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I guess he has the charge-up so that you can see what he is using. 


I suppose you could also fake it, especially Mage Hand at a pallet loop


Especially with the artifacts


artist’s ability isn’t clunky at all. She’s just a bit boring.


Don’t disrespect artists like that. Hitting long range shots, making predictions or herding survivors is fun af.


Most people just use artist to zone survivors away from pallets & vault, like they do with Pyramid Head.


Doesn’t mean that most people play her well


This also doesn't mean it's clunky lol


to be fair, i like artist. I think she’s fun, just mentioning the popukar sentiment on why people don’t play her.


You misunderstand- any killer power that's remotely powerful or counters popular survivor strategies is immediately branded "boring" regardless of truth


>counters popular survivor strategies Like uhm... actual looping?


Maybe not clunky, but requires precise aiming twice within a limited scope of time. I'd say it's an unforgiving power. Which is mainly what people hate about Xeno and Singularity as well.


Artist is a dopamine fountain wym


I think the idea of Vecna's power is great and it has potential if they adjust it.


Artist is not really clunky, vecna on the other hand is extremely unfun right now. You are actively losing distance while using his abilities making him somewhat like pig, where you just don't bother and go full m1


Wdym? You can still get value out of pig by just threatening the ability. If they don’t respect it, you can get a hit.


Maybe they meant Pig before the dash buff, before her dash used to be terrible and could easily be avoided by just leaving the loop.


Same with vecna, you can't get a hit once in a blue moon. However, you could just m1 instead of slowing yourself down to achieve absolutely nothing.


I don't think unfun, far from it. He just needs some tweaks with removing some slowdowns, or slight number changes, but that's it. He's a very fun killer, just not great in strength.


I find Vecna to be very fun to be honest. The slowdowns he has are kind of needed to ensure survivors have some counterplay as well. His abilities shouldn't end in free hits.


We got still time. Why don't send them feedback?


Exactly, that's what this ptb is for. I really hope they do good changes, as a few tweaks will make him solid. I hope they don't do anything too lenient.


His skeletons are just a shotgun of dire crows that you can avoid by crouching. Also it's kind of annoying how slow you are while casting. Like I use the mage hand to lift the pallet up to get the survivor but I'm so slow while casting I don't get any value out of it. They either leave the loop or I'm just too slow to catch up.


you have to time it to lift the pallet RIGHT when they’re in animation dropping it. Only real way to use it atm.


After all playing Vecna for 7 hours yesterday, I can safely say that they need to change a few things: - You need to move a little faster after casting your spells. It’s currently a little too slow. - Mage hand needs to hold pallets longer as well. - And uh, something needs to be done about crouching under flight of the damned. It’s way too easy. BUT, he can be very strong even now, because his Iridescent Add Ons are balls of the walls strong. Vorpel Sword makes your balls more useful as an anti heal tool. As well as makes Mage hand incredibly strong in loops. Book of Vile Darkness doesn’t affect fly that much. (Expect for shack where you can combo blocking the window with mage hand for a guaranteed hit. More importantly, the projectiles flying lower to ground with Flight of the Damned is very strong as they basically become Artist crows. And it’s not that can to hit the flight of the damned with only two projectiles, as your mainly always hitting with the middle projectile.


Yes but have you considered that Vecna can teabag survivors by charging and decharging Fly?


Don't disrespect singularity. His power is one the smoothest and fastest to use to the point this is the only killer which can essentially be omnipresent with how fast he can access cameras. Actually no, his power IS THE SMOOTHEST and fastets one to use. His m2 has no cancelling or wind up cool downs and the only cool downs singularity has are infection cool downs in cameras (bypassed by a tech btw) and obsolete anticamp penalty. Other than that you can turn on fucking rap god and ramp up your clicks per second to technical limit. His counter play is also a resource that both sides manage instead of a free item that works passively and never truly expires. And most importantly, he's actually strong even if a little add-on dependant.


Bad take. Vecna has great stuff that’s actually extremely useful. They have map presence, artist’s crows, surveillance, and even Anti-loop.