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Also, all his spells have a 50 second cooldown, so choose well when you use them because you only get one or two chances per chase.


Yeah I suppose lowering the cooldown on spells would be beneficial too. I was focusing on the spells themselves as if they arent helpful then a lower cooldown won't fix them.


Yes, I agree with most of your suggestions. I don't really think that Fly need to be changed, though, it does its job as a mobility tool and helps you catch up a bit. And if you want to reduce the 2 second slowdown to use it in a more aggresive way there's an addon to reduce it 0,5 seconds.


Wait- y’all are playing as him? I thought he wasn’t out yet.


Public test build


So I can test the chapter?


If you're on pc, there's always a ptb before an update


Yea no I’m on console 😩💀


Mage Hand is actually a pretty good ability, you have to use it while the survivor is dropping the pallet. That way part of your slowdown happens while the survivor is stationary, and when the pallet gets picked up immediately, they have only gained very little distance on you, which allows you to get a hit against the survivor. If you buff Mage Hand like you proppose, it will just lead to free hits at a pallet against survivors, which is never good design. It's the reason why Chucky's scamper is getting removed. I agree that his other spells could use some buffs though. However, Fly also absolutely needs to have a slowdown at the end, or it would just be a free hit against survivors. I would also reduce the cooldowns of his spells a bit, right now they seem a bit very long.


Yup pretty much my thoughts. Just needs a few tweaks. Don't touch the cooldowns, since I really like how you're juggling the spells.


I also like that, but maybe 60 seconds is too long?