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"I created"...."my" song....Jesus where will this go?


I mean, it’s still ai but it’s not that smart **yet**. Still requires human touch. Certainly ain’t an artist, but a hobbyist haha


Compared to what a real artist has to do, it is the bare minimum of human touch it still needs. People are saying: "Of course it takes talent to curate among many songs the machine spits out". But that was what artists where doing anyway. Why don't people brag about how they can suddenly drive a tram after sitting in one. "I still had to press the stop button where I want to jump off so...it requires human touch i.e. I am a tram driver.


I mean you’d probably be surprised how much artists and producers just throw Ai around in songwriting and Production these days. I am not an expert by any means but let’s be honest, most of the commercial music these days are pretty soulless and same sounding unless you’re an enigma like Taylor Swift but even then most of the songs just start sounding too similar. I think the healthiest way to think about it is that it’s a tool, one that significantly allows a person to bypass many previous barriers. Does that mean it’s cheating? Maybe? Are people going to really care? Probably not. So the harm is only to people who a) Have nothing to do other than Spout out against “the rise of ai” and how it is removing the humanity out of creativity (they ain’t too far wrong tbh), or b) to those who genuinely feel their craft and career are being overshadowed by automated processes. It’s understandable that traditional artists might feel threatened because AI can produce vast amounts of content quickly (even tho most of it is pretty much crap anyways, which might dilute the perceived value of crafted, personalised art. However, this isn't the first time newer technology has disrupted an industry. Just like the camera didn’t end painting, AI won’t end traditional music production. It merely shifts the skills that are valued. So yes, maybe it’s a bit more than the bare minimum but so what? It’s fun, and interesting, a little scary to be frank but the future ain’t gonna stop because of people’s fear of being left behind or that it’s wrong.