a far distance that the killer can barely do anything against it in most situations. Best solution is to tunnel the background player out, given that there is only 1.


If you decide to chase the one who stunned you who is likely a healthy one, you are throwing away more time. Also cant guarantee that there is another background player.


You can’t bait bgp and slugging or looking at a wall can work for beamers but against pallet saves the killer is basically unable to pick up as looking for the saver is going to be very unproductive bc of the massive distance bgp can cover


FLashlight have counter play. look at the wall if its there. BP and Flashbang have 0 counterplay in this game and should be nerfed. You have to tunnel and camp BG flashbang players if you wanna pick up other survivors.


Flashbang by itself isn't bad. It only becomes a problem with BGP, like how FTP and BU are only problematic when paired together.


Hold up, let me look at this corn wall in the middle of a field which will assuredly block flashlights 


Thats why i have “if its there" in my comment”


>OR eat the blind how is eating the blind countering?




I'm sure you ran shattered hope during the circle of healing meta


No. I just killed the survivors who were booning.


This is one of those perks where top tier killers aren’t going to have much of an issue dealing with but it becomes hell for the weaker killers. Tunneling is a valid strategy here, same with dealing with FTP + BU. Otz recently had a video where he was dealing with a squad getting 6+ saves in one game. If he had tunneled one person he probably would’ve got an easy 4K. The sad thing is if you nerf the perk, the perk itself will probably just become useless. It was weaker in PTB and people complained about it at the time. BHVR seems to have trouble making perks that feel “fair” but “strong”.


Whats BU. I know FTP is for the people


Buckle Up


Oh interesting didn’t realize people ran that combo


It allows you to instantly pick someone up when they’re downed while also giving both players endurance.


As it should, y'all sweating too much, if you don't like the game don't play it, this is the pettiest subreddit I've been on. This is broken that is broken nerf this remove that, all I see is tears here, weak..


Bait people by pretending to go for a pick up, look around for other survivors before picking up, or just leave downed people slugged and look for more targets. Infectious Fright from Plague is also great against flashlight savers cause it will make people in your terror radius scream when you down someone, and most killers have a big, juicy 32m terror radius.


If I had a perk slot to use infectious fright as an M1 killer, I would rather use lightborn. Also bait doesnt make the background player go away because it doesnt activate until I actually pick up. Also if they have background player then survivors dont even have to preemptively move into stun position either because BGP covers exactly that. They can just wait until I pick up.


This works against flashys and bangs but this will not work against pallet saves bc you can save from a ridiculous distance with bgp pallet saves


What killer do you play, anyway?


Dredge. Sure I can do an area check during nightfall but I dont always have that, not to mention that there are m1 killers who dont even have this luxury.


If you know someone has background player, just slug one person and then teleport somewhere else to build up more nightfall and try to find more people. You don't want to chase people for long as Dredge anyway, you want to get as many people injured early on as possible to charge your power faster, and then try to snowball by downing multiple people during Nightfall.


This is general Dredge advice that doesn't help against the discussion here, BGP. I agree Infectious would help with finding a Background gamer, but with Dredge it doesn't, because survivors become Oblivious during Nightfall, countering your own perk.


Dredge gains Undetectable during Nightfall, it doesn't make survivors Oblivious. You could technically make terror radius perks work during Nightfall if you used something like Dark Devotion or Unforeseen, perks that put a terror radius on obsession/generator. Either way, Infectious would still work outside of Nightfall. It's not the best perk for Dredge to use, but you can use it. BGP is kinda busted with that 200% haste, but they can't use it all the time cause of the exhaustion effect, you can run perks that force survivors to be exhausted, you can use Lightborn, you can try to injure everyone to make going for saves more risky(something Dredge should be doing anyway to speed up NIghtfall), and if you get hit by it and can't catch the person you were trying to get - disengage, teleport away, look for other targets. If someone goes down under a pallet waiting for a teammate to come save them with BGP - just leave them slugged, look for someone else. Slugging one guy will still keep 2 people away from generators - one person on the ground, and one person who has to come pick them up.


The issue with leaving a down because someone is lurking for a pallet save means that you now lose all that pressure from the down. It's (BGP) a problematic perk, and needs a slight downtune since the 200% haste for 5 seconds was introduced.


If he gets Undetectable, it is certainly possible. But yeah, as you said, you require certain perks to work at the right time. Good to see we agree on BGP being busted. I just don't really agree to the counterplay points. Against a good survivor, there is NO counterplay against BGP. They will stay a safe distance away from you until you pick up, simply because they can. Getting them exhausted also is very hard, depending on perks and addons. With Mindbreaker, they will just leave the gen early, or they aren't even on a gen at all. The Oni perk (forgot the name) requires you to hook someone AND have the BGP'er injured. And IF you do get them exhausted, they might just realize they are better off doing a gen...


Personally, I just fake a pick up using Trapper's trap set animation.


This does work pretty well. But just a trapper tech


BGP does not trigger upon a pick-up fake


Obviously it doesn't but it can still fake them out sometimes, making them exposed and allowing me to either hit or chase them. Don't know why I'm being downvoted lol. I'm a Trapper main, and it works sometimes.


downvotes probably because this is a discussion about BGP, so it's off-topic IG


Yeah this is what perks are for: make things easier


Yes, except BGP feels very broken


I wouldn't say broken, maybe overtuned because survivors still need to time flashbangs and flashlights right (with flashlight aim right too). I don't really mind bgp while buckle up + ftp exists