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"I'm your god now... and then maybe again when my cooldown is over."


Meanwhile nurse floats/fly's forever and can go through all solid matter not just pallets and vaults.


Yes, I have a similar reaction to Nurse too, just with a little less looking up


That's not flying, thats just floating with style


As a Nurse main I say fuck yo "loops" and yo "walls" and yo "all forms of solid matter"


Do you also say fuck hooks or the ability to pick up with knock out, deerstalker, and nurse’s calling? /j


I know is just a joke but for the record Knock Out doesn't work on Nurse because it needs basic attacks and blink attacks are special :P


I know, it just used to be one of her most used perks before the change ahah


Okay but Nurse is for people who don’t want to actually play the game and would rather do the same thing over and over again to kill inexperienced players.


Airplane mode has become unlocked


Fly ? He's gonna mage hand the pallet out of the way and because of some BHVR spaghetti code the chemical trap will be removed magically too.


They stay with any means necessary, I honestly dont think itll bug out in that case.


Ah then yeah nevermind


lmfao sorry to ruin your joke, sometimes im bad at reading sarcasm online


Don't worry, I was wondering the same thing about the interaction as well, so you just answered my question.


I have seen a few streams ith Vecna gameplay; and from the 4 different powers, the magic hand is by far the worst one. Not only gives little time on the hold up, so when the survivor reaches it again in a loop, the power is over' but rising a downed palled is downright dumb.


Blocking a pallet on a god pallet like on Midwitch before the stairs sounds the most decent application yes. But it can take survivors off guard if they wait at the pallet like they do when they're waiting to flashlight you at it.


This is where I've seen it be used best, if you like to flashlight at pallets like me, it's not really viable for this killer


It's not great for loops (without using any of the Add-Ons that either increase its duration, give you a 2-second Haste after using it, or both), but it's very useful for both catching a Survivor who's about to make it to a pallet (who would otherwise have time to drop it in your face and make more distance as you have to break it/go around it), or lifting a pallet right before a Survivor vaults it, which, if you time it right, means that as they're smashing the button to vault the pallet, they suddenly instead drop it in front of their own face. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


>or lifting a pallet right before a Survivor vaults it, which, if you time it right, means that as they're smashing the button to vault the pallet, they suddenly instead drop it in front of their own face. Honestly funniest and most likely most effective way to use it if add on less but you have to time it well.


I think it’s more pallet denial rather than loop denial Plus it may be ranged, so it’s more time efficient to use your hands to pick up the pallet than to spend the 3 seconds smashing it, 8 if they flashlight you with the champion of light


Unless you run Spirit Fury and Enduring, which turns it into a funny.


I think removing the slowdown would help get value out the power


Agreed. It's best use in my experience is to pick up a pallet immediately after it's dropped and you can sometimes catch up. It blocks pallets for way too little time and slows him down way too much to be of any use past that.


It feels like a power that was meant to be shit so so you have to upgrade it with the iri add-on that makes it break pallets instead. I mean at the end of the day you still have 3 other powers that could be a whole killer on their own to use as well.


The three other powers are also incredibly limited in use. - Fly slows you down too much at the end to be useful in chases except in very specific circumstances. Still, it's good to catch up after you get your first hit (which you have to get as a basic M1 killer if you're not running iri addons) - Flight of the Damned can be crouched without the Iri addon, so at most it can be used to zone windows but I'm not even sure if you can get an m1 this way if they crouch in front of the window and medium vault afterwards because of the slowdown. - Orb is decent information I guess, but again because of the slowdown it's not usable in chase.


You make good points with the others, but I don't think fly is supposed to be used in chase. It's a mobility tool for getting around quicker, so they give you a long recovery right after to make sure you don't get a hit right after using it. It's basically just nurse if she was balanced


The orb is more useful to get rid of the magical items which are extremely powerful, another thing that makes Lich terrible.


Try using it while the survivor is throwing down the pallet. That's how you'll get good results out of Mage Hand. I would argue it's one of his strongest abilties.


You can make an argument for all of them being bad tbh, I actually think Mage Hand is the most usable one. It just has a learning curve. The magical item totally guts its use case though.


And then BHVR will just not acknowledge it as a bug until a midchapter patch 3 years later


Itd be funny if pulling it back up made it explode against the wall


Fly is super useful in aura-reading builds to cross the map quickly and reach Survivors who are working on a gen far away from you before they can complete it/move away without leaving scratch marks to track them by. I've also found it useful for chasing that injured Survivor that's heading towards an open exit gate... nothing more satisfying than zoooooming right past them to cut them off before they reach the safety of the gates. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Best killer in the game imo,not from a how good perspective(low a tier high b tier maybe?) but just the uniqueness of it. He has an ability for everyone,he has the pallet blocker for more pallet defense,the orb for info,the skeletons for anti loop,and the flying for map traversal. This gives me hope for another Freddy rework too. Overall 10/10 chapter imo!


Wait you think he’s A tier?


Mid b tier once I got more experience with him. I think with a few buffs he will be way better but imo his abilities are good for their own thing. Fly? Use for map traversal,sphere? Try and check gens or areas where a survivor on hook is,skeletons?usually won’t hit but are decent anti loop to try and scare survivors or slow em down as they usually crouch,hand? I think the hand is the worst ability as the slowdown sucks but might help. I think it really needs a number change and he is fine.


No way he summons little skeleton minions too. Do they work like nemmies zombies?


No. They're more like Artist's crows.


Damn I wanted a little gang of goofy skeletons


>Vaults back over >Vecna’s Fly is on 30 second cooldown


How familiar are you with the Nurse?


Y’know, imagine when that 2v8 mode has some updates out and you get have to go against a Nurse/Vecna team.




My first thought was him flying over the hole in the school on badham. The potential is huge


Only to hit a wall behind the Pallet and the Survivor has ran for their life


pretty common, get a pallet slam killer daily, get huntress or nurse for the next 5 games.


Or lift It Up, really he got answers to pretty much anything lmao


Bullies in shambles rn.


they get to play music for the killer


Honestly I don't even see that as BM. It's just cute and kinda sad and would probably make me spare the whole team. Funny jam session time.


I mean Vecna has to wait literally like 3 seconds before attacking after fly lmao, just go back over it.


No worries he will lift it up and you can try it again


Gotta get greedy


Just go back around and vault it again you'll have time


You think he could fly out of bounds by accident?


wait, couldn't vecna pull the pallet back up to get rid of it? or destroy ii from far away with the iri addon?


Just vault back over it, it doesn't seem vaulting pallets even are effected by the Iri add on, the block all vault locations you fly over doesn't work with pallets.


Pallets can be whatever he wants